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Old 02-24-2020, 09:51 AM   #826
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Everyone has their worries about Olympics right now. It's such a hush hush topic right now. I don't blame them. Trillion of dollars globally. One can't pull the plug on it just yet.

Back in SARS, it lasted a solid 2 months before it blew over, ending roughly 6 month's time. We still have 5 months exactly until Olympics starts.

Will they pasue Olympics (like they did back in WWI and WWII), will countries not participate? If China can't go into Tokyo (which i can't see the travel ban being this long) but man... or if China, russia, won't send atheletes to compete... man..

It starts Friday, July 24 and ends on Sunday, August 9, BTW
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Old 02-24-2020, 09:52 AM   #827
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LOL wtf "chinese SWAT" practicing how to take down uncooperative infected people.
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Old 02-24-2020, 12:36 PM   #828
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considering there are supposedly infected who are pulling masks off police officers/healthcare workers...this drill isn't sucha bad idea
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Old 02-24-2020, 01:05 PM   #829
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lol if usa they would have shot first.
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Old 02-24-2020, 02:34 PM   #830
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Lol China
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Old 02-24-2020, 04:00 PM   #831
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Originally Posted by 6793026 View Post
Everyone has their worries about Olympics right now. It's such a hush hush topic right now. I don't blame them. Trillion of dollars globally. One can't pull the plug on it just yet.

Back in SARS, it lasted a solid 2 months before it blew over, ending roughly 6 month's time. We still have 5 months exactly until Olympics starts.

Will they pasue Olympics (like they did back in WWI and WWII), will countries not participate? If China can't go into Tokyo (which i can't see the travel ban being this long) but man... or if China, russia, won't send atheletes to compete... man..

It starts Friday, July 24 and ends on Sunday, August 9, BTW
This is so much worse than SARS, you can't really compare. The closest thing to this that we know about is the Spanish Flu 100 years ago. That one infected 500 million people (27% of the population), lasting 2 years. With the population being much higher, and more dense, we could have 1-2 billion infected by the time this "blows over" with around 2% of those dying (20 million)

I think we'll probably have a vaccine by 2 years, but definitely not by 5 months.

By the time the Olympics start, there could be several cities around the world on lockdown, with nobody able to enter or leave. Italy has locked down several small downs. Korea is already considering doing it in Daegu after infections quadrupled over the weekend.

Sports will be the last thing on our minds 5 months from now. Everyone complaining about things like Sony pulling out of gaming exhibitions will look pretty silly. Especially with the Mayor of Boston essentially calling them racist against Asians (yeah what?) for doing so.
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Old 02-24-2020, 05:36 PM   #832
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I’m currently at a sales conference in Mexico and they blocked our Italian colleagues from entering and sent them back home.

I did not want to travel myself and almost asked if I could skip it.. not really optional though.
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What do your farts sound like then?
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Old 02-24-2020, 06:45 PM   #833
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So my dads return trip from SEA through Seoul in 3 weeks just got cancelled..

The flight there hasn’t been yet but they may be forced to cancel trip Tom and they were suppose to leave on Thursday
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Old 02-24-2020, 10:00 PM   #834
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Lots of music regarding Wuhan and keeping the spirits alive; GEM, as we all know is this singer, she came up with this MTV, she wrote the lyrics & did the music herself.

G.E.M.鄧紫棋【平凡天使 Angels】"Ordinary Angels" as translated.
Not an epic video but with clips of videos on line; the 1:28 mark; shown with mother standing 30 feet away seeing the daughter + husband crying.... Daughter drops off dumplings, looking at each other..eye to eye.. balling...
Each of them giving each other an "air hug"....

0:28 guy runs in to police station, just drops off a bunch of mask and just runs away.
"since Chinese New Year, they have been working 7 days straight"

I respect front line workers all day long..... you are the ones risking your life, during whatever type of diseases thrown your way, I sautle you all.

NOT trying to sucker punch... but this maybe one of the reasons why the strike of the HK nursing union failed in getting enough votes for a strike.

People's sense of honor, pride, and calling of the role of nursing / doctors / health care workers have a stronger sense of doing the right thing than just "walking away".

I bet a high percentage of health care workers are not equipped than any Western hospitals in Wuhan, but man, their grit to continue to fight.. makes me proud of the medial field workers.

Last edited by 6793026; 02-25-2020 at 08:18 AM.
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Old 02-25-2020, 12:58 PM   #835
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
This is so much worse than SARS, you can't really compare. The closest thing to this that we know about is the Spanish Flu 100 years ago. That one infected 500 million people (27% of the population), lasting 2 years. With the population being much higher, and more dense, we could have 1-2 billion infected by the time this "blows over" with around 2% of those dying (20 million)

I think we'll probably have a vaccine by 2 years, but definitely not by 5 months.

By the time the Olympics start, there could be several cities around the world on lockdown, with nobody able to enter or leave. Italy has locked down several small downs. Korea is already considering doing it in Daegu after infections quadrupled over the weekend.

Sports will be the last thing on our minds 5 months from now. Everyone complaining about things like Sony pulling out of gaming exhibitions will look pretty silly. Especially with the Mayor of Boston essentially calling them racist against Asians (yeah what?) for doing so.
I think it's probably somewhere in between Spanish Flu and SARS, probably closer to SARS.

Trying to compare the medical treatment 100 years ago to what we have nowadays is silly. That was literally after WWI where a lot of infrastructure got destroyed and I wouldn't doubt a lot of people back then were already ill or malnutritioned, which didn't help the case.

It's not a pandemic yet, no need to blow it out of proportion. You are thinking of the worst case scenario.

I am looking at the more positive estimates because this is not 100 years ago, simple as that. SARS is at least not that long ago so some conditions are more comparable.

I also have read an interesting point of view on my company's website article on the issue. One of the employees mentioned that the media does a lot of fear mongering because that sells the story. Makes sense to me, since the media does that a lot with everything, so you can't really take what media is telling you 100%.
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Old 02-25-2020, 02:39 PM   #836
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Some co workers are already buying up shit like it’s the coming apocalypse. This guy in the office hoarded 10 bags of rice and a shit load of water. He said if it comes to Vancouver he ain’t leaving the house lawl.
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Old 02-25-2020, 03:22 PM   #837
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
So my dads return trip from SEA through Seoul in 3 weeks just got cancelled..

The flight there hasn’t been yet but they may be forced to cancel trip Tom and they were suppose to leave on Thursday
So to update this they changed their flight to fly through HK.. which seems like it would be worse but it’s still a go
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Old 02-25-2020, 03:49 PM   #838
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Originally Posted by UnknownJinX View Post
I think it's probably somewhere in between Spanish Flu and SARS, probably closer to SARS.

Trying to compare the medical treatment 100 years ago to what we have nowadays is silly. That was literally after WWI where a lot of infrastructure got destroyed and I wouldn't doubt a lot of people back then were already ill or malnutritioned, which didn't help the case.

It's not a pandemic yet, no need to blow it out of proportion. You are thinking of the worst case scenario.

I am looking at the more positive estimates because this is not 100 years ago, simple as that. SARS is at least not that long ago so some conditions are more comparable.

I also have read an interesting point of view on my company's website article on the issue. One of the employees mentioned that the media does a lot of fear mongering because that sells the story. Makes sense to me, since the media does that a lot with everything, so you can't really take what media is telling you 100%.
Medical treatment will certainly help the recovery rate, but that's irrelevant to what makes it a pandemic. What matters is the replication rate, which is why this shit is spreading to fast. Even WITH improved hygiene and awareness and travel bans, this virus still has a higher replication rate than Spanish Flu. We also have a much higher population and way more rapid travel which makes it much easier to spread.

Well some of us have better hygiene than others... I still see people refusing to take this seriously, which means a lot more people are going to get it than necessary.

Also it's not a matter of if this will become a pandemic, but when. WHO say they are in the preparation stage for calling it a pandemic now. BTW since I posted that, Spain got 6 new cases.

You shouldn't compare COVID-19 to SARS because although they have similar causes, the diseases are quite different. That fact that SARS is more deadly and made you more sick is what helped contain it. It basically killed itself out, along with our ability to quickly identify people who had it. With COVID-19, you could be sick and literally have zero symptoms, or something mild like a cough. Sure that sounds great, but guess what, you're spreading it to 5 other people, some of whom WILL get very sick and possibly die. This really is the worst kind of disease to be a pandemic.

If you're looking for someone blowing this out or proportion, don't point your finger at me. I am not relying on overzealous media, I am just looking at figures and statistics and actual happenings in the news. When I say Italy has the third highest number of infections in the world, in an area not necessarily popular with Chinese travelers, I'm not making it up to be a sensational story. I am saying it's becoming a pandemic.

What's kind of annoying is that if this does get contained and controlled before it becomes too huge, people will act like it never was a big deal. I guess it doesn't matter, but will make me go and try my best to ignore it lol
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Old 02-25-2020, 04:01 PM   #839 has a homepage?!
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TLDR: Iranian Deputy Health Minister tests positive after sweating, coughing and looking like crap at a press conference.

"I had a fever as of last night and my preliminary test was positive around midnight," Mr Harirchi said in a video released on Tuesday.

"I've isolated myself in a place since... and now I am starting medication.

"We will definitely be victorious against this virus in the next few weeks," the minister added.

Mr Harirchi's positive test for Covid-19 was announced a day after he took part in a news conference, where he coughed occasionally and appeared to sweat heavily.

During the briefing, the minister denied a claim by a member of parliament for Qom - the centre of the outbreak - that the authorities were engaged in a cover-up.
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Old 02-25-2020, 04:14 PM   #840
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lol what a nutjob ^

now its just a matter of time, no way to stop spread.

Originally Posted by Badhobz View Post
Some co workers are already buying up shit like it’s the coming apocalypse.
As your coworkers thr home address.
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Old 02-25-2020, 06:31 PM   #841
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Originally Posted by Badhobz View Post
Some co workers are already buying up shit like it’s the coming apocalypse. This guy in the office hoarded 10 bags of rice and a shit load of water. He said if it comes to Vancouver he ain’t leaving the house lawl.
While 10 bags of rice is a bit excessive, no reason not to prepare...all the movies you see are exactly how people are behaving.

You certainly don't want to be panic buying food when everyone else is...
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Old 02-25-2020, 07:30 PM   #842
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Chinese State Media Slam Korea's Handling of Coronavirus - The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - National/Politics > Politics

Chinese state media criticizes Korea and Japan for their handling of containment. What irony that they're spewing bullshit when their country is ground zero.

China's state media are criticizing Korea's "slow" response to surging coronavirus infections even as the world's most populous country has become a global pariah for lying about and mishandling the disease that originated there.

The English-language Global Times in an editorial on Monday chided Japan, Korea, Iran and Italy by saying, "It is worrisome that the prevention and control measures adopted by the above-mentioned countries might be insufficient."

Instead, the paper hailed China's catastrophic mishandling of the outbreak as a vast achievement for the regime. "Fortunately, China has a huge medical system and can quickly mobilize over 40,000 medical staff to support Wuhan and Hubei," the epicenter of the outbreak, which have gone into disastrous lockdown.

"If a second epicenter like Wuhan were to emerge in another country, it is difficult to imagine that such massive assistance could be mobilized," it added.

The propaganda machine seems desperate to find some other scapegoat to deflect growing anger within the country at the regime's handling of the outbreak.

China's No. 1 mobile news app Jinri Toutiao complained that China was left to deal with the outbreak "without preparations" while Korea "copied" China's response measures. But the two produced "contrasting" outcomes, it said.

Jinri Toutiao said Korea's response was "slow" because it did not lock down any cities but seemed to imply that China has the virus successfully under control due to its prompt measures.
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Old 02-25-2020, 07:31 PM   #843
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coworker's 10 day trip to asia now means cant return to work for a month
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Old 02-25-2020, 07:55 PM   #844
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Originally Posted by whitev70r View Post
I believe Ginseng works to build up immunity and is probably good for other things. I believe ColdFX is way overpriced.
I don't know about the effectiveness of ginseng, but I believe in radishes........

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Old 02-25-2020, 08:17 PM   #845
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Originally Posted by CorneringArtist View Post
Chinese State Media Slam Korea's Handling of Coronavirus - The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - National/Politics > Politics

Chinese state media criticizes Korea and Japan for their handling of containment. What irony that they're spewing bullshit when their country is ground zero.
shit like this is why no one respects that government.
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Old 02-25-2020, 09:39 PM   #846
what manner of phaggotry is this
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How about the WHO saying there wasn't anything to worry about and saying travel bans were unnecessary. Now they're getting ready to call it what it really looks like it's going to be. Big miss there.
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Old 02-25-2020, 10:01 PM   #847
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I suspect WHO was paid to down play it.
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Old 02-25-2020, 11:57 PM   #848
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WHO only makes statements on things as of the moment they are made. They aren't allowed to speculate, even if it's kind of obvious to people who CAN say things.

As for China that brings up an interesting point of where the country is going. Over the years I've been noticing that they are shutting themselves away from the rest of the world more and more, becoming weirder and more authoritarian while basically shitting on everyone publicly who pisses them off in any minor way. Other countries have been responding by backing away from them bit by bit. You wouldn't notice it immediately, except this virus has really accelerated the separation. Manufacturing lines are being moved out of China and dispersed around the world. IMO this all would have happened anyway, but over the course of like 10 years, not a single month.

It's going to be absolutely insane times for China even if this virus is 100% effectively cured and eliminated. Their people aren't taking kindly to how they handled things, and there are some pretty major leaks high up in the government letting everyone know how bad things actually are up top.
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Old 02-26-2020, 12:24 AM   #849
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While I am no apologist for the PRC, they have some basis for calling out other countries for being slow to respond. The measures they took to try to contain, and if not try to slow down the spread (once past that head in the sand initial denial period) were nothing short of extraordinary.

Compared with the response the rest of the world, they are right that no other country or government would have been able to put in that vast amount of resources, that quickly. How effective it has been is another topic altogether but atleast they did "something"...

I'm not sure what containment measures Korea took, but I can say with confidence that Japan has done shit all twiddling their thumbs for the past 2 months.

On another topic altogether, anyone re-looking at their investment portfolio? This virus is going to hit the world supply chain real hard and Q1 and Q2 numbers are not going to be pretty.
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Old 02-26-2020, 12:29 AM   #850
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^Yeh Well not everybody can weld door shut of apartment buildings or be communist like China.

Well Then again..maybe best Korea.
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