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Pull out methods been around before that. Be a man and control that nut if you wanna go that route.
Been practicing the pull out method for 16 years, older she gets the more reliable it is. Lol
“The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place... and I don´t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently, if you let it. You, me or nobody, is gonna hit as hard as life. But ain't about how hard you hit... It's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward... how much you can take, and keep moving forward. That´s how winning is done. Now, if you know what you worth, go out and get what you worth.” - Rocky Balboa
haha ... Quebec proposed tax on unvaxxed and 7000 people signed up for the vaccine. It may not even go through ... great strategy.
Having said that, I think Quebec premier has ballz. I see all the cray cray protest in France, I thought Francophones are pretty high on independence, personal freedom, etc.
I ended up waiting in line today for 40 minutes at the YVR drive through covid test site and took home a rapid test. My symptoms were body aches and a slight sore throat. My test results came out positive, I was sort of shocked thinking maybe it’s a false positive but probably unlikely. I guess I was bound to get it sooner or later.
^ oh wow ... get some rest and hope you come through in a few days. Yah, if you are positive on a rapid test, that's a pretty sure positive as it is less sensitive to PCR test.
At work today talked to a bunch of colleagues as we don’t typically see each other much and 3 of the 4 I talked to tested positive over Xmas break plus myself.
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
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Another freedom fighter choosing hugs over masks
Vancouver Coastal Health says people who don’t want to get vaccinated themselves have been paying vulnerable people who live in the Downtown Eastside to get COVID-19 shots using the fraudsters’ name and health number.
A health-care worker in the neighbourhood says she recently encountered a patient who had been paid $200 to get two shots using another person’s name and personal health number. She said the patient is extremely vulnerable and has mental health and addiction issues, and was not able to make a fully informed decision when presented with a chance to make extra money.
“I’m angry at people taking advantage, but also that this is what [this patient] has to do to make money because they live in abject poverty,” the health-care worker said.
The worker spoke to The Tyee anonymously because she could face reprisals from her employer for speaking to the media.
The worker said she gave the patient a third dose of the vaccine, a “booster” shot now being given to B.C. residents across the province, in an attempt to counter the highly infectious Omicron variant of COVID-19.
But because the patient had gotten the two previous shots under another person’s name, the patient will not be able to get proof they are fully vaccinated.
Since Oct. 24, B.C. residents have needed a vaccine passport showing they’ve received at least two doses to go to eat in restaurants or cafés, and to enter indoor spaces like bars, movie theatres and sports venues. Some employers also require their employees to have a vaccine passport.
In the Downtown Eastside, Vancouver Coastal Health has been running pop-up vaccination clinics on street corners, overdose prevention sites and venues like the Carnegie Community Centre to try to get residents vaccinated. Many people who live in the neighbourhood have pre-existing health conditions and are more likely to end up in hospital if they contract COVID-19.
The Vancouver Coastal Health authority told The Tyee that staff are aware of people trying to get vaccine passports fraudulently by paying vulnerable people in the neighbourhood to be vaccinated.
The health authority said it’s now put in place “measures to thwart these attempts” and will be ensuring that anyone seeking a COVID-19 vaccine in the Downtown Eastside is eligible to get one and has their identity confirmed.
VCH did not respond to questions about how many times this type of vaccine fraud has happened.
While many Downtown Eastside residents have their identification repeatedly stolen, the health-care worker said it’s possible to confirm patients’ identity by asking them for their full name and birthday and checking that information with health records.
She added that it’s disturbing to realize that unvaccinated people may be able to enter restaurants and other venues where vaccine passports are required using the fraudulent documents.
There have been reports of similar fraud in Edmonton, again using vulnerable people to get shots under other people’s names. An emergency room nurse told Global News that they had encountered at least six patients who said they’d been paid to get vaccinated, including one who said they’d gotten seven shots in one day.
One patient had told the nurse that the end customer for the vaccine proof pays $2,000 to a third party, but the people who agree to get the shot are paid $100, according to the Global News story.
Alberta Health Services told Global News that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and adverse reactions are rare, but it’s not advised to have more doses than recommended. Getting doses too close together could increase the risk of having an adverse reaction, AHS said.
Edmonton police are now investigating the reports of vaccine fraud, and Vancouver Coastal Health says it will report any future incidents of fraud to police.
The Downtown Eastside health worker who spoke to The Tyee said the patient she spoke with was afraid of getting in trouble and was reluctant to give her information because of that fear.
She emphasized that it’s the fraudsters, not the vulnerable people being enticed to get vaccinated for money, who should face the consequences of their actions
98 technoviolet M3/2/5
Originally Posted by boostfever
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
Here is some context to the Calvinism bit that apparently no one in the comments is getting:
This guy is a prof at Ferris State, which is in West Michigan. There is a large amount of religious conservatives coming from Calvinist traditions in West Michigan, many of whom are anti-vaxx or anti-mask. There is a somewhat common argument amongst religious conservatives here of "I won't get covid because it's God's will that his followers will be protected". In saying that his students are predestined to pass or fail his class, he's pointing out this argument is bullshit because divine will or not your actions do have consequences that influence the world around you, i.e. wear a mask, get your shots, social distance, study, etc.
Essentially he's half joking half making a point to his students, many of whom I presume have never left The Bubble. For those who did not grow up in the area where this guy is teaching, let me assure you that in context what he is saying is fucking hilarious and at least some of the students in his class probably could stand to benefit from critical analysis of their world view.
This prof loses it over the idea of the semester returning to in person classes over remote learning, this is his intro to the class, and the soft kids were shocked, but tbh it's quite nicely done imo
Original clip was made private, but this is an alt link
While of course it's shitty to use another human being as a pin cushion because you don't want the poke but still want to live in this society; isn't it ironic that the police may be called to intervene but since the VPD isn't required to be vaccinated wouldn't one of them entering into a restaurant to oust a fraudster be looked at as "disturbing" like the article says? Not poking fun at the context of the article but more seeing if there is a double standard there at all in terms of legal enforcement.
Get the shot, live there for free, don't and be homeless. It looks like he's a career shit disturber, it's all calculated for social media and is finally paying off for him. $150K will buy a nice Dodge Caravan they can live in.
I made the mistake of posting on the FB link, I couldn't stand the notifications so I deleted my post.