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10-07-2019, 10:08 PM
#1726 | has a homepage?!
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I love being born and raised here.
Love democracy and the fact that I can wear a "fuck china" tshirt, written in flashing LEDs, in open public and tell any mainlanders who looks at my shirt funny, to "look the fuck away, cunt face".
I love that if I get a speeding ticket, I can go to court representing myself, pleading my case, and could possibly have the ticket reduced, if not revoked.
Love that I can say fuck Trudeau and the climate change bs protest.
I love that i have freedom to knowledge and that i can question and challenge what i believe in with whomever I like.
Call me ignorant/spoiled, or whatever the fuck you want.
I'm sure 100% of people on here have their own personal political/societal views; and guess what pro-China fuckers..... you have the LUXURY to openly share your fucking opinions openly here.
Its 2019 for fuck sakes. There should be no communism or dictatorship bullfuckingshit.
Maybe we can reserve one spot in the world with dictatorship, and mindless idiots, aka mainlanders, can go and live there if they love living in a concentration camp type of lifestyle.
I'm Chinese-Canadian, and I'm fucking damn proud to say that I dont have 1 single mainlander friend/acquaintance in my life. Fucking damn proud of that.
Love your country and government? Listen to what everyone's been saying "MOVE THE FUCK BACK THERE IF YOU LOVE YOUR COUNTRY SO MUCH "!
I have absolutely no shame in saying what I said. Dont like it? Go fuck yourself with your fucking period stained flag!
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10-07-2019, 10:27 PM
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10-07-2019, 10:41 PM
#1728 | has a homepage?!
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10-07-2019, 10:42 PM
#1729 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Originally Posted by hi-revs I love being born and raised here.
Love democracy and the fact that I can wear a "fuck china" tshirt, written in flashing LEDs, in open public and tell any mainlanders who looks at my shirt funny, to "look the fuck away, cunt face".
I love that if I get a speeding ticket, I can go to court representing myself, pleading my case, and could possibly have the ticket reduced, if not revoked.
Love that I can say fuck Trudeau and the climate change bs protest.
I love that i have freedom to knowledge and that i can question and challenge what i believe in with whomever I like.
Call me ignorant/spoiled, or whatever the fuck you want.
I'm sure 100% of people on here have their own personal political/societal views; and guess what pro-China fuckers..... you have the LUXURY to openly share your fucking opinions openly here.
Its 2019 for fuck sakes. There should be no communism or dictatorship bullfuckingshit.
Maybe we can reserve one spot in the world with dictatorship, and mindless idiots, aka mainlanders, can go and live there if they love living in a concentration camp type of lifestyle.
I'm Chinese-Canadian, and I'm fucking damn proud to say that I dont have 1 single mainlander friend/acquaintance in my life. Fucking damn proud of that.
Love your country and government? Listen to what everyone's been saying "MOVE THE FUCK BACK THERE IF YOU LOVE YOUR COUNTRY SO MUCH "!
I have absolutely no shame in saying what I said. Dont like it? Go fuck yourself with your fucking period stained flag! | Did you ever ask your relative where their roots were? every single Chinese person, whether you are honger or taiwan has their roots in China.
Do you ask everybody if they are mainlander before you got to know them? You will be surprise how many people you thought were not mainlander are actually mainlanders.
The honger friend you are so proud of, his family came from China once upon a time. The mainlander person you hate might want nothing to do with CCP.
There are honger that are against the protest and have a friendly view towards China and there are mainlander that live in Hong Kong than is fighting with other honger on the same side.
Are you the also the type of person to scream fuck the whole muslim world when a selected portion of their society support sharia state?
"I'm Chinese-Canadian, and I'm fucking damn proud to say that I dont have 1 single mainlander friend/acquaintance in my life. Fucking damn proud of that."
What a ignorant blanket statement, for the record there is a group of mainlander in Vancouver here that fled China during the last Tiananmen and is just democratic as the rest of the people here. Their friends (also mainlander) died in the name of democracy. I guess you will never find that out because you can't see pass their mainlander identify.
But you are right its Canada. You have the right to be a judgemental asshole.
Last edited by threezero; 10-07-2019 at 10:51 PM.
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10-07-2019, 10:53 PM
#1730 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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Originally Posted by Badhobz You can't have your god damn democracy without bloodshed. That's just the fact. The CCP won't give it up unless you start wwiii. You rather have our brothers and sisters kill each other so we can have a multi party system and supposed freedoms ? Sure you can criticize the government after all thedeath and destruction but is that worth destroying and dismantling all of this we have in place ? Look at Iraq. You topple a dictator and what did you get ?
Is Iraq the model middle Eastern State right now ?
You guys talk like democracy will fix all issues. It won't. Under a democratic system those ughurs will still get outvoted by the Han Chinese and their voices will remain unheard and not presented. Same goes with Tibet. You'll never be able to outvoted that kind of majority. |
If you agree that causing a war to take down the CCP is the way to go, and all the deaths will be "for the greater good" you're actually no better than Mao, and can't diss him for all the deaths he has under his belt, since he felt the same way
There's actually a vast similarity, that I'm not sure if you guys have noticed between mainlanders n hongers. Neither of the sides are really on democracy, or communism, it's simply on the side of "I want it my way, and my way is right" we see it with the condoning of violence, and condoning suppression of free speech, as long as its not suppressing your argument, etc
Last edited by StylinRed; 10-07-2019 at 10:58 PM.
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10-07-2019, 11:01 PM
#1731 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by Razor Ramon HG If you guys haven't watched it already, the latest South Park episode literally makes fun of Disney and the rest of Hollywood for pleasing China among other ongoing topics. They called it "Band in China" and guess what, it's banned in China now. | Actually posted that episode a few pages back.
Laughter can have that effect of bringing the most opposed people together.
Kinda like the Christmas truce of 1914.
Man i don't care what's going on, that act will restore your faith in humanity every time. Just amazing. Quote:
While aspects of the Christmas Truce have been exaggerated, and there may have been no football, it was a truly remarkable day. Soldiers who were enemies stopped fighting and met each other on the battlefield. They obeyed a basic human instinct, rather than just follow orders. As the majority involved were professional soldiers they may have seen it as a rare opportunity to have a day off. Others would have been curious to actually meet a German, as it was likely few ever had. Whatever the reason, it was an event unique to 1914. While the odd battlefield truce, and a small scale one at Cambrai in the winter of 1917/18 took place, there was nothing on this scale ever again: whatever innocence remained in 1914 was lost in the great battles of the war on the Somme and at Passchendaele.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
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10-07-2019, 11:16 PM
#1732 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Originally Posted by StylinRed This.
If you agree that causing a war to take down the CCP is the way to go, and all the deaths will be "for the greater good" you're actually no better than Mao, and can't diss him for all the deaths he has under his belt, since he felt the same way
There's actually a vast similarity, that I'm not sure if you guys have noticed between mainlanders n hongers. Neither of the sides are really on democracy, or communism, it's simply on the side of "I want it my way, and my way is right" we see it with the condoning of violence, and condoning suppression of free speech, as long as its not suppressing your argument, etc | "In China, things have always been handle this way. Only by preventing other from doing what they want, can you accomplish what you want"
A quote from The Gate of Heavenly Peace a documentary on Tiananmen incident. This is a comment made by one of the pro-democracy teacher when she reflect on her confronting the the pro-democracy student and asking why they are preventing other students from going back to class.
The most fundamental basic of democracy is the freedom of individual choice. It seems like neither side understand its. It is a either for or against, there is no place for debate or in between.
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10-07-2019, 11:18 PM
#1733 | has a homepage?!
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Originally Posted by threezero Did you ever ask your relative where their roots were? every single Chinese person, whether you are honger or taiwan has their roots in China.
Do you ask everybody if they are mainlander before you got to know them? You will be surprise how many people you thought were not mainlander are actually mainlanders.
The honger friend you are so proud of, his family came from China once upon a time. The mainlander person you hate might want nothing to do with CCP.
There are honger that are against the protest and have a friendly view towards China and there are mainlander that live in Hong Kong than is fighting with other honger on the same side.
Are you the also the type of person to scream fuck the whole muslim world when a selected portion of their society support sharia state?
"I'm Chinese-Canadian, and I'm fucking damn proud to say that I dont have 1 single mainlander friend/acquaintance in my life. Fucking damn proud of that."
What a ignorant blanket statement, for the record there is a group of mainlander in Vancouver here that fled China during the last Tiananmen and is just democratic as the rest of the people here. Their friends (also mainlander) died in the name of democracy. I guess you will never find that out because you can't see pass their mainlander identify.
But you are right its Canada. You have the right to be a judgemental asshole. |
Sure, most of the chinese people/relatives I know may likely be from china. However, they fled that country due to communism and dictatorship to a land with democracy. They fled because they hated that hell hole. Key word, FLED. Ie. Gotten the fuck out.
I have relatives who've fled from china ~40yrs ago who swears on their life that they will never again step foot in china due to the horrible experiences they had in china.
Call it what you want.
Live in china If you dont want freedom. End of story. Just dont be a fucking hypocrite. Dont be standing on Canadian soil saying how great your china government is.
If I'm an asshole for speaking my mind then so be it. Not gonna get butthurt over some text that a person wrote online. Its 2019 and I can do my own research to form my own judgement, unlike some of you pro-China lovers.
The only reason why no country has stepped in to assist HK is because china has in some ways bribed/blackmailed the fuck out of them not to. Unfortunately money is power and it doesnt see right or wrong.
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10-07-2019, 11:20 PM
#1734 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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I will pitch in for a one way ticket! I want to see someone self deport themselves.
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. |
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10-07-2019, 11:30 PM
#1735 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Originally Posted by hi-revs Sure, most of the chinese people/relatives I know may likely be from china. However, they fled that country due to communism and dictatorship to a land with democracy. They fled because they hated that hell hole. Key word, FLED. Ie. Gotten the fuck out.
I have relatives who've fled from china ~40yrs ago who swears on their life that they will never again step foot in china due to the horrible experiences they had in china.
Call it what you want.
Live in china If you dont want freedom. End of story. Just dont be a fucking hypocrite. Dont be standing on Canadian soil saying how great your china government is.
If I'm an asshole for speaking my mind then so be it. Not gonna get butthurt over some text that a person wrote online. Its 2019 and I can do my own research to form my own judgement, unlike some of you pro-China lovers.
The only reason why no country has stepped in to assist HK is because china has in some ways bribed/blackmailed the fuck out of them not to. | So are you retracting the statement that
"I'm Chinese-Canadian, and I'm fucking damn proud to say that I dont have 1 single mainlander friend/acquaintance in my life. Fucking damn proud of that."
You went from I hate all mainlander with a passion to okay maybe some or most of my frds were from Mainlander but they are okay because I believe they hate China.
I mean did you personally vetted everyone before making friends with them? How do you know that your friends aint really just hiding their true feeling from you because you are so judgement of anything you don't agree with?
Yes it is 2019 and there is no internet censorship here, you can search for all the anti-china article to support your views and scream fuck China. How is that any different from the pro-china folk living here that also choose to google everything supporting their view and screaming free China like an idiot.
The beauty of information freedom is you can find all the evidence you want to support which ever side you are on. Having no censorship doesn't automatically give one the power of critical thought nor does it give someone the power look past you bias and to see thing from another perspective. If anything freedom of information give you the opportunity to be continuously stuck in a single direction if you choose too. Yes you have the freedom to be bias but until you can open your mind to other possibilitues, you are not the free thinker you thought you were.
Look no further than flat farther and anti vexer. Nearly all of them live in a place with no information censorship, yet they continue to find new "evidence" to support their convoluted views.
Last edited by threezero; 10-07-2019 at 11:40 PM.
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10-07-2019, 11:39 PM
#1736 | has a homepage?!
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Originally Posted by threezero So are you retracting the statement that
"I'm Chinese-Canadian, and I'm fucking damn proud to say that I dont have 1 single mainlander friend/acquaintance in my life. Fucking damn proud of that."
You went from I hate all mainlander with a passion to okay maybe some or most of my frds were from Mainlander but they are okay because I believe they hate China.
I mean did you personally vetted everyone before making friends with them? How do you know that your friends aint really just hiding their try feeling from you because you are so judgement of anything you don't agree with? | No, not retracting my statement. When I say mainlander, I'm referring to the ones in todays society that came from china with their dirty money and their bastard kids making all chinese look bad. The ones that speak mandarin with a fuck ton of "r's" in them.
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10-07-2019, 11:50 PM
#1737 | has a homepage?!
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Originally Posted by threezero Yes you have the freedom to be bias but until you can open your mind to other possibilitues, you are not the free thinker you thought you were. | So are you insisting that I open my mind and believe in communism, dictatorship, no freedom of beliefs and concentration camps are for the greater good?
Who aside from Chiners believe that their government is oh so great? Seriously.
If it was so great, canadians would be fighting to end freedom and to adopt this dictatorship bullshit.
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10-07-2019, 11:53 PM
#1738 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Originally Posted by hi-revs No, not retracting my statement. When I say mainlander, I'm referring to the ones in todays society that came from china with their dirty money and their bastard kids making all chinese look bad. The ones that speak mandarin with a fuck ton of "r's" in them. | Way to sound more and more ignorant with your defence. I've done event for pro-democracy mainlander that "speaks mandarin with a fuck ton or "r's" in them. If you weren't there at the event and just met them on the street you probably would of thought they "came from china with their dirty money and bastard kids"
I was not born here but I was raised here. There are a lot of democracy and free countries in the world. I am proud to be Canadian because Canada is one of the few democracy countries that respect difference and accept that we can all co-habit and *gasp* be friends with other people that doesn't share our view.
I'm proud that I have friends that doesn't agree with me on everything. Friends with different background and political stance. Friends that speaks in all kind of accent.
I am sorry you are proud to live in a free country but are only willing to surround yourself with people of a specific view. I mean that sounds like living in the "evil china" where everyone supposedly only have single view. |
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10-08-2019, 12:16 AM
#1739 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Originally Posted by hi-revs So are you insisting that I open my mind and believe in communism, dictatorship, no freedom of beliefs and concentration camps are for the greater good?
Who aside from Chiners believe that their government is oh so great? Seriously.
If it was so great, canadians would be fighting to end freedom and to adopt this dictatorship bullshit. | The fact that this is the only thing you thought of when you speak of China show how unwilling you are to examine things beyond the headline.
While we are on dictatorship, why is nobody screaming free Singapore? Singapore has been happily under dictatorship for decades.
Why are we still calling China communist when they political and economic model has nada to do with communism.
China does not have a good record when it comes to freedom of belief and concentration camp. Give China crap for that. Nobody has ever claim China to be perfect But when you can't even understand the concept of communism, you dont have a single clue what to do with China's million of other problem.
There is alot more pressing problem with China for the Chinese population than freedom of belief and concentration camp. If China suddenly becomes democratic tomorrow, I can bet on my life that nobody is winning votes in China with the campaign "free thought and no concentration camp"
China has come a long way since Mao but it is no where near the level Canada is on. You say people in living in democratic countries is hypocrite for not support democracy.
I say you are are hypocrite for hating on China while you are here living a good life with three meals a day. There is still a big portion of population in China that struggle to put protein on the table for their children. And no democracy is not going to magically solve that, nor will getting rid of concentration camp solve their problem.
Yes concentration camps are horrible, Yes CCP is not perfect and rules with a iron fist.
But if you ask someone that haven't had a proper meal for months. Whoever puts a slab of pork on their table will win their vote.
EDIT: Just want to add that human right issue was never the most pressing problem of a fledging democracy state. Vast majority of other democratic countries have zero fuck about human rights during the beginning. It is only when the population as a whole has a strong foothold on economics that people start to care about equality, human right all the good things things that only exist recently if you look at the entire history of the democratic state. Black woman were not allow to vote in the state until 1965, almost 200 yrs after the state become democratic.
Last edited by threezero; 10-08-2019 at 12:54 AM.
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10-08-2019, 12:52 AM
#1740 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by Badhobz Lawl this is fun. You buy the ticket first since it’s your suggestion. Come on where’s the trust ? | Cause if you are anything like the CCP, the track record on keeping with an accord/agreement isn't very good is it?
I'd chip in too if you can show proof of renunciation of Canadian citizenship. And come on guys... business class is for peasants. Rich Chinese don't take that shit. I'd take whatever the difference is to make it a first-class ticket. Emirate/Etihad/Qatar/Singapore... what fancy you if you don't mind taking the long way home. Or if you love Chinese so much, Air China/China Southern/China Eastern... etc work too. Quote:
Originally Posted by Badhobz You can't have your god damn democracy without bloodshed. . | Erh... last time I checked, Taiwan transitioned from a single party authoritarian to a democracy just fine... yeah there were some protests here and there... but nowhere near a "bloodshed". Not a very good example? Ok... East Germany went from socialism/authoritarian to a full democracy with West Germany without anything that resembles to a bloodshed either.
It's only the willingness. The fact is that CCP made you think this way... that "change" brings instability, war, and loss of "status" on the world level. But the truth is that many socialist/communist countries have transitioned to full democracy without much effect at all. If anything, it made them stronger on the world stage.
The only "party" that truly benefits from the current regime is the CCP... not the Chinese population or anything Chinese for that matter.
Nothing for now
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10-08-2019, 02:00 AM
#1741 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Originally Posted by threezero Did you ever ask your relative where their roots were? every single Chinese person, whether you are honger or taiwan has their roots in China. | Don't get "China" mixed up with "Peoples Republic of China". A family may have had roots in "China" but that doesn't mean they love the Party. In fact, most HK and Taiwanese people went there to get the fuck away from them.
I think more people need to be conscious of the effort to replace Chinese identity with what the Party has done. I already talked about that in a prior post...
Speaking of that post, I want to point out on something I said earlier. I mentioned that people who love China should stand up for their country against tyranny. HOWEVER, I am not saying every single person needs to do so. There are plenty of people who are in a situation where it is impossible, or a very bad idea to do so, and I am sympathetic to that.
So to clear up my point, what I guess I mean is that if you're in the position of being able to speak your mind (ie living in Canada or US or Australia) and you love China, THEN maybe consider speaking out against the tyranny, instead of being in favour of it.
Despite the constant "everyone hates mainlanders" rhetoric we see repeated here by threezero and others, that is not true at all. Not from normal, unbiased people who haven't been mistreated in some way. I can't speak for everyone, but I think most freedom loving people are open to all races and nationalities.
If someone is complaining about "mainlanders" it usually has to do with specific actions (IE throwing coins at protesters, calling them poor, flaunting wealth while promoting fascism, etc) or the even just the fact that they are in support of tyranny while living in a democratic society. THAT is their complaint, not just the fact that they are mainlanders.
Edit: I wrote that before reading high-revs made statement about not having mainlander friends (come on dude), then he tried to clear things up that he's referring to specific actions (in kind of a shitty way). hi-revs, I really wish you (and many others) would dial back on the hatred.
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10-08-2019, 02:02 AM
#1742 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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I won't sponsor badhobz's renunciation (though I'd love to see someone put their money where their mouth is), but I will buy him a VPN account, since he'll need it to be able to continue to discuss things with the free thinking world |
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10-08-2019, 02:16 AM
#1743 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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Some famous? Gamer based in Hong Kong, had his accounts banned/froze/deleted by Blizzard for supporting HK during an interview |
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10-08-2019, 02:25 AM
#1744 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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First NBA, now Blizzard. Who's next? I've always thought that it was dangerous to have China's fingers in so much of western media, now we're seeing the results. Maybe other people will finally be mad that they have ruined Hollywood movies
I know they like Chinese money, so here's hoping that enough people care, to the point where Chinese money will be their only income (wishful thinking I KNOW)
Blizz has been going to shit anyway, so a boycott would not be as difficult as it used to be.
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10-08-2019, 02:29 AM
#1745 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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I remember years ago, when they were making the Red Dawn remake with Chris hemsworth, it was originally going to have China invade the US, but they changed it to a less believable North Korea, to appease China. The film still didn't get shown in China lol
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10-08-2019, 02:44 AM
#1746 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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I don't mind if an American company is going to make media for a market that has different ideals from them (well their government does at least). The problem is that it ruins shit for everyone else  That is less political and more business based (ie I won't spend my money to watch it, but I won't make a huge deal of it)
But once they take action against people who support human rights, that's when it becomes more of an issue.
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10-08-2019, 03:52 AM
#1747 | Need my Daily Fix of RS
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After the NBA commissioner’s comments on protecting free speech, China is now suspending the broadcast of all NBA games like the little bitches that they are lawl
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10-08-2019, 03:55 AM
#1748 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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Originally Posted by Hehe Erh... last time I checked, Taiwan transitioned from a single party authoritarian to a democracy just fine... yeah there were some protests here and there... but nowhere near a "bloodshed". Not a very good example? Ok... East Germany went from socialism/authoritarian to a full democracy with West Germany without anything that resembles to a bloodshed either.
It's only the willingness. The fact is that CCP made you think this way... that "change" brings instability, war, and loss of "status" on the world level. But the truth is that many socialist/communist countries have transitioned to full democracy without much effect at all. If anything, it made them stronger on the world stage.
The only "party" that truly benefits from the current regime is the CCP... not the Chinese population or anything Chinese for that matter. | Are you fucking kidding me ? The hundreds and thousands of dead Chinese who fought forthe ccp and nationalists would like a word with you. The only reason Taiwan isn’t an integrated part of China today is because of the US containment doctrine and the fact that mao couldn’t row a god damn boat over. East and west Germany unification only happened because the ussr could no longer maintain itself. That’s the ideal situation to get rid of the ccp, it just happens naturally and the whole system implodes.
I love how pro hongers always end up with the argument That if you love it so much then go back home. Same be said for every ex pat or immigrant turned citizen. You guys say the same shit to all the East Indians Canadians who still love India ? Or is it possible that they can still love their home and adopted countries.
__________________ Geriatric Motoring Crub Member #444 |
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10-08-2019, 04:20 AM
#1749 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp Edit: I wrote that before reading high-revs made statement about not having mainlander friends (come on dude), then he tried to clear things up that he's referring to specific actions (in kind of a shitty way). hi-revs, I really wish you (and many others) would dial back on the hatred. | Impossible. That hatred runs deep and they blame us for everything even though almost none of them has ever stepped a foot inside mainland China. This is why I keep saying this protest is useless. Without the popular support of all the Chinese people, it’ll never gain enough traction to topple the ccp. But whatever, ruin a perfectly good city for jack shit all is fine by me. As long as these kids can dao dan and throw bombs at cops and burn down public services I guess it’s worth it in the name of democracy.
Edit: here’s your democracy in bed with China. Like I said before nobody’s going to step up. Nobody gives a rats ass about Hong Kong other than hongers.
__________________ Geriatric Motoring Crub Member #444
Last edited by Badhobz; 10-08-2019 at 04:44 AM.
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10-08-2019, 07:20 AM
#1750 | Need my Daily Fix of RS
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Now r/gaming and basically every big gaming forum is filled with anti-China posts lmao. China sure knows how to run a foreign influence operation.
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