When are the truckers arriving? Boy I sure wish I was smart enough to drive a truck and do research online. Very specialized industry, totally irreplaceable workforce. I mean if they threaten to quit what will we ever do? I saw one kindly gentleman on television last night… he cried out “It’s about our freedom! Our freedom of charter and rights!” I’m sure he meant the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which he may not have had time to read while researching online, but anyone would make the same mistake at such an emotional moment in their life. |
This shows true with vaccines as well. To get the last 20% vaccinated will require much more effort than the first 80% |
Rogan claimed 50k truckers were coming in his podcast. LOL!!! https://scontent.fyvr3-1.fna.fbcdn.n...og&oe=61F88FFE I knew this was not a trucker protest when I didn't see a single turban. Over 60% of the trucking industry is Punjabi. |
But I guess earning a living is more important than this vaccine mandate. |
https://globalnews.ca/news/8531929/t...c-road-safety/ Quote:
The amount of fucking idiots I saw posting on Saturday talking about “OHHHH MSM LIAR PROTEST IS 4 FREEDOM” Like no you fucking idiots, it’s about the road conditions. Not everything is a fucking conspiracy by the media. Literally 9 seconds of reading would tell you what it’s about, or listening to a single person in the convoys interview, but it’s easier to read a headline and consider yourself victimized. |
bUt i hUrD oN rAdiO vAcCinE BADDD #turd |
"Friend got covid and gave it to his whole family. Son in ICU. Son and wife didn't get vaccine. But wife is ok, no problem at all" FailFish |
^ “Didn’t like that kid anyway, can always make another” |
However it’s quite the assumption my case would have been any worse without one given I haven’t been sick once in like 15 years and the odds of having a serious case were next to nothing even before omicron. Someone mentioned before “statistics don’t really matter when it’s your young child who can’t breathe” and I agree completely. However, the odds of me ever having a serious case even prior to vaccination were incredibly slim. I’m in basically the lower risk group, low risk lifestyle. Live fairly healthy, can afford vitamins, supplement, go for Semi annual blood work, I know T cells and other indicators are good etc. It’s not just a coincidence my case was mild, That’s the norm. We’ve gotten completely away from actually looking at the numbers and have just started living through anecdotes of hearsay |
Rob Schneider tweeted something out in support of the truckers because he's transitioning to a right wing comedian for some reason? I support civil disobedience but I won't take someone who made some of the worst movies of the late 90s to early 2000s to be a source of credible info on anything but being box office poison. Since I wasn't sure about the accuracy of the statement so I weaponized my autism and checked the numbers. Here is my study. Oh, and in honour of Schneider's transition to a conservative comedian, I have adorned my rigorous study with images from his 2002 gender-bending classic "The Hot Chick". https://i.imgur.com/Qs37Rym.jpg |
lol, someone coined #FluTruxKlan. MAGA hats, confederate flags, and holocaust references. All by the people who claim "ThE lEfT hAvE nO jObS". Stupid fucking idiots. |
Warning you might die laughing. https://imgur.com/a/vMqFz7m Rob Schneider has been antivax long before covid. |
Yikes, I guess dentists interfere with her freedom too. |
Damn ... that's a long ass convoy ... I mean traffic jam. Why would people voluntarily drive into a traffic jam ??? Imagine the time idling. I was fine with it until the crayzies jumped onto the convoy. I really didn't think the government needed to pick a huge fight with truckers when their work didn't involve a whole lot of interaction with other people. So go ahead and peacefully protest but now ... all the antivaxxers, freedom fighters are coming out of the closet and saying, 'We love truckers!' |
I have a friend from high school on facebook who is a trucker and posts stuff like this (I've posted his memes before too) https://i.imgur.com/ZSw8drs.jpg I was hoping he'd be in the convoy so I could get some comedic gold, but he hasn't posted in a week FeelsBadMan |
They are using push to talk app called zello to communicate. I hope some people are recording it. Here are the some of the channels they are on if you want to listen in. convoy to Ottawa (this is the main one) ++CONVOY TO OTTAWA++ USA. Big rigs convoy south convoy west convoy to ottawa 2.0 convoi Quebec Ottawa convoy east Convoy to Ottawa + |
Mandate freedom baby! Unfortunately I seem to fall within the supporter demo of that 35-65 white person :pokerface: |
Hondaracer bro, why aren't you with the convoy?! C'mon man, put your 'money where your mouth is' instead of typing on a forum. |
Oh yah cool our dictator is fearsome and more likely to kill us indiscriminately instead of be a candyass... weeeeee winninggggg |
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