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Old 12-08-2021, 03:00 PM   #13476
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At my work there tends to be 2 kinds workers. There are the ones that show up every day and do their job, and the ones who probably haven't had a full paycheck since they started working there. It's always something, and they tend to be the people who like to bitch the most.
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Old 12-08-2021, 03:04 PM   #13477
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After coming from two relatively small construction firms, and now to a giant faceless corp (albeit a very cushy job) the cushier the job, the more people whine.
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Old 12-08-2021, 03:32 PM   #13478
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^Haha that's probably because people at smaller companies know that whining will likely make it to the boss's ears. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is
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Old 12-09-2021, 11:19 AM   #13479
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What an idiot.

A Vancouver man who refuses to be vaccinated against COVID-19 says he has been stranded in Toronto for the past week at Pearson Airport. He was travelling as the new vaccine mandates for travel came into effect, meaning he could not board his connecting flight.
Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
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Old 12-09-2021, 11:45 AM   #13480
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He can walk and swim back to Africa
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Old 12-09-2021, 12:12 PM   #13481
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Getting my booster on Saturday. Moderna master race.

I'm afraid of stuff like the story RazorRamonHG told on the last page so I'm going to get as many as I can. Just throw a bunch of needles on the ground and I'll roll around in them like that scene in Saw 2 or whatever.
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Old 12-09-2021, 12:21 PM   #13482
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At this point, everyone who isn't getting the shot is just being selfish, if you truly have a medical need and you can't take this shot cuz you'll die, maybe you shouldn't go to a place with a virus which will kill you. Sit your ass at home.

It's not just about your choice it's about protecting the general public around you. If your selfish ass wants to be a carrier. Then face the consequences.
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Old 12-09-2021, 12:52 PM   #13483
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Not sure if you guys have picked this up from the news or not:

Despite the province running a number of immunization rollouts, B.C. government numbers show there are now far fewer staff able to administer the shot.

According to the government, there are 1,230 fewer people giving shots now, which is a 30 per cent drop.
I've been helping the 3 grandparents with their vaccination bookings, and I am noticing how the 3rd shot / booster registration is happening much slower than the 1st and 2nd round shots. On top of that, I still have an unvaccinated kid at home who is waiting for his turn to get jabbed. With the increasing number of caseloads, it is making me worried / stressed out.

I am not at all blaming the medical staff for feeling burnt out -- I think it is fair to say that sentiment applies to pretty much everybody. What is disheartening is, healthcare workers are scared for their own safety because of those fucktards protesting outside the vaccination cites. Seriously, WTF is wrong with those people???
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Old 12-09-2021, 01:07 PM   #13484
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Lol another no risk to Canadians we need more time to monitor.

Canada 'grossly underutilizing' rapid tests, experts warn — even as COVID-19 cases tick up

Public Health Agency of Canada failed to keep tabs on most quarantine hotel stays, says AG
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Old 12-09-2021, 01:54 PM   #13485
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So this guy on my FB (a Chiropractor...make what you will of that) is periodically being banned for - what I assume - posting long-winded anti-vaxx rants. I noticed yesterday he's back again for some reason and posted yet another rant about having been "forced" to get the Moderna shot by his family who was complaining they couldn't go anywhere with him. According to him when he got the shot he immediately felt sick and got diarrhea and it felt like he was shitting shards of glass. Then had to go to the ER and apparently now has myocarditis.

Sounds like he just listed every single possible side-effect that he's ever heard of to try and scare people into not getting it. Anyways I reported the post and it looks as if now he's banned once again

But just in case he's not BS-ing is it even possible to get all these side effects at the same time? Yeesh.

Edit: Nope now he's back again. WTF Zuck, are you doling out 24hr bans or something now?

Anyways if you're into reading crazy here's his original post
***For those that think my posts are "anti vaccination". It probably would be surprising for you all to find that I am double vaxxed. As a health professional, I was pretty much forced to be vaccinated or lose my job. Is that fair? When I dedicated all my life studying to get here? I don't think so. While nurses and all health pros can pick if they want the "flu shot", we can't pick for covid vaccines?! I would rather get covid and have natural immunity, take time off work and heal like the flu. And if I die at least I know I lived a life, play drink and smoke like I chose to, wild and free.
Like I said there is a place for vaccination, but it should not be "universal" when the vaccines doesn't stop transmission or mutations. Cases are still rising and you think they are ALL caused by *unvaxxed people?? No. Stats don't add up right when most of the population choose to be vaccinated. Stop believing fake news.
In my view, many times in life you can pick "money/profit/advantages" or "principles". I've always been the guy who picks righteous principles over money. But this "vaccine passport"/mandate during this pandemic has opened a third road called "family". The mandate imposed by governments has segregated families, and their mandate policies affect families- THIS ONE IS PLAYING TOO CLOSE TO HEART, and it isn't right!
So due to my wife complaining of "we can't go anywhere bc of you", plus my work association enforcing this, I had to get the new technology mRNA vaccines. The third road called "family" (a strategy made by the authoritarian/communist parties- covid was lab made in China), this road called family has made many, including myself, to abandon my own "principles" in order for the happiness of my fam and my deep love for my job. This whole pandemic is a "biological warfare" from Communist China to segregate our unity, down to the micro family level, shake democracy, before they sweep up the aftermath and let dictatorship/authoritarian/Communism take over
I got the Moderna, and immediately after the second shot I got "myocarditis", for real. A stabbing pain plus pressure at your heart with shortness of breathing is a sign of myocarditis. "Men under 50" will likely get myocarditis from covid vaccines, and I got it. The heart pain and pressure continue to come back in "attacks" like angina since I got the shots. I also had the most intense cold chill attacks in my life, my nerves all over were numb, plus I had intense colon area stabbing pain with constant bloody diarrhea with crystalline shaped (like small glass shreads) "blood clots" in stool, barfed all over, immediately after the shot. I was crying in pain at 2am and cried to my wife for an ambulance. Funny that ambulance on Friday nights have a long line up. They never got here. My mom took the taxi to my place as I thought I was going to die and wanted her there. I have never felt so terrible in my life after any shots, and the long term studies of these mRNA vaccines are unknown. Not a day in my life do I not hate these draconian and authoritarian decisions made by our government- it isn't right. Not a fucking day in my life do I not hate the vaccine mandate.
***TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO CHOOSE TO NOT GET VACCINATED, OR DO NOT HAVE A FAMILY YET, OR HAVE A FAMILY IN SUPPORT OF NON-UNIVERSAL VACCINATION, PLEASE KEEP FIGHTING FOR YOUR RIGHTS!! Please stay strong!! Many people are with you and don't believe the fake news. FOR THOSE PEOPLE LIKE MYSELF, WHO ARE "FORCED" TO BE VACCINATED BY THEIR JOB, OR ANYONE WHO FEELS UNFAIR ABOUT THE UNIVERSAL VACCINE MANDATE, PLEASE CONTINUE TO SPEAK UP AND FIGHT FOR FREEDOM OF CHOICE. Our future generations need freedom and creativity, not suppressions, and that starts from the government level top down to each small families........

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Old 12-09-2021, 02:31 PM   #13486
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Originally Posted by JDMDreams View Post
At this point, everyone who isn't getting the shot is just being selfish, if you truly have a medical need and you can't take this shot cuz you'll die, maybe you shouldn't go to a place with a virus which will kill you. Sit your ass at home.

It's not just about your choice it's about protecting the general public around you. If your selfish ass wants to be a carrier. Then face the consequences.
But can't you still carry and pass on the 'Rona even if you are vaccinated? The poke is only to boost your own immune system to fight it off if you get it? So you're not taking up a hospital bed right?

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the hate from vaxxed people towards the unvaccinated. Won't the unvaxxed just eventually die off? Isn't the vax like a shield and the 'Rona is a sword slashing through life. It hits you, you have a shield which will minimize or prevent damage. It hits an unshielded person, bam, mega injury, maybe a fatality. Is that how it works? If that's the case, are unvaxxed people continuing to spread it around worse than the vaccinated who can still spread it around? Is that where the hate comes from? Are the unvaxxed keeping the 'Rona around to where it's "breaking through" to triple and even quadruple poked humans? Will it take a 100% worldwide vaxxed population with a shot every 6 months to make everyone feel safe again?

I assure you that even though it may seem like I am coming across as smug and snarky, which I am, I do still have questions like the above and a lot of it just doesn't make sense to me. I have unvaxxed people in my life, science believing logical thinking people, help me hate them more.
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Old 12-09-2021, 02:48 PM   #13487
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Yes vaxxed n unvaxxed are the same we can both carry n spread it

Originally people assumed vaxxed ppl couldn't spread it I guess

Then the thought became vaxxed ppl had a lower viral load so they couldn't spread as much of it, but that's not true either

the only difference now is the unvaxxed will clog up hospitals easier than the vaxxed

I think it's clear ppl from both sides don't really know wtf is going on and are just acting out to allay their own nerves
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Old 12-09-2021, 02:50 PM   #13488
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Cuz unvaxed ppl think they are some special snowflakes that deserve special treatment because they have imaginary exceptions. They are the ones that refuse to wear a mask when they have to by law. They say they are discriminated against because they don't get what they want. With no real proof or scientific backing towards their views. They are denying the two + years of science and evidence that we have that covid is for reals, real people have died.

How about next time you walk into Starbucks with your dick out and yell out I have an exemption! You can't discriminate me and make me wear pants it's against my rights and freedom. Pants are for sheep's, the government is trying to control you with 5g pants. This is the bs vaxed ppl hear every day while trying to move on and get better with their lives.

And yes I care cuz I don't want die or get sick cuz some dumb fuck breathed on me. How about you let that anti vaxer cough a few times in your face or your kids face.
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Old 12-09-2021, 02:52 PM   #13489
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My understanding is -- the vaccine is more than just a shield to minimize the damage from that COVID sword. It also dramatically reduces the amount of shrapnel that gets spewed off in all sorts of directions when the COVID sword strikes on your vaccinated shield.

It is possible that the vaccinated person still explodes with as much shrapnel as an unvaccinated person, but generally speaking, vaccinated people give off far less shrapnel when they get slashed by that COVID sword. This is why vaccinated people dislike unvaccinated people -- because the vaxxed people think the unvaxxed people are not doing their share to protect others.
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Old 12-09-2021, 02:52 PM   #13490
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Just the govt. way to sow division, if vaccines were the be all end all no one should “fear” the unvaccinated.

Even in the height of the pandemic the people clogging the hospitals were the demographics that would end up there with any other respiratory disease. You may not be a good citizen of the community but to hate someone for choosing not to be vaxxed? Ehhh I dunno.. they are probably conspiracy dumb dumbs etc. but if they never brought it up to anyone, weren’t against wearing masks etc. does it effect you if a 25 year old person isn’t vaccinated?

If they never end up in hospital, don’t transmit it to anyone, are you just angry over their potential? Lol
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Old 12-09-2021, 02:55 PM   #13491
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It's not necessarily unvaxxed, it's the unvaxxed who are trying to be crusaders and martyrs trying to convince others to undermine our vaccination regimen.

- People in positions of authority (Politicians, quasi-healthcare practitioners like my friend above) convincing grandma and grandpa not to get vaxxed

- Parents keeping their kids from getting vaxxed

- People who spread misinformation on social media like my friend above

- People who protest in front of hospitals and schools harassing heath care workers and random people on the street

I'm more than willing to dole out "the hate" if it gets them to keep quiet or shut the fuck up.

These type of people can get fucked six ways to Sunday.

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Old 12-09-2021, 03:11 PM   #13492
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Originally Posted by StylinRed View Post
Yes vaxxed n unvaxxed are the same we can both carry n spread it

Originally people assumed vaxxed ppl couldn't spread it I guess

Then the thought became vaxxed ppl had a lower viral load so they couldn't spread as much of it, but that's not true either

the only difference now is the unvaxxed will clog up hospitals easier than the vaxxed

I think it's clear ppl from both sides don't really know wtf is going on and are just acting out to allay their own nerves

Ughh, what?

Evidence suggests the U.S. COVID-19 vaccination program has substantially reduced the burden of disease in the United States by preventing serious illness in fully vaccinated people and interrupting chains of transmission. Vaccinated people can still become infected and have the potential to spread the virus to others, although at much lower rates than unvaccinated people. The risks of SARS-CoV-2 infection in fully vaccinated people are higher where community transmission of the virus is widespread. Current efforts to maximize the proportion of the U.S. population that is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 remain critical to ending the COVID-19 pandemic.

Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
Just the govt. way to sow division, if vaccines were the be all end all no one should “fear” the unvaccinated.

Even in the height of the pandemic the people clogging the hospitals were the demographics that would end up there with any other respiratory disease. You may not be a good citizen of the community but to hate someone for choosing not to be vaxxed? Ehhh I dunno.. they are probably conspiracy dumb dumbs etc. but if they never brought it up to anyone, weren’t against wearing masks etc. does it effect you if a 25 year old person isn’t vaccinated?

If they never end up in hospital, don’t transmit it to anyone, are you just angry over their potential? Lol
My issue with the unvaccinated are those that pretend to be vaccinated. I'm a new father and my kid isn't vaccinated. I realized that the chances of him getting really sick and potentially dying are low but why would I want to even jeopardize that?
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Old 12-09-2021, 03:35 PM   #13493
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You have to look at the pros and cons. What are the pros of getting vaccinated? Don't die, less likely to die.

Please give me some true pros of not getting vaccinated, that is not a conspiracy.

Will you win the lottery? No. Will you live a long and healthy life? No.
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Old 12-09-2021, 03:41 PM   #13494
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The likelihood of dieing from Covid as a young healthy adult (unvaccinated or not) are about the same as winning the lottery though.

Most people under 40 are far more likely to die from bad drugs than Covid.

So if someone was unvaccinated but didn’t go out of their way to tell you, and you and your family are fully vaccinated, why does that person bother you?
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Old 12-09-2021, 03:57 PM   #13495
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Originally Posted by CRS View Post
Like I said that's what was assumed originally, but no longer, especially with delta

Mind you the load is still lower than unvaxxed individuals but not as much as it was before the variants
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Old 12-09-2021, 04:20 PM   #13496
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Originally Posted by StylinRed View Post
Mind you the load is still lower than unvaxxed individuals but not as much as it was before the variants
So, you mean, like, they are lower?

Literally every credible source out there saying statistically vaccinated are far likely to have 1) less chance of infection at all, 2) less severe symptoms if infected, 3) reduced transmission, 4) better immunity than 'natural'.

But still we have morons (not you, personally) spewing 'No hur durr let me pick and choose information from random sources on a topic I understand nothing about so I can protect my freedum!'
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Old 12-09-2021, 04:31 PM   #13497
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
The likelihood of dieing from Covid as a young healthy adult (unvaccinated or not) are about the same as winning the lottery though.
Not dying is good, but you still have the possibility of being sick enough to end up in the hospital. Also, there's evidence of the long-term effects of contracting COVID. You may not die, but you could get fucked-up real bad.
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Old 12-09-2021, 04:36 PM   #13498
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hey, maybe not dying is enough for those people (do you really spell it dying instead of dieing? lol)
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Old 12-09-2021, 04:37 PM   #13499
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Originally Posted by Presto View Post
Not dying is good, but you still have the possibility of being sick enough to end up in the hospital. Also, there's evidence of the long-term effects of contracting COVID. You may not die, but you could get fucked-up real bad.
This is what I mean with the hypocrisy.

Vaccines have unknown long term effects! Myocarditis!

Ok, but what about the long term effects of Covid? Oh, uh, well young people don't die from it, so no need for the vaccine! But but Dr Bonnie Henry!
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Old 12-09-2021, 04:39 PM   #13500
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Clearly we're not doing enough Ontario is back up to 1300 cases a day, New fucking Brunswick out of all places have 174 new cases a day. I think this Christmas is gonna be worse than last year, just wait till it hits our Florida neighbor Alberta. They say no risk to kids but all the kids are getting infected based on these new numbers.
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