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Old 09-14-2021, 12:57 PM   #12626
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Religious exemptions for vaccination have to be the grossest part of this whole thing. I respect the choice of avoiding vaccine over the frivolous reasonings most of these morons use over religious grounds.
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Old 09-14-2021, 01:15 PM   #12627
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Originally Posted by JDął View Post
Ah, so you think people follow the rules to a T in places that support your argument and enforcement is weak in the places that don't. Gotcha
Huh? Even if masks are uniformly weakly enforced, who goes to a supermarket to socialize with strangers? People are literally breathing on each other in Restaurants and Gyms, not Supermarkets. I don't think you are arguing in good faith here since everything you've said so far is based on hypotheticals and conjecture.

If you don't want to use the vaccine passport, just stay away from places that ask for it.

If you want everyone to stop using the vaccine passport, write to your MLA or go join the idiots in front of VGH. There's no point wasting time pushing your uneducated opinions on a bunch of internet randoms.

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Old 09-14-2021, 01:31 PM   #12628
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Originally Posted by JDMDreams View Post
Well Alberta had the greatest summer ever! Look how well that went

Chief medical officer says she regrets 'COVID's over' narrative that emerged from decision
I FUCKING hate people in online comment sections.

Every comments on the CBC article is along these lines:

"She's a failure"
"She should've never opened things up"

Are you fucking kidding me? Alberta's electorate was one of the most VOCAL provinces against lockdowns and restrictions, now there's a 4th wave and people are blaming this doctor?

The same shit happened out here with DBH. She enacts restrictions, people complain and give her death threats. Restrictions are eased, COVID cases go up, people complain and say she's an idiot and "should have known better".

Man, people are just out here to complain nowadays, nothing is ever fucking good enough.
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Old 09-14-2021, 01:39 PM   #12629, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by mikemhg View Post
I FUCKING hate people in online comment sections.

Every comments on the CBC article is along these lines:

"She's a failure"
"She should've never opened things up"

Are you fucking kidding me? Alberta's electorate was one of the most VOCAL provinces against lockdowns and restrictions, now there's a 4th wave and people are blaming this doctor?

The same shit happened out here with DBH. She enacts restrictions, people complain and give her death threats. Restrictions are eased, COVID cases go up, people complain and say she's an idiot and "should have known better".

Man, people are just out here to complain nowadays, nothing is ever fucking good enough.
THIS! I came in here to say just this.

Why didn’t she stand up for herself and say “I’m a public servant. And this is what YOU PEOPLE wanted.”
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Old 09-14-2021, 02:17 PM   #12630
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Originally Posted by CivicBlues View Post
Huh? Even if masks are uniformly weakly enforced, who goes to a supermarket to socialize with strangers? People are literally breathing on each other in Restaurants and Gyms, not Supermarkets. I don't think you are arguing in good faith here since everything you've said so far is based on hypotheticals and conjecture.

If you don't want to use the vaccine passport, just stay away from places that ask for it.

If you want everyone to stop using the vaccine passport, write to your MLA or go join the idiots in front of VGH. There's no point wasting time pushing your uneducated opinions on a bunch of internet randoms.
You can say hypothetical and conjecture all you want to "sound educated" but it's neither of those things when transmission data for the last 18 months stated that the venues being blocked to some people now were not high sources of infection, here or globally. They've been discussed numerous times in this very thread. Occasional clusters of course but not major transmission which is why they were allowed to be open the whole time post 2020 lock down and for the last eight months since the introduction of the vaccines. Group fitness classes being the only exception.

At the end of May Dr. Henry stated “This virus has shown us that there are inequities in our society that have been exacerbated by this pandemic, and there is no way that we will recommend inequities be increased by the use of things like vaccine passports for services with public access here in British Columbia. [...] it would not be my advice that we have any sort of vaccine passport within British Columbia.” She said that it’s her view, but it also has support from the Premier, the health minister and others. The point? The passport makes no sense, they're segregating people and causing division, but people like you are blindly supporting it because flip-flop politicians said so.

I've done three rounds of CBRN training and classes on nerve and biological agents, how much education do you have that's relevant? You must be the kind of guy that wears a cloth mask and smells someone's fart but thinks it's stopping COVID. Thanks for the laugh (again).

Oh and for the record, anyone protesting in front of a hospital is EXTREMELY misguided. Get the fuck out of there and take it to the legislature.

Last edited by JDął; 09-14-2021 at 02:27 PM.
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Old 09-14-2021, 02:30 PM   #12631
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Originally Posted by JDął View Post
Oh and for the record, anyone protesting in front of a hospital is EXTREMELY misguided. Get the fuck out of there and take it to the legislature.
But they can't get on a ferry without wearing a mask.
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Old 09-14-2021, 02:31 PM   #12632
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Originally Posted by JDął View Post
Ah, so you think people follow the rules to a T in places that support your argument and enforcement is weak in the places that don't. Gotcha

I guess my question to those who think the passport is a good idea is.... what happens when this doesn't work (which it won't it's effect will be negligible).

In four months are you going to cheer on a passport extension if it didn't do anything to change the hospital numbers?
Are you going to support an expansion of the passport to more areas and businesses?
If that passport requirement changes to making it mandatory to get a third vaccine and everyone is suddenly on the outs of eligibility are you lining up for another shot?
Will you line up for a fourth shot?
Originally Posted by JDął View Post
You can say hypothetical and conjecture all you want to "sound educated"
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Old 09-14-2021, 02:31 PM   #12633
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Originally Posted by JDął View Post
You can say hypothetical and conjecture all you want to "sound educated" but it's neither of those things when transmission data for the last 18 months stated that the venues being blocked to some people now were not high sources of infection, here or globally. They've been discussed numerous times in this very thread. Occasional clusters of course but not major transmission which is why they were allowed to be open the whole time post 2020 lock down and for the last eight months since the introduction of the vaccines. Group fitness classes being the only exception.

At the end of May Dr. Henry stated “This virus has shown us that there are inequities in our society that have been exacerbated by this pandemic, and there is no way that we will recommend inequities be increased by the use of things like vaccine passports for services with public access here in British Columbia. [...] it would not be my advice that we have any sort of vaccine passport within British Columbia.” She said that it’s her view, but it also has support from the Premier, the health minister and others. The point? The passport makes no sense, they're segregating people and causing division, but people like you are blindly supporting it because flip-flop politicians said so.

I've done three rounds of CBRN training and classes on nerve and biological agents, how much education do you have that's relevant? You must be the kind of guy that wears a cloth mask and smells someone's fart but thinks it's stopping COVID. Thanks for the laugh (again).

Oh and for the record, anyone protesting in front of a hospital is EXTREMELY misguided. Get the fuck out of there and take it to the legislature.

The point of the vaccine passport is two-fold:
1. To encourage people to get vaccines
2. To reduce (not eliminate) transmission in high-risk environments.

For point 1 correct me if I am wrong but you don't seem to have an issue with except for some reason you've taken it and ran with the "government is out to control us" route. Several of us have proved you wrong illustrating that the QR code is benign yet you seemed to have moved on to another talking point without apology. It's unfortunate that we have to resort to this but this is where we are now.

For 2, I don't see your logic in trying to second guess which environments should or should not utilize the vax passport. It doesn't matter that gyms weren't a high source of transmission IN THE PAST. And your insistence in belaboring the fact that retail stores are exempt makes it seems like you just want to poke holes in an imperfect system. Of course it's imperfect. People need to buy things, they don't need to go to a sit down restaurant. The Government can try and determine what is an "Essential" vs "non-essential" store but it's much easier to just let retail stores fall under one umbrella because they are LOW RISK with masking and distancing.

Also the Delta variant has changed things considerably, talking points in May are not relevant in our situation any longer. You sound like people back in November that were chastising Bonnie Henry for flip flopping on Masks. Flip flopping does not mean the government is trying to pull one over on you and take away your rights suddenly. Scientists and our government (unlike some others) should change their views based on new and evolving evidence. Sticking to your guns? Virus doesn't give a fuck you said it was safe to go back to gym in May.

For the record I use N95 for high risk and ASTM3 surgical masks for low risk environments. I've also stopped going to the gym and resumed running outside and home workouts not because I think I will catch it there but rather it's uncomfortable masking up while working out.

Still a card carrying member of the SFC :)

Last edited by CivicBlues; 09-14-2021 at 02:42 PM.
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Old 09-14-2021, 03:12 PM   #12634, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by JDął View Post
You can say hypothetical and conjecture all you want to "sound educated" but it's neither of those things when transmission data for the last 18 months stated that the venues being blocked to some people now were not high sources of infection, here or globally. They've been discussed numerous times in this very thread. Occasional clusters of course but not major transmission which is why they were allowed to be open the whole time post 2020 lock down and for the last eight months since the introduction of the vaccines. Group fitness classes being the only exception.

At the end of May Dr. Henry stated “This virus has shown us that there are inequities in our society that have been exacerbated by this pandemic, and there is no way that we will recommend inequities be increased by the use of things like vaccine passports for services with public access here in British Columbia. [...] it would not be my advice that we have any sort of vaccine passport within British Columbia.” She said that it’s her view, but it also has support from the Premier, the health minister and others. The point? The passport makes no sense, they're segregating people and causing division, but people like you are blindly supporting it because flip-flop politicians said so.

I've done three rounds of CBRN training and classes on nerve and biological agents, how much education do you have that's relevant? You must be the kind of guy that wears a cloth mask and smells someone's fart but thinks it's stopping COVID. Thanks for the laugh (again).

Oh and for the record, anyone protesting in front of a hospital is EXTREMELY misguided. Get the fuck out of there and take it to the legislature.
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Old 09-14-2021, 05:25 PM   #12635
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Originally Posted by JDął View Post
You must be the kind of guy that wears a cloth mask and smells someone's fart but thinks it's stopping COVID. Thanks for the laugh (again).
I was fine with most of the rant til here, then ya lost me..its already been discussed and shown how effective different masks are when it comes to covid transmissions... like over a year ago, we even have new studies where they put masks on animals to test effectiveness (surprised animal rights groups didn't have a stroke)

To maintain that line of "u can smell farts hurdur covid yuk yuk" just showcases the camp you're in
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Old 09-14-2021, 07:20 PM   #12636
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Sunscreen can reduce my chances of getting skin disease but doesn't prevent it. Maybe I should stop listening to all those scientists and shit since it doens't stop it and that stuff might eventually give me cancer too.

Sounds like the same logic here
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Old 09-14-2021, 07:32 PM   #12637
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Originally Posted by StylinRed View Post
I was fine with most of the rant til here, then ya lost me..its already been discussed and shown how effective different masks are when it comes to covid transmissions... like over a year ago, we even have new studies where they put masks on animals to test effectiveness (surprised animal rights groups didn't have a stroke)

To maintain that line of "u can smell farts hurdur covid yuk yuk" just showcases the camp you're in
Which camp is he in? How many camps are there?
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Old 09-14-2021, 08:17 PM   #12638
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Originally Posted by sdubfid View Post
Which camp is he in? How many camps are there?
Off the top of my head, here are some camps:

-Covid is the end of the world, we're all going to die in the next year

-Covid is a real serious problem and we should all stay locked up until it goes away

-Covid is a real serious problem, and we should take measures to lower its impact on our healthcare system

-Covid is a problem, but it's basically the flu. People should be free to contract covid if they want, it doesn't matter if it spreads because it's basically the flu.

-Covid is a real virus but it has no real effect on our lives, and we should just act like it doesn't exist

-Covid was created by The Government to control our lives and make us take medicine for some reason

Most normal people fit into the 3rd camp
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Old 09-15-2021, 07:22 AM   #12639
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So now with gyms requiring the vaccination passport, do all the gyms still require masks at all times inside?

Shit seems so stupid. So in a big gym space where you can generally socially distance, wear a mask at all times. Then last weekend when I was in Earls in Yaletown there were probably 200 people in a 1200 sq ft space table to table, obviously no masks.

Don’t really think strenuous exercise in a large open space with fewer people is any less safe than a jam packed restaurant with dozens of tables of 6 or more people?
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Old 09-15-2021, 09:36 AM   #12640, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
So now with gyms requiring the vaccination passport, do all the gyms still require masks at all times inside?

Shit seems so stupid. So in a big gym space where you can generally socially distance, wear a mask at all times. Then last weekend when I was in Earls in Yaletown there were probably 200 people in a 1200 sq ft space table to table, obviously no masks.

Don’t really think strenuous exercise in a large open space with fewer people is any less safe than a jam packed restaurant with dozens of tables of 6 or more people?
The new rule for masks in gyms is you must wear a mask in common areas but NOT when actually working out as per PHO.
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Old 09-15-2021, 09:37 AM   #12641
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Ok that’s great then. That’s how it was when it was early in covid as well but since I haven’t been where you had the option
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Old 09-15-2021, 10:02 AM   #12642
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It was the same deal playing hockey last weekend.
It might be pointless, but we have to understand that lots of these measures are just to simplify the situation across the board even though it seems more complicated. Wear a mask in indoor public spaces unless you are dining/drinking, or participating in physical activities/sports.
I still think the provincial government should hire Richard zussman to be their public relations person for all of this.
Dix and Henry honestly give too much info for most people to process.
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Originally Posted by boostfever View Post
Westopher is correct.
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seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax View Post
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
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Old 09-15-2021, 10:06 AM   #12643
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If Zussman started actually working for the MAN his face would be the next one on picket signs for all these fools
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Old 09-15-2021, 10:22 AM   #12644
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Those same people already hate him cause he’s part of the MSM pushing the “false narrative” that this isn’t just a regular flu and it’s a PLANDEMIC MIND CONTROL FROM NAZI PARTY OF EARTH so it’s tomato tomawto at this point.
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Originally Posted by boostfever View Post
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82 View Post
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax View Post
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
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Old 09-15-2021, 11:05 AM   #12645
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I don’t mind Zussman but Keith Baldry is a pompous clown. Guys ego is gonna knock that rug off his head soon
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Old 09-15-2021, 12:12 PM   #12646
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lol I saw Keith Baldry outside the Legislature on Canada Day giving us the evil eye for taking pictures in front. Guy fucking lives at his work it seems even on holidays.

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Old 09-15-2021, 05:26 PM   #12647
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I was talking to the owner of my gym today, he's already had 20+ cancellations since the vaccine pass started.

It blows my mind how much of a bubble we're living in here, I'm truly starting to wonder if these vaccination rates are even factual. It's crazy how many people still aren't vaccinated at this point.

For how slow we initially lagged with our vaccine rates, we're now sitting 2nd overall of the G10 countries for percentage of people vaccinated, lagging only behind Belgium, with a mere fraction of our population.

16.4 million doses in Belgium as opposed to 54.6 million here in Canada.

Give credit where credit is due, we've done a fantastic job in comparison to our companions.
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Old 09-15-2021, 06:30 PM   #12648, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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80% vaccination, still means 1 out of 5 people you see don’t give a rats ass which is pretty poor in my mind.
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Old 09-15-2021, 07:18 PM   #12649
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Went for pho tonight, they actually check qr code and id, in asked the guy there and he did say some people made a big fuss about it. But everyone I saw come in after me had no issues showing the proof.
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Old 09-15-2021, 07:45 PM   #12650
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Normal people won't make a fuss out of it at all, because it's not a big deal at all. The weirdos can eat at home or go to weird places to eat instead.
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