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Old 10-04-2019, 05:58 PM   #1601
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What? That guy wasn't blocking the door, he went by it to get a better angle for pictures. Other people made it through the door just fine. Just that the banker had to try to regain some face by giving the photographer the stink-eye

The extended video shows that the banker is absolutely infuriated by "losing face" in front of a crowd.He was so worried about losing face, he had to yell a fascist remark at dozens of people who were yelling at him, after them being beat down and abused and taunted by their own government and police force for 4 months. I always hate victim blaming, but I am less sympathetic towards fascists.

BTW you don't "simply say" we're all Chinese. When you say it that way, and in today's context, you're not trying to unify people by race, you're making an statement about nationality, and that HK and its people should be loyal and subservient to the tyrannical regime that has conquered them. So no, he did not "simply say" anything. He yelled a fascist remark.

He had every opportunity to just leave, but he didn't want to "lose face". He was sitting there giving that white dude the stink-eye, instead of just going inside (which the security had been trying to get him to do the whole time)

Not to victim blame, but if you're gonna be a fascist, maybe don't show it in front of angry groups of people. Not at this time and environment
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Old 10-04-2019, 06:04 PM   #1602
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Originally Posted by Mr.HappySilp View Post
LOL no service from MTR. Are they trying to piss off more people by not providing ways people can get around the city hoping so less people will come back to protest?
When platform control centers look like this

It's not like they have a choice

And BTW this is one of the out of the way stations, not even right in the city. I imagine some of the other stations are in even worse shape. Also state run banks, businesses run by self-outed fascists, and ones run by triads.
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Old 10-04-2019, 06:08 PM   #1603
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
When platform control centers look like this

It's not like they have a choice

And BTW this is one of the out of the way stations, not even right in the city. I imagine some of the other stations are in even worse shape. Also state run banks, businesses run by self-outed fascists, and ones run by triads.
tko station
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Old 10-04-2019, 06:13 PM   #1604
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Bunch of clips strewn together
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Old 10-04-2019, 06:20 PM   #1605
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A good investigation into the night of the Yuen Long police/triad attack. I think most people know it from short clips here and there, and just the fact that the police are accused of being complicit in a gang attack.

Watch the video and see just how bad it was. Police were definitely complicit in allowing hundreds of triad members (some brought down from China) to attack protesters and civilians.

Just another thing to keep in mind and put things into context when you see people lashing out. Not saying that anything justifies violence, but it definitely explains it. 4 months of this has added up to this point. People are no longer chanting "add oil" as in "keep asking our demands until we get them". They are chanting "revolt".

My theory is that Xi is trying to put HK into a state where they have to dissolve the local government, and just have HK ruled by China directly, in 2020 instead of 2047. They are using citizens and police as violent pawns in this game, and it's beyond disgusting.
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Old 10-04-2019, 06:21 PM   #1606
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Originally Posted by Tim Budong View Post
tko station
Po Lam
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Old 10-04-2019, 06:25 PM   #1607
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
My theory is that Xi is trying to put HK into a state where they have to dissolve the local government, and just have HK ruled by China directly, in 2020 instead of 2047. They are using citizens and police as violent pawns in this game, and it's beyond disgusting.
Yeah I think I said something like that too awhile back, I'm just surprised that it's actually panning out that way
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Old 10-04-2019, 07:28 PM   #1608
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whys' the mtr still running at all

if it's really state-backed and people are destroying it then just shut it down completely

abuse it = lose it, see how long 7M people crammed into a tiny state can go without one of the busiest metro systems
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Old 10-04-2019, 07:46 PM   #1609
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Originally Posted by twitchyzero View Post
whys' the mtr still running at all

if it's really state-backed and people are destroying it then just shut it down completely

abuse it = lose it, see how long 7M people crammed into a tiny state can go without one of the busiest metro systems
I still don't think you get it yet. The goal of the protestors now is to cause as much economic damage as possible. Losing the MTR furthers their goal.
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Old 10-04-2019, 08:07 PM   #1610
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post

He had every opportunity to just leave, but he didn't want to "lose face". He was sitting there giving that white dude the stink-eye, instead of just going inside (which the security had been trying to get him to do the whole time)
And the crowd had every opportunity not to swarm him and chant. The guy in black had every opportunity not to rush in and start beating on him.

Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
maybe don't show it in front of angry groups of people. Not at this time and environment
I think the term you're looking for is mob.
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Old 10-04-2019, 08:17 PM   #1611
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Originally Posted by JDMEK9 View Post
he was surrounded by cameras right off the bat, so what happened before the video start? i cant see him getting that much attention unless he did something
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Old 10-04-2019, 09:17 PM   #1612
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Originally Posted by twdm View Post
The goal of the protestors now is to cause as much economic damage as possible. Losing the MTR furthers their goal.
the citizens of HK want to inflict as much economic damage as possible to themselves to 'show' the govt?

even if that's true, sometimes it takes severing a limb to stop the infection...and in the eyes of the communists that infection is democratic values

i have only used mtr briefly, are there lots of new projects that have not been paid off? would shutting down for 6 weeks hurt riders more or the company?

if it's more the former then i think that's an obvious way to get protesters to further turn on themselves...just cut them off from rapid transit completely so they cant go to work/go to the hospital/see family
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Old 10-04-2019, 09:28 PM   #1613
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MTR is like our ICBC/ BC ferries but it makes a shitload of money, it also operates subway systems throughout the world.

They are attacking it because of the shit show at Prince Edward and Yuen Long stations, the violence is the payback against the corporation.

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Old 10-05-2019, 12:12 AM   #1614
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Originally Posted by dachinesedude View Post
he was surrounded by cameras right off the bat, so what happened before the video start? i cant see him getting that much attention unless he did something
According to comments, he was out picking up his lunch, and was speaking mandarin, then he started getting heckled, and swarmed
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Old 10-05-2019, 12:22 AM   #1615
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Originally Posted by twitchyzero View Post
the citizens of HK want to inflict as much economic damage as possible to themselves to 'show' the govt?

even if that's true, sometimes it takes severing a limb to stop the infection...and in the eyes of the communists that infection is democratic values

i have only used mtr briefly, are there lots of new projects that have not been paid off? would shutting down for 6 weeks hurt riders more or the company?

if it's more the former then i think that's an obvious way to get protesters to further turn on themselves...just cut them off from rapid transit completely so they cant go to work/go to the hospital/see family
I would recommend you watch the latest joker movie. I watched it a few days ago and found so many parallels with what is happening in Hong Kong now. The most extreme of the protesters have nothing to lose.

The protesters have likely already done billions of dollars in economic damage at the cost of maybe a few million dollars for gas masks and other supplies. For every dollar they spend, they get maybe 1000+ times the return. That's a deal anyone would take let alone people who want the government to burn with them.

Lastly, you would be pretty naive to believe that the only damage done is to the MTR. All the industries in Hong Kong would be damaged indirectly by its shutdown.
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Old 10-05-2019, 12:25 AM   #1616
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Headed into town in TKO today to stock up on food for the weekend. I'm planning on staying home all weekend. Pretty chaotic. East Point City mall was closed completely, which is interesting because it's one of the few non-MTR owned malls that closed today. In fact it's owned by Sun Hung Kai/Li Ka Sing's company, who is very much seen as sympathetic to the protests (in fact he just donated $1 billion HKD to help small businesses affected by the protests) All Park N Shop and Watsons were also closed today, two more SHK properties. Edit: Jardines are closing their stores early, which include wellcome, mannings (groceries and pharmacy) and all 7-11's will be closed by 5pm today

ATM machines are all out of cash, or inaccessible (since they're mostly found in MTR stations). We all had to do the "pay with debit and pull some cash" thing, which has a $500 HKD limit each time.

Some small signs of last night's carnage. A traffic light and pedestrian crossing were trashed. There were no police controlling the intersection, so people had to wait and run across when there was no traffic.

The usual fascist-run storefronts were defaced. I spotted a Yoshinoya, a MX (Maxim's fast food) and a Genki Sushi (maxims) had their windows broken and logos defaced. Didn't get to see Starbucks since it was in the closed mall.

Thankfully the mall next door was open, as was the wet market. As you can guess, it was chaotic, as people rushed out to gather food and supplies for the weekend. I don't know if this comes across in the photo, but it was way more busy than usual on a Saturday afternoon. I was there just after noon, and there was still plenty of food to go around, thankfully. Was able to stock up on enough fresh produce and fruit and meat for the weekend.

Wellcome supermarket was open as well, but there weren't enough shopping carts to go around. Also the queue snaked through the entire store, almost out the entrance itself. It took about 45 minutes to pay for groceries here.

Back to the bus terminus, one of the biggest Lennon Walls is in Hang Hau, and there were posters going so high, I imagine they had to use ladders to get up there. They have an English Language section, but all the posters there were torn down and not yet replaced. Some new graffiti was put up as well.

On the way out, I saw some police trying to control traffic in a roundabout (if you've ever been to HK you know how much they love roundabouts, and there's a car accident in them almost every time I go through this one in particular). He was trying to stop traffic so they could leave the scene, but the driver absolutely ignored him and pretty much just about run him over. Poor fucker just rolled his eyes and looked so pissed. I don't know if this was an act of defiance or sheer stupidity, as I've seen people cut off and not stop for ambulances and fire trucks, so who really knows. Just thought it was interesting to see with my own eyes, how much some people have no respect for the police, even just traffic cops trying to clear up an accident.
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Old 10-05-2019, 01:39 AM   #1617
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Originally Posted by bcedhk View Post
but how many people can the police really arrest everyday? Lets say they arrest 1000 people a day... They'll still need at least half a year to bring in all of the radical protestors.

I'm pretty sure the protestors will find creative ways to deal with this "law"... People on LIHKG are already planning to wear burkas.
then they will do it over a half a year.

it's already been almost half a year anyways. This could go on for a year easily LOL.

perhaps they've already planned this to be a battle of attrition and the economic loss is already factored in and china be like "we can take that loss, its just money, we can make it back"

but they'll make the people pay. and they'll want the world to see them (china) win.

the economic loss is worth it. its nothing. a drop in the bucket.
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Old 10-05-2019, 02:23 AM   #1618
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Originally Posted by twdm View Post

Lastly, you would be pretty naive to believe that the only damage done is to the MTR. All the industries in Hong Kong would be damaged indirectly by its shutdown.
yes the protesters are getting desperate, so is the local govt...shut everything down for a few weeks...see if it curbs a bit of the unrest

there's already enough strife that people are stockpiling food reserves like it's a natural disaster...turn it into a few weeks of total shutdown and many will crack under the pressure

neither sides want things to drag on, the only winner will be beijing
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Old 10-05-2019, 02:44 AM   #1619
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Protesters targeted medical clinics too, molotoved em, like wtf
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Old 10-05-2019, 03:12 AM   #1620
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Originally Posted by Ulic Qel-Droma View Post
then they will do it over a half a year.

it's already been almost half a year anyways. This could go on for a year easily LOL.

perhaps they've already planned this to be a battle of attrition and the economic loss is already factored in and china be like "we can take that loss, its just money, we can make it back"

but they'll make the people pay. and they'll want the world to see them (china) win.

the economic loss is worth it. its nothing. a drop in the bucket.
Do you think China is currently in a strong situation economically?
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Old 10-05-2019, 04:49 AM   #1621
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As some lawyers predicted, a lawsuit has been filed against Carrie Lam for enacting that colonial law

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Old 10-05-2019, 05:56 AM   #1622
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Originally Posted by G0rilla View Post
LMAO. Only mainlanders would act hard while looking like that. Homo thugs.
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Old 10-05-2019, 06:44 AM   #1623
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Cops tackle youths for wearing masks, despite not being in an assembly, legal or otherwise. They were let go without charges.
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Old 10-05-2019, 06:44 AM   #1624
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Cops throw a garbage can onto people from an overhead walkway
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Old 10-05-2019, 07:30 AM   #1625
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hkpf = bullies' paradise
living their best thug life
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