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02-28-2020, 09:30 AM
#901 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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That doesn’t really make sense. As soon as some of it evaporates it brings the alcohol content down to the “desired” level, then it magically doesn’t dissolve? I’m betting it has more to do with health reasons or safety vs. it’s inability to kill germs.
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02-28-2020, 10:21 AM
#902 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Don't sweat it ... there is a run on > 90% isopropyl alcohol at pharmacies. You're too late to make your own brew.
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02-28-2020, 11:07 AM
#903 | My homepage has been set to RS
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looks like the whole panic buying has already started. Ive been through 4 different big box groceries and all of them are sold out on rice and Spam. only the small bags of brown rice are left.
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02-28-2020, 12:03 PM
#904 | I answer every Emotion with an emoticon
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The outbreak will be in US, it's inveitable. US has no money, shit affordable health care for the public (lots of private), and inability to lock down.
What happens if I'm poor. Will I go to the doctors. NO. Just suck it up with tyleno / over the counter drugs to minimize the cough.
Each person has to be TESTED to see if it is actually COVID-19.
This is where the grey area comes in... If you die of pneumonia, ARDS (Acute respiratory distress syndrome), kidney failure and doesn't get tested... well they just died of pneumonia.
This is why WHO is asking US to hand over the data.
US doesn't have the money + time + ability to lock down... I want to see what the real numbers are from US (327.2 million people and only 60 cases???)
Pic below is Feb 27 2020 |
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02-28-2020, 12:04 PM
#905 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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Going around the grocery store today everything looked like normal, so if you're worried and don't mind a road trip...
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Originally Posted by maksimizer half those dudes are hotter than ,my GF. | Quote:
Originally Posted by RevYouUp reading this thread is like waiting for goku to charge up a spirit bomb in dragon ball z | Quote:
Originally Posted by Good_KarMa OH thank god. I thought u had sex with my wife. :cry: | |
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02-28-2020, 12:11 PM
#906 | I answer every Emotion with an emoticon
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Originally Posted by Rallydrv for f sakes why dont people learn how to cough and sneeze , still using hands, if that and not elbow. think gov needs to do a better job education people in different languages. | You know what..... it's something I was NEVER ever taught. I didn't know we are to cough at your elbows. I certainly did not learn it in Hong Kong, my parents never did. If it wasn't a pre-school teacher telling me this in my 20s. I wouldn't know.
To this date, my parents still do not know... I don't blame them... they have been coughing (when they are sick) at their palms for 60 yrs... it's hard to break a habit you know.
This dude... National TV... negative for Corona Virus... cough cough... cough cough... not with elbows... and HE out of ANYONE should know better.
* ANY he grabs the water bottle |
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02-28-2020, 12:16 PM
#907 | I contribute to threads in the offtopic forum
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Originally Posted by whitev70r Don't sweat it ... there is a run on > 90% isopropyl alcohol at pharmacies. You're too late to make your own brew. | Walmart in tsawassen mills has tons of 91% and 70% isopropyl. No hand sanitizer though. I swear the buying and stocking up pandemic is only prevalent in Richmond/Vancouver/Burnaby
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02-28-2020, 12:31 PM
#908 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by haymura looks like the whole panic buying has already started. Ive been through 4 different big box groceries and all of them are sold out on rice and Spam. only the small bags of brown rice are left. | I saw a picture today that the Costco in Richmond was sold out of toilet paper and some were even seen buying mini fridges while stock piling slabs of meat.
"back at the line to Babych.... LONG SHOT....Potvin had trouble with it....ADAM SHOOTS SCORES!!!!
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02-28-2020, 12:33 PM
#909 | what manner of phaggotry is this
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Originally Posted by SpeedStars Walmart in tsawassen mills has tons of 91% and 70% isopropyl. No hand sanitizer though. I swear the buying and stocking up pandemic is only prevalent in Richmond/Vancouver/Burnaby | imagine if asians in vancouver and richmond were the only ones that survived because they pandemic prepped and the rest of us thought they'd be the first to go
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02-28-2020, 12:53 PM
#910 | reads most threads with his pants around his ankles, especially in the Forced Induction forum.
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Originally Posted by RRxtar imagine if asians in vancouver and richmond were the only ones that survived because they pandemic prepped and the rest of us thought they'd be the first to go | People are just stupid. There are still lot's of stock in Coq. Wife and I just goes buy what we need and stock up on items that we do use and is on sale. Is funny seeing people buying 5 bags of rice as once and they can't even lift it up for the cashier to scan at T and T.
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02-28-2020, 01:02 PM
#911 | Pull Out Towing. Women rescued for free.
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Originally Posted by hud 91gt That doesn’t really make sense. As soon as some of it evaporates it brings the alcohol content down to the “desired” level, then it magically doesn’t dissolve? I’m betting it has more to do with health reasons or safety vs. it’s inability to kill germs. | Google came up with this
"The presence of water is a crucial factor in destroying or inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microorganisms with isopropyl alcohol. Water acts as a catalyst and plays a key role in denaturing the proteins of vegetative cell membranes. 70% IPA solutions penetrate the cell wall more completely which permeates the entire cell, coagulates all proteins, and therefore the microorganism dies. Extra water content slows evaporation, therefore increasing surface contact time and enhancing effectiveness. Isopropyl alcohol concentrations over 91% coagulate proteins instantly. Consequently, a protective layer is created which protects other proteins from further coagulation.
Solutions > 91% IPA may kill some bacteria, but require longer contact times for disinfection, and enable spores to lie in a dormant state without being killed. A 50% isopropyl alcohol solution kills Staphylococcus Aureus in less than 10 seconds (pg. 238), yet a 90% solution with a contact time of over two hours is ineffective. Some disinfectants will kill spores with exposures times that exceed 3-12 hours, which are classified as chemical sterilants. So why do higher alcohol solutions yield fewer results for bactericidal and antimicrobial outcomes?"
__________________ Originally posted by Iceman_19 you should have tried to touch his penis. that really throws them off. Originally posted by The7even SumAznGuy > Billboa Originally posted by 1990TSI SumAznGuy> Internet > tinytrix Quote:
Originally Posted by tofu1413 and icing on the cake, lady driving a newer chrysler 200 infront of me... jumped out of her car, dropped her pants, did an immediate squat and did probably the longest public relief ever...... steam and all. | (11-0-0) Buy/Sell rating Christine Shitvic Pull Out Towing |
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02-28-2020, 02:40 PM
#912 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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I'm not saying everyone here should panic buy, but do make sure you have enough food for an extra week or so, in case stores do run out temporarily. We didn't get in on the panic buy on rice, and had just enough to last before stocks showed up again, only because we also had some white folks carbs like pasta and potatoes.
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02-28-2020, 02:52 PM
#913 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Originally Posted by SumAznGuy | This is the real reason, it's not the % of alcohol, but rather the higher presence of H2O. ~70% is the perfect balance between efficiency and potency.
higher concentrations are made generally for a different purpose, generally to clean/disinfect things that are water sensitive.
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02-28-2020, 03:04 PM
#914 | I don't get it
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Again, this afternoon at 2pm, there were tons of people at the otherwise "less" busy Lougheed Costco. Generally, it was folks with kids and elderly people stocking up, myself included.
Panic buying hasn't started imo...people are preparing, but it's still very orderly. Returned to Costco at Lougheed this afternoon to grab a couple other things and they too were out of Lysol wipes. Seems Downtown, Richmond, Lougheed and Willingdon are all out of Lysol wipes.
Both the Pho noodle bowls and Nong Shim bowls were completely sold out as well lol.
But there's still plenty of stock of TP etc... |
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02-28-2020, 03:17 PM
#915 | has a homepage?!
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Originally Posted by eclipseman | The pho bowls went on sale?
There's no MSG in those ones apparently. I was waiting for them to go on sale to keep some at work for the "didn't bring lunch but not wanting to pay for cafeteria food" days.
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02-28-2020, 03:35 PM
#916 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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how much freaking noodles can people eat? OMG.
think tuna cans and stuff would be first to go.. not freaking ramen
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02-28-2020, 03:52 PM
#917 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by Rallydrv how much freaking noodles can people eat? OMG.
think tuna cans and stuff would be first to go.. not freaking ramen | #asians
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02-28-2020, 03:57 PM
#918 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Based on what I see in carts at the grocery store, there are people who live on instant noodles.
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02-28-2020, 04:22 PM
#919 | Fathered more RS members than anybody else. Who's your daddy?
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Brighton Avenue Costco still sane............ smaller location, so perhaps they're out of items, as well. I was at Still Creek yesterday and there was a whole pallet of lysol wipes. Mind you, they never bring down pallets from the upper shelves during shopping hours, due to safety regulations. Go in the morning.
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Last edited by MG1; 02-28-2020 at 05:02 PM.
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02-28-2020, 04:49 PM
#920 | Zombie Mod
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp there are people who live on instant noodles. |
Gotta keep those tapeworms happy!
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02-28-2020, 06:08 PM
#921 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by SumAznGuy Google came up with this
"The presence of water is a crucial factor in destroying or inhibiting the growth of pathogenic microorganisms with isopropyl alcohol. Water acts as a catalyst and plays a key role in denaturing the proteins of vegetative cell membranes. 70% IPA solutions penetrate the cell wall more completely which permeates the entire cell, coagulates all proteins, and therefore the microorganism dies. Extra water content slows evaporation, therefore increasing surface contact time and enhancing effectiveness. Isopropyl alcohol concentrations over 91% coagulate proteins instantly. Consequently, a protective layer is created which protects other proteins from further coagulation.
Solutions > 91% IPA may kill some bacteria, but require longer contact times for disinfection, and enable spores to lie in a dormant state without being killed. A 50% isopropyl alcohol solution kills Staphylococcus Aureus in less than 10 seconds (pg. 238), yet a 90% solution with a contact time of over two hours is ineffective. Some disinfectants will kill spores with exposures times that exceed 3-12 hours, which are classified as chemical sterilants. So why do higher alcohol solutions yield fewer results for bactericidal and antimicrobial outcomes?" | Damnit! Chemistry strikes again!
Crush - 1971 Datsun 240z - Build Thread
The Daily - Rav4 V6 - “Goldilocks”
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02-28-2020, 07:06 PM
#922 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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I really cant imagine a pandemic if there was it will be crazy. Man do you guys remember the salt shortage and how crazy ppl got fighting over salt during the winter of 2017...........this will get out of hand.
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02-28-2020, 07:26 PM
#923 | Even when im right, is still right!
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Since it came from an animal, can the virus be transmitted to say a mouse/rat? Say infected person leaves left overs mouse eats it, gets sick, travels around the house eats something left out then another person eats that food and gets sick?
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02-28-2020, 07:30 PM
#924 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Originally Posted by winson604 I saw a picture today that the Costco in Richmond was sold out of toilet paper and some were even seen buying mini fridges while stock piling slabs of meat. | Costco Richmond is the busiest Costco in North America though (according to the yearly Costco reps who visit the office).
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02-28-2020, 07:43 PM
#925 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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Omg.. End of humanity.. And beyond.
Gonna be a never ending cycle.. |
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