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Epoch time is a free newspaper with almost no ads with distribution all over world. This is in a age and time where legitimate chinese newspaper like SingTao and MingPao have trouble staying alive.
I rememebr seeing epoch time being hawked on the street since I was kid and meeting some full time employee of this newspaper that brings in zero revenue. Come on now who could possiblity be funding these guys.
Epoch time literally report nothing but anti-CCP stuff. I'm sure some are true but it is drown in a sea of nonsense.
It is kind of funny and sad that this newspaper that was widely agree for its bullshit propganda is suddenly viewed as a trusted new source since the protest started...
Any other chinese speaker seeing the famous Epoch time/Falun Gong slogan being use by some mask protestor?
The connection is so obvious I cant believe some honger are falling for it
I mean I first heard about the anti-vaccine “movement” decades ago from epoch time headline, not to mentioned home remedy for terminal cancer being hawk as legitimate science.
Looks like they put some effort into marketing and branding since. I don’t see any chinese over the age of 30 reposting epoch time perhaps because we all remember how crazy they are on their decade old anti-CCP vendetta/grudge.
Crazy how a religion cult can morph into a legitimate source of information with some clever branding and mysterious funding.
I used to think China’s completely ban on Falun Gong and it’s associates ,no matter how crazy they are, is overkill. I mean people with any capabilities of independent thought can see thru their bullshit.
Epoch time is a free newspaper with almost no ads with distribution all over world. This is in a age and time where legitimate chinese newspaper like SingTao and MingPao have trouble staying alive.
I rememebr seeing epoch time being hawked on the street since I was kid and meeting some full time employee of this newspaper that brings in zero revenue. Come on now who could possiblity be funding these guys.
Epoch time literally report nothing but anti-CCP stuff. I'm sure some are true but it is drown in a sea of nonsense.
It is kind of funny and sad that this newspaper that was widely agree for its bullshit propganda is suddenly viewed as a trusted new source since the protest started...
Any other chinese speaker seeing the famous Epoch time/Falun Gong slogan being use by some mask protestor?
The connection is so obvious I cant believe some honger are falling for it
I've seen their tweets and have posted them here, their tweets on the protest have been transparent and reliable. They have some very deep sources in the chinese government, and I think a lot of leaks come through them.
The reason so much anti-china news comes from them is because they are the only ones with the balls to report on it. To you this is a "grudge" to other people it may be because no group in China is strong enough to deal with this kind of information. Obviously the bias is there, but I wouldn't blanket accuse them of making up all their stories.
Keep in mind that almost (if not) everything bad you hear about Falun Gong people are 100% chinese propaganda. They HATE that there was a group more popular than the CCP, and tried to cultural-genocide them into oblivion. Part of that, of course, is to tarnish their reputation to the point where even people knowing nothing about China or religions think they are a crazy "religion cult" and anything out of them is "bullshit"
I don't blame people for not knowing any better though. I used to just assume the same thing until I did some research. It is VERY hard to find non biased info on them BTW, which is always the case when a powerful information group (the Chinese government) has a decades long campaign of misinformation and hatred, and they themselves are extremely popular with their followers, so info ABOUT them that is FROM them can't necessarily be trusted either. But I definitely don't think they are some insane cult anymore. No more than I'd say that about Christians or Muslims.
Also anyone with a goal of changing mainland government should be considered an ally by mainland Chinese people, and the rest of the world.
PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT saying they are beyond reproach. Like many religious groups, they definitely have some ideas that I absolutely disagree with. Culturally, philosophically, and much more. But I am not going to automatically shit on them just because of that, just like I wouldn't for any religious group. As an atheist, I think it's all kind of crazy that people claim to know "everything". But I respect it, even if I question it and disagree with it.
I know you have good critical thinking ability. Use it! You've been fed BS from the moment you ever heard of this group.
I've seen their tweets and have posted them here, their tweets on the protest have been transparent and reliable. They have some very deep sources in the chinese government, and I think a lot of leaks come through them.
The reason so much anti-china news comes from them is because they are the only ones with the balls to report on it. To you this is a "grudge" to other people it may be because no group in China is strong enough to deal with this kind of information. Obviously the bias is there, but I wouldn't blanket accuse them of making up all their stories.
Keep in mind that almost (if not) everything bad you hear about Falun Gong people are 100% chinese propaganda. They HATE that there was a group more popular than the CCP, and tried to cultural-genocide them into oblivion. Part of that, of course, is to tarnish their reputation to the point where even people knowing nothing about China or religions think they are a crazy "religion cult" and anything out of them is "bullshit"
I don't blame people for not knowing any better though. I used to just assume the same thing until I did some research. It is VERY hard to find non biased info on them BTW, which is always the case when a powerful information group (the Chinese government) has a decades long campaign of misinformation and hatred, and they themselves are extremely popular with their followers, so info ABOUT them that is FROM them can't necessarily be trusted either. But I definitely don't think they are some insane cult anymore. No more than I'd say that about Christians or Muslims.
Also anyone with a goal of changing mainland government should be considered an ally by mainland Chinese people, and the rest of the world.
I know you have good critical thinking ability. Use it! You've been fed BS from the moment you ever heard of this group.
Fornately or unfortunately I knew nothing about Falun Gong until I have cut my ties from China decades ago. I only learn about them while living in Vancouver and Hong Kong. I meet a few active participant in Falun Gong when I was younger, they tried to recruit my parents when we first arrive in Canada.
The “recruiter” is a family of Falun Gong participant, the dad has some type of cancer and claim that Falun Gong cure the cancer with Qi Gong. And they believe the source of their illness came from tainted chinese vaccine. Last I heard the dad died of cancer... None of them actually talk to us about being persecuted by CCP because I do believe they only started practicing Falun Gong after they left China. One stand out thing I remember from my encounter with these guys is that both the parents had full time job with epoch times but they are very unclear on what they actually do. I only found out about their persecution from the outrageous display they used to have in place like right outside Sogo in CWB and Hong Hum station.
This is well over 20 years ago. Over the year I’ve only notice epoch time being hand out by fanatic follower in place like crystal mall. And obviously the display at the Chinese embassy. I havnt pay them much attention until I notice their raise to a mainstream relevance lately with assistance of the situation in Hong Kong
I never said their claim are completely false. Do i believe they have been persecuted by CCP? For sure! Is it to the extend they claim they have been? That is to be debated.
And their claim of dirt on CCP? Might be true might be not. I doubt every single thing they say just like i have doubts other things I am unsure of.
My issue with them is they are a So call religious organization (let’s step back from the word cult) with a clear clear political agenda.
What happen to separating of state and religion? Most people would be outrage if Scientology suddenly comes out with a newspaper with a political agenda of ousting a certain party.
Or god forbid Scientology influencing the decision of the head of state!
If one can make the conclusion that SCMP is biases because they are state own. You can also make the same judgment about a newspaper from a religious group that has a clear vendetta against a party that has wrong them in the past.
There is a a lot of dirt on CCP, you don’t need to turn to a quasi religion organization that is only suppose to “help” people lead a “healthier” life.
Granted I had personal encounter with these folks but nothing I have seen from Falun Gong and it’s associated (Epoch Time and Shen yun dance group of all thing) is at all objective. When you know some of their claim are completely dubious, such as curing cancer with air. It is hard for you to believe that other stuff they spurt.
I don’t need need Falun Gong to tell me how bad CCP can get. I can formulate my own opinion without needing to consult to a religion I look to on the same level as Scientology.
I know China is corrupt and not the perfect utopia is claims to be
I have seen it first hand. I have also seen how crazy Falun Gong will go to plaster all type of information about the CCP from the mild to the out right crazies.
Epoch time is exactly what CCP meant when they believe freedom of speech can negatively affect people’s judgement. When you furiously take a side on things even the crazies can sound rational. This goes both way whether you support CCP or Hong Kong.
For the record Epoch Time is not the Only media willing to speak out against China. In fact there are a lot of these nowadays.
First, religion unfortunately has HUGE influence in politics all over the world. Including Scientology in the US, who have plenty of hardcore members in the Republican party.
That's neither here nor there, just a fact of life.
It looks like we tend to agree here. One thing that I find interesting is that many Chinese people believe in Qi Gong and (what westerners might call) "magic power", not just the Falun Gong. In fact, when I talk to mainland people about Falun Gong, one of the main criticisms that almost always comes up up is that they use Qi Gong "improperly" or "dangerously", leading to mind control and mental breakdowns. Many mainlanders I know "knows someone who knows someone" who "went crazy" after joining Falun Gong. Usually a work colleague or something like that, and it's often a story like a wife that went crazy and tried to kill her kids, and had to be taken in to "recondition her Qi".
My interpretation on that is she joined Falun Gong, and was taken away for "re-education". If successful, she can be sent back to her family to live her life as a good CCP supporting citizen. All in the name of "harmony"
First, religion unfortunately has HUGE influence in politics all over the world. Including Scientology in the US, who have plenty of hardcore members in the Republican party.
That's neither here nor there, just a fact of life.
It looks like we tend to agree here. One thing that I find interesting is that many Chinese people believe in Qi Gong and (what westerners might call) "magic power", not just the Falun Gong. In fact, when I talk to mainland people about Falun Gong, one of the main criticisms that almost always comes up up is that they use Qi Gong "improperly" or "dangerously", leading to mind control and mental breakdowns. Many mainlanders I know "knows someone who knows someone" who "went crazy" after joining Falun Gong. Usually a work colleague or something like that, and it's often a story like a wife that went crazy and tried to kill her kids, and had to be taken in to "recondition her Qi".
My interpretation on that is she joined Falun Gong, and was taken away for "re-education". If successful, she can be sent back to her family to live her life as a good CCP supporting citizen. All in the name of "harmony"
Its a fact of life but it is right? Here we are arguing whether economic boom justify people turning a blind eye to human suffering. It happens but is it right?
If you tell me that Scientology influencing politic is the right and morale thing to do as an atheist. Than I think there is nothing else to debate.
Falun Gong suddenly becoming a legitimate source of information because they don't like the same thing you don't like, and that it is suddenly okay for them to influence politic when they have the same agenda as you despite there other dubious claims. How credible is that?
Yes Qi Gong is huge in China and yes as you can see Chinese as a population has a history of believing in things they cannot quantify.
There are still many many cult like group in China that promote Qi Gong. And it is very possible that they dont face the same persecution as Falun Gong because they are careful with their political direction and aint as popular as Falun Gong once and apparently still are. Perhaps they all learns a good lesson of what can happen if you aint careful from Falun Gong themselves
Falun Gong has evolve from its original founding purpose of whatever the lifestyle they promote to their current agenda that can be sum up with their decade old slogan of "天滅中共" (god will destroy CCP). Curiously this phrase was fringe talk people pay little attention to, it is now part of the slogan of the Hong Kong movement.
Taking information from them as legitimate and unbias is just like reading the CCP propaganda and taking them as fact just because it confirm your existing belief.
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After reading the Falun Gong founders interview with time magazine I believe, it's like wooooow this guy is fucking nuts and you realize the claims that they're a cult are true
But epoch times (who r very pro trump) does get a lot of stories out there, the only problem is they also report a lot of crazy alt right news (to garner support from that side of the usa) couple that with their insane founder, and it just causes you to dismiss them
Its a fact of life but it is right? Here we are arguing whether economic boom justify people turning a blind eye to human suffering. It happens but is it right?
If you tell me that Scientology influencing politic is the right and morale thing to do as an atheist. Than I think there is nothing else to debate.
Absolutely it's not right. But in this context of what we're talking about, it's not really relevant imo. Should have stated it more clearly, sorry
they are called protesters if they are U.S allies, they are called terrorist, if it's against U.S interest/benefit.
__________________ The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire;
The size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.
UK consulate staff that went missing for 2 weeks claims he wad tortured in SZ.
His full story is detailed here. I had goosebumps by the end of it. None of it is surprising at all, but disturbing nonetheless.
One thing that stood out to me was that they told him Chinese people are too stupid to have a true democracy. This is something that pro fascists have commonly said over the years. This shows that it's completely ingrained in the CCP culture. They don't view people as people, they view them as statistics.
Someone managed to live stream police arresting people inside PolyU. It includes death threats, threats to shoot live ammo at them, and also actually pepper spraying them. Note: this ALL HAPPENS AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN DETAINED.
Also note they basically talk like triad thugs
Also love the thumbs up at the end as the thug discovers they are being live streamed
"Illegal Assembly" flag immediately comes out. All attempts at organizing rallies are denied. Singalongs at malls are broken up with blue flags. Human chains are busted with pepper spray. It is practically impossible to do a large scale peaceful protest anymore.
"Illegal Assembly" flag immediately comes out. All attempts at organizing rallies are denied. Singalongs at malls are broken up with blue flags. Human chains are busted with pepper spray. It is practically impossible to do a large scale peaceful protest anymore.
They can still protest peacefully, just plop down and sit down, when the police beat you, you take the beatings, you don't fight back, makes the police look worse, instead of governments around the world wagging a finger, or deliberating/voting on strongly worded messages, maybe it'll force these govts into some actual action
And if the protesters would actually stop going to work, all the better, it shuts down the island, even with the large reserves HK has, with the economy frozen, and the city bleeding money, they're going to be forced to react
But hey maybe their tactics now will get some results... Eventually, but I still don't see it