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Vancouver Off-Topic / Current EventsThe off-topic forum for Vancouver, funnies, non-auto centered discussions, WORK SAFE. While the rules are more relaxed here, there are still rules. Please refer to sticky thread in this forum.
How about going to the border at Blaine to pick up parcels and coming back?
For what it worths: I was at Point Roberts this afternoon to pick up couple parcels.
Didn't get asked anything on US side.
On the Canadian side: 2 extra questions: "Were you away for more than 2 weeks internationally?" "Do you feel sick?"
That was it. I would imagine way stricter screening at airports.
For what it worths: I was at Point Roberts this afternoon to pick up couple parcels.
Didn't get asked anything on US side.
On the Canadian side: 2 extra questions: "Were you away for more than 2 weeks internationally?" "Do you feel sick?"
That was it. I would imagine way stricter screening at airports.
I went yesterday evening.
US guard: where I am going.
Canada guard: what did I pick up.
Do airport screening people wear ppe now? Like gloves and masks?
I don’t feel safe walking in Metrotown anymore. A lot of people wearing masks in the area.
HK, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea.. everyone on the street wears a mask.
How about places like Iran, Italy, Egypt?
Well you know the local people in Canada and USA don’t have a habit of wearing masks.
Would like to add that while a lot of people are most afraid of those wearing masks/full hazmat gear/gloves etc... These people are the LEAST likely people to transmit the virus to you. While they may look out of place, the person you should be worried about most is the dude who just walked by you talking on the phone without a mask.
I will be wearing a respirator when I shop now regardless if people think I look like I came straight out of Walter Whites RV.
US guard: where I am going.
Canada guard: what did I pick up.
Do airport screening people wear ppe now? Like gloves and masks?
I actually work at the airport. Some of the screening officers are wearing the masks, even some airport employees are wearing the mask and gloves when handling boarding passes, passports etc.
After this is over (hopefully in a few months), I wonder if public areas are going to have signs like Hong Kong where an elevator will have a sign saying “this button has been disinfected every 4 hours”
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Originally Posted by Special K
After this is over (hopefully in a few months), I wonder if public areas are going to have signs like Hong Kong where an elevator will have a sign saying “this button has been disinfected every 4 hours”
Stay safe
I wish, I don't think I've ever seen anyone disinfect the buttons, handles, handrails, to anything, anywhere here in canada/us
In hk/cn/tpe you don't just see the signs, you see people actively clean
I know! But have you tried it without ever wiping? Squirting that water onto a shitty ass and then trying to blow dry it? Also those dryers barely have any force, you'd have total swamp ass after.
I love them, but you absolutely need TP to go with them. Feel sorry for anyone who does your laundry if you don't wipe your ass before spraying water onto it God forbid you wanna get your ass ate
If you see anyone coughing without covering their mouth please say something. You don’t have to be rude about it but anyone who isn’t in the habit needs to change their ways pronto. If you’re reading this and thought of a friend or family member you know who is an open air cougher, do the world a favour and let them know it makes everyone around them uncomfortable. It can be downright disgusting too depending on the environment.
I saw a lady in my local Safeway hacking up a lung into the milk fridge as I was waiting to grab some myself. I figured screw the milk and left without saying any words to her but she definitely could tell I wasn’t impressed. If I could go back in time I’d say something but this was before the insanity began. From now on I’ll be sure to speak up.
My 5 y/o knows to cover his mouth ffs.
I’ll start by saying I always cough into my elbow. But realistically, have you ever been beside someone cough into their elbow? My wife did the same thing a couple days ago. I got the full ricochet to my face. Sure, your not spreading it to your hands and touching everything in sight, but your elbow doesn’t magically absorb all the particles. It’s like farting into a walll. Your still going to smell it (ok not quite but you get what I mean. Little particles of bodily fluids are floating around until they lose their terminal velocity and come to rest). Coughing into your elbow doesn’t all of a sudden make you Mr Clean.
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Originally Posted by StylinRed
Wow went to save on foods, potatoes, onions, most other vegs, all gone.
Meat, poultry, all gone, although ground beef seems to be rare lately anyways.
The small Asian grocer on the corner? Full of veg, no one shopped there.
T&T coq cen? Out of instant noodles n noodles basically, and meats as well.
The organic store, Pomme? Fully stocked
Some lady in front of me was visibly ill though, and wasn't wearing a mask, started coughing too, she simply turned her head towards her child to cough, didn't cover her face... Works at a Coquitlam animal shelter/hospital..
What's worse is she took forever, trying to use some obscure store credit she has.
Girl working the till ended up disinfecting the checkout machine after she left, and apologized
In terms of meat, and veg T and T have the stock now. Rice and noodles not so much. Wal Mart was out of pasta and any type of paper is toilet paper, tissue etc etc , hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol mask etc etc. That was yesterday. Saw some old lady at London drugs paying over $20 rolls of 24 roll of toilet paper……
As for not going to Pomme the stuff in that store is really expensive compare to Superstore, Wal Mart or even T and T. Try Assi super market instead. Price is still somewhat decent but not much people shop there. There is an organic supermarket to the left of Lincoln station but is overpriced.
Edit I also took Friday off since I got a cold and my throat is really sore. I didn't wear a mask since is only a cold but is scare to cough I'm public. It would be even worse if I cough with a mask on people is going to think ingot infected lol. Heard from a co worker management had a meeting and starting next week unless you have to work in the office you can work from home. I really don't think that's needed at all…… this also is unfair because while sales, accounting, marketing, HR can work from home people like the install techs, ISP admin, call center and support have to go in for work. It able really be everyone works from home or no one does.
Last edited by Mr.HappySilp; 03-14-2020 at 08:36 AM.
Sitting in my wife’s orthodontist office there’s some kid sitting across from me probably 13-15 kid is coughing just into the air etc I’m looking at him being like wtf..
Then he grabs some fat boogers from his nose and proceeds to eat them while looking me in the eyes..
RIP him and I
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
Yesterday, checked Superstore hours, shows open at 6am. So I figured not many would get up that early this morning Saturday, get there and it apparently opens at 7am. Not sure if they pushed back an hour later open or if online is misleading. Ended up chilling in my car for an hour, slowly the lineup starts building outside to wait for doors to open. Hoards of people in every aisle, lineup to pay was like an hour. Got home at 9am, 3 hour grocery shopping trip.......
Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentlemen;
Barter is the money of peasants;
But debt is the money of slaves.
-Norm Franz
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I think everyone’s best course of action right now is to find the busiest place they can (Costco) and stay in a warehouse with thousands of people while grappling for toilet paper , hand sanitizer and water for when the B.C. government shuts off our tap water leaving us nothing to drink or wash our hands with.
Seems super fucking smart, because that’s a super likely scenario.
Fuck people are fucking retarded.
98 technoviolet M3/2/5
Originally Posted by boostfever
Westopher is correct.
Originally Posted by fsy82
seems like you got a dick up your ass well..get that checked
Originally Posted by punkwax
Well.. I’d hate to be the first to say it, but Westopher is correct.
ONDON -- Tech giant Apple is closing its stores outside of China for two weeks and will only sell online as part of efforts to fight the global viral pandemic.
"In our workplaces and communities, we must do all we can to prevent the spread of COVID-19," CEO Tim Cook tweeted Saturday. "Apple will be temporarily closing all stores outside of Greater China until March 27 and committing (US)($15M to help with worldwide recovery."
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
A lot of restaurants in our area are hurting, try to make an effort to go somewhere besides the giant chains if you’re going out to eat and tip well. Will be very sad to see if some restaurants that have just opened or just getting their feet under them go under because of all this
Dank memes cant melt steel beams
So my boss came into work on Thurs/Friday with a flu. People are obviously going wtf...anything legal you can do anonymously? lol, maybe a stupid question.
OTTAWA (NEWS 1130) — Canadians who are currently abroad are being told by the federal government to come back home while commercial planes are still available.
The federal government is out with an official global travel advisory Saturday morning, warning that as COVID-19 spreads around the world, more countries might choose to seal off.
Foreign Affairs Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne tweeted the new recommendation, a step up from previous advice, which urged Canadians to rethink non-essential travel outside of the country.
“We recommend that Canadian travellers return to Canada via commercial means while they remain available,” his tweet reads.
In another tweet Prime Minister Justin Trudeau adds the government has also enhanced screenings and detection processes at all international airports, land borders, ferries, and rail ports of entry.
“These are significant steps – and we will do more if needed – because protecting our economy & keeping you safe is our top priority. We’ll continue to work with all orders of government, businesses, and public health officials,” his tweet reads. “And we will get through this together.”
This recommendation comes a day after Canadians were warned against all non-essential travel outside of Canada.
Meantime south of the border, the White House announced Saturday that the United States will broaden its European travel ban.
According to Vice President Mike Pence, travel from the U.K. and Ireland to the U.S. will soon come to a halt Monday at midnight.
A lot of restaurants in our area are hurting, try to make an effort to go somewhere besides the giant chains if you’re going out to eat and tip well. Will be very sad to see if some restaurants that have just opened or just getting their feet under them go under because of all this
This. local F&Bs are getting a swift kick in the balls due to this virus. In the food truck/catering world, contracts are being cancelled or postponed for April just when the season is getting started....