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Fuck I hate people sometimes. We're off to the side in the parking lot talking to my wife's mom. Some stupid bitch heads straight for my MIL, and comes with 4ft, before I have to reminder her about social distancing. There was a lot of room, and we weren't in the walkway. She looked fucking clueless. Hey cow, what the hell do you think has been going on for 2 months? Ignorance regarding social distancing is no longer an excuse. She got upset with me, and I just stared at her until she went in the building.
I don't know if I posted it earlier in the thread, but this was bound to happen if we successfully "flattened the curve". There just seems to be a pretty large percentage of people who can't really think critically, and think that everything is some weird conspiracy. Maybe we're in a simulation, and some brains just can't handle it? Who knows.
Then again, there is a lot of misinformation being spread by some pretty influential people. I know you listen to JRE, so you must be as disappointed as I am when he went from being one of the better mainstream sources for info on the virus (when he had Osterholm on, and later Hotez, and repeated their advice) to practically being a "covid denier" who thinks people are only susceptible to it if they're tired or lacking vitamin D.
Musk is even more disappointing, because he's supposed to be a smart guy. Yet he concludes that because the lockdowns were effective, and the death rate was kept in check, that means it was never a threat to begin with. Oh I get that the billionaires want to keep being able to make money, and the lockdown is costing them a lot, but is that all it takes to turn one of the (purportedly) brightest minds into a complete moron?
Rogan have a circle of redneck hunters like Cameron Hanes (I used to be a follower), who openly called people to disregard stay-at-home order and think Elon Fraud is a genius, who is belittling public health officials. You're only at smart as weakest link.
Majority of Elon Musk's comp package tie directly to Tesla's stock price. I firmly believe that people's true color shines through in a crisis where EVERYONE is hurting. This is the case with these herbs. Money is a hell of a drug.
Majority of Elon Musk's comp package tie directly to Tesla's stock price. I firmly believe that people's true color shines through in a crisis where EVERYONE is hurting. This is the case with these herbs. Money is a hell of a drug.
All Musk had to do was threaten to relocate his factory from California and the county tucked their tails and ran for cover. Money makes the world go round. It's what funds your hospitals, pays for police to keep your neighborhood safe, maintains your roads, etc.
Do you think a majority of your frontline healthcare workers would work for free? For the good of society?
All Musk had to do was threaten to relocate his factory from California and the county tucked their tails and ran for cover. Money makes the world go round. It's what funds your hospitals, pays for police to keep your neighborhood safe, maintains your roads, etc.
Do you think a majority of your frontline healthcare workers would work for free? For the good of society?
I do. Most of them would. Healthcare workers aren't paid enough to risk their lives and they did anyways. They died for it, globally. You don't need more proof. These guys have families too, and they put on scrubs/gowns every day for other people's families.
Society is me you and our families. Money is just a tool, risking the good of society for monies is shameful. Just because what he did work doesn't make it any less trash. I hope he will one day pay for it, so that it set the right example not just for Silicon Valley but for every other industry. You need to make GOOD before you can make money. I will be right there to watch that Tesla HBO specials that will probably claim "nobody sees it coming".
I do. Most of them would. Healthcare workers aren't paid enough to risk their lives and they did anyways. They died for it, globally. You don't need more proof. These guys have families too, and they put on scrubs/gowns every day for other people's families.
Society is me you and our families. Money is just a tool, risking the good of society for monies is shameful. Just because what he did work doesn't make it any less trash. I hope he will one day pay for it, so that it set the right example not just for Silicon Valley but for every other industry. You need to make GOOD before you can make money. I will be right there to watch that Tesla HBO specials that will probably claim "nobody sees it coming".
You're telling me you've never received a penny working as a healthcare worker in your life. Volunteering for a few hours a week isn't working for free. Healthcare workers have picketed every 2-3 years for wage increases when apparently "money" doesn't matter to them. I would know because I had to take part in strike action while I was still working here. So don't patronize me. If the government announced every worker in BC (including frontline healthcare workers) would get a 50% paycut due to the economic devastation, I'd bet my whole fortune they'd all walk off the job.
Idealism sounds good for PR, but doesn't work in reality.
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Working for free isn't an option. People need money to live.
That said, I've seen several of my friends parents, who are in the position to do so, and are in the medical field, volunteer their time (full time and then some) to perform medical services in third world countries, donate their entire salaries to medical research and education, as well as volunteer their time to teach with nothing in return.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5
Originally Posted by boostfever
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
Working for free isn't an option. People need money to live.
So how does one live if there aren't enough jobs left to make money? Serious question. When your government is bankrupt, who helps the poor?
There has to be a healthy balance between economic output and societal welfare and right now there is none. When there is widespread poverty guess who benefits most? The rich who have the assets to buy things pennies on the dollar. Rich getting richer, while the fools are literally patting themselves on the back for causing their own poverty.
30+million in the US is unemployed and stock markets are still near all time highs. Herp, derp, the rich are suffering.
Rogan have a circle of redneck hunters like Cameron Hanes (I used to be a follower), who openly called people to disregard stay-at-home order and think Elon Fraud is a genius, who is belittling public health officials. You're only at smart as weakest link.
Majority of Elon Musk's comp package tie directly to Tesla's stock price. I firmly believe that people's true color shines through in a crisis where EVERYONE is hurting. This is the case with these herbs. Money is a hell of a drug.
It's also how convenient on the JRE when Joe suddenly started to pivot on COVID to promote his "health supplements" pushing his ONIT brand as a vitamin supplement to boost your immune system, and protect you against the virus.
It's odd how he plays himself to be so pious, yet doesn't miss the opportunity to sell his snake oil wares to his idiot "bro" followers.
Hey skinny, just wondering how the gyms were looking in HK now that they've reopened. What are the guidelines/changes?
My gym reopened yesterday. No water fountains/refill station, no showers, equipment placed for spacing, mandatory disinfectant at the door, staff wiping/cleaning everywhere.
Just curious how it's being done there.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
Hey skinny, just wondering how the gyms were looking in HK now that they've reopened. What are the guidelines/changes?
My gym reopened yesterday. No water fountains/refill station, no showers, equipment placed for spacing, mandatory disinfectant at the door, staff wiping/cleaning everywhere.
Just curious how it's being done there.
Some places either disable a certain number of cardio machines, so you're not right next to someone, or they put barriers in between them. Basically the same policy restaurants use now.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
Sitting inside Bubble Queen in Vancouver waiting for my bbt, and feel disgusted looking at the workers making my drink without a mask on...
Masks for workers in the food/beverage industry needs to be made mandatory and enforced by the health authorities.
Sitting inside Bubble Queen in Vancouver waiting for my bbt, and feel disgusted looking at the workers making my drink without a mask on...
Masks for workers in the food/beverage industry needs to be made mandatory and enforced by the health authorities.
The advice is slightly stronger than the suggestions over the last couple of weeks that people should consider wearing a face mask in public.
But it is a complete turnaround from her advice seven weeks ago that people who are not sick should not be wearing a face mask at all.
At the end of March, Tam appeared dismissive of mask use saying “most people haven’t learned how to use masks” and “there is no need to use a mask for well people.”
Later she said “putting a mask on an asymptomatic person is not beneficial.”
On Wednesday, Tam said initially it was believed the novel coronavirus was only spreading from people showing symptoms. That understanding has changed, as it is now known people can transmit the virus days before symptoms show up. Some patients may never show symptoms at all and can still spread the virus to others.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
Sitting inside Bubble Queen in Vancouver waiting for my bbt, and feel disgusted looking at the workers making my drink without a mask on...
Masks for workers in the food/beverage industry needs to be made mandatory and enforced by the health authorities.
I agree, few weeks ago GF and I were lined up to try a new soup/sandwich place, while waiting I was watching the guy making the sandwiches for the people in front of us. MF’r coughed/cleared his throat while overhead their sandwiches. I looked over to my GF said fuck no we gotta go.
Sitting inside Bubble Queen in Vancouver waiting for my bbt, and feel disgusted looking at the workers making my drink without a mask on...
Masks for workers in the food/beverage industry needs to be made mandatory and enforced by the health authorities.
Maybe you should just stay at home. Getting masks is not easy.
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
Are any of you guys planning on going back to the gym when they re-open? Even with the new measures in place, I don’t think I’d feel safe
You bet your sweet ass I will be. Can't friggin' wait. Speaking of that, anyone have any info when VCH will be allowing gyms to re-open, and which one's will be opening in the near future in the Burnaby/Vancouver area?