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06-21-2021, 07:03 AM
#11151 | :inoutugh:
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Originally Posted by SSM_DC5 The consensus of RS? | RS, Government, etc.
Previous news about mixing were typically AZ with something else. On June 14th it was said to seek the same one. And then on June 21st it said mixing mRNA was completely safe. Some pharmacies here (ON) have their own stance and will not be allowing people to mix P/M doses despite the news above.
Just curious what others thought. I am not eligible to book my second yet, my first was P. But I know others who are eligible and they just got an email saying they will be getting M (P was their first dose).
__________________ Posted from NE 1-J W Inglis Building |
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06-21-2021, 07:31 AM
#11152 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
NACI recommends that, if readily available, the same mRNA COVID-19 vaccine product should be offered for the subsequent dose in a vaccine series started with an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. However, when the same mRNA COVID-19 vaccine product is not readily available, or is unknown, another mRNA COVID-19 vaccine product recommended for use in that age group can be considered interchangeable and should be offered to complete the vaccine series. The previous dose should be counted, and the series need not be restarted.
(Strong NACI Recommendation)
| From here: |
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06-21-2021, 08:17 AM
#11153 | linguistic ninja
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Originally Posted by TOS'd RS, Government, etc.
Previous news about mixing were typically AZ with something else. On June 14th it was said to seek the same one. And then on June 21st it said mixing mRNA was completely safe. Some pharmacies here (ON) have their own stance and will not be allowing people to mix P/M doses despite the news above.
Just curious what others thought. I am not eligible to book my second yet, my first was P. But I know others who are eligible and they just got an email saying they will be getting M (P was their first dose). | 2nd shot emails now say what shot you'll be getting? I thought you just show up and get whatever they have.
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06-21-2021, 08:27 AM
#11154 | :inoutugh:
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Originally Posted by CivicBlues 2nd shot emails now say what shot you'll be getting? I thought you just show up and get whatever they have. | For ON in this particular health region, yes. Cannot comment on BC. Quote:
Thank you for booking your second appointment of the COVID-19 vaccine at ______________ vaccination clinic, and doing your part to protect yourself and others.
We are pleased to offer you the Moderna vaccine for your second dose.
__________________ Posted from NE 1-J W Inglis Building |
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06-21-2021, 04:48 PM
#11155 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Although the mRNA shots are mostly identical afaik between P and M, I can foresee that other countries will not be as forgiving and "loose" with the rules as we have been even if that data says it's safe.
Possible that some countries will go 100 percent by the book and only recognize those with 2 of the same shot as "fully vaccinated".
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06-22-2021, 05:33 AM
#11156 | Performance Moderator
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My mom went for her second shot at River Rock in Richmond and she said they checked her card when she went in and there were 2 separate lineups… one for people who had Moderna and one for people who had Pfizer.
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06-22-2021, 04:27 PM
#11157 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Just booked my dad for shot# 1 at Vancouver Italian Cultural Center for July. I haven't really been following the vaccine aspect, so whatever they have that day they have to take it? My dad is one of the fucking assholes that is adamant on Pfizer, so how he can ensure he gets that?
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06-22-2021, 04:36 PM
#11158 | I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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Unless he gets a text like above you won’t know until you go.
By all means at this point if he wants pfizer I’d say tell them to cancel on site and then he can rebook
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
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06-22-2021, 05:28 PM
#11159 | Rs has made me the man i am today!
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Originally Posted by Euro7r Just booked my dad for shot# 1 at Vancouver Italian Cultural Center for July. I haven't really been following the vaccine aspect, so whatever they have that day they have to take it? My dad is one of the fucking assholes that is adamant on Pfizer, so how he can ensure he gets that? | Might be hard to convince your dad, but the provincial sites only have Pfizer and Moderna and they are virtually the same. I got Moderna a few months ago and had no issues.
Most likely though they will give him Pfizer.
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06-22-2021, 07:10 PM
#11160 | I don't get it
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Originally Posted by Euro7r Just booked my dad for shot# 1 at Vancouver Italian Cultural Center for July. I haven't really been following the vaccine aspect, so whatever they have that day they have to take it? My dad is one of the fucking assholes that is adamant on Pfizer, so how he can ensure he gets that? | Just fyi, your dad (and anyone else who needs their first shot) can do a drop in clinic for 1st shot instead of waiting for July if he wants.
Same-day drop-in spots now available!
VCH is now offering same-day drop-in spots at select COVID-19 vaccination clinics. These spots are for first doses only. People aged 70 years of age and older (those born in 1951 or earlier) may attend a drop-in clinic, listed below, for first or second doses.
ICBC Claim Centre
Address: 255 Lloyd Ave., North Vancouver, B.C. V7P 3G5
Dates: June 22, 23 and 24
Times: 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Availability: 50 drop-in spots available per evening
Eligibility: Age 12-69, first dose only, age 70+ first or second dose
Vancouver Community College
Address: 1199 E. 7th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. V5T 4V5
Dates: June 23, 26 and 27
Times: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Availability: 400 drop-in spots available per day
Eligibility: Age 12-69, first dose only, age 70+ first or second dose
source: COVID-19 vaccines |
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06-22-2021, 08:43 PM
#11161 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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Cubas developed vaccine has a 92+% effectiveness, announced earlier today |
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06-22-2021, 09:45 PM
#11162 | MOD
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Originally Posted by 68style My mom went for her second shot at River Rock in Richmond and she said they checked her card when she went in and there were 2 separate lineups… one for people who had Moderna and one for people who had Pfizer. | good to know. I have my 2nd shot appointment at River Rock this weekend.
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06-22-2021, 10:24 PM
#11163 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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I went to convention center yesterday for my second vaccination. It was 10 weeks after the first vaccination. The computers at convention center had a glitch so they had to manually register the patients. Took about 80 minutes from lining up to leaving after the 15 minutes resting period.
At the registration, they check which one you got as your first vaccine. Then line up at the pfizer line or moderna line.
__________________ comments Quote: Originally posted by european i'd say its a bear... from what i've learned from winnie the pooh. you should be able to lure it with some honey.. and it'll be your friend for life!! then you'll meet his friends.. that crazy owl!! and that lazy ass donkey.. whats his name.. Eore or something.. if you meet his llitte piggy friend.. roast him and eat some ribs!! hahahaha.. wtf am i on!! hahaha i'm going nuts over here!!! | |
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06-23-2021, 10:42 AM
#11164 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Originally Posted by StylinRed | Blows my mind this country still has an embargo held against it. They export more doctors per capita then anywhere else in the world.
Fucking nuts.
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06-23-2021, 12:52 PM
#11165 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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How are anti-vaxxers explaining the dramatic drop in cases as a result of the effectiveness of vaccinations? I mean the cases are down to like ~50/day now.
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06-23-2021, 01:34 PM
#11166 | Performance Moderator
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^ herd immunity, everyone got it of course it’s going down, it wasn’t bad in the first case most people actually got it and didn’t even realize it blah blah blah
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06-23-2021, 01:44 PM
#11167 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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Last edited by Blueboy222; 06-23-2021 at 02:44 PM.
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06-23-2021, 01:47 PM
#11168 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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Originally Posted by whitev70r How are anti-vaxxers explaining the dramatic drop in cases as a result of the effectiveness of vaccinations? I mean the cases are down to like ~50/day now. | If you're interested in an opposing opinion, you will need to look for it yourself. Most people already made up their decision. Otherwise, you can just listen to Bonnie Henry.
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06-23-2021, 01:57 PM
#11169 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Originally Posted by LightKeeper If you're interested in an opposing opinion, you will need to look for it yourself. Most people already made up their decision. Otherwise, you can just listen to Bonnie Henry. | "dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh!!!!" |
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06-23-2021, 02:02 PM
#11170 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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Originally Posted by inv4zn "dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh!!!!"  | "BoNniE HeNRy iS AlWAYs rIGHt!"  |
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06-23-2021, 02:13 PM
#11171 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Originally Posted by LightKeeper "BoNniE HeNRy iS AlWAYs rIGHt!"   | No, but the science she delivers is what I'll base my trust on.
5G microchip nonsense vs. science...hmm. Tough choice.
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06-23-2021, 02:18 PM
#11172 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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Originally Posted by inv4zn No, but the science she delivers is what I'll base my trust on.
5G microchip nonsense vs. science...hmm. Tough choice. | Yes because Bonnie Henry represents the whole scientific community. 
And people starts wondering why people stop giving opposing opinions.
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06-23-2021, 02:27 PM
#11173 | Wunder? Wonder?? Wander???
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I'd hate to be the one that ends this discussion.
Carry on... I promise I'll just listen in from now on.
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06-23-2021, 02:27 PM
#11174 | I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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Not to mention Bonnies statements often have conflicted with the national vaccine teams statements. Provincial health officers have tried to downplay the seriousness of some effects such as the AZ blood clots until higher powers essentially force their hand to act otherwise etc.
Not to say she hasn’t done well, but just blindly listening to her drone on day in day out is doing yourself a disservice imo.
Also all this talk of mixing vaccines, if you search articles coming out of medical journals and hospitals in the states the general consensus seems to be mixing is only “in the most exceptional circumstances” yet we try and quote a small sample size study that it’s fine and just shut up and take whatever shot you’re given :/
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
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06-23-2021, 02:55 PM
#11175 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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lol I'm not perpetuating that Bonnie Henry should be idolized, I donno why her name is being specifically mentioned as some form of counter argument to antivax.
Feel free to make your own decisions, but when the general consensus of people who are, you know, doctors, to do something - I think I'll go with what they say.
To be clear, I fully respect Hondaracer's stance in this thread because his points and arguments are still within the realm of reason. My distaste is towards the full out crazies that drink the anti-vax koolaid based off of a youtube video some guy in a basement wearing a labcoat put together, as if somehow that supersedes actual science.
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