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Old 03-01-2023, 05:15 PM   #801
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You can get Wyze cameras from Petsmart.

Create an account and use this 20% coupon.
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Old 03-01-2023, 07:45 PM   #802
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I'm actually using wyze right now. I don't know if it's because it's an old model, but I have it left in live view on an old smart phone, so I can listen for crying; however, after a while I lose the connection. Some times I don't notice I've lost the connection cuz I leave it out of view with the volume cranked up just to listen.
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Old 03-04-2023, 09:12 AM   #803
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I think we might be the only parents who don't have a video baby monitor. We use this guy for $30 and it does the job 100%.
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Old 03-04-2023, 05:23 PM   #804, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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I am stuck in that shitty groove that I’m sure a bunch of you have been in before .

Little ones almost 3. He is loud, he runs around, he wants to help with everything etc. he’s so much fun but at the same time utterly exhausting. I feel like I’m always frustrated and have a shorter fuse than normal. I think it’s partially because he understands everything I say, so I expect him to listen. But that doesn’t mean he *comprehends* it at all.

Just a typical rambunctious toddler. The worst part is the wife and I are opposite schedules so it’s a lot of one-on-one time. When it’s just him and I he’s pretty amazing. But if the wife’s here he wants nothing to do with me! Won’t let me change him etc, blood curdling screams etc.

Today he refused to let me change him and was screaming “dada nooooooo” etc etc. I can’t believe neighbours haven’t come to see if I’m beating him.

/rant. Im just so tired
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Old 03-05-2023, 07:12 PM   #805
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Originally Posted by 320icar View Post
I am stuck in that shitty groove that I’m sure a bunch of you have been in before .

Little ones almost 3. He is loud, he runs around, he wants to help with everything etc. he’s so much fun but at the same time utterly exhausting. I feel like I’m always frustrated and have a shorter fuse than normal. I think it’s partially because he understands everything I say, so I expect him to listen. But that doesn’t mean he *comprehends* it at all.

Just a typical rambunctious toddler. The worst part is the wife and I are opposite schedules so it’s a lot of one-on-one time. When it’s just him and I he’s pretty amazing. But if the wife’s here he wants nothing to do with me! Won’t let me change him etc, blood curdling screams etc.

Today he refused to let me change him and was screaming “dada nooooooo” etc etc. I can’t believe neighbours haven’t come to see if I’m beating him.

/rant. Im just so tired
This describes us to a T, and all I can offer is a virtual handshake lol.

So many times I find her doing something she knows she shouldn't do, so I ask her to stop, tell her to stop, tell her why she should stop and ask again, then finally I yell at her to stop. She gets all pouty and cries a bit and goes to mom, then when I turn around she's doing it again!
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Old 03-05-2023, 08:11 PM   #806
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Originally Posted by 320icar View Post
I am stuck in that shitty groove that I’m sure a bunch of you have been in before .

Little ones almost 3. He is loud, he runs around, he wants to help with everything etc. he’s so much fun but at the same time utterly exhausting. I feel like I’m always frustrated and have a shorter fuse than normal. I think it’s partially because he understands everything I say, so I expect him to listen. But that doesn’t mean he *comprehends* it at all.

Just a typical rambunctious toddler. The worst part is the wife and I are opposite schedules so it’s a lot of one-on-one time. When it’s just him and I he’s pretty amazing. But if the wife’s here he wants nothing to do with me! Won’t let me change him etc, blood curdling screams etc.

Today he refused to let me change him and was screaming “dada nooooooo” etc etc. I can’t believe neighbours haven’t come to see if I’m beating him.

/rant. Im just so tired
All I can do is offer a hug, a pat on the back, and a virtual beer. A real one if you want to meet up. Our 3 year old (he's almost 3.5 actually) is exactly the same. He's always like mami mami mami if try to get him to do anything. He's pretty meek when it's a new place but once he's comfortable there's zero control.

Pretty frustrating and I think it's going to be like this until kindergarten starts.
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Old 03-05-2023, 08:48 PM   #807
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Originally Posted by 320icar View Post
Just a typical rambunctious toddler. The worst part is the wife and I are opposite schedules so it’s a lot of one-on-one time. When it’s just him and I he’s pretty amazing. But if the wife’s here he wants nothing to do with me! Won’t let me change him etc, blood curdling screams etc.

Today he refused to let me change him and was screaming “dada nooooooo” etc etc. I can’t believe neighbours haven’t come to see if I’m beating him.
This is totally normal. Don't take it to heart because 90% of the time, the kid will prefer mommy over daddy when both are available. It doesn't mean they don't love you, but they do prefer mommy for a lot of things -- for most things.

My funny story about this is -- one time we went hiking, and our kid started off holding onto Mama's hand. Whenever we got to a more secluded area or somewhere with more rugged terrain, he would automatically grab my hand / call for me to hold his hand instead, and just ditch Mom LOL~ At first neither my wife nor I noticed the pattern. But then by the 3rd time or so in the same trip when it happened, both of us clued in on it and we just had a good chuckle. Of course, secretly in my head, I was like "fxxk yeah~!", and this one was like one of the things I knew my kid preferred me over Mommy.

LOL~ I know it isn't a competition between the parents, but it was a funny moment that I enjoyed, probably more so than my wife did LOL~
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Old 03-05-2023, 11:39 PM   #808, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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I think what I find most frustrating is that it feels like it takes away my ability to help, you know? My wife works hard and more hours than I do (manager life y0) so I do a lot of the cooking/cleaning etc and all the physical stuff like dog walks and whatever. But if I’m home and she finally comes in the door, I don’t want her to get screamed at by a toddler to have a diaper changed

I’ll ask him 10x if it’s okay if I can do it, if I can give him a bath etc. I just feel bad for my wife.
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Old 03-06-2023, 09:21 AM   #809
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You know maybe in a weird way your wife isn't as bothered by it as you think she might be. Maybe feeling 'wanted' by the little guy is a good feeling to her. Just random thoughts to consider.

I remember when I was kid, I'd refuse to eat ANYTHING cooked or prepped by my dad lol. Only mom's cooking was acceptable. Except bbq, I was fine if my dad did that haha.
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Old 03-06-2023, 09:59 AM   #810
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Look at it as bonding time for the kiddie and mommy. Both of them need that, and both of them deserve having that time too. You have your good intentions to take care of the family. I'd say that as long as you regularly check with Mommy to see that she is OK with attending to your child, then I think it'd be fine.

And then when Mommy is too busy / doesn't want to change the diaper or whatever, you'd just have to be ready at a moment's notice.

Good luck and enjoy those as brief moments of freedom to yourself LOL~!
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Old 03-06-2023, 01:56 PM   #811
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Originally Posted by 320icar View Post
I’ll ask him 10x if it’s okay if I can do it, if I can give him a bath etc. I just feel bad for my wife.
My daughter was the same, my son is the opposite. The only difference is that I do the bedtime routine with my son (because my daughter won't go to sleep if I try to tuck her in).

No doubt there will be activities/periods of time where it will flip.
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Old 03-08-2023, 01:57 AM   #812
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On average how long does it take a baby to go from size 2 diapers to size 3,
size 3 to 4, size 4 to 5, etc.

I only needed 1 big box of 175-190~ for size N and size 1. But I assume as my kid gets older, he's not going to breeze through each diaper stage as quickly. He's a size 2 now at 3 months old.

Costco has Huggies for $11 off right now. Just wondering if I should think long term and start bulk buying size 3's, size 4's... but I have no idea how many boxes I should buy.
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Old 03-08-2023, 06:10 AM   #813
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Originally Posted by AzNightmare View Post
On average how long does it take a baby to go from size 2 diapers to size 3,
size 3 to 4, size 4 to 5, etc.

I only needed 1 big box of 175-190~ for size N and size 1. But I assume as my kid gets older, he's not going to breeze through each diaper stage as quickly. He's a size 2 now at 3 months old.

Costco has Huggies for $11 off right now. Just wondering if I should think long term and start bulk buying size 3's, size 4's... but I have no idea how many boxes I should buy.
Depends a lot on your kids growth rate and starting point but it does slow down over time. My kid is 5 percentile in height and weight so it takes a LONG time to get through sizes - I've been on 3-4T pull-ups (equivalent to size 5) for about 9 months and I'd be surprised if she moves up in size in the next 6 months. She was on size 4 for about 9 months if I remember correctly.

Keep in mind that as your baby grows that the diapers that work for them may change so you have to switch brands or models in order to find something that works. We were on Huggies then Pampers, back to regular Huggies and now we're on Huggies New Leaf pull-ups because they're the most breathable and she gets too sweaty with anything else. I'd suggest buying no more than 2 months of supply at any one time because of this or you'll be sitting on diapers you can't use.
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Old 03-08-2023, 08:11 AM   #814
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According to my order history my 2 year old goes through a 108 pack of size 5 daytimes every ~6 weeks and she's been in that size for the past 9 months.
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half those dudes are hotter than ,my GF.
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reading this thread is like waiting for goku to charge up a spirit bomb in dragon ball z
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OH thank god. I thought u had sex with my wife. :cry:
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Old 03-08-2023, 09:02 AM   #815
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At least with my kid, his growth really came in bursts. The specifics are all a blur to me now, but I remember us being at one of the sizes -- possibly size 3 -- for a much longer time than other sizes. Size 2 didn't last very long.

So I would advise against stocking up too much, cuz you really can't tell when the growth spurts would come. And then when it comes, it just comes.
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Old 03-08-2023, 09:14 AM   #816
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Our kid blew through sizes one and two relatively quickly, 3 didn't last long either but was on 4 and 5 for a long time.

He's on 3-4T pull ups at night right now but he may be weaning off altogether at 3.5 yrs old. Fuck me a diaper costs.

Our 2 month old right now is on size 2. We just bought a Costco size box but I feel like we may not go through the whole box before she graduates to size 3.
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Old 03-09-2023, 06:21 AM   #817
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Originally Posted by Traum View Post
This is totally normal. Don't take it to heart because 90% of the time, the kid will prefer mommy over daddy when both are available. It doesn't mean they don't love you, but they do prefer mommy for a lot of things -- for most things.

Eventually when they get older they aren't going to want anything to do with either of you so it's equal, no real favourites.

Mine is 16, I see him when he's going to and coming home from school, when he comes out of his cave because he's hungry and when he needs a ride to and from work or football practice, other than that we're just roommates where I pay all the bills.

“The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place... and I don´t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently, if you let it. You, me or nobody, is gonna hit as hard as life. But ain't about how hard you hit... It's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward... how much you can take, and keep moving forward. That´s how winning is done. Now, if you know what you worth, go out and get what you worth.” - Rocky Balboa
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Old 03-09-2023, 09:19 AM   #818
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Originally Posted by quasi View Post
Eventually when they get older they aren't going to want anything to do with either of you so it's equal, no real favourites.

Mine is 16, I see him when he's going to and coming home from school, when he comes out of his cave because he's hungry and when he needs a ride to and from work or football practice, other than that we're just roommates where I pay all the bills.
I expect that to happen starting in the 10 - 14 range. A part of me really can't wait until then because it means I can have my Saturdays & Sundays back for amateur motorsports LOL~

But we are still a few years away...
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Old 03-09-2023, 09:44 AM   #819
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Originally Posted by quasi View Post
Eventually when they get older they aren't going to want anything to do with either of you so it's equal, no real favourites.

Mine is 16, I see him when he's going to and coming home from school, when he comes out of his cave because he's hungry and when he needs a ride to and from work or football practice, other than that we're just roommates where I pay all the bills.
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I expect that to happen starting in the 10 - 14 range. A part of me really can't wait until then because it means I can have my Saturdays & Sundays back for amateur motorsports LOL~

But we are still a few years away...
That's when you buy a 2 seater and tell them to take the bus.
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Old 03-09-2023, 09:22 PM   #820
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Kid has been having a slight cough all week. It is not serious enough to be worrisome, and we've been sending him to school.

Fast forward to today -- I picked him up from school, and he is holding a small bag of Lindt. I asked him where he got that from, and he said his best friend at school gave it to him. I asked if he had eaten any during school, and he didn't answer. Bad feelings ensue (in me).

As the afternoon / early evening drags on, his coughs seem more frequent. I asked him what is going on, and he just says his throat is itchy. By dinner time, he was full on coughing pretty frequently.

Shortly after dinner, Mommy asks him about the bag of Lindt. Somehow he spilled the beans to Mommy that he had eaten 3 during school. I was instantly like this

We have intentionally not given him oranges and grapes all week because we know that would trigger the coughs and make it worse. We've told him before in passing that we don't eat certain fruits when we cough, nor do we eat candies or chocolates when we have a cough.

I hope he'll remember this from the coughs. But if there is a tasty candy or chocolate in front of him, I doubt he'll remember.

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Old 03-10-2023, 12:08 AM   #821
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Kind of hard to say no to chocolate, and Lindt at that too.
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Old 03-10-2023, 10:48 AM   #822
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You just hope he learns from his mistake and not ignore your advice in the future.

"Remember that last time you had a itchy throat and you ate chocolate even though I told you not to?"
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Old 03-11-2023, 01:02 AM   #823
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Anyone have ear protection headphones for their babies?
I bought one from Amazon the other day, but found the headband so tight, I didn't even want to put it on my baby. I'm worried it may deform his head since it's still so soft.

Do you think that's a legit concern or if there's some good ones out there that you recommend?
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Old 03-12-2023, 07:44 PM   #824
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Originally Posted by AzNightmare View Post
Anyone have ear protection headphones for their babies?
I bought one from Amazon the other day, but found the headband so tight, I didn't even want to put it on my baby. I'm worried it may deform his head since it's still so soft.

Do you think that's a legit concern or if there's some good ones out there that you recommend?
What do you need hearing protection for?

3M makes ones for kids, but if this is an infant then you should just try to not expose them to loud noises that require protection in the first place.

If it's things like the vacuum, then you're being overprotective lol
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Old 03-13-2023, 12:44 AM   #825, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by AzNightmare View Post
Anyone have ear protection headphones for their babies?
I bought one from Amazon the other day, but found the headband so tight, I didn't even want to put it on my baby. I'm worried it may deform his head since it's still so soft.

Do you think that's a legit concern or if there's some good ones out there that you recommend?
Unless you’re taking baby to the firing range, it’s really not necessary
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