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01-03-2021, 07:28 AM
#8201 | My dinner reheated before my turbo spooled
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Originally Posted by RiceIntegraRS If you are at all worried about it then why risk it? Sounds like u've already come up with a pretty logical theory and since your wife is already gonna be home sounds like a no brainer to me.
Ive kept my kid out of daycare cause i 100% dont trust the other kids and their parents to be clean and safe. |
Beggars can't be choosers in my case. Theres like a 3 year waitlist. With covid here...I'm hoping I can snag an open daycare spot in the Vancouver downtown area if anyone knows any.
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01-03-2021, 09:37 AM
#8202 | ninja edits your posts without your knowledge
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Originally Posted by welfare You know if you want to point out the flaws in my comparison, or my posts, that's fine. I can agree. But there's no need to be a condescending dick when you do it.
I think I've been fairly respectful in my posts. If you actually wanted to engage in thoughtful discussion, I'd think you could try and do the same. | Dude, you make it so hard with your posts. Its tiring pointing out why what you're saying is wrong (and dangerous) and do you know what the worst thing is?
You just keep going on posting after saying the same thing.
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01-03-2021, 10:42 AM
#8203 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Originally Posted by welfare Yeah jeez I didn't realize it was so difficult to just show a little decency with the people you disagree with. I guess common courtesy isn't so common anymore.
And yes, that was a (obvious) joke  | Stop looking for sympathy when you know damn well you post absolute trash. Come on man |
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01-03-2021, 06:09 PM
#8204 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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These guys DGAF about COVID.
They were open today when I drove by. Won't be visiting this joint anytime soon.
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01-03-2021, 07:37 PM
#8205 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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Paging JDMDreams ...
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01-03-2021, 07:50 PM
#8206 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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Originally Posted by bcedhk | Quote:
Vancouver police said they were called to dozens of events violating the province’s ban on social gatherings, and handed out four fines for $2,300, including the one to the Cold Tea Restaurant.
| Pathetic enforcement strikes again. That seems like salt in the wounds of the restaurants that are trying to be safe and follow the guidelines but got screwed at the last second by the policy that was "hinted" at.
__________________ 1991 Toyota Celica GTFour RC // 2007 Toyota Rav4 V6 // 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee
1992 Toyota Celica GT-S ["sold"] \\ 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee CRD [sold] \\ 2000 Jeep Cherokee [sold] \\ 1997 Honda Prelude [sold] \\ 1992 Jeep YJ [sold/crashed] \\ 1987 Mazda RX-7 [sold] \\ 1987 Toyota Celica GT-S [crushed] Quote:
Originally Posted by maksimizer half those dudes are hotter than ,my GF. | Quote:
Originally Posted by RevYouUp reading this thread is like waiting for goku to charge up a spirit bomb in dragon ball z | Quote:
Originally Posted by Good_KarMa OH thank god. I thought u had sex with my wife. :cry: | |
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01-04-2021, 02:24 PM
#8207 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Dr. Bonnie's latest update for the past four days since NYE:
2211 new cases
45 people dead
76 people in ICU
Go Canucks go!
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01-04-2021, 03:40 PM
#8208 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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UK in full lockdown again, 1 day after reopening schools |
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01-04-2021, 06:16 PM
#8209 | BANISHED~! to the Fight Club
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its real , overblown, cases dont mean shit , PCR test is a JOKE.
not even worthy of being called a pandemic.
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01-04-2021, 06:25 PM
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positivity rate is going up despite lower testing over the holidays
gathering ban will be extended at least until family day/chinese new year?
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01-04-2021, 06:39 PM
#8211 | Waxin’ Punks
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Originally Posted by skidz CONTROLAVIRUS
its real , overblown, cases dont mean shit , PCR test is a JOKE.
not even worthy of being called a pandemic. | Insanely strong username to post content ratio
If you drive like an asshole, you probably are one. Quote:
Originally Posted by MG1 punkwax, I don't care what your friends say about you, you are gold! | Quote:
Originally Posted by mikemhg What do your farts sound like then? | |
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01-04-2021, 06:47 PM
#8212 | Ebisu Boss
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Originally Posted by underscore Pathetic enforcement strikes again. That seems like salt in the wounds of the restaurants that are trying to be safe and follow the guidelines but got screwed at the last second by the policy that was "hinted" at. | Sigh, I can guarantee you many restaurants lost much more than $2300 for closing at 8pm. They hosted a 100-person party, if each person pays $23 for cover fee it's taken care of ... this is getting so pathetic.
I had this conversation with my friend yesterday.
Me: If tickets for drivers getting caught using the HOV lane illegally are $20 but it can save you an hour each way. Would you risk it?
Him: No
Me: What if you were late for work and you get paid $50 an hour?
Him: Hmmm maybe.
It's the same mentality for some of these restaurants not taking the rules seriously because the fines are peanuts, sure you look like a douche to the others in the same boat but in the end why do they care.
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01-04-2021, 06:55 PM
#8213 | i like gifs
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Originally Posted by Obsideon Sigh, I can guarantee you many restaurants lost much more than $2300 for closing at 8pm. They hosted a 100-person party, if each person pays $23 for cover fee it's taken care of ... this is getting so pathetic.
I had this conversation with my friend yesterday.
Me: If tickets for drivers getting caught using the HOV lane illegally are $20 but it can save you an hour each way. Would you risk it?
Him: No
Me: What if you were late for work and you get paid $50 an hour?
Him: Hmmm maybe.
It's the same mentality for some of these restaurants not taking the rules seriously because the fines are peanuts, sure you look like a douche to the others in the same boat but in the end why do they care. | It wouldn't surprise me if restaurants start breaking the law more and more as their livelihood is at stake. It's been shown repeatedly time and time again that the people that flout the rules get a tiny slap on the wrist. It's all about risk/reward ratio and Cold Tea definitely made much more than the measly $2300 ticket they had to pay.
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01-04-2021, 07:02 PM
#8214 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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@obsiden it’s funny you use the HOV discussion. I knew people that used HOV every single day against the rules. Got caught maybe once or twice a year. Their time was worth sooo much more than sitting in traffic like the rest of us plebs.
I’m a square, so I’d never do that. But I do get it
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01-04-2021, 07:11 PM
#8215 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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150,000 expected to be vaccinated by February in BC...
While Israel, with a 9million population, has already vaccinated well over 1million people, and they didn't start vaccinating ppl until Dec 20th...
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01-04-2021, 09:49 PM
#8216 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Follow up: cold tea owner speaks out. Owner basically saying VPD is lying?
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01-04-2021, 11:20 PM
#8217 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by bcedhk | Fuck those owners. They didn't give af and broke all the rules. Doesn't matter of its 38 or 100. A lot of other restaurants suffered as well. These assholes think they're special snowflakes.
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01-04-2021, 11:20 PM
#8218 | Where's my RS Christmas Lobster?!
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Originally Posted by punkwax Insanely strong username to post content ratio  | To play devil's advocate for a minute, sh*t like this is why people believe in all the conspiracies.
There is a reason why people are starting to hate the phrase "we are all in this together" more and more.
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01-04-2021, 11:31 PM
#8219 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Originally Posted by UnknownJinX | Was there an all out travel ban in Canada? I never heard that
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01-04-2021, 11:50 PM
#8220 | Head of HR....have a seat on that couch
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Originally Posted by underscore Pathetic enforcement strikes again. That seems like salt in the wounds of the restaurants that are trying to be safe and follow the guidelines but got screwed at the last second by the policy that was "hinted" at. | The fines are pathetic. No mask should be $1000, parties $10000 and businesses $30000 (shut down for a month on 2nd offense).
Everyone in that restaurant should've received a fine. I just watched the news where the owner was saying some shit about losing money on the food they purchased for the party. Boohoo.
__________________ feedback Originally posted by v.b. can we stop, my pussy hurts... Originally posted by asian_XL fliptuner, I am gonna grab ur dick and pee in your face, then rub shit all over my face...:lol Originally posted by Fei-Ji haha i can taste the cum in my mouth Originally posted by FastAnna when I was 13 I wanted to be a video hoe so bad RSUV #7 |
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01-05-2021, 12:47 AM
#8221 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by UnknownJinX | That doesn’t even cover all the Albertan MP’s that went to Hawaii for Christmas (after appearing on TV saying stay in Alberta and don’t travel)
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01-05-2021, 08:22 AM
#8222 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by fliptuner The fines are pathetic. No mask should be $1000, parties $10000 and businesses $30000 (shut down for a month on 2nd offense).
Everyone in that restaurant should've received a fine. I just watched the news where the owner was saying some shit about losing money on the food they purchased for the party. Boohoo. | They should've just stfu and eaten their extremely low $2300 fine, apologize and move on. But they decide to go on the news and make a bunch of excuses for their actions and the "optics". I think that's the nail in the coffin for that restaurant. They pissed off their own industry and a lot of other people.
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01-05-2021, 09:05 AM
#8223 | Willing to sell a family member for a few minutes on RS
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The smart move for the government would be just to take violators liquor licences away.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5 Quote:
Originally Posted by boostfever Westopher is correct. | Quote:
Originally Posted by fsy82 seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked | Quote:
Originally Posted by punkwax Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct. | |
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01-05-2021, 09:25 AM
#8224 | linguistic ninja
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Originally Posted by westopher The smart move for the government would be just to take violators liquor licences away. | The place is literally called "Cold Tea" as in it harkens back to a practice in shady Chinese restaurants whereby they surreptitiously served beer in tea pots to get around a lack of a liquor licence.
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01-05-2021, 10:25 AM
#8225 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by CivicBlues The place is literally called "Cold Tea" as in it harkens back to a practice in shady Chinese restaurants whereby they surreptitiously served beer in tea pots to get around a lack of a liquor licence. | thats supposed to be a secret!
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