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03-11-2020, 11:38 PM
#1451 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by hud 91gt Panic about the world stopping, not about getting sick! Let’s be realistic here! Why do I think housing bubble Jason will be showing his face soon? | The problem is if the virus gets out of hand, our healthcare system will not be able to sustain.
You'll have people who normally would have been treated for other illnesses/diseases that will die because of an overwhelmed system.
Admittedly, against my better judgment, i went to the game last night. My brother invited me last week. I called Saturday to say i thought it was a bad idea. He twisted my rubber arm, and i thought alright, I've got my hand sanitizer, I'll keep my distance best i can and use it whenever i touch something public.
I could count on one hand how many people were using sanitizer, and i was paying close attention. People were running there hands along railings, then sitting down and eating hot dogs. Or digging into popcorn. Minimal hand washing in restrooms. Generally no one seemed to be giving it a thought.
I see people working while sick. Coughing, sneezing into their hands.
Italy had 79 cases on February 22. Today, 19 days later, there are well over 12,000. You have to let that sync in. 19 days.
I think we're at 100 cases now?
This is what compounding exponential growth looks like.
Our government is leaving it up to people to self report and self isolate. so when i see the general population not even attempting to perform basic hygiene, let alone drastically alter behavior, i don't have a lot of faith in that system.
I'm not one to panic, but i anticipate there are going to be big changes either soon, or soon after.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
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03-11-2020, 11:51 PM
#1452 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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That's why we have to rely on the government to shut down non essential things that attract crowds. It's unfortunate, but you gotta do it. People won't sacrifice having a normal life, they're just too used to it. It's kind of why we're so complacent, and some democratic countries continue to get shit on by rich fucks.
I tried to talk my friend out of his planned Disneyland trip, but he's like I'm not throwing away $5000, if I get the flu after, I'll stay home.
I am counting on Disneyland being shut down by the time his trip comes, so he won't have a choice either way. This way, he won't be putting his fellow citizens at risk. He loses a few thousand, Disney loses millions.
He literally said "I'm going to live my life" which I found amusing considering this thread, and that he didn't want to "hibernate"
Not an idiot either. Just a dude who won't listen to reason.
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03-11-2020, 11:52 PM
#1453 | Need my Daily Fix of RS
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People gotta stop saying the virus originated from the Chinese. Nobody knows that and there is no evidence for it.
Japanese media is saying it originated from the U.S. There was a army Olympic games held in Wuhan back in Oct/Nov 2019, so the US army could had brought it over to screw China over. Again this is speculation as well, there is no evidence, so stop saying about the bat soup, it probably had nothing to do with that.
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03-12-2020, 12:01 AM
#1454 | I Will not Admit my Addiction to RS
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^ stop spreading Chinese propaganda.. No Japanese media is saying that.. Maybe Wuhan "Japanese" media
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03-12-2020, 12:04 AM
#1455 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp That's why we have to rely on the government to shut down non essential things that attract crowds. It's unfortunate, but you gotta do it. People won't sacrifice having a normal life, they're just too used to it. It's kind of why we're so complacent, and some democratic countries continue to get shit on by rich fucks.
I tried to talk my friend out of his planned Disneyland trip, but he's like I'm not throwing away $5000, if I get the flu after, I'll stay home.
I am counting on Disneyland being shut down by the time his trip comes, so he won't have a choice either way. This way, he won't be putting his fellow citizens at risk. He loses a few thousand, Disney loses millions.
He literally said "I'm going to live my life" which I found amusing considering this thread, and that he didn't want to "hibernate"
Not an idiot either. Just a dude who won't listen to reason. | Yea, i expect things will change by months end. It's not likely to stay voluntary since, understandably, that's not going to work.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
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03-12-2020, 12:24 AM
#1456 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Thought I'd mention as well, If you all have hand sanitizer (I hope you do), use it publicly, often, and try to be as conspicuous as possible.
Like anything, people will be more likely to follow suit the more examples of that behavior they see.
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
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03-12-2020, 12:44 AM
#1457 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Originally Posted by anxiety People gotta stop saying the virus originated from the Chinese. Nobody knows that and there is no evidence for it.
Japanese media is saying it originated from the U.S. There was a army Olympic games held in Wuhan back in Oct/Nov 2019, so the US army could had brought it over to screw China over. Again this is speculation as well, there is no evidence, so stop saying about the bat soup, it probably had nothing to do with that. | Is that you, gulululu?
__________________ [13-03, 11:25] MG1 when you hit the brakes, it shoots cum at pedestrian - bukkake
[12-03, 19:06] meme405 That e30 is so mexiflushed I thought we were in albuquerque
[12-03, 23:03] rb when i see a modded element. I have nothing but respect. either the parents kicked him out or the guy is killing hookers in the back |
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03-12-2020, 12:48 AM
#1458 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by anxiety People gotta stop saying the virus originated from the Chinese. Nobody knows that and there is no evidence for it.
Japanese media is saying it originated from the U.S. There was a army Olympic games held in Wuhan back in Oct/Nov 2019, so the US army could had brought it over to screw China over. Again this is speculation as well, there is no evidence, so stop saying about the bat soup, it probably had nothing to do with that. | more like china's bioweapon instead of bat soup lol
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03-12-2020, 01:15 AM
#1459 | Need my Daily Fix of RS
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Originally Posted by Akinari Is that you, gulululu? | stfu dude, when they find where the virus originated from, then come back and spread rumours. I'm not saying either is true. Me saying the virus originated from the US is as absurd as you saying it originated from China.
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03-12-2020, 01:19 AM
#1460 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by anxiety People gotta stop saying the virus originated from the Chinese. Nobody knows that and there is no evidence for it.
Japanese media is saying it originated from the U.S. There was a army Olympic games held in Wuhan back in Oct/Nov 2019, so the US army could had brought it over to screw China over. Again this is speculation as well, there is no evidence, so stop saying about the bat soup, it probably had nothing to do with that. | Define "originated"?
The first outbreak was in Wuhan. If coming from anywhere else, say someone in Wuhan got it from somewhere else, then from a virology perspective, there should be cases around the same time in other parts of China with no connection to Wuhan. However, that's not the case. Every early case report point toward Wuhan as the common factor.
Given the virus amazing capability of spreading, if it originated from ANYWHERE ELSE, shouldn't there had report of an unknown virus outbreak prior to that? Nop... zip, nada...
China just doesn't want to look bad to have 2 major outbreaks from them (SARS and now this Wuhan virus) when they are trying to paint themselves as a prosper and almighty country. When in fact, they have problem dealing even the basic hygienic issues, which I'm not sure is incompetence or corruption, but take your pick. The fact that wet market can still exist at the scale of those found in China give you a sense how lack of control they have on this very basic hygiene issue.
So again, define originated... and get back to me how it's from somewhere else other than China. Unless you want to discuss where coronavirus (as the entire genre) first originated... I don't see how you can point it elsewhere.
Nothing for now
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03-12-2020, 01:22 AM
#1461 | Need my Daily Fix of RS
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Originally Posted by Rallydrv ^ stop spreading Chinese propaganda.. No Japanese media is saying that.. Maybe Wuhan "Japanese" media | I'm not taking side on any country. What we are reading is western propaganda so how about stopping that instead? Both are propaganda and you know it.
Can you provide any scientific research/evidence that prove the virus originated from China? If not then STFU.
smh how ignorant...
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03-12-2020, 01:32 AM
#1462 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by Hehe Define "originated"?
The first outbreak was in Wuhan. If coming from anywhere else, say someone in Wuhan got it from somewhere else, then from a virology perspective, there should be cases around the same time in other parts of China with no connection to Wuhan. However, that's not the case. Every early case report point toward Wuhan as the common factor.
Given the virus amazing capability of spreading, if it originated from ANYWHERE ELSE, shouldn't there had report of an unknown virus outbreak prior to that? Nop... zip, nada...
China just doesn't want to look bad to have 2 major outbreaks from them (SARS and now this Wuhan virus) when they are trying to paint themselves as a prosper and almighty country. When in fact, they have problem dealing even the basic hygienic issues, which I'm not sure is incompetence or corruption, but take your pick. The fact that wet market can still exist at the scale of those found in China give you a sense how lack of control they have on this very basic hygiene issue.
So again, define originated... and get back to me how it's from somewhere else other than China. Unless you want to discuss where coronavirus (as the entire genre) first originated... I don't see how you can point it elsewhere. | I don't blame him. My mother who is born and raised in China that is connected with Chinese social media told me the same thing too.
Of course, with our different backgrounds and cultures, I didn't want to argue.
I do believe that the world is overpopulated and the conspiracies about stones with written words about depopulating, or the stories about how China created this virus to stop Hong Kong protesters but failed and leaked out into wuhan.
Who do we even blame...
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03-12-2020, 01:34 AM
#1463 | Need my Daily Fix of RS
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Originally Posted by Hehe Define "originated"?
The first outbreak was in Wuhan. If coming from anywhere else, say someone in Wuhan got it from somewhere else, then from a virology perspective, there should be cases around the same time in other parts of China with no connection to Wuhan. However, that's not the case. Every early case report point toward Wuhan as the common factor.
Given the virus amazing capability of spreading, if it originated from ANYWHERE ELSE, shouldn't there had report of an unknown virus outbreak prior to that? Nop... zip, nada...
China just doesn't want to look bad to have 2 major outbreaks from them (SARS and now this Wuhan virus) when they are trying to paint themselves as a prosper and almighty country. When in fact, they have problem dealing even the basic hygienic issues, which I'm not sure is incompetence or corruption, but take your pick. The fact that wet market can still exist at the scale of those found in China give you a sense how lack of control they have on this very basic hygiene issue.
So again, define originated... and get back to me how it's from somewhere else other than China. Unless you want to discuss where coronavirus (as the entire genre) first originated... I don't see how you can point it elsewhere. | Doesn't matter what my definition of origination is... I'm not a scientist, I don't claim to be one. The fact of the matter is, as of now, no one can prove where the coronavirus came from. Sure there is a possibility that the it came from the bat soup, or wild animal market or Wuhan research lab, or the US army could had brought the virus over during the army olympic games.
Everything is probable here, we are all guessing here.
Whatever you believe in... just don't be ignorant and claim I'm spreading a rumour while you are all just guessing on what western media has provides us as well.
I'm not gonna reply to another post and argue with all of you that are in disagreement with, because arguing on the internet is like running in the special Olympics...If you win, you're still retarded
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03-12-2020, 01:36 AM
#1464 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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South China Agricultural University in Guangzhou had determined early on that it was from the pangolin, with 99% DNA match. However after getting REALLY mad at the WaPo "Sick Man of Asia" headline, China decided they needed to change history and try to blame other countries, so the university revoked this study, saying that there was a "miscommunication"
Since then, all test results on Pangolins have been in the 90% range. No studies have been done outside China.
Until a third party determines where this came from, we just have to assume it came from where the first infections took place. There is no way we can trust a study in China saying what the source of the virus was, unless it implicates that it originated in their region. We've seen enough bullshit from them that we literally can't believe a word they say.
Anyway it doesn't fucking matter. Nobody should be blaming the PEOPLE of China for it anyway. Nobody should be joking about "bat soup". Not their fault they got sick. Not their fault the only laws their government cares about are those that protect the CCP, thus leaving a wide open illegal animal market around the country, where new viruses can mutate and spread quickly.
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03-12-2020, 01:39 AM
#1465 | Need my Daily Fix of RS
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Originally Posted by ilovebacon I don't blame him. My mother who is born and raised in China that is connected with Chinese social media told me the same thing too.
Of course, with our different backgrounds and cultures, I didn't want to argue.
I do believe that the world is overpopulated and the conspiracies about stones with written words about depopulating, or the stories about how China created this virus to stop Hong Kong protesters but failed and leaked out into wuhan.
Who do we even blame... | So all of you know for sure what you read from western media is true? And Chinese is false?
All I know is I take all of these information and process it... I don't put money on any of these theories, but one of them can be true
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03-12-2020, 01:42 AM
#1466 | My homepage has been set to RS
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Originally Posted by anxiety So all of you know for sure what you read from western media is true? And Chinese is false?
All I know is I take all of these information and process it... I don't put money on any of these theories, but one of them can be true | I mean, with all the videos that surfaced about Hongkonger protesting for more than 7 months and showing no sign of it slowing down. What else is there for China to do?
Most of the videos that were being posted up in china social media are being watched by Chinese people.
Even the Chinese people were slowly feeling sympathetic for Hongkonger and maybe that is a problem for China.
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03-12-2020, 01:42 AM
#1467 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Originally Posted by anxiety So all of you know for sure what you read from western media is true? And Chinese is false?
All I know is I take all of these information and process it... I don't put money on any of these theories, but one of them can be true | For your second question, absolutely. Anything from the CCP should be 100% disregarded as absolutely untrue, unless proven true by someone non affiliated (which is unfortunately practically impossible).
How much can you trust "western media" (as if they're all in the same category)?
90%? 50%? 30%? 10%?
How much can you trust CCP media (there's practically no free media in China)?
If your answer is anything other than 0%, stop arguing and just let things happen. It doesn't matter what anyone says to you.
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03-12-2020, 02:02 AM
#1468 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Originally Posted by anxiety Doesn't matter what my definition of origination is... I'm not a scientist, I don't claim to be one. The fact of the matter is, as of now, no one can prove where the coronavirus came from. Sure there is a possibility that the it came from the bat soup, or wild animal market or Wuhan research lab, or the US army could had brought the virus over during the army olympic games.
Everything is probable here, we are all guessing here.
Whatever you believe in... just don't be ignorant and claim I'm spreading a rumour while you are all just guessing on what western media has provides us as well.
I'm not gonna reply to another post and argue with all of you that are in disagreement with, because arguing on the internet is like running in the special Olympics...If you win, you're still retarded | No. I'm just suggesting that you should stop making it overly complicated than it should. It's the law of parsimony. The simplest solution is most likely the right one.
Yes, you are right... until more concrete data comes out, we should be open to other ideas. However, when going to the extreme, you are just overly wrapped in conspiracy theory.
All the current evidence point to Wuhan. Every early case discovered in China and other countries can only point to a single common place, and that's Wuhan or the Hubei province. To claim that it could come from elsewhere, it's at the same level as those parents who don't vaccine their kids because it might give their kids autism or other side effects, when every other evidence points to the contrary.
Nothing for now
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03-12-2020, 02:10 AM
#1469 | I only answer to my username, my real name is Irrelevant!
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what happened to RS.... why is anyone trying to reason with him
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03-12-2020, 02:21 AM
#1470 | Need my Daily Fix of RS
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What happened? You have no reason to argue with me... you don't have any case, you don't have any evidence... all you can do is hide behind your computer and fail me, that's what you do. Please do enlighten me, you don't have any case so what are you going to reason with me?
Don't like my post? Fail me even if it's right and if it makes sense.
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03-12-2020, 06:55 AM
#1471 | Need my Daily Fix of RS
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lmao, i can't believe this fool is stirring up some conspiracy theory about the US planting the disease in China.
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03-12-2020, 07:02 AM
#1472 | Where's my RS Christmas Lobster?!
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp Anyway it doesn't fucking matter. Nobody should be blaming the PEOPLE of China for it anyway. | As long as that's something we agree on, it's all fine.
As for where it came from, I already mentioned the three sides of a story. We as normal people won't know the truth, so pick a side depending on your political beliefs. You believe what makes you happy.
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03-12-2020, 07:21 AM
#1473 | I have named my kids VIC and VLS
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Anxiety, card carrying member of the CCP?
Doesn’t matter where it originated if it explodes in places where the population of a few square blocks is equivalent to whole cities in North America.
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
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03-12-2020, 07:25 AM
#1474 | My dinner reheated before my turbo spooled
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No media or government wants to say it but this is the stock market CRASH of 2020. We're gonna be in a recession and possibly depression if a cure isnt found soon.
Hunker down and take care of your fam.
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03-12-2020, 07:30 AM
#1475 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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