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10-09-2019, 11:35 AM
#1826 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by EmperorIS Include in the contract that if he doesn't follow through or don't comply to what's needed, he has to pay back 4x the amount of the money. So we either get to deport him or we get some good return if he backs out. | That's what I put, about compensation if he doesn't go through in good faith but he ain't buying that.
At this point, I'm not sure how to continue with this. I just don't think he's doing this in a good faith.
Badhobz is making the deal harder and harder for us (he started right off the bat with a "rejection" clause, I guess that's his new ante for us to call).
The potential outcome for us is still the same, he renouncing his citizenship and goes back to China, while his outcome went from business tix for renouncing citizenship to that and plus the entire escrow if he gets "rejected".
And he's only willing to discuss the full detail if we all lawyer up (another expense for us) and isn't willing to lawyer up himself first, but rather only lawyering up once he's contacted by mine. (0 cost for him upfront again).
He keeps adding and adding, just waiting for us to call quits so he can say "oh, it's you guys who didn't follow through with the deal".
But at this point, why would I keep adding potential benefits for him if he isn't willing to offer us any potential rewards in return?
I wanted to keep it simple... we go to a lawyer (any lawyer really... doesn't have to be mine), draft a simple contract of his citizenship renunciation for x amount of money that he'd use for a luxury flight back. And even offered him that if his application gets rejected, we cancel the deal and no hard feelings. But nop... he just keeps making it more and more difficult so he can brag that we aren't willing to call his bluff.
The offer is still on the table for a simple citizenship renunciation for business tix. But if you want to make it more complicated than what's needed, bring something else to the table. My money is burning in my bank account. Let me know.
Nothing for now
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10-09-2019, 11:51 AM
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itt: people with too much fuck you money
what do you prove even if badhobz forfeits his canadian citizenship?
it appears he has the means to leave a day job and simply waltz around on a tourist visa...he only has to visit blaine for gas/parcel run or shanghai for a weekend every 90 days and everything will still be gravvy
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10-09-2019, 12:01 PM
#1828 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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Umm if you clowns were serious about this (and why wouldnt you be?) then of course there are legal issues we need to address in order for all this to work out.
Ive said before to HEHE, there is no trust on either side of the table. this aint something im going to do just because some internet fucker said so. If you want this to be realty then come prepared to pay something up front. I didn't initiate this deal, i just agreed to the overall concept but the details are not solidified. THATS WHY YOU NEED LAWYERS.
There are tons of what if's
What if i get rejected by China? Im arguing i should still keep the money because I applied in good faith. You say no, so that a point we havent even clarified on just yet.
What if you pull out? maybe you need cop out immediately, is there penalties involved?
Who's paying the legal fees here? your idea (technically its that twdm fucker's idea) but whatever, you went along with it so i think the initiator should pay.
Which lawyer is going to hold the funds in trust?
Its your deal, the onus is on you to initiate. Im under no obligation to start since you guys keep goading me on renounce my citizenship.
you cant just throw a half ass bullshit offer without some real financial backing and actual planning.
__________________ Geriatric Motoring Crub Member #444 |
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10-09-2019, 12:02 PM
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would make a lot more sense if this is a HK forum and he's in HK hoarding all your baby formulas
dude already says he grew up in Vancouver and didn't have a say moving here...whoever started this wager is a fucking retard that should just stay off a Canadian forum and join the destructive protests instead of bitching to us foreigners
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10-09-2019, 12:04 PM
#1830 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Dibs on the ‘rati
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10-09-2019, 12:06 PM
#1831 | I don't like cheese but I love milk!
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wtf is this e-penis contest shit shows
you guys must be bored in life to play around with citizen renunciation and willing to pay tens of thousand of dollars to get some random dude you've never met, and will probably never meet or interact with in person to move away from this country.
If you have too much money donate it to a good cause
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10-09-2019, 12:09 PM
#1832 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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You guys should probably meet Badhobz irl at a meet or smth, he's honestly not bad of a person  . Just shows how the situation in HK is tearing people apart
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10-09-2019, 12:15 PM
#1833 | Proud to be called a RS Regular!
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Originally Posted by Ferra wtf is this e-penis contest shit shows
you guys must be bored in life to play around with citizen renunciation and willing to pay tens of thousand of dollars to get some random dude you've never met, and will probably never meet or interact with in person to move away from this country.
If you have too much money donate it to a good cause | like me, i need money pls
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10-09-2019, 12:20 PM
#1834 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by SpeedStars Not sure if others have noticed, but the south park episode while exaggerated is pretty correct. Almost all media now has to make adjustments for China in some way if they want a piece of the pie. | Man south park is ALWAYS on point with their political episodes.
Stone and Parker are true geniuses
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
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10-09-2019, 12:26 PM
#1835 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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those NBA fans in the background are probably going to be in prison now
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10-09-2019, 12:53 PM
#1836 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Told you it wouldn't happen. Both of you are winners of the 2019 RS dumbasses award. And that's pretty hard to do with welfare and Manic! in the running over at the Canadian politics thread.
You both look like friggin idiots.
Last edited by whitev70r; 10-09-2019 at 12:59 PM.
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10-09-2019, 01:00 PM
#1837 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Would've been funny if it did happen |
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10-09-2019, 01:02 PM
#1838 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Banning NBA would be a major wake up call the millions of Chinese fan.
I dont think they will suddenly be sympathic to Hong Kong. Like I said before there is alot of underlying tension and misunderstanding between mainlander. Honger is not going to suddenly embrace mainlanders, mainlander will not suddenly forgive all lynching that happened.
But it will start to make them question the whether one should blindly support every single decision from the party. And just general internal struggle between nationalism and personal love for something as harmless as sports.
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10-09-2019, 01:05 PM
#1839 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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Im still open to it, im just waiting for an actual adult to draft a mutually agreed upon contract so this may proceed with me worrying about HEHEHAHA pulling the rug and saying FOOOLLL YOOUUUUUU trololololol. you have my number, get in touch with twdm and manic and you guys can call me once you have lawyers. Ill lawyer up and then and we can play.
__________________ Geriatric Motoring Crub Member #444 |
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10-09-2019, 01:29 PM
#1840 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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It's not an e-penis competition, it's about thinking it through with shits you post online.
When twdm posted about the ticket offering, he could have just laughed it off and say something else.
Instead, to show his China supremacy of face, he had to go on with another bluff. We called on him, and he's just trying to keep the bluff going to make things harder and harder.
If he was to really live up to his words (which he originally asked twdm to buy him the ticket first and he'd go to do the renunciation), he'd just take my escrow offer and do it, enough of ifs and buts. Why make things more complicated that it has to? We wanted to offer the proof that we can honor our words by offering a guarantee (an escrow for the fund) that he's going to get what we promised after he did his part.
Instead, he just kept adding and adding conditions... so that we'd be the one to back down first and he can save his face. However, the truth is that it has a totally different bet with the original.
Okok... I think it's enough to talk like a 5yrs old. I'd propose an easy way out for all of us.
Either you apologize, I make a donation of $500 to a charity of your choice (as long as it's not involved in this China HK thing), or I apologize, and you make a $500 donation to a charity of my choice (again, not involved in the China-HK thing).
I think it's fair since you are rich as fuck and I've got money burning in my account. And face is worth some dough right?
Nothing for now
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10-09-2019, 01:39 PM
#1841 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Another reason why people are hating on the HKPF.
TL;DR since the video is 28 minutes long.
-Dude gives the one-finger salute to a cop as they are patrolling the streets;
-rustled jimmy cop goes up to the guy and shoulder checks the dude;
-Cop proceeds to swear and yell at the guy saying he doesn't care or protect cockroaches;
-Dude gives his ID to the cop and then another cop walks away with it. the cop now accuses the guy of not showing his ID;
-Lots of back and forth talk and then the cop decides to call backup (noteworthy, there were already 4 cops vs one guy);
-Around a dozen cop shows up with two vans and tackles the guy to the ground.
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10-09-2019, 02:12 PM
#1842 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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Originally Posted by Hehe It's not an e-penis competition, it's about thinking it through with shits you post online.
When twdm posted about the ticket offering, he could have just laughed it off and say something else.
Instead, to show his China supremacy of face, he had to go on with another bluff. We called on him, and he's just trying to keep the bluff going to make things harder and harder.
If he was to really live up to his words (which he originally asked twdm to buy him the ticket first and he'd go to do the renunciation), he'd just take my escrow offer and do it, enough of ifs and buts. Why make things more complicated that it has to? We wanted to offer the proof that we can honor our words by offering a guarantee (an escrow for the fund) that he's going to get what we promised after he did his part.
Instead, he just kept adding and adding conditions... so that we'd be the one to back down first and he can save his face. However, the truth is that it has a totally different bet with the original.
Okok... I think it's enough to talk like a 5yrs old. I'd propose an easy way out for all of us.
Either you apologize, I make a donation of $500 to a charity of your choice (as long as it's not involved in this China HK thing), or I apologize, and you make a $500 donation to a charity of my choice (again, not involved in the China-HK thing).
I think it's fair since you are rich as fuck and I've got money burning in my account. And face is worth some dough right? | i told you, put your money where your mouth is and start phoning lawyers. im still ready to play. Either way you're going to have to pay some money before anyone is going to let you off the hook for your bullshit. TRY ME.
im calling your fucking bluff you asshole. You want this? you bring it. CALL THE FUCKING LAWYERS. Why you giving yourself exit strategies? I dont need them. I rather you spend the first 500 bucks on lawyer fees.
Once again, i didnt start this horseshit. you idiots started this when Twdm made the offer saying that he's willing to pay me a business class ticket if i give up my Canadian citizenship and take on Chinese citizenship. i agreed to this. Im still agreed to this. Those terms have not changed. The crux of this deal is still there, i just want the details sorted. Im asking you to have your council call me so that we can have a transparent legally binding document with agreed upon terms. You wont even do that, so who's bluffing who right now?
Here's my terms for this agreement
- Legal representation by all parties involved. So far thats you, twdm, manic
- Location and time for the meeting of earliest convenience to all parties
- For each of you (hehe/twdm/manic) deposit the equivalent sum of 1 business class ticket from YVR to Shanghai (so that means there should be something like 10-15g's in that account) to be released when immigration lawyer receives word that its a green light for me to move back.
- Have a designated lawyer put that fund in escrow not allowing any of the parties to touch said amount until released contractually
- Figure out exactly what the fuck is involved in immigrating to China and legal fees involved. Since this is your fucking idea, im thinking you guys are going to have to pay for this shit. I dont see why I have to pay for something im not actually interested in doing, but only doing out of obligation to fulfill my part of the contract (which is to give up my Canadian citizenship)
- Figure out a contingency as to what we are going to do if my application for citizenship is rejected. Im saying since im participating in good faith i should keep the money, but whatever that up for negotiation when we all sit down.
- Figure out who's going to pay for all these legal fees involved in this shit. Just to make sure everyone is honest here.
Anything else? the first step to all of this begins with one of you clowns start calling a lawyer and having them contact me.
__________________ Geriatric Motoring Crub Member #444
Last edited by Badhobz; 10-09-2019 at 02:43 PM.
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10-09-2019, 02:29 PM
#1843 | I *heart* very Muchie
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Originally Posted by GS8 When I think about ewe, I touch myself | |
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10-09-2019, 02:40 PM
#1844 | Need my Daily Fix of RS
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Classic thread in the making
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10-09-2019, 03:05 PM
#1845 | 2013, 2016, 2017 & 2018 NHL Fantasy RS1 Champion
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10-09-2019, 03:29 PM
#1846 | Waxin’ Punks
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Originally Posted by 320icar Dibs on the ‘rati | Dibs on his place. Or both if he buys in Burnaby too
If you drive like an asshole, you probably are one. Quote:
Originally Posted by MG1 punkwax, I don't care what your friends say about you, you are gold! | Quote:
Originally Posted by mikemhg What do your farts sound like then? | |
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10-09-2019, 03:36 PM
#1847 | I don't get it
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Why don't you guys just scrap it out and be done with it? I'm down to watch a sanctioned amateur MMA fight.
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10-09-2019, 03:48 PM
#1848 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by Badhobz i told you, put your money where your mouth is and start phoning lawyers. im still ready to play. Either way you're going to have to pay some money before anyone is going to let you off the hook for your bullshit. TRY ME.
im calling your fucking bluff you asshole. You want this? you bring it. CALL THE FUCKING LAWYERS. Why you giving yourself exit strategies? I dont need them. I rather you spend the first 500 bucks on lawyer fees.
Once again, i didnt start this horseshit. you idiots started this when Twdm made the offer saying that he's willing to pay me a business class ticket if i give up my Canadian citizenship and take on Chinese citizenship. i agreed to this. Im still agreed to this. Those terms have not changed. The crux of this deal is still there, i just want the details sorted. Im asking you to have your council call me so that we can have a transparent legally binding document with agreed upon terms. You wont even do that, so who's bluffing who right now?
Here's my terms for this agreement
- Legal representation by all parties involved. So far thats you, twdm, manic
- Location and time for the meeting of earliest convenience to all parties
- For each of you (hehe/twdm/manic) deposit the equivalent sum of 1 business class ticket from YVR to Shanghai (so that means there should be something like 10-15g's in that account) to be released when immigration lawyer receives word that its a green light for me to move back.
- Have a designated lawyer put that fund in escrow not allowing any of the parties to touch said amount until released contractually
- Figure out exactly what the fuck is involved in immigrating to China and legal fees involved. Since this is your fucking idea, im thinking you guys are going to have to pay for this shit. I dont see why I have to pay for something im not actually interested in doing, but only doing out of obligation to fulfill my part of the contract (which is to give up my Canadian citizenship)
- Figure out a contingency as to what we are going to do if my application for citizenship is rejected. Im saying since im participating in good faith i should keep the money, but whatever that up for negotiation when we all sit down.
- Figure out who's going to pay for all these legal fees involved in this shit. Just to make sure everyone is honest here.
Anything else? the first step to all of this begins with one of you clowns start calling a lawyer and having them contact me. | Wanna play hardball huh? Ok. I think I gave you enough chance.
A few things we have to get clear here.
Were you or were you not a Chinese citizen at any point in your life? From your previous post, you came here at age of 6. Thus, you should have been a Chinese citizen at a certain point in life until you obtained your Canadian citizenship and applied visa to enter China (hence for them to cut your passport as a proof and record of revocation of citizenship).
Because the application of resuming citizenship is different than immigrating. We'd have to get it clear there.
What is your offering in the case of any point in the process, you decide to not go ahead with the process? I'd think it's only fair for us to get some compensation for our trouble if you decide to pull out last minute. Would you agree to escrow whatever amount we put up for the ticket escrow as collateral, thus in case that you decide not to go forward, we'd be fairly compensated (get our money back, and 1x as a reward)
Regarding the cost involved, I don't know about the China portion, but to renounce CDN citizenship, it's $100. I'm ok to cover it too, along with any potential cost on the Chinese aside, again, assuming you are willing to put up the twice the amount of money for collateral (1x to cover the expenses I paid, another 1x as penalty) to pay us back in case you decide to not go forward.
As far as contingency goes, we don't need anything really. Just let me pick a lawyer so I can be sure the whole process goes as smooth as possible. And again, whatever they quote to have the process done, I'd cover it and you put whatever that amount x2 as collateral in case you decide to not cooperate while the lawyer is trying to do his/her job.
Last, but not least, you have to be doing this willingly and knowingly of full of its consequences and that you, and anyone related to you to forfeit any right to pursue us in court should anything not go as you "thought". Because you keep saying "i'm not doing this because I want to"... and I don't want some crazy dude/bitch to come after me saying that we pushed you into taking this deal.
So, let me know... and I'd suggest you to start looking for a good lawyer to finalize our deal. This is your cost though... I have mine and going to pay my own legal cost. And you really wouldn't want someone on my payroll to be your rep anyway.
Don't come to me with excuses that why you should put money as collateral... blah blah blah... you are rich as fuck remember? 15-20k should be peanuts to you. We peasants are fighting the goliath here.
Don't pussy out on me ok? Look forward to meeting you.
Nothing for now
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10-09-2019, 03:51 PM
#1849 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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big talk, you have my number. call it.
no point in agreeing to terms on here. let the lawyers figure it out. Once everything is agreed upon, we can publish it jointly. Dont forget to get twdm and manic too.
__________________ Geriatric Motoring Crub Member #444
Last edited by Badhobz; 10-09-2019 at 03:57 PM.
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10-09-2019, 03:55 PM
#1850 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by Badhobz big talk, you have my number. call it.
no point in agreeing to terms on here. let the lawyers figure it out. | You clearly never done any work with a lawyer have you?
Before you go to the lawyers, you need to have a clear list of things.
I'm just trying to clarify everything before submitting my request to him and he'd know what to do. These are going to be questions that he's going to ask me. I'm just saving us time here.
And I'd appreciate some answer before any more trash talk.
Nothing for now
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