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Old 02-04-2022, 04:02 PM   #14826
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As per usual, bad information regarding the vaccines:

My wife had done a bunch of research and opted to get her booster Tom based on all the health Canada stuff etc. basically saying get a booster a month after your infection

Then literally the next day they come out with this saying 3 months or more lol.. honestly how could you not have data on immunity after infection at this point. Another ball dropped
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Old 02-04-2022, 04:08 PM   #14827
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Live in DT for 10+ years and it's definitely the worse I've seen it. Would go out and walk home late at night and the thought of getting attacked for no reason never crossed my mind before. It's definitely something you do think about now or at least be more aware of people around you. Yes it's not as bad as people make it out to be but it is no longer contained within DTES. The services needed by these people continue to get built up in DT core and the for-profit poverty orgs will want to maintain status quo.
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Old 02-04-2022, 04:54 PM   #14828
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That sign at the bottom right confuses me.
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Old 02-04-2022, 05:18 PM   #14829
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Originally Posted by El Bastardo View Post

That sign at the bottom right confuses me.
Same with the MAGA crowd with all the American banners.

For those that don't know, that is the year where the US put forward the declaration of independence.
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Old 02-04-2022, 05:53 PM   #14830, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by BlackV62K2 View Post
Live in DT for 10+ years and it's definitely the worse I've seen it. Would go out and walk home late at night and the thought of getting attacked for no reason never crossed my mind before. It's definitely something you do think about now or at least be more aware of people around you. Yes it's not as bad as people make it out to be but it is no longer contained within DTES. The services needed by these people continue to get built up in DT core and the for-profit poverty orgs will want to maintain status quo.
Yah, always be aware of your surroundings in DT ... and in New West as well, I always keep my head on a swivel ...
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Old 02-04-2022, 08:53 PM   #14831
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Originally Posted by Great68 View Post
I wouldn't complain if we ended the passports and masks tomorrow.

But I wonder how the fearful and more vulnerable will feel when the restrictions do drop. For mask wearing, things like public transit or busy shopping locations will seem so much more risky with everyone maskless who never cared about the safety aspect of them compared to those who choose to still mask up for protection. Will people wearing masks look at the maskless people like they are being selfish even though there is no law in place? Would that view even be warranted at that point? What about all the moistness floating about from the maskless people talking since that what the masks are there to prevent.

There is a large group, myself included, who only wear a mask to comply and have zero covid fear outside of those requirements. Not in a dick way or anything and I will certainly wear a mask to make anyone feel comfortable or safe, I'm not that asshole, and I also have sympathy for those stuck wearing masks for hours on end each day. That can't be fun. But I don't wear a mask outside or anywhere else where I'm not required to. Again, not in a rebellious way, it's completely genuine. And so is respecting others level of fear.

And dropping passports will mean that vaxxed and unvaxxed can co-mingle in restricted areas. For those who fear the unvaxxed, how will this affect your day to day. I'm asking rhetorically but for anyone feeling that way I'm curious how that would change you thoughts. There are people who literally hate unvaccinated people and wish them dead for their terrible selfish choice; but if those restrictions get lifted is that hate still warranted? It must be hard to switch that off for a person feeling that way I'm sure. There are legitimately vulnerable people out there that we need to protect by getting vaccinated and masking up but if that switch flips and restrictions do get lifted do the lives of those more vulnerable immediately increase by the choices of others that are not legally bound to do so.

I've always been intrigued with the human element in all of this. I can't help but feel that there are so many with such strong views on each side of the argument that when restrictions loosen and eventually disappear there'll be nothing to hate each other about anymore, and then what the fuck are we all going to do with our lives! Haha! j/k

And is it dumb to think that all this protesting, upheaval, and general resistance everywhere is actually creating the possibility of upcoming restriction lifting? Or is it supposed to be more complicated than that?
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Old 02-04-2022, 09:36 PM   #14832, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Rumour has it that tomorrow, regional local truck convoy coming from Langley, Hwy 1, to DT in support of the truckers in Ottawa. If you are thinking of going DT tomorrow, you might want to delay to the afternoon.
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Old 02-04-2022, 09:44 PM   #14833
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Old 02-04-2022, 09:46 PM   #14834
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What general resistance?

I would assume/hope that any decisions to lift restrictions come from actual analysis and not just caving to a handful of whiners.

At the same time things shouldn't be extended unnecessarily due to them, but it does raise the concern of emboldening some of the far-right fringe if they believe that it was their actions that led to the removal. Because that makes them more likely to pull this kind of crap again the next time they decide to cry about something.

Originally Posted by white rocket View Post
There are legitimately vulnerable people out there that we need to protect by getting vaccinated and masking up but if that switch flips and restrictions do get lifted do the lives of those more vulnerable immediately increase by the choices of others that are not legally bound to do so.
It'd be cool if grocery stores/pharmacies/etc did something like require masks for the last hour of the day or w/e, kinda like how they did seniors only hours at the start of the day back in 2020.

I doubt it would happen, but it'd be nice for the more vulnerable people while having no impact on everyone else since the stores are always empty around then anyways.
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Originally Posted by maksimizer View Post
half those dudes are hotter than ,my GF.
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reading this thread is like waiting for goku to charge up a spirit bomb in dragon ball z
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OH thank god. I thought u had sex with my wife. :cry:
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Old 02-04-2022, 10:03 PM   #14835
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Originally Posted by white rocket View Post

But I wonder how the fearful and more vulnerable will feel when the restrictions do drop. For mask wearing, things like public transit or busy shopping locations will seem so much more risky with everyone maskless who never cared about the safety aspect of them compared to those who choose to still mask up for protection. Will people wearing masks look at the maskless people like they are being selfish even though there is no law in place? Would that view even be warranted at that point? What about all the moistness floating about from the maskless people talking since that what the masks are there to prevent.

There is a large group, myself included, who only wear a mask to comply and have zero covid fear outside of those requirements. Not in a dick way or anything and I will certainly wear a mask to make anyone feel comfortable or safe, I'm not that asshole, and I also have sympathy for those stuck wearing masks for hours on end each day. That can't be fun. But I don't wear a mask outside or anywhere else where I'm not required to. Again, not in a rebellious way, it's completely genuine. And so is respecting others level of fear.

And dropping passports will mean that vaxxed and unvaxxed can co-mingle in restricted areas. For those who fear the unvaxxed, how will this affect your day to day. I'm asking rhetorically but for anyone feeling that way I'm curious how that would change you thoughts. There are people who literally hate unvaccinated people and wish them dead for their terrible selfish choice; but if those restrictions get lifted is that hate still warranted? It must be hard to switch that off for a person feeling that way I'm sure. There are legitimately vulnerable people out there that we need to protect by getting vaccinated and masking up but if that switch flips and restrictions do get lifted do the lives of those more vulnerable immediately increase by the choices of others that are not legally bound to do so.

I've always been intrigued with the human element in all of this. I can't help but feel that there are so many with such strong views on each side of the argument that when restrictions loosen and eventually disappear there'll be nothing to hate each other about anymore, and then what the fuck are we all going to do with our lives! Haha! j/k

And is it dumb to think that all this protesting, upheaval, and general resistance everywhere is actually creating the possibility of upcoming restriction lifting? Or is it supposed to be more complicated than that?
You keep bringing up 'fear' as if it's somehow a reputable and computable factor, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and indulge.

Most people wear masks because literally all scientists and health officials say it helps prevent transmission, and despite all the BS about cloth vs N95 vs KOF99 (the best year btw), it's proven to work. If you wanted to quantify an emotional response, it would be a mix of self-preservation with the desire to protect oneself no matter how trivial, with some respect for others simply because it's the courteous thing to do given the situation. I mean sure, yes you have people who wear 6 masks with a half-face respirator, but there's a significant chance they have someone in their household who is vulnerable - if you want to label that "fear", then sure.

Most people, if the mask mandate is lifted, will stop wearing masks. And those that continue to do so will be fully aware that now there's no longer a policy to do so, and will adjust and live on with their lives. If someone who continues to wear a mask is all judgy at that point, well fuck them.

As for the lifting of mandates due to protests...well. Imagine an idiot yelling all night at the sun to rise, and when it rises in the morning, being all smug about it. You can't stop him from being smug but you damn can sure call him an idiot.
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Old 02-04-2022, 11:36 PM   #14836
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Originally Posted by inv4zn View Post
You keep bringing up 'fear' as if it's somehow a reputable and computable factor, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and indulge.

Most people wear masks because literally all scientists and health officials say it helps prevent transmission, and despite all the BS about cloth vs N95 vs KOF99 (the best year btw), it's proven to work. If you wanted to quantify an emotional response, it would be a mix of self-preservation with the desire to protect oneself no matter how trivial, with some respect for others simply because it's the courteous thing to do given the situation. I mean sure, yes you have people who wear 6 masks with a half-face respirator, but there's a significant chance they have someone in their household who is vulnerable - if you want to label that "fear", then sure.

Most people, if the mask mandate is lifted, will stop wearing masks. And those that continue to do so will be fully aware that now there's no longer a policy to do so, and will adjust and live on with their lives. If someone who continues to wear a mask is all judgy at that point, well fuck them.

As for the lifting of mandates due to protests...well. Imagine an idiot yelling all night at the sun to rise, and when it rises in the morning, being all smug about it. You can't stop him from being smug but you damn can sure call him an idiot.
As always, I appreciate the context. I think I'm really looking too deep into it for this discussion. Yes, I feel that fear is a very reputable and computable factor when an individual makes a decision about how they are going to protect themselves from Covid exposure. It's the reason people wear masks outside while others don't. Not from a defiance standpoint, just a personal choice standpoint. It's not like every person not wearing a mask is like fuck masks, more that people just choose to do the bare minimum while others mask up when they wake up(figuratively, of course). I'm not out to argue the effectiveness of a mask at all. I don't support or denounce them anymore than I'm supposed to comply by wearing them. Someone asks me to mask up, I have zero reason or desire to be combative in that situation. Your quantification of an emotional response is sound and fair. It gives me another view, which is exactly what I'm looking for.

You're right, judgy people can go fuck themselves. Totally agree. It's just kinda funny where there could be a "put your mask on you asshole" argument one day, then poof, the next day that exact argument is completely null when a mask restriction is lifted. You can't tell me that the person who wanted the other person to wear the mask is completely "over it" the very next day because the gov says so. There's way more emotion going into those type of interactions, and that's why I keep bringing up fear.

I ask these kinds of questions in this manner to see how others are viewing it, thus to compare with my view and see where the differences are and why they exist. I hope people don't take the fact that I choose to not wear a mask when I'm not required to and have a whole social circle of unvaccinated people for all sorts of different reasons in my life as some sort of smug response like "look at me, I'm not scared of covid". Because it's not. It's all perspective, and I'm trying to gain as much as I can here while trying to not be smug or argumentative.
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Old 02-05-2022, 12:10 AM   #14837
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An analogy which might help

Do you wear a seatbelt because you're literally scared?

If it wasn't the law, would you still do it?

If someone was riding in your car and refused to despite it being the law, would you think they're an asshole?

Again if it wasn't the law, aren't they still kind of an asshole?
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Old 02-05-2022, 12:59 AM   #14838
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Bunch or rogan podcasts removed from Spotify.
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Old 02-05-2022, 01:49 AM   #14839
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Those were all pre covid so probably unrelated

The Rock got called out for saying he's friends with a guy who uses the n-word, and Rock backed out of that relationship right quick
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Old 02-05-2022, 06:48 AM   #14840
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I wonder how many of the protestors caught Coronas, considering how contagious it is now. I wonder how many will end up in the hospital or dead and they regret it at that point like the yoga man in New West that died
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Old 02-05-2022, 07:02 AM   #14841
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Why did all the ones with Russell Peters get pulled?

I’ve not heard them but just noticed on the list his name popped up numerous times.
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Old 02-05-2022, 08:04 AM   #14842
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It's possible Rogan is even more popular after all this shit lol, dude is going to gain followers from all the backlash.

"The Rock supports Joe Rogan in tweet and the internet is furious"

I can't fucking stand stories like this, it's not enough that you don't like someone, but if someone you've never met before likes them then they are pieces of shit who must die.
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Old 02-05-2022, 08:13 AM   #14843
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The rock is just turning into any other celeb. He’s hanging out with Bezos etc. he’s not some figure immune to criticism, he may be the “likeable good guy” but he’s just sliding down the slime ball scale like the rest of them.

People go on these trips about the wealthy not paying taxes etc. it’s not really a pick or choose type thing. If you want to say Elon and Bezos are bad, the same can be said about the rock, or even figures perceived to be “good” like Jim Pattinson etc. they all do the same shit

I don’t really care either way, I admire self made people. It’s just funny with Joe about how it turned real quick away from “telling it how it is” and this free speech BS he always kinda preached when money was on the line
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Old 02-05-2022, 09:52 AM   #14844, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Now this pisses me off ... freedom to protest yes but harassing health care workers ... hang these guys by their testies

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Old 02-05-2022, 10:08 AM   #14845
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Originally Posted by whitev70r View Post
Now this pisses me off ... freedom to protest yes but harassing health care workers ... hang these guys by their testies
Do you honestly think these people gather round and make plans to harass and beat up nurses?

If she posted Oprah Winfrey eats baby orcas would you believe that too?
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Old 02-05-2022, 10:19 AM   #14846
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Well these protests have done that in the past so you really think it’s absurd?
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Originally Posted by boostfever View Post
Westopher is correct.
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seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax View Post
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
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Old 02-05-2022, 10:33 AM   #14847
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One of the organizers of the convoy. Talking about shooting JT and shooting cops.

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Old 02-05-2022, 10:35 AM   #14848
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Ahem* regarding that federal healthcare funding:

Horgan basically saying there is a 15%+ discrepancy in what the feds should be paying and what they do.

It’s a federal issue.
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Old 02-05-2022, 10:41 AM   #14849
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Originally Posted by boostfever View Post
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82 View Post
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax View Post
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
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Old 02-05-2022, 11:24 AM   #14850
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Originally Posted by CivicBlues View Post
Poilievre has such a punchable face. His way of speaking also reeks of debate captain/aspiring career politician from his teenage years. He seems like he was the kind of kid that would tell the teacher that she forgot to give the class homework today.

Yeah Downtown has gotten worse but it's not nearly as bad as the "oh it's total anarchy now! There's shit and needles everywhere!" pearl-clutching crowd. I find these type of statements are usually followed by "I never go downtown anymore I hear it's So DaNgErOuS!!"

The whole world has gone down the right wing rabbit shit hole. From Turkey to the Philippines to the US, it's all reactionary to the inequities of society. The left says it has answers. The right says it has answers. Unfortunately, many people from the generations (boomer, Gen-x) who vote lean to the right and we end up with reactionary right-wing governments and their fuck-you-I-got-mine culture seeping through society. Canada is an outlier probably because our right wing is so fractured, giving the Liberals an easy win every time. However, I fail to see how our lowly PM is somehow responsible for any of these global trends.
Totally agree with this. I'm not a fan of JT, but I really do believe he's a victim of this online right-wing machine.

He's one of the last "Liberal", "Left-Wing" leaders in any Western government right now. He's become the catalyst and focus of ire by the global rightwing media machine.

Heck, Trump recently called him a "left-wing lunatic"

When has a US president even mentioned a Canadian PM before? We used to laugh at how little the world paid attention to Harper during his tenure.

Let me prefix that I am not a big fan of the guy, but the hate he's getting reminds me similarly to the garbage Obama attacks Obama had to deal with.

Westopher is completely correct, and as I've been saying, Honda , you're severely diminishing the impact that social media and rightwing online disinformation that has successfully coopted so much of the current discourse.

My Instagram is literally flooded with doofus friends posting anti-vax crap, Trudeau being a fascist, how we live in a Nazi hellhole, Rebel News garbage. These are all relatively new things. If you follow politics in places like India and the Philippines, the issue has blown up immensely over the last few years.

It all started with the Tea Party back in 2008, the right's ridiculous reaction and fomenting of hate due to a black elected president, and brewed heavily for the next 8 years. Fast forward to 2016 and Trump poured gasoline on this problem.

I've always believed its a consorted global effort, a race to the bottom, the haves using populism to watch us eat ourselves apart, all the while enriching themselves as a result.

Naomi Klein has written an excellent book (The Shock Doctrine) that discusses this whole idea, I suggest checking it out:
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