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I agree that people with common sense can have a good idea when is a good time to use PPE or not.
However, the phrase "common sense" is a misnomer, as probably less than half the population has it.
That's what strict regulations are for - we can't rely on people of average intelligence to determine when is a good time to wear a mask or how to social distance properly, because the bottom 49% just won't get it right. They'll fuck things up for everyone. Strict mask rules will get EVERYONE, including the dummies, to wear them at all times, and will lower the rate of infection.
HK just extended the strict rules by another week, and we're down from >100 new cases per day, to around 70 lately. The rules SEEM to be working (we won't know for sure for another few weeks), because people are following them.
It's really the only way to survive until a vaccine is created and distributed.
An interesting article, stating that somewhere in the area of 50-60% of the population may already have had some form of immunity to this virus prior to it even existing.
It's got links to the study, which was published in July. Check it out.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
Amazing to think that Toronto has mandated masks for public indoor spaces to even include common areas in condos while Vancouver is perfectly happy raw dogging it.
Literally haven't seen a single person without a mask inside a Toronto store / mall in a very long time now.
-watching the daily Covid briefing from Dr. Bonnie and Premier Horgan.
-hmm, the provincial government is using more "creative solutions" to encourage young people to "do better".
Horgan said: " Hello Deadpool? We need you now". "Ryan, I can give you my number".
Horgan also mentioned Seth Rogan, the actor from the movie "The Interview" and "Neighbors 1", "Neighbors 2".
Social media influencers.
It's cringe-worthy at best.
As an entire society, we've deteriorated to the point where everything fucking thing needs to be 'finessed' into a way that doesn't offend anyone. You're the authority figures of the entire province for fuck's sake.
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The people that will be influenced by those guys aren’t the real problem. It’s the people that think Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan (yes I know those tow are totally different examples but are both gods to separate groups of morons) are cutting edge media and the “Jesus never wore a mask” boomers that are the problem. You need to get Jesus to post some shit to his IG page or something.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5
Originally Posted by boostfever
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
The people that will be influenced by those guys aren’t the real problem. It’s the people that think Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan (yes I know those tow are totally different examples but are both gods to separate groups of morons) are cutting edge media and the “Jesus never wore a mask” boomers that are the problem. You need to get Jesus to post some shit to his IG page or something.
85 cases today. You fucking fucks, you really fucked it up now. Fuck.
I don't get why you're so upset.
Bonnie Henry is going to ask them nicely to obey orders (if they feel up to it) and NDP are currently recruiting social "influencers" to "spread the word"
I had an earlier post back in April or May saying Dr. Henry was overrated. Well I'm going to sit on the sideline now with my popcorn and watch this mess unfold. She continues to hold her position that masks will make people think they're protected and as a result not social distance. How patronizing.
Bonnie Henry is going to ask them nicely to obey orders (if they feel up to it) and NDP are currently recruiting social "influencers" to "spread the word"
Bonnie Henry is going to ask them nicely to obey orders (if they feel up to it) and NDP are currently recruiting social "influencers" to "spread the word"