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Have you guys read the articles out with basically every major publication of all these people that are "shocked" that they weren't eligible for CERB because they made less than $5,000 net income?
People are absolutely bonkers. How the hell do you not know the difference between gross revenue and net income?!
These people tried to scam the system hoping they don't get caught but now all are all whining and crying. I bet the majority of these people claimed all these deductions to lower their taxes but now they're regretting it. I bet a bunch of these people refiled as well with these deductions being reduced.
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Originally Posted by pastarocket
-wonder if it's better to tell my parents to wait to see if the Pfizer vaccine is indeed safe after seeing any news reports about side effects.
Side effects will happen. There’s a risk with vaccines. If the risk of complications of the vaccine were larger than the risks of the virus, it wouldn’t be approved. People are trying to create hysteria by comparing the worst case scenario of the vaccine against the best case scenario of the virus. It’s like suggesting you jump from a 5th story window during an apartment fire in your kitchen instead of walking down the stairs because there might be a fire in the stairwell.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5
Originally Posted by boostfever
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
Dr Kory is the president of FLCCC. A large and growing group of nearly 100 physicians who work with covid patients in critical care. Himself having thousands of hours experience dealing with critically ill covid patients personally.
As mentioned the group has over 2000 peer reviewed publications.
I think he's qualified enough for his opinion to be taken seriously.
These doctors encourage the repurposing of treatments that have been in circulation for decades because the side effects are well known and documented. Of course the patents have expired on them years ago, so they're not as marketable as a drug like remdesevir, which Fauci and the media had lauded as practically groundbreaking with far less significant results.
The FLCCC Alliance
As a group of colleagues with over 200 years of combined experience in Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, as well as long-standing shared interests in developing effective treatments for critical illnesses including sepsis, we, the FLCCC Alliance, formed a working group devoted to creating a treatment protocol against COVID-19. The protocol we devised, called MATH+ is intended for use in the hospitalized patient, with an emphasis on early initiation — as soon as the patient develops a need for supplemental oxygen.
You claim they have 100 members he claims they have a combined 200 years of experience. That's an average of 2 years each. LOL.
This doctor claims you don't need a mask and corona is no worse than a common cold. So welfare stop being a sheep and listen to the doctor. Take off your mask and get you wife to take hers off too.
They are understood to have had an anaphylactoid reaction, which tends to involve a skin rash, breathlessness and sometimes a drop in blood pressure.
Unfortunately this is me. I’ve always had low blood pressure, paired with a fear of needles = adrenaline spike. Every time I get a needle (from immunization in school to a local freezing shot) I have an 80-90% chance of PTFO’ing. Pretty embarrassing
Have you guys read the articles out with basically every major publication of all these people that are "shocked" that they weren't eligible for CERB because they made less than $5,000 net income?
People are absolutely bonkers. How the hell do you not know the difference between gross revenue and net income?!
These people tried to scam the system hoping they don't get caught but now all are all whining and crying. I bet the majority of these people claimed all these deductions to lower their taxes but now they're regretting it. I bet a bunch of these people refiled as well with these deductions being reduced.
^^ apparently, in initial CERB application. They did not clarify net or gross. Not the applicant's fault.
There's an obvious different between gross REVENUE and net INCOME.
if you've ever been self-employed, you know this.
Originally Posted by 320icar
CRA says people asked to return CERB will not be charged penalties or interest
Some Canadians say they were shocked and alarmed to learn they may have to pay back thousands of dollars in pandemic benefits after receiving letters from the Canada Revenue Agency last week suggesting they may not have qualified for the Canada emergency response benefit in the first place.
The CRA is encouraging Canadians who got the letters to pay back the CERB by Dec. 31 so it does not negatively affect their tax returns.
Recipients of the letters have told CBC News they are being targeted because they used their gross income, including expenses. For a self-employed person that could include work-related cell phone bills or equipment needed to do their work.
Alison Griffiths says she was shocked to find that the CRA didn't count those expenses towards her overall income.
"I was completely taken aback, and I thought, OK, this is a typo," said Griffiths, an author of books on personal finance and a former Toronto Star financial columnist and CBC host.
"I immediately went back to the paperwork that I had copied and went back onto the internet. And I thought OK, this definitely is a mistake because I did not see the word 'net' anywhere."
Griffiths, who considers herself financially literate, applied for the CERB for herself, her husband and her daughter, who recently graduated university and receives disability benefits.
She said that the government of Canada website stated that in order to qualify for the $2,000 monthly payment, each person in her family had to have earned at least $5,000 in self-employment and/or employment income over the previous 12 months.
She said that, after receiving the letter from the CRA and combing through several pages and menus on the government of Canada website, she was able to find a mention of the net income measure.
The landing page detailing the eligibility requirements on still does not mention the word 'net' when referring to income.
Pedram Nasseh, a chartered professional accountant, said his office has been getting emails, text messages and phone calls from worried clients who have received the letters from the CRA telling them they do not qualify for the CERB they already have received.
"Panicked. People are panicked about that and they're really, really worried, because people have spent the money to live," he said. "They lost jobs and lost their business and they're really panicked."
Nasseh said many of those who applied for CERB assumed that gross income could be used in the application because no clear distinction was made between net and gross income.
"It was not clear at the time of applying, at the very beginning of this pandemic, when CERB was introduced," he said.
'It seems like the rules were changed last minute'
Tony Carlucci, a musician who also received the CRA letter, told CBC News that his industry has been shut down since the beginning of the pandemic and he needed the CERB to survive right from the outset.
"My heart was pounding and I felt like someone just punched me in the stomach. But ever since then, I still can't wrap my head around the letter," he said. "I'm perplexed, to be honest with you, and very upset."
Unable to get a clear understanding from the government website, Carlucci sought expert advice and was told that the benefit probably would calculate his eligibility using the net income line from his previous tax return.
After receiving the CRA letter, Carlucci said he learned that two of his sources of income — a small union pension and some rental income — did not count toward his net income calculation.
"It seems like the rules were changed last minute. To me, that's what it feels like," he said.
Nasseh said the timing of the letters could not be worse; people have lost their jobs or have seen their incomes significantly reduced because of the pandemic and Christmas is only a few weeks away. On top of that, accountants are busy preparing for the year's end.
He said the CRA should "wait for people to file their taxes" before sending the letters out. "At that time, if CRA is not happy, they could ask for the evidence," he said.
"We're in the middle of the pandemic and a lot of people are in need of the money and now they have to deal with this."
The CRA told CBC News that it is taking an "educational approach" with the letters, explaining who qualifies and who does not based on their income. The agency said the request to pay the money back by December 31 is only a recommendation meant to avoid confusion on tax returns and should not be confused with a payment deadline.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told the House of Commons during question period Wednesday that the CERB and other emergency payments established swiftly in the early days of the pandemic are now being verified "on the back end," and that people who made "good-faith mistakes" with regard to net income will not be penalized.
"The rules did not change, but we indicated to Canadians that we will work with them if people made good-faith mistakes," he said.
It is not clear what Trudeau meant when he said Canadians who applied for the CERB using their gross income will not be penalized, but the CRA statement to CBC News suggests the benefit payments will have to be returned regardless.
"It is important to note that Canadians who applied for the CERB in good faith, and are later required to pay money back, will not be charged with penalties or interest," the statement said.
"The CRA is sympathetic to the fact that, for some individuals, repayment of these amounts may have financial implications. For this reason, payment arrangement parameters have been expanded to give Canadians more time and flexibility to repay based on their ability to pay."
What's even more embarrassing is that first person is a financial journalist. She applied for her, her husband, and their daughter (with disability). You're telling me that a family of 3 is surviving a WHOLE YEAR on less than $15,000?
Clearly someone is either incompetent at their job or lying on their taxes. I'm betting it's both.
Here's another guy that apparently has to "sell his tools and truck"
You claim they have 100 members he claims they have a combined 200 years of experience. That's an average of 2 years each. LOL.
This doctor claims you don't need a mask and corona is no worse than a common cold. So welfare stop being a sheep and listen to the doctor. Take off your mask and get you wife to take hers off too.
The 200 years experience is between the founders of the organization.
Everyone has the ability to make of information what they will. Some come to this thread to offer and receive that information to form their opinions, while others come to shit post, mock and tactically attempt to disprove anything that doesn't fit their narrow preconceived view.
Where do you honestly think you fall in that spectrum?
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
No I'm glad you're sharing the info, and I'm glad there's a potential treatment for it.
Just don't get ahead of yourself with pinning hopes on this drug, because it fits the tired conspiracy of "they're not going to use it because they won't make money off it". We've heard that a million times with supposed cancer cures.
Nobody wants Coronavirus to stay for 1 second longer than it has to. If a $2 drug cures it, you bet your ass almost every country in the world will be pushing to use it, regardless of what drug companies say.
I love that Horgan is spending a billion dollars to give everyone $500 instead of using that money to do onsite testing at all these care homes and hiring an army of cleaners and assistants to support these places
But hey, instead of potentially saving your grandma I’m gonna go out and buy somthing absolutely retardedly frivolous like a $500 bottle of champagne.
(I don’t think my wife and I will get $1000 total given our incomes but if we do I think I’m gonna be donating at least $500 of it back to BC children’s or BC cancer because I don’t need $500 to be perfectly honest ffs..)
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
Willing to sell a family member for a few minutes on RS
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If they were just gonna hand out money they should have put the scale way lower.
1k to a 125k household means nothing and as you said it will just get wasted unless someone turns around and gives it to charity. I do think there might have been a stipulation that it had to go directly to the public however as it was federal funds given to the province to distribute. At least it should have been given to actual low income families and in a greater amount would have been way better distribution.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5
Originally Posted by boostfever
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
I love that Horgan is spending a billion dollars to give everyone $500 instead of using that money to do onsite testing at all these care homes and hiring an army of cleaners and assistants to support these places
But hey, instead of potentially saving your grandma I’m gonna go out and buy somthing absolutely retardedly frivolous like a $500 bottle of champagne.
(I don’t think my wife and I will get $1000 total given our incomes but if we do I think I’m gonna be donating at least $500 of it back to BC children’s or BC cancer because I don’t need $500 to be perfectly honest ffs..)
Well don't count on our federal government, who've thrown money like confetti in every direction except where it matters most, being much help in that regard either.
I really want not to believe that our leaders don't care about these people who are dying, but it's a notion I'm finding more and more difficult to contend with..
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
Last week CTV was reporting 80% of Covid deaths in Canada have occurred in LTC, with an average age of 84. The total was under 12k deaths at that time, leaving the remaining 2100 representing 0.005% of our population. Better get that pharma shot and hope you don't grow up.
^ Thing is how many would have died just naturally anyhow? Far as I know, 82.5 is avg lifespan in Canada. I've always wondered about this particular stat - avg age of Covid death in LTC at 84.
Vaccines are needed to eliminate the virus... Everyone becomes immune, the virus can't spread, old people (and everyone else) are safe.
You're talking about 12K deaths like it's nothing
That is the idea, yes. But there's no evidence that the vaccines thus far offer immunity.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
The 200 years experience is between the founders of the organization.
Everyone has the ability to make of information what they will. Some come to this thread to offer and receive that information to form their opinions, while others come to shit post, mock and tactically attempt to disprove anything that doesn't fit their narrow preconceived view.
Where do you honestly think you fall in that spectrum?
Everyone does not have the ability to understand the information. That's why we have experts. When 99.9 percent of the doctors say one thing you believe the .1 percent. How much hydroxychloroquine do you have stock pilled?
WASHINGTON (AP) — A group of doctors at a U.S. Senate hearing chaired by Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, of Wisconsin, touted unproven alternative treatments to COVID-19 on Tuesday, even as medical experts derided the testimony and Democrats largely skipped the proceeding.
Johnson and the witnesses he called accused the medical establishment and health agencies of failing to explore and promote the use of relatively inexpensive drugs previously approved for other uses as early interventions against the coronavirus, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.
“They’re safe and they’re cheap and they just might be incredibly effective,” said Johnson, who claimed that “tens of thousands of people have lost their lives” because government agencies have focused on expensive “silver bullet” solutions instead of medications already in use for other diseases.
Dr. Pierre Kory, a pulmonary specialist at Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center, touted Ivermectin as a “wonder drug.” It is used to treat parasitic infections, but the National Institutes of Health has recommended against using it for COVID-19 outside of clinical trials.
“We are telling the world this is the solution to COVID-19,” Kory said.
Others cited hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug touted by President Donald Trump but that the Food and Drug Administration said was ineffective against COVID-19. The FDA revoked its emergency use authorization for the drug as a COVID-19 treatment this summer, saying the risks of taking it could outweigh the benefits.
The hearing held by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee drew criticism from doctors and Democrats.
“We are facing a dangerous barrage of misinformation that ignores evidence and dismisses the scientific process, undermining our national response and belief in science,” said a group of medical and scientific experts in advance of the hearing.
Michigan Sen. Gary Peters, the top Democrat on the panel, said the hearing was “playing politics with public health." Peters appeared at the hearing to read his opening statement and then declined to participate further.
Besides Johnson, only two other senators, both Republicans, asked questions of the witnesses.
Johnson’s witnesses denied being anti-vaccines or anti-science, claiming instead that the government and medical establishment were neglecting alternative and cheaper therapies and early interventions.
Dr. Ramin Oskoui, a cardiologist at Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C., said practicing physicians were being shamed for using alternative therapies, calling it “medical McCarthyism.”
Johnson said the reaction to his hearings was evidence of the closemindedness of the news media, Democrats, the medical establishment and government health agencies.
“It amazes me how these hearings have been attacked,” said Johnson, whose chairmanship of the Senate’s homeland security committee will end in January.
Johnson also repeated his claims that the government overreacted to the pandemic, hurting the economy.
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
^ Thing is how many would have died just naturally anyhow? Far as I know, 82.5 is avg lifespan in Canada. I've always wondered about this particular stat - avg age of Covid death in LTC at 84.
That’s how it’s been from the beggining across the board. The average age of a covid related death is OLDER than the average age of death..
Deaths are obviously a terrible end result but I find it somewhat amusing that for every little thing whether it be
You cant go see family, this is an unprecedented time!!
You can’t gather with friends at a restaurant, these are unprecedented times!
You better wear your mask during every second of the day, these are unprecedented times!!!
However when it comes to old people dieing older than they normal would otherwise? SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!
I’m being a dick but it kinda stands to these unprecedented things are going to happen which are terrible, but almost unavoidable.
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
Everyone does not have the ability to understand the information. That's why we have experts. When 99.9 percent of the doctors say one thing you believe the .1 percent. How much hydroxychloroquine do you have stock pilled?
WASHINGTON (AP) — A group of doctors at a U.S. Senate hearing chaired by Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, of Wisconsin, touted unproven alternative treatments to COVID-19 on Tuesday, even as medical experts derided the testimony and Democrats largely skipped the proceeding.
Johnson and the witnesses he called accused the medical establishment and health agencies of failing to explore and promote the use of relatively inexpensive drugs previously approved for other uses as early interventions against the coronavirus, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.
“They’re safe and they’re cheap and they just might be incredibly effective,” said Johnson, who claimed that “tens of thousands of people have lost their lives” because government agencies have focused on expensive “silver bullet” solutions instead of medications already in use for other diseases.
Dr. Pierre Kory, a pulmonary specialist at Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center, touted Ivermectin as a “wonder drug.” It is used to treat parasitic infections, but the National Institutes of Health has recommended against using it for COVID-19 outside of clinical trials.
“We are telling the world this is the solution to COVID-19,” Kory said.
Others cited hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug touted by President Donald Trump but that the Food and Drug Administration said was ineffective against COVID-19. The FDA revoked its emergency use authorization for the drug as a COVID-19 treatment this summer, saying the risks of taking it could outweigh the benefits.
The hearing held by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee drew criticism from doctors and Democrats.
“We are facing a dangerous barrage of misinformation that ignores evidence and dismisses the scientific process, undermining our national response and belief in science,” said a group of medical and scientific experts in advance of the hearing.
Michigan Sen. Gary Peters, the top Democrat on the panel, said the hearing was “playing politics with public health." Peters appeared at the hearing to read his opening statement and then declined to participate further.
Besides Johnson, only two other senators, both Republicans, asked questions of the witnesses.
Johnson’s witnesses denied being anti-vaccines or anti-science, claiming instead that the government and medical establishment were neglecting alternative and cheaper therapies and early interventions.
Dr. Ramin Oskoui, a cardiologist at Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C., said practicing physicians were being shamed for using alternative therapies, calling it “medical McCarthyism.”
Johnson said the reaction to his hearings was evidence of the closemindedness of the news media, Democrats, the medical establishment and government health agencies.
“It amazes me how these hearings have been attacked,” said Johnson, whose chairmanship of the Senate’s homeland security committee will end in January.
Johnson also repeated his claims that the government overreacted to the pandemic, hurting the economy.
If you think there's been anywhere near a 99.9% consensus from experts regarding treatments for this virus, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I think you may be interested in.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
Immune reactions are unique to the individual. Extrapolate a single case to make inference about the whole population is statistically criminal.
I'm curious I thought you dumb fucks MAGAs wanted to support small businesses, and would rather die for the economy? Wasn't that your schtick when the initial lockdown happens? If everyone getting vaccinated with a marginal number of adverse reaction to the vaccine means reopening economy, isn't this the outcome you wanted?
Or is it because it's supported by science, i.e. libtards, now you're not gonna do it? Aren't nana dying to get out of the house?