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We'll never be sure if the real number will come out. (to the idiot who failed me, the source is Lancaster University. The paper hasn't been peer reviewed yet, but it's not a "rumor"). Anyone with a functioning brain will know that the actual number is nothing like the reported number, based on the actions being taken.
HK, with 6 cases, is looking for somewhere to quarantine future patients. In other words, they expect hundreds or thousands of people to be diagnosed in the next couple weeks.
They were going to use a newly built public housing estate, but the people of Fanling didn't take kindly to it, and protested tonight, lighting the lobby of the building on fire. Government then canceled plans to use that building.
HK blocking anyone who has been to Hubei province in the last 2 weeks from entering
Yeah there are 5 million Wuhan people floating around China and the world, spreading it all over the place. Chinese govt trying to get them to turn themselves in to be quarantined properly. I'm sure a lot of them started off just doing their normal CNY travel, so most will be within Hubei province.
This literally couldn't have happened at a worse time. (Of course, it really happened a month ago, and even more of this could have been avoided)
We'll never be sure if the real number will come out. (to the idiot who failed me, the source is Lancaster University. The paper hasn't been peer reviewed yet, but it's not a "rumor"). Anyone with a functioning brain will know that the actual number is nothing like the reported number, based on the actions being taken.
that's a transmission model aka forecast, from pundits on the other side of the world using publicly available data
unless some top health official from China blows the whistle we'll probably never know, everything else is basically hearsay at this point
i do feel bad for those on the ground
i think for managing spread/hysteria, China's already doing much better than aint easy running 1.4B in times of crisis
With these so called "screenings" at checkpoints of land crossings/airports, it's not really even effective against this virus because symptoms don't show right away. Based on some of the news articles reads and videos I've seen, seems like they just check your body temperature with a thermometer. Shit ain't hitting until like 5-10 days later which is the scary part as you could be fine crossing the checkpoints.
With these so called "screenings" at checkpoints of land crossings/airports, it's not really even effective against this virus because symptoms don't show right away. Based on some of the news articles reads and videos I've seen, seems like they just check your body temperature with a thermometer. Shit ain't hitting until like 5-10 days later which is the scary part as you could be fine crossing the checkpoints.
That was based on previous history of illness like Sars. There's so much we don't know about this one yet. But yeah, if its true that it's contagious while someone's asymptomatic, the next step is going to be straight up quarantines of people that have been in affected areas, or direct contact with known patients. They're going to need to figure out the incubation period quickly. When the first name or quarantines start, they're going to use 2weeks as a minimum I think, until there's better data.
reads most threads with his pants around his ankles, especially in the Forced Induction forum.
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Lot's of info on the web. Some are real and some are fake. But from what I gather from the in laws in Beijing. Pretty much all forms of entertainment place are closed IE Movie theaters, K rooms, pools, museum , malls, library, all tourist attractions. All major Chinese new year event are cancel, all tour group that's going to other countries have been cancel. Some of my wife's friend who run a travel agency said they are not allow to open any tour groups atm and they doing refund non stop. Not sure when the ban will be lifted. Some chain restaurant are close. Pretty much the in laws just stay home everyday.
Shits are hitting the fan when even malls are closed. Pretty much you can fly into China but it will be pretty hard to leave now.
EDIT: Oh a funny note other than all face mask in Van is out of stock, Some people are stocking up rubbing alcohol and disinfect wipes. Saw lot's of Chinese at Coq center Wal mart buying up rubbing alcohol, one couple even manage to buy 8 bottles of rubbing alcohol. Then they decided to buy disinfect wipes. However, the antibacterial hand wipes are sold out but they bought some wipes for your ass after you take a shit and use it. LOL not sure if they know what the purchase isn't going to help much since they don't seem to know English....... Also according to wife's parent a lot of people are returning to Beijing early (migrante workers, they work in Beijing). I am sure this will lead to the number of people getting infected in Beijing to raise up very soon.
Last edited by Mr.HappySilp; 01-26-2020 at 05:31 PM.
Guangzhou has pretty shutdown places that are crowded (like malls and nightclub, u know places like that are crowded) due to an outbreak in Guangzhou
Story goes that someone that works for the city administration (the city inspectors that inspected the streets) host his mother in law from wuhan that was trying to protection and shelter in Guangzhou
Little did they know that the mother in law was infected (she didn’t even know cuz some how she didn’t get checked), they all went to the huang pu CNY market annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd infected about around 3000 ppl
Since this guy job also requires him to run around the streets, we don’t even know how many other ppl he has hit, nor do we know if his family has been outside else where
CNY markets in Guangzhou lost money cuz government decided to close the markets at 6pm on the last day, which in tradition it’s where they slash prices and clear out inventory
No going to lie this is the first time I have ever felt scared and had to wear a mask (public places that are still open would ask u to wear a mask) and with Guangzhou being pretty empty but yet still managed to get around 3000 ppl hit, this is quite scary in a way for me
Also there have been pictures and videos that surfaced online where some ppl are reselling used masks, which is a little crazy right now
I went up to a cute chick and asked her if she'd let me take a photo of her for $30 she slapped me, she said to me that "I AIN'T A WHORE!"
But other than that I have seen every car on display in DTP just by cruising about in Richmond, thank you very much for collecting them together and get someone to sing a cover for "fuck you".
Originally Posted by Neva
wtf man? what the hell kind of women do you go for? spca is for animals not dates...
If you're in GZ gtfo of there before other countries ban you from entering!
I am a bit ashamed to admit, I just saw someone wearing one of those ugly BALENCIOGAGA mainlander uniforms, and I held my breath a bit. It's shitty I know, but a gut reaction considering there is a higher chance - however much that may be - that he or someone he knows was in Hubei in the last month
I don't blame China or the police / army. If this every happened in Canada or US, GOOD FOOKING luck trying to contain Coquitlam, Maple Ridge.. pick any US city... you'll be seeing some hill billy trying to off road, 4X4, ATV their way and driving thru farm lands and back roads trying to escape...
Hell, if this was Richmond I bet you'll have people trying to set sail to Blaine.....
I think most of them were gone for CNY travels before any ban took effect
If you're locking down a city of 11 million, it's not going to happen all at once! What needed to happen was trying to keep it under control while there were 10's not thousands of people infected with this new virus. But nope, got to save face instead. That is literally the only thing that matters. Until it doesn't.
I went up to a cute chick and asked her if she'd let me take a photo of her for $30 she slapped me, she said to me that "I AIN'T A WHORE!"
But other than that I have seen every car on display in DTP just by cruising about in Richmond, thank you very much for collecting them together and get someone to sing a cover for "fuck you".
Originally Posted by Neva
wtf man? what the hell kind of women do you go for? spca is for animals not dates...
that's a transmission model aka forecast, from pundits on the other side of the world using publicly available data
unless some top health official from China blows the whistle we'll probably never know, everything else is basically hearsay at this point
i do feel bad for those on the ground
i think for managing spread/hysteria, China's already doing much better than aint easy running 1.4B in times of crisis
Right, the goal is to figure out how many people are actually sick. They used that model, saying China reported about 5%. I would believe that number in a second, and in fact it is possible a huge underestimate if anything.
More estimates coming in, HKU head Gabriel Leung (who got egg on his face earlier for dumb comments) spoke about it today
He says 25,000 cases in Wuhan, with a possible up to 43,000
Locking down Wuhan isn't going to work anymore
Each major city in China is going to have hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of very sick people in the next few months.
Blocking people from Wuhan isn't nearly enough. The whole point of "two systems" is so HK can protect itself from this sort of thing. There is literally no argument against it, other than "losing face"
This may push the protests straight into chaotic riot territory
I am a bit ashamed to admit, I just saw someone wearing one of those ugly BALENCIOGAGA mainlander uniforms, and I held my breath a bit. It's shitty I know, but a gut reaction considering there is a higher chance - however much that may be - that he or someone he knows was in Hubei in the last month
No idea what balenciaga and had to google it. Is it this?
I’d hold my breathe too, but just so I don’t get tainted with PISS POOR FASHION SENSE
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I've never seen pacific place mall so empty... I know it's been a minute since I was in HK, but wtf... And since when did starbucks baristas get a snobby attitude