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12-23-2021, 01:28 PM
#13876 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Originally Posted by whitev70r K ... I'm not understanding why so many people want to get tested?
If you don't have symptoms, they won't test you.
If you have symptoms, just stay home and isolate or take precaution and ride it out.
So WHY are there so many people wanting to get tested ... what for?
I mean at the rate that this thing is spreading, you can get tested, it could be negative and from the time you tested till you get result (1 day), you could have caught it. | Most of it is for peace of mind I assume, if you have symptoms you want to know if you do or don't.
Some of it is because they call people for contact tracing with confirmed cases, and they tell you explicitly to go get tested.
Then there's also this:
Lastly, someone theorized that people are just lying to get tested right before the holidays so they can gather (within or outside of restrictions, I guess).
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12-23-2021, 01:30 PM
#13877 | I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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Yea, see my post before ya there for the example lol
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12-23-2021, 01:49 PM
#13878 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Those who want a test just for peace of mind (especially for those with no symptoms and are lying to get tested) so they can gather for Christmas are idiots. Are they going to bubble wrap themselves until the family gathering?
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12-23-2021, 01:49 PM
#13879 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer So I’ve heard two different stories in the last day that somewhat answer your question lol..
A friends parents both had symptoms, they didn’t want to wait the time to get a test because they were concerned they were “going to miss Christmas” so they lied at the airport testing centre said they were both without symptoms and needed tests for travel, both got PCR tests and came back negative
|   Quote:
Way to delay that at home rapid testing Bonnie/Adrian. This is becoming more of a circus everyday
| I'm not defending the rapid testing rollout, or lack thereof, I do think they're needed at this point. But I think most people don't realize they're far less accurate, which leads to people who 'test negative' going to house parties, etc., and also it's hard for government to keep track of numbers. But yes, it was still done poorly.
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12-23-2021, 01:52 PM
#13880 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Originally Posted by whitev70r Those who want a test just for peace of mind (especially for those with no symptoms and are lying to get tested) so they can gather for Christmas are idiots. Are they going to bubble wrap themselves until the family gathering? | I think if this pandemic has proven anything, it's that there's quite a lot of idiots out there, in varying capacities.
From the guys who wore scuba respirators at walmart to those who put water bottles on their heads, to the morons I still see daily with their mask under their nose, to those taking horse medication to those claiming hospitals are empty, to people hosting huge parties to people lying for selfish reasons, etc.
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12-23-2021, 02:01 PM
#13881 | I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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If I was feeling any symptoms there’s no way in hell I’m sitting in my car for 4 hours lol fuck
I’d tell my employer the same thing, I’m sick either way, whether it’s Covid or not, I’m not gonna go wait for 6 hours in a duvet and heated driver seat in Canada way to tell them one way or the other
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12-23-2021, 02:17 PM
#13882 | Performance Moderator
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Don’t have much choice like for my work if you’re sick you gotta go get tested because they (management and your coworkers) want to know if they were exposed or not.
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12-23-2021, 02:19 PM
#13883 | I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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Originally Posted by 68style Don’t have much choice like for my work if you’re sick you gotta go get tested because they (management and your coworkers) want to know if they were exposed or not. | Yea I’m sure I’d be under the same situation, but if you have to wait a day to get tested due to delays 100% I know they wouldn’t do their due diligence and remove anyone I had contact with. They would just be status quo until the results were there lol
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12-23-2021, 03:46 PM
#13884 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Damn 2046+ a day now
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12-23-2021, 04:09 PM
#13885 | I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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Between Dec. 15 and 21, people who were not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 accounted for more than 24 per cent of cases. In the Dec. 8 to 21 time period, these people accounted for more than 68 per cent of hospitalizations.
| So now the majority of cases are among vaccinated people, and the difference in hospitalizations are now swinging away from unvaccinated people and towards vaccinated, sweet
Decent read from the national post on Israelis waking up to their proposed 4th booster:
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
Last edited by Hondaracer; 12-23-2021 at 04:14 PM.
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12-23-2021, 04:29 PM
#13886 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer | I think you misread, 24% unvaccinated cases, but 68% hospitalizations, albeit in a different date range.
Edit: I'm an idiot, I misread, not you. Lol
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12-23-2021, 04:34 PM
#13887 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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The actual numbers of positives are probably 2x as reported because they can't test all the people.
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12-23-2021, 04:43 PM
#13888 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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The majority of the population are vaccinated, so of course the majority of cases and hospitalizations will be too
The majority of deaths is by far unvaccinated though |
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12-23-2021, 04:50 PM
#13889 | I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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Originally Posted by inv4zn I think you misread, 24% unvaccinated cases, but 68% hospitalizations, albeit in a different date range.
Edit: I'm an idiot, I misread, not you. Lol | Both the article and the way I wrote it are kind of weird
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12-23-2021, 05:35 PM
#13890 | Willing to sell a family member for a few minutes on RS
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Originally Posted by inv4zn I think you misread, 24% unvaccinated cases, but 68% hospitalizations, albeit in a different date range.
Edit: I'm an idiot, I misread, not you. Lol | Wait are you guys saying 68% of hospitalizations are vaccinated? That reads that 68% are unvaccinated. I’m misunderstanding your misunderstandings lol.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5 Quote:
Originally Posted by boostfever Westopher is correct. | Quote:
Originally Posted by fsy82 seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked | Quote:
Originally Posted by punkwax Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct. | |
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12-23-2021, 05:51 PM
#13891 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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^ That sentence qualifies for one of the stupidest sentence ever written. Don't know WTH writer is trying to say. What is 'more than 24% of cases'? How much more than 24% ... is it 25% or 50% .. both are more than 24%? And why are you comparing stats from 2 different periods? Between Dec. 15 and 21, people who were not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 accounted for more than 24 per cent of cases. In the Dec. 8 to 21 time period, these people accounted for more than 68 per cent of hospitalizations.
Please Hondaracer, think before you post useless shit!
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12-23-2021, 06:14 PM
#13892 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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The article itself is poorly written, it's not Hondaracer's fault lol. I suspect the actual value was something like 24.2%, but for whatever stupid reason the author wrote "more than".
I think what Hondaracer was alluding to is:
24% of cases are unvaxxed, which means the vast majority of cases are amongst vaxxed, but as expected as Skinny said.
68% of hospitalizations are unvaxxed, which means that number is also slowly swinging the other way.
It's essentially two unrelated things that were put together in one sentence for no reason other than poor journalism lol.
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12-23-2021, 07:48 PM
#13893 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Dr. BH is giving a presser tomorrow at 10:00 am ... any spoilers or any ideas what she will say? Additional restrictions? Or just, the same ... be kind, be calm, be safe mantra?
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12-23-2021, 07:49 PM
#13894 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by JDMDreams Damn 2046+ a day now | Roughly a 34% increase, but media also fails to mention they tested 24% more people than the previous day.
69 Camaro LS/T56
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12-23-2021, 07:56 PM
#13895 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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^^ but then that's all the people who got tested and got their results back, I've been hearing long turn around times or even ppl just give up on trying to get tested as the lines are so long, plus then you got the no symptom ones or no symptoms yet
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12-23-2021, 09:28 PM
#13896 | I subscribe to the Fight Club ONLY
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While the News1130 article is poorly written, I suppose the blame should really go back to the BC provincial Ministry of Health because that poorly written / poorly presented data is what the ministry has provided: Quote:
From Dec. 15-21, people not fully vaccinated accounted for 24.8% of cases and from Dec. 8-21 they accounted for 68.6% of hospitalizations.
| Also worth noting are the following stats: Quote:
Past week cases (Dec. 15-21) - Total 6,879
- Not vaccinated: 1,620 (23.5%)
- Partially vaccinated: 86 (1.3%)
-Fully vaccinated: 5,173 (75.2%)
Past two weeks cases hospitalized (Dec. 8-21) - Total 175
- Not vaccinated: 116 (66.3%)
- Partially vaccinated: 4 (2.3%)
- Fully vaccinated: 55 (31.4%)
| IMO, the large percentage of fully vaccinated people testing positive for COVID is a combination of:
- Omicron punching through the protection afforded by the vaccine
- Omicron's high rate of transmissibility
- the sheer number of fully vaccinated people in BC (~90%) compared to the unvaccinated
- the large number of people getting tested
But the really important bit, in no uncertain terms, is this: Quote:
Past week, cases per 100,000 population after adjusting for age (Dec. 15-21)
- Not vaccinated: 238.2
- Partially vaccinated: 41.8
- Fully vaccinated: 113.5
Past two weeks, cases hospitalized per 100,000 population after adjusting for age (Dec. 8-21)
- Not vaccinated: 27
- Partially vaccinated: 3.1
- Fully vaccinated: 1.2
| An unvaccinated person has a 0.238% chance of getting infected by COVID, while a fully vaccinated person has a 0.1135% chance to get infected. Roughly speaking, that means an unvaccinated person is more than 2x as likely to be infected by COVID.
Furthermore, an unvaccinated person has a 0.0270% chance of becoming hospitalized due to COVID, while a fully vaccinated person has a 0.0012% chance to do the same. This means an unvaccinated person is 22.5x more likely to be hospitalized by COVID compared to a fully vaccinated person.
You are free to interpret those statistics however you see fit. You can say having a 0.238% chance of getting COVID is very low, and I can't say you're wrong. You can say having a 0.0270% chance of getting hospitalized because of COVID is an extremely small chance, and I also can't say you are wrong. At the same time, the numbers are also quite plainly spelling out that an unvaccinated person has almost a 23x higher chance of being hospitalized by COVID compared to a fully vaccinated person.
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12-23-2021, 09:58 PM
#13897 | My homepage has been set to RS
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So I should have been partially vaccinated instead of fully |
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12-24-2021, 07:38 AM
#13898 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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Should we just do a full lock down for like 2 weeks? Everything is closed every one is off for Christmas anyways. We should just pause everything for a few weeks and restart.
Ontario reported a whopping 9,571 cases of COVID-19 on Friday.
That's 3,781 cases higher than Thursday's case count, which—at 5,790—was already the most cases ever logged on a single day in the province by a considerable margin. |
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12-24-2021, 07:42 AM
#13899 | I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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What does a pause do at this point? Push back the inevitable two weeks?
Time to strap in and ride it out. There is barely appetite for the current measures. “Regular” people will eventually have had enough
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12-24-2021, 07:45 AM
#13900 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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| Alberta giving temporary testing options to unvaccinated healthcare staff
Cue the Curb Your Enthusiasm music?
__________________ LEAFS! |
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