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11-07-2020, 10:48 PM
#6751 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Originally Posted by 320icar So, no dog walks with my parents? Can someone give me a firm yes or no, if the immediate household persons applies to both indoor and outdoor, or only indoor. | Quote:
Originally Posted by 320icar Exactly lol. It’s unclear so everyone I know is all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | No one can give you a firm yes or no because no where in the order does it talk about walking a dog.
It's up to your interpretation what it means when the PHO states "Socialize only with those in your immediate household. No gatherings of any size."
sauce: |
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11-07-2020, 11:39 PM
#6752 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Originally Posted by 320icar So, no dog walks with my parents? Can someone give me a firm yes or no, if the immediate household persons applies to both indoor and outdoor, or only indoor. | If you live with them yes, otherwise no. Use Skype for a couple weeks
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11-08-2020, 02:32 AM
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Originally Posted by fishCak3s
It frustrates me that masks are still not mandated; even though I know even if it is, not everyone is going to wear it.
But I do know people who are not wearing it is because it's not mandatory/required.
| Dr. Henry: hey no gatherings at home* *place of worship, your kids school cafeteria and gyms are ...street parties let's not address those
bring on the New Zealand style containment...not this half-assed 'pretty please' request/recommendation that's gotten us to daily 500+
we could've have hunkered down for a few weeks, but nah it's better we drag it out for a year or more; wonder what's more cost effective?
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11-08-2020, 08:21 AM
#6754 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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I agree. People have so much flippin excuse thinking they're better than others.
Weak leadership couple with entitled bunch gets us to where we are now.
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11-08-2020, 09:20 AM
#6755 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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As someone who is still furloughed because PHO won't give green light to reopen my work, their half ass response to refuse to take hard measure to reduce spread really pisses me off. They refuse to take hard measure yet still won't give green light to reopen some of the businesses.
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11-08-2020, 09:30 AM
#6756 | Banned (ABWS)?
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I should stay off facebook. Reading some of the comments make my head hurt.
Apparently the virus is still a hoax so the government can control us... |
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11-08-2020, 09:49 AM
#6757 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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^^ just like how Donald Trump won the election. And yes thanks Hogan and the NDP
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11-08-2020, 10:24 AM
#6758 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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I can't believe I'm righting to fall on the "right wing" side of all of this.
My local hot yoga studio I've been going to for a decade now has closed down completely due to COVID. I've seen so many of my clients whittle down their employee count over the last few months here, most notably Cathay Pacific. The HK protests, followed by COVID has pretty much decimated their Canadian operations. Another client of mine the BC Lions, some guys on the team haven't been paid in almost a year now.
We're privileged to work in our white collar jobs from home, so many of us on Revscene have been economically unaffected by these shutdowns. One needs to show empathy to those that have, I keep saying it, but we need to plan for some type of functioning future with this virus.
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11-08-2020, 10:50 AM
#6759 | My homepage has been set to RS
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If we want to plan for a "functioning" future with this virus and not free for all it like America there need's to be major advancements in testing.
Obviously if there's a major breakthrough with a vaccine that won't be necessary but if we want some semblance of normality there needs to be a quick Covid test businesses and establishments can use to allow people to enter their premises.
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11-08-2020, 11:47 AM
#6760 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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the problem is moreso with peoples way of life, not businesses. i mean... a hot yoga studio or a spin class *shouldn't* be open right now, especially if droplet transmission is an extremely high risk. but i mean what % of the pop actually does hot yoga.... but the big "white tent" weddings, kids going to parties, dumbass white people holding rallies, THATS THE PROBLEM.
wasn't it shown that sit down restaurants were actually quite safe, yet pubs/clubs that inherently promote movement, socialization and often lack of good judgement were the big risk. but aren't they all clumped together and still open?
i dunno im just rambling. we need to hand out big ass $2000 fines for the people blatantly disobeying. police/bylaw judgement can be used i think. some people deserve warnings. others deserve jailtime
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11-08-2020, 11:57 AM
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simply look at some of the success stories or nations that haven't completely lost control
how did they manage days weeks months without new cases and/or flare-ups? what are we not doing? are we less funded? maybe it's un-Canadian to have enforcement?
BC rejected the health canada contact tracing app few months ago, so what's our strategy instead? not posting school exposures in the VCH area without identifying names because confidentiality...?
just days ago they rejected the idea of region-specific measures so at least there's some progress; but for every day we're sitting on an idea we're losing a few lives, a handful more hospital admittance and hundreds and hundreds to trace taxing manpower-- so it's time to call this reactive approach as grossly insufficient
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11-08-2020, 11:58 AM
#6762 | Banned (ABWS)?
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Originally Posted by mikemhg We're privileged to work in our white collar jobs from home, so many of us on Revscene have been economically unaffected by these shutdowns. One needs to show empathy to those that have, I keep saying it, but we need to plan for some type of functioning future with this virus. | You never know... I was working at a smaller firm that didn't even have the infrastructure to WFH. People were being laid off left and right and I ditched the sinking ship before they had a chance to let me go too. It was looking pretty bad to the point the boss was really trying to keep the staff busy but there was really nothing to do.
Then I worked for a large global firm, and within 2 months, slashed my entire department. A ton of people including my recruiter, supervisor, and his supervisor all let go. It made me realize really how much of a statistic you really are when you're in such a big firm.
I just recently started working again last month. What a year... 3 places in one year, just gotta keep trucking along and never give up hope even if you lose your job.
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11-08-2020, 12:02 PM
#6763 | RS Veteran
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A little clarification of the restrictions courtesy of Ministry of Health. I think they to be clear in their communication on Monday.
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11-08-2020, 12:16 PM
#6764 | Banned (ABWS)?
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Edit: nvm, above post has info that superseded my post.
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11-08-2020, 01:38 PM
#6765 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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Originally Posted by AzNightmare You never know... I was working at a smaller firm that didn't even have the infrastructure to WFH. People were being laid off left and right and I ditched the sinking ship before they had a chance to let me go too. It was looking pretty bad to the point the boss was really trying to keep the staff busy but there was really nothing to do.
Then I worked for a large global firm, and within 2 months, slashed my entire department. A ton of people including my recruiter, supervisor, and his supervisor all let go. It made me realize really how much of a statistic you really are when you're in such a big firm.
I just recently started working again last month. What a year... 3 places in one year, just gotta keep trucking along and never give up hope even if you lose your job. | I actually wish they laid me off with so many others.. At least I would have clear mind on what actions I need to take next.
Being furloughed, yet I get consistent personal update from GM that I am valued and my job is secure as long as we can reopen the business. We were ready to reopen in the middle of summer, then the spike hit, everything postponed, same thing recent month.. now, there's no way we will be reopening in 2020.. maybe even 2021 is in the shadow unless vaccine is made available.
As for other nations with successful stories of containing corona virus, it will never work in North America. People have totally different mentality and expectations on privacy. Contact tracing in Canada is joke when compared to surveillance nations like S. Korea, Taiwan, etc.. Taiwan so close to epicenter, has had over 200+ days of no locally transmitted case, and S. Korea, with double the population of Canada, is taking a hard measures when they hit 100+ cases per day which is equivalent of 50 cases in Canada. Totally different mindsets, expectations and priorities..
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11-08-2020, 03:35 PM
#6766 | has a homepage?!
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I was downtown today. Didn't know there was a weekly anti mask/lockdown protest march every Sunday on Robson.
Was checking on the rules too, here's what I found.
Question: Also while we are at it - outside can ppl, say, sit on a beach or walk with someone outside their safe six?
Answer: Under this new order, there are to be no social gatherings of any size with anyone other than your immediate household. That includes outdoors or in restaurants.
I know there has been some confusion on what immediate household means. To give some context, these would be the people you spend the most time with and are physically close to. These would be people who are part of your regular routine so household members, immediate family, a close friend or the people you have regular close contact with (for example a co-parent who lives outside the household)
Those who live alone cannot host gatherings, but can continue to see members of what they would consider their immediate household (as described above) at home, outside or at a restaurant.
Going for a walk is not considered a social gathering, but British Columbians need to be vigilant that a walk doesn't turn into a group of people meeting outside.
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11-08-2020, 05:54 PM
#6767 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Originally Posted by Mikoyan I was downtown today. Didn't know there was a weekly anti mask/lockdown protest march every Sunday on Robson.
Was checking on the rules too, here's what I found.
Question: Also while we are at it - outside can ppl, say, sit on a beach or walk with someone outside their safe six?
Answer: Under this new order, there are to be no social gatherings of any size with anyone other than your immediate household. That includes outdoors or in restaurants.
I know there has been some confusion on what immediate household means. To give some context, these would be the people you spend the most time with and are physically close to. These would be people who are part of your regular routine so household members, immediate family, a close friend or the people you have regular close contact with (for example a co-parent who lives outside the household)
Those who live alone cannot host gatherings, but can continue to see members of what they would consider their immediate household (as described above) at home, outside or at a restaurant.
Going for a walk is not considered a social gathering, but British Columbians need to be vigilant that a walk doesn't turn into a group of people meeting outside. | So basically they're counting on people to just use their discretion to "do the right thing"
Good luck with that
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11-08-2020, 06:22 PM
#6768 | Say! Say! Say!
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Originally Posted by TouringTeg | I thought it was pretty straight-forward.
They just want people to stay the fuck home, to not meet people that you don't live with, and to only go out for essential needs and for work.
They can't address every situation, so this is where common sense needs to be used. Then again, look at where we are now assuming people had a brain to begin with.
__________________ Quote: Owner of Vansterdam's 420th thanks. OH YEAUHHH. | Quote:
Originally Posted by 89blkcivic Did I tell you guys black is my favourite colour? My Ridgeline is black. My Honda Fit is black. Wish my dick was black........ LOL. | |
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11-08-2020, 06:37 PM
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except it's not
immediate household would show an identical address on your ID
yet they're clarifying it now as: Quote:
These would be the people you spend the most time with and are physically close to. These would be people who are part of your regular routine so household members, immediate family, a close friend or the people you have regular close contact with (for example a co-parent who lives outside the household)
| they gave a vague af order on a weekend and people just want confirmation so they dont get fined $200-2000
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11-08-2020, 06:40 PM
#6770 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Yeah the use of the term "household" is a pretty bad one to use when it can include "lives outside the household"
There must be a better term for "the people you have regular close contact with"
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11-08-2020, 07:40 PM
#6771 | I subscribe to Revscene
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp
There must be a better term for "the people you have regular close contact with" | ya - it's fuck-buddy
this is clearly written to address significant others that you don't live with.
trouble w writing these orders, is they have to be run through the political correctness filters.
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Originally Posted by westopher replace that wood for who gets producer the wood. | |
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11-08-2020, 07:55 PM
#6772 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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Sounds like they just rephrased their last guideline of keeping things within your 6 person social circle, so ridiculous
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11-08-2020, 07:59 PM
#6773 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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People of rs, please just stay home for 2 weeks if possible. I will miss my parents picking up my kids but I, for one, well take this sacrifice to keep them safe. Even the school system is screwed up with their no measure-measure. As teachers, they should force everyone to wear their masks properly but they'd rather tell them it's ok for their mask to be under their chin.
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11-08-2020, 08:02 PM
#6774 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Originally Posted by The Producer ya - it's fuck-buddy
this is clearly written to address significant others that you don't live with.
trouble w writing these orders, is they have to be run through the political correctness filters. | You refer to your mom as fuck buddy if she doesn't live with you? |
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11-08-2020, 08:21 PM
#6775 | I subscribe to Revscene
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na - I'm not doing this. I've mostly managed to stay out of this thread until now.
stay safe everybody - and support small business as much as you're able.
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Originally Posted by westopher replace that wood for who gets producer the wood. |
Last edited by The Producer; 11-08-2020 at 08:36 PM.
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