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07-10-2020, 12:48 PM
#5426 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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07-10-2020, 01:25 PM
#5427 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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Originally Posted by Hehe I know what's going on... the reason of saying that is at what stage is considered "safe" to reopen?
That the virus is completely eradicated? Until there's a vaccine? | At a minimum wait until Americas infection rate stops screaming upwards towards oblivion.
__________________ 1991 Toyota Celica GTFour RC // 2007 Toyota Rav4 V6 // 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee
1992 Toyota Celica GT-S ["sold"] \\ 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee CRD [sold] \\ 2000 Jeep Cherokee [sold] \\ 1997 Honda Prelude [sold] \\ 1992 Jeep YJ [sold/crashed] \\ 1987 Mazda RX-7 [sold] \\ 1987 Toyota Celica GT-S [crushed] Quote:
Originally Posted by maksimizer half those dudes are hotter than ,my GF. | Quote:
Originally Posted by RevYouUp reading this thread is like waiting for goku to charge up a spirit bomb in dragon ball z | Quote:
Originally Posted by Good_KarMa OH thank god. I thought u had sex with my wife. :cry: | |
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07-10-2020, 03:09 PM
#5428 | linguistic ninja
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Originally Posted by 320icar | So I guess Sweden is a basket-case no more with their do-nothing approach? |
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07-10-2020, 03:19 PM
#5429 | Willing to sell a family member for a few minutes on RS
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The thing is, it's not that Sweden did absolutely nothing, they just had no real government imposed restrictions on businesses other than on bars and restaurants. Restaurant patrons were not allowed to interact between tables and social distancing was still expected. They also probably know how to wash their hands. It was a shitty approach, but they are at least a fairly well educated and self sufficient population that has an understanding of reality.
US is full of people sharing popsicles and licking toilet seats to "prove" that coronavirus is a hoax.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5 Quote:
Originally Posted by boostfever Westopher is correct. | Quote:
Originally Posted by fsy82 seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked | Quote:
Originally Posted by punkwax Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct. | |
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07-10-2020, 07:19 PM
#5430 | Willing to sell a family member for a few minutes on RS
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America is not united anymore and it’s barely a state. They have crashed right through failed state into a plague state, unwelcome across the world. This has been predicted, including here. Now it has come to pass. Just look at the map.
Americans have gone from having access to most of the world to being banned from most of it. Today, Americans are only allowed in a few Caribbean islands and the Balkans. An American passport is now worthless. Worse than worthless, it’s a plague.
In the absence of a humane government, America is now ruled by COVID-19. Welcome to the Plague States of America.
It’s too late
Only America has self-inflicted a second wave
I think it is difficult for Americans to understand that they are, to use an epidemiological term, completely fucked. COVID-19 could have been managed in January, or February, or even now, but not a full year later, in January 2021. Given that you need a functioning government to manage this pandemic, that’s the soonest Americans can get one.
It’s far too late.
The most reliable projections are saying 200,000 dead and 50 million infected by election day in November. Even these projections struggle to account for completely irrational federal actions like denigrating masks, pushing to reopen early, and pushing students back into schools. This is not the absence of public health, this is its opposite.
It is, in effect, governance by COVID-19. Not a failed state. A plague state.
Even after election day, Donald Trump will still be in power for nearly 3 months, until January 20th. Besides impeaching a dead-duck President, there’s nothing America can do but wait, while COVID-19 grows ever stronger. Grows completely out of control. In a pandemic, days matter, hours matter. A year is entirely too late.
America will be lucky to exit this pandemic with less than a million dead and 100 million infected. The living will be lucky to exit their country within the next five years.
The worthless passport
Welcome to the club. Post-colonial bullshit and racism have made my Sri Lankan passport worthless for years. Now the American passport is worse. America has crashed straight through the third world into the fourth.
Here is a list, in total, of all the places Americans can go. Most of them are small Caribbean islands.
1. Albania | 15. Lebanon
2. Antigua and Barbuda | 16. Maldives
3. Aruba | 17. Mexico
4. The Bahamas | 18. North Macedonia
5. Barbados | 19. St. Lucia
6. Belize | 20. St. Maarten
7. Bermuda | 21. St. Vincent &
8. Croatia | 22. Serbia
9. Dominican Republic | 23. Tanzania
10. Ecuador* | 24. Turkey
11. French Polynesia | 25. Turks &
12. Ireland* | 26. Ukraine
13. Jamaica | 27. UAE*
14. Kosovo | 28. UK*
*14 day quarantine required, not included in map.
American now have access to exactly two dozen states, four more (*) if they want to endure a 14-day quarantine on the end. Americans have gone from world power to getting the side-eye from Ecuador in a matter of months. Right now Americans are only really welcome on remote islands or at corralled resorts in Mexico, where they can be isolated from everyone else.
It’s not that other nations don’t want to welcome Americans, they just can’t. The point of a passport is that a sovereign power vouches for its bearer, but America can’t vouch for the health of their citizens at all. America’s public health regime is far less trustworthy than Liberia’s (which is actually quite good). Its sovereign is mad.
At the same time, you can’t trust Americans. Americans have poor hygiene (low masking rate) and at least 40% of the population can’t be trusted to even believe that COVID-19 exists, let alone to take it seriously. They’re likely to refuse testing, not report symptoms, break quarantine, and generally follow rules. Americans have a toxic combination of ignorance and arrogance that makes them unwelcome travelers.
They have a lot of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with them. Some of them, I assume, are good people, but it doesn’t matter. It’s a plague passport. Return to sender.
The Plague States
That’s the near future of the United States. An epidemic that spreads largely unchecked until next year. A population to unprotected and ignorant to be allowed anywhere else. A world that largely suppresses the virus — from Mongolia to Ghana to Trinidad & Tobago — but which has to keep America in isolation.
In the end, Trump did what he said. He built a wall around America and made the world pay for it. He just never told Americans that they’d be stuck inside. Welcome to the Plague States of America. You can check out, but you can never leave.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5 Quote:
Originally Posted by boostfever Westopher is correct. | Quote:
Originally Posted by fsy82 seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked | Quote:
Originally Posted by punkwax Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct. | |
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07-10-2020, 07:29 PM
#5431 | I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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I know this may be a dumbed down point of view but it’s pretty amazing that arguably the greatest nation the world has ever known will crumble because people are too dumb to wear fucking masks
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
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07-10-2020, 07:38 PM
#5432 | Willing to sell a family member for a few minutes on RS
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It all points to americas biggest problematic personality trait. Arrogance. They can't be told they are wrong, and are willing to die to "prove" they are right. People like that still end up wrong, but they won't live long enough to see the day.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5 Quote:
Originally Posted by boostfever Westopher is correct. | Quote:
Originally Posted by fsy82 seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked | Quote:
Originally Posted by punkwax Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct. | |
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07-10-2020, 07:56 PM
#5433 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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25 in the past 24hrs #s have been going up this week
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07-10-2020, 08:09 PM
#5434 | I *heart* very Muchie
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer I know this may be a dumbed down point of view but it’s pretty amazing that arguably the greatest nation the world has ever known will crumble because people are too dumb to wear fucking masks | I'd argue that a sizable portion of Americans have been systemically stupid for generations but that's how it works: Dumb down the population. Put them in a sealed room, paint the walls to look like a lightly clouded sky and they'll believe they're outside, enjoying freedom.
They're distracted in that room while the elites live outside enjoying themselves.
Side note: I'm okay with this cooler summer. Keep the forest fires down and keep stupid people on this side of the border out of our forests & parks.
__________________ Quote:
Originally Posted by GS8 When I think about ewe, I touch myself | |
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07-10-2020, 08:29 PM
#5435 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by 320icar |
Why are Americans so hell bent on opening schools?
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07-10-2020, 08:32 PM
#5436 | Willing to sell a family member for a few minutes on RS
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It’s a symbol of how they are beating coronavirus.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5 Quote:
Originally Posted by boostfever Westopher is correct. | Quote:
Originally Posted by fsy82 seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked | Quote:
Originally Posted by punkwax Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct. | |
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07-10-2020, 08:50 PM
#5437 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Originally Posted by StylinRed 25 in the past 24hrs #s have been going up this week | 32 new local cases here today. It's pretty much completely back
One of the outbreaks has several people who frequented an area that I normally go to for groceries and food (I live in a rural village, but this is the closest urban market area for me). I actually went there last Saturday, which is when most of the patients are reporting they were there last
Also my wife helped someone who passed out on the MTR last night. We're hoping this was due to the usual causes (this happens all the time) and it wasn't a covid patient. We disinfected her clothes as much as possible when she got home.
Going to be staying home as much as I did back when it first started, and I urge others to consider doing the same. I stay home most of the time anyway, but have been eating out more than I used to. Not anymore.
The most obvious ones: Don't go for hot pot, don't do karaoke, and don't go to the gym. These are always the biggest outbreaks.
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07-10-2020, 09:16 PM
#5438 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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Ah I knew cases were up in HK too but didn't think it was that much
Yeah I was taking my mom out for walks, and the odd grocery run, but cutting that down now too
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07-10-2020, 09:30 PM
#5439 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Yup it's getting bad again
Borders are still very strict, so this is a mystery. There are conspiracy theories out there though...
Canada is still flat, but still at 300 per day. I don't know where to look for updated charts provincially
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07-10-2020, 10:29 PM
#5440 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp Yup it's getting bad again
Borders are still very strict, so this is a mystery. There are conspiracy theories out there though...
Canada is still flat, but still at 300 per day. I don't know where to look for updated charts provincially | Most provinces have a dashboard. |
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07-11-2020, 12:24 PM
#5441 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Y’all know how this works by now
Last edited by 320icar; 07-11-2020 at 12:47 PM.
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07-11-2020, 01:31 PM
#5442 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Originally Posted by 320icar Y’all know how this works by now | Good god I seriously can't.
Americans...well...speak for yourselves please lol.
__________________ [13-03, 11:25] MG1 when you hit the brakes, it shoots cum at pedestrian - bukkake
[12-03, 19:06] meme405 That e30 is so mexiflushed I thought we were in albuquerque
[12-03, 23:03] rb when i see a modded element. I have nothing but respect. either the parents kicked him out or the guy is killing hookers in the back |
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07-11-2020, 01:36 PM
#5443 | i like gifs
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Originally Posted by westopher It all points to americas biggest problematic personality trait. Arrogance. They can't be told they are wrong, and are willing to die to "prove" they are right. | You've essentially summed up the entire Republican party.
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07-11-2020, 04:01 PM
#5444 | I help report spam so I got this! <--
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Originally Posted by westopher It all points to americas biggest problematic personality trait. Arrogance. They can't be told they are wrong, and are willing to die to "prove" they are right. People like that still end up wrong, but they won't live long enough to see the day. | Exhibit B |
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07-11-2020, 04:19 PM
#5445 | JDMEK9Mod | DogWhisperer
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Originally Posted by Nlkko | "We should still be compassionate whether we agree with someone's beliefs or not. Someone has passed away and we should have some compassion towards that."
That part of the quote pissed me off. This isn't about BELIEFS. It's action vs inaction and actions vs the WRONG actions. The virus doesn't give a shit about your beliefs or your freedoms. Freedom doesn't absolve you from responsibility. This is what Americans fail to comprehend.
In this case, his actions had some dire consequences. I sincerely hope no one else was affected by him. Man, what a freaking dumpster fire of a country.
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07-11-2020, 04:20 PM
#5446 | I help report spam so I got this! <--
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Texas patient in 30s dies after reportedly citing ‘mistake’ of attending ‘COVID party'
"“COVID parties” are get-togethers involving a person who has been diagnosed with the coronavirus, with attendees supposedly gathering as a dare."
"“Just before the patient died, they looked at their nurse and said, ‘I think I made a mistake, I thought this was a hoax, but it’s not,’” Dr. Jane Appleby said in a video posted by the news station."
Some fuckery out there.
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07-12-2020, 04:30 PM
#5447 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Two headlines today:
Perfect time to re-open Disney World |
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07-12-2020, 05:35 PM
#5448 | Waxin’ Punks
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer I know this may be a dumbed down point of view but it’s pretty amazing that arguably the greatest nation the world has ever known will crumble because people are too dumb to wear fucking masks | Quote:
Originally Posted by westopher It all points to americas biggest problematic personality trait. Arrogance. They can't be told they are wrong, and are willing to die to "prove" they are right. People like that still end up wrong, but they won't live long enough to see the day. | Just like in any company/organization/culture the problem starts at the top.
I have to believe the numbers would be vastly better in the US if Obama was still President. Too many mouth breathers read posts like Trump’s above and accept it as absolute truth without doing any personal due diligence. Truly is the blind leading the blind for the most part down south rn.
Anyone else proud to be Canadian these days? I know I am.
If you drive like an asshole, you probably are one. Quote:
Originally Posted by MG1 punkwax, I don't care what your friends say about you, you are gold! | Quote:
Originally Posted by mikemhg What do your farts sound like then? | |
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07-12-2020, 05:37 PM
#5449 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Originally Posted by punkwax Just like in any company/organization/culture the problem starts at the top.
I have to believe the numbers would be vastly better in the US if Obama was still President.
Anyone else proud to be Canadian these days? I know I am. | I am proud that Canadians elected competent leadership. Things would likely be quite different if things went the other way. Canada would probably be one giant Florida |
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07-12-2020, 06:26 PM
#5450 | Waxin’ Punks
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^ Damn man that’s harsh. You’ve been gone too long if you truly believe that. Florida?? Ouch! lol
Jokes aside, regardless of leadership I believe the citizens of Canada are wise enough overall to handle this situation responsibly.
If you drive like an asshole, you probably are one. Quote:
Originally Posted by MG1 punkwax, I don't care what your friends say about you, you are gold! | Quote:
Originally Posted by mikemhg What do your farts sound like then? | |
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