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Although I don't know how successful suing a foreign gov't in your local court would be, but really... I think twice has been enough. First time was SARS and now this.
China was no different between SARS and now. They still tried to cover it up as much as they could until they could no longer keep it under control. And this time, we are barely able to contain this. Do we really want to continue down this path and tolerate the way CCP does things all in the sake of trade?!?
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
I could give a flying fuck about what CCP does to Chinese citizens. Yes, the censorship and suppression are incomprehensible by our standard, but it's their choice. But CCP's practice of coverups is clearly having an impact on world stage given their constant attempt to influence international bodies like WHO, UN... etc
Can humanity really survive this time? Let along a third time of an even more powerful virus down the road. I would strongly urge everyone to write to their MPs about the way we deal with China. We need to demand for transparency and accountability from China or we'd rather sacrifice trade with them.
The impact of this virus outbreak is still impossible to calculate. A figure in the billions or even trillion could be in the play if this drags on. Was this worth it? I'm not even sure whatever trade we did with China for the last 15yrs (since SARS) can account enough to pay for the damage of this outbreak.
Seriously, I just woke up, watching the kids here at home...almost two weeks of them staying home. I'm just fucking FURIOUS. Why do we have to suffer the consequences of a fucked up from China? They knew there was an outbreak. And yet decided to let people to roam freely for over a month? And they had the guts to trying to pin this on the US... questioning that the US might have brought it to Wuhan during the Military game. I'm like wtf? Why don't you question yourself how outbreaks like this can happen twice in a roll in China and yet you have dealt it pretty much the same way? Look at Taiwan... They are able to contain it so well without closing stores and schools because they learned a thing or two from SARS. And there we have the fucking CCP doing the same coverup they tried to do with SARS.
^^i think this one is going to leave a much more bitter taste than SARS.
I don't think it will be as easily forgotten. I really hope not.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
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Originally Posted by Hehe
Although I don't know how successful suing a foreign gov't in your local court would be, but really... I think twice has been enough. First time was SARS and now this.
China was no different between SARS and now. They still tried to cover it up as much as they could until they could no longer keep it under control. And this time, we are barely able to contain this. Do we really want to continue down this path and tolerate the way CCP does things all in the sake of trade?!?
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
I could give a flying fuck about what CCP does to Chinese citizens. Yes, the censorship and suppression are incomprehensible by our standard, but it's their choice. But CCP's practice of coverups is clearly having an impact on world stage given their constant attempt to influence international bodies like WHO, UN... etc
Can humanity really survive this time? Let along a third time of an even more powerful virus down the road. I would strongly urge everyone to write to their MPs about the way we deal with China. We need to demand for transparency and accountability from China or we'd rather sacrifice trade with them.
The impact of this virus outbreak is still impossible to calculate. A figure in the billions or even trillion could be in the play if this drags on. Was this worth it? I'm not even sure whatever trade we did with China for the last 15yrs (since SARS) can account enough to pay for the damage of this outbreak.
Seriously, I just woke up, watching the kids here at home...almost two weeks of them staying home. I'm just fucking FURIOUS. Why do we have to suffer the consequences of a fucked up from China? They knew there was an outbreak. And yet decided to let people to roam freely for over a month? And they had the guts to trying to pin this on the US... questioning that the US might have brought it to Wuhan during the Military game. I'm like wtf? Why don't you question yourself how outbreaks like this can happen twice in a roll in China and yet you have dealt it pretty much the same way? Look at Taiwan... They are able to contain it so well without closing stores and schools because they learned a thing or two from SARS. And there we have the fucking CCP doing the same coverup they tried to do with SARS.
Fuck the CCP... like really... FUCK...
Is a lot more complicated than this. The CCP (that's like our federal) oversees the provincial and then the local gov. The local gov knew about this back in Nov but decided to hide it/scrap it under rug because the local gov (city) knows that if they report it to the provincial or the federal gov their career will be over. Not only they will never got a promotion they could very well face jail time.
So the local (city) does not report it till is too late. If the CCP/federal know about it earlier they will step in earlier IE close the city/provincial sooner, send medical expert it sooner.
Canada should have close it boarder way way back in Jan/Feb but nope we keep an open boarder coz we listen to WHO while other country like US, AUS, TW, Sisingapore and HK just said fuck it and close its boarder or tighten people coming in from China. So far TW, singapore and HK seems to be ahead of everyone.
Our federal gov acted way too late, should we just cut our boarder or even force everyone who arrive in Canada VIA international flight/ships force quarantine and forcing all international travelers and Canadian traveling back to Canada to check into gov facility. Force all of them to stay there for 14 days to make sure they are fine before letting them go back home we would not be in this mess.
Is a lot more complicated than this. The CCP (that's like our federal) oversees the provincial and then the local gov. The local gov knew about this back in Nov but decided to hide it/scrap it under rug because the local gov (city) knows that if they report it to the provincial or the federal gov their career will be over. Not only they will never got a promotion they could very well face jail time.
And who made this system in place? If it wasn't for them to create this toxic system, the situation would be much better now.
Ultimately, the problem is the same... no one can hold the CCP accountable. And that's why they NEVER seek to improve... but just more and more restrictions to suppress different voices and do everything in their power to maintain their control.
Our federal gov acted way too late, should we just cut our boarder or even force everyone who arrive in Canada VIA international flight/ships force quarantine and forcing all international travelers and Canadian traveling back to Canada to check into gov facility. Force all of them to stay there for 14 days to make sure they are fine before letting them go back home we would not be in this mess.
I think you mean border.
Canada has been optimistically doing well with little info from communist china. The world will never forgive them for starting this and covering it up.
to be fair, I am not sure where these countries are getting their test kits. If it's anything like the masks, they're just buying them from whoever can place the order. Everyone and their dog with a factory is now making masks/test kits/thermometers. They probably placed an order with a toy factory that made those test kits. Of course it's going to have horrible accuracy. Unfortunately these new operations pop up daily to have any form of government regulation be effective in shutting down shady ones without proper medical licenses and production procedures.
And who made this system in place? If it wasn't for them to create this toxic system, the situation would be much better now.
Ultimately, the problem is the same... no one can hold the CCP accountable. And that's why they NEVER seek to improve... but just more and more restrictions to suppress different voices and do everything in their power to maintain their control.
And this is why you don't do business with dictatorships.
Let's see if we've learned our lesson with Huawei 5g as an indicator. Still undecided i see...
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
Is a lot more complicated than this. The CCP (that's like our federal) oversees the provincial and then the local gov. The local gov knew about this back in Nov but decided to hide it/scrap it under rug because the local gov (city) knows that if they report it to the provincial or the federal gov their career will be over. Not only they will never got a promotion they could very well face jail time.
So the local (city) does not report it till is too late. If the CCP/federal know about it earlier they will step in earlier IE close the city/provincial sooner, send medical expert it sooner.
local still a branch of ccp
I really wanted to believe China took this more seriously than SARS only to find Beijing knew about it a month before public reveal and the doctors were silenced/reporters still being turned away
too bad China’s got Ottawa by the balls for at least hundreds of billion dollars each year, easier said than done to just stop taking in Chinese goods/students/tourists and exporting our resources to them (why building a pipeline to help them grow is a conflict of interest)
The culture of cover-ups, deceit, and propaganda comes directly from the CCP. You can't blame the lower levels of their government because this is exactly what the higher ups do. It's all about self preservation so of COURSE they would try to cover it up. Do the right thing? You mean do what keeps money in your pockets, right?
I feel so bad for the people of China. How many of them actually died? The pain and suffering they've dealt with because of this virus, it's cover-up, the blundered response and the lies is just unforgivable. Like someone had said early on in this thread, this virus has done more to hurt the CCP than all of the protests in HK.
It's like having a shit boss at work blame their own employees for doing a bad job. It starts at the top and always has. If you're going to lie all the time, guess what? Your employees are going to lie as much as they can too.
Willing to sell a family member for a few minutes on RS
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Originally Posted by Mr.HappySilp
Is a lot more complicated than this. The CCP (that's like our federal) oversees the provincial and then the local gov. The local gov knew about this back in Nov but decided to hide it/scrap it under rug because the local gov (city) knows that if they report it to the provincial or the federal gov their career will be over. Not only they will never got a promotion they could very well face jail time.
So the local (city) does not report it till is too late. If the CCP/federal know about it earlier they will step in earlier IE close the city/provincial sooner, send medical expert it sooner.
Canada should have close it boarder way way back in Jan/Feb but nope we keep an open boarder coz we listen to WHO while other country like US, AUS, TW, Sisingapore and HK just said fuck it and close its boarder or tighten people coming in from China. So far TW, singapore and HK seems to be ahead of everyone.
Our federal gov acted way too late, should we just cut our boarder or even force everyone who arrive in Canada VIA international flight/ships force quarantine and forcing all international travelers and Canadian traveling back to Canada to check into gov facility. Force all of them to stay there for 14 days to make sure they are fine before letting them go back home we would not be in this mess.
The only country you mentioned that has less cases per capita than Canada is Taiwan.
Why do you always feel the need to criticize Canada’s choices with out even looking at numbers?
98 technoviolet M3/2/5
Originally Posted by boostfever
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
The culture of cover-ups, deceit, and propaganda comes from the CCP. You can't blame the lower levels of their government because this is exactly what the higher ups do. It's all about self preservation so of COURSE they would try to cover it up. Do the right thing? You mean do what keeps money in your pockets right?
I feel so bad for the people of China. How many of them actually died? The pain and suffering they've dealt with because of this virus, it's cover-up, the blundered response and the lies is just unforgivable. Like someone had said early on in his thread, this virus has done more to hurt the CCP than all of the protests in HK.
It's like having a shit boss at work blame their own employees for doing a bad job. It starts at the top and always has. If you're going to lie all the time, guess what? Your employees are going to lie as much as they can too.
Almost time for you to suit up and rejoin your comrades on the front line.
Almost time for you to suit up and rejoin your comrades on the front line.
Back to work on Tuesday. It's going to be a completely different world at the hospital since I last stepped foot in there. Happy to get off the bench and contribute again!
I watched a video last night from a local doctor. She explained that she's flattered by the term front liners but also pointed out that in truth, we are the LAST line. We hope to never see any of you or your loved ones at the hospital. It starts with all of you
China was no different between SARS and now. They still tried to cover it up as much as they could until they could no longer keep it under control. And this time, we are barely able to contain this. Do we really want to continue down this path and tolerate the way CCP does things all in the sake of trade?!?
honestly, US has been hiding for a while too... We ALL saw this coming for 2 fucking months how crazy China had to shut down... but's not going to happen to my backyard.... so government tried to keep in the back... EVEN when shit started to blow up TRUMP denied....
so yeah.. China did sort of kept others quiet, esp. the doctors from being a whistler blower... that no doubt is their fault.. but any other government is no diff just when each country is going thru beginning of the outbreak.
Originally Posted by punkwax
Yep, China deserves a collective Global bitchslap for this one..
are we going to bitch slap all the other countries who hid any other pandemic too? again.. not bashing you just trying to think....
Spanish flu... was NOT from span.. Spain told another country they found a flu coming from France... but of course.. this 'discovery' came from Spain...but bashed against spain for eonss
swine flu... came from Mexico.
1998 h1n1... came from US pigs...
you know what's funny... if there was a global lawsuit... fine... courts are in motion...and then BAM... China discovers vaccine ...... HOLY FUCK...that would be ironic...
Back to work on Tuesday. It's going to be a completely different world at the hospital since I last stepped foot in there. Happy to get off the bench and contribute again!
I watched a video last night from a local doctor. She explained that she's flattered by the term front liners but also pointed out that in truth, we are the LAST line. We hope to never see any of you or your loved ones at the hospital. It starts with all of you
If you happen to work at vgh, can you make a sign to use at 7pm as vpd drive by? Make it say "if you're in the traffic dept, give yourself a ticket for unnecessary noise"
honestly, US has been hiding for a while too... We ALL saw this coming for 2 fucking months how crazy China had to shut down... but's not going to happen to my backyard.... so government tried to keep in the back... EVEN when shit started to blow up TRUMP denied....
so yeah.. China did sort of kept others quiet, esp. the doctors from being a whistler blower... that no doubt is their fault.. but any other government is no diff just when each country is going thru beginning of the outbreak.
are we going to bitch slap all the other countries who hid any other pandemic too? again.. not bashing you just trying to think....
Spanish flu... was NOT from span.. Spain told another country they found a flu coming from France... but of course.. this 'discovery' came from Spain...but bashed against spain for eonss
swine flu... came from Mexico.
1998 h1n1... came from US pigs...
you know what's funny... if there was a global lawsuit... fine... courts are in motion...and then BAM... China discovers vaccine ...... HOLY FUCK...that would be ironic...
Do explain what other country came remotely close to the coverup by China. I've read every major outbreaks in the last 100years as part of research to how to best approach this. NONE... let me say it again... NONE came CLOSE to the severity of coverup that China did TWICE.
But the way CCP dealt with it should definitely be held accountable.
Every country would try to downplay epidemics, it's just natural. But going out of your way tried to bury it... again, FUCKING TWICE is NOT the way you do things.
You can't say that we shouldn't hold CCP accountable because others tried to bury it too. Fuck NO! Others tried to DOWNPLAY it... and we get it... anyone would do the same. CCP tried to BURY it. Going as far as using its influences on WHO to go as gentle on this as possible. Many countries relied on WHO's data to form their decisions. And what happened at the end? Taiwan, the sole country who COULDN'T rely on WHO Data because it DIDN'T have access to it did the best. Do you see the irony in it?
That's an OUTRIGHT DECEPTION. If you still think it's OK to have a partner like this who fucked up TWICE... IN THE EXACT SAME WAY... all I can say is you are too generous and kind of a human. I'm sorry, but I do not have such tolerance; not when it goes as far as threatening my own family's life.
If you happen to work at vgh, can you make a sign to use at 7pm as vpd drive by? Make it say "if you're in the traffic dept, give yourself a ticket for unnecessary noise"
hahah oh man, i wish. that would make quite the photo for RS.
I haven’t seen my family in almost 3 weeks. Didn’t want to spread it to them in case I have to care for someone who is positive but not showing symptoms.
Missed my daughter’s first steps today..
Originally Posted by orange7
you not take me serious! This thread is seriouses! Me want serious answers.
Is a lot more complicated than this. The CCP (that's like our federal) oversees the provincial and then the local gov. The local gov knew about this back in Nov but decided to hide it/scrap it under rug because the local gov (city) knows that if they report it to the provincial or the federal gov their career will be over. Not only they will never got a promotion they could very well face jail time.
So the local (city) does not report it till is too late. If the CCP/federal know about it earlier they will step in earlier IE close the city/provincial sooner, send medical expert it sooner.
Canada should have close it boarder way way back in Jan/Feb but nope we keep an open boarder coz we listen to WHO while other country like US, AUS, TW, Sisingapore and HK just said fuck it and close its boarder or tighten people coming in from China. So far TW, singapore and HK seems to be ahead of everyone.
Our federal gov acted way too late, should we just cut our boarder or even force everyone who arrive in Canada VIA international flight/ships force quarantine and forcing all international travelers and Canadian traveling back to Canada to check into gov facility. Force all of them to stay there for 14 days to make sure they are fine before letting them go back home we would not be in this mess.
Don't be fooled by scapegoating. The Party knew exactly what was going on - they were IN Wuhan at the time. They tried to cover it up, and silenced peolpe who tried to speak out.
Once it was revealed, they threw the local govt under the bus.
Originally Posted by Hehe
Yes, the censorship and suppression are incomprehensible by our standard, but it's their choice. But CCP's practice of coverups is clearly having an impact on world stage given their constant attempt to influence international bodies like WHO, UN... etc
I've only been saying this for about 9 months over in the HK protest thread
People are finally waking up now. They slept on the Nazis in the 30's, let's not make the same mistake again. China needs to be isolated from the rest of the world, or they're going to fuck us all over. We can't help their people unfortunately, but we need to protect ourselves.
Trump pushing the lock down, social distancing nationwide until April 30th. Him and his team are thinking the peak will be mid-April. Louisiana looks to be the next hot spot which is been blamed on mardi gras.
Hopefully for those who can't or refuse to listen to reason on their own, relying on their govt to tell them what to do, their govt are taking in this information and getting ready to spread the info themselves.
Note that the surgical mask, which we used to think was only useful for protecting OTHERS, actually blocks 75% of the incoming particles from other people who are infected. No that's not as good as the 99% covered by N95, but would you not gladly accept a 75% lower chance of getting sick?
Even a CLOTH AROUND YOUR MOUTH will give you 3X the protection as being exposed.