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Old 02-28-2022, 10:50 PM   #326
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Originally Posted by Manic! View Post
Ukraine has over 20K Indian students studying there. Khalsa Aid who has been there since day 1 is reporting some have had to walk over 30 KM to reach the boarder. Women have been allowed to cross into Poland but it seems some of the males are not allowed to enter.

Video of one of the rest stops set up by locals to help the people walking.
Both China and India didn't believe America's warnings about impending invasion, so unlike other nations they didn't tell their people to leave the country beforehand. Tons of students have been stuck there, but China just evacuated a bunch yesterday, and the rest are instructed to go via other countries
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Old 02-28-2022, 11:08 PM   #327
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The teen famous for tracking Elon Musk's jet has a new target: Russian oligarchs
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Old 02-28-2022, 11:20 PM   #328
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Originally Posted by PeanutButter View Post
My cousin was telling me on how shitty Putin has been doing and that he's in way over his head and i've seen similar rhetoric from news media.

I was just thinking, everyone is saying Putin is crazy and is losing, but is he really? None of us even know what his actual purpose is.

I mean, he could be in over his head, but I also feel like we're not accounting for what he's really after. This could just be noise.
America took 22 years fighting farmers in Afghanistan, flattened it even more, and still lost, but "Ohh Mericuh fuk ya"

Russias taking a few days so far and moving slow so they aren't flattening the country, and ppl are like "OmG tHeY SuCk aNd aRe GoNnA lOse"
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Old 02-28-2022, 11:37 PM   #329
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USA sent in 1 commando strikeforce and remote warfare to topple the Taliban... LITTLE different than invading a neighbouring country.

Let's not forget the Soviets spent 9 years in Afghanistan too in the late 70's and early 80's and killed somewhere between 1-2 million Afghan people..................
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Old 03-01-2022, 12:38 AM   #330
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Originally Posted by StylinRed View Post
America took 22 years fighting farmers in Afghanistan, flattened it even more, and still lost, but "Ohh Mericuh fuk ya"

Russias taking a few days so far and moving slow so they aren't flattening the country, and ppl are like "OmG tHeY SuCk aNd aRe GoNnA lOse"
I guess it's my fault for asking for more conversation...
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Old 03-01-2022, 02:37 AM   #331
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Originally Posted by StylinRed View Post
If the Mearscheimer lecture is a bit much, then watch this (would be best to watch both)

Watch it at 1.5x speed even
Wow, great watch.
I had no idea how much the physical geography was a factor in all of this. At this point, we still don't know what Putin's end goal is, but those are some interesting theories.
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Old 03-01-2022, 02:50 AM   #332
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
They're right back to where they were 50 years ago. No more Russians in the Olympics (not even the ROC lol), no Russians in the NHL, soccer, no Formula 1..

I am just old enough to remember how rare it was for Russians to really be exposed to western media.. Remember how hard it was to get Pavel Bure here? Or Sergei Fedorov in Detroit? Back then, you'd see them in the Olympics every other year and that's about it. Now they're everywhere, because they are great people like anyone else. And now they are going to go back into that shell, and their money is worth less than pennies. It's such a shame.

OR, they could have just not invaded.

I get that they want to protect their western border, but it's not like NATO is an imperialist faction set to rule the world... They just want to protect themselves from... well, Russia! Jesus.
That's honestly kind of sad, just cause there's so many innocent Russian civilians that will end up being dragged into this.

Russia has always been a bit shady, but I guess in their perspective, NATO also can't be trusted. They're just another (group of nations forming a) potentially opposing superpower.

In theory, if every nation was invited and joined NATO, we would have world peace?
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Old 03-01-2022, 02:59 AM   #333
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Civilians out in the streets just after a rocket his their government building...

Edit: and

Good luck occupying these people even if they do take the country... With what, 2 soldiers per 1000 civilians?
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Old 03-01-2022, 06:35 AM   #334
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I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on Russia but i do have quite an interest in the former USSR and Russian culture in general, on top of going there a couple times

I think what most north Americans don't really realize is how secular Russia as a country is, they give China a run for their money. A lot of aspects of daily life and the attitudes people carry are ass backwards compared to what western cultures would consider "normal"

On top of that, a huge portion of the older population still long for the glory days of the Soviet Union. A lot of these people lived far more comfortable lives under the former union than they did in the current "Democratic" Russia. Im sure these same people see moves like this as a step in the right direction, or at the very least, turn a blind eye to it.

Over 40% of Russia's population is 45 or older, right in that sweet spot of knowing the difference between the former USSR and the current state. IMO if this war doesn't bring an end to this constant Saber waving by Russia, it wont be for another 10-15 years that the younger, more liberal generations will finally push for total reform.
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Old 03-01-2022, 06:41 AM   #335
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Fascinating thread that partly explains why Russia is performing so poorly; their communication methods (they are using civilian radio, which btw you can hear yourself)

Imagine if they didn't have nukes... They wouldn't be seen as a threat at all to Europe.

I bet Taiwan is sitting a bit more comfortably after this... The prospects of any action against them looks a lot less likely now, with an even stronger position as an island, and against an even weaker (but larger and more modern) military.
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Old 03-01-2022, 08:18 AM   #336
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Putin thought we roll in, Zelinsky will run away. problem solved. that didn't happen.
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Old 03-01-2022, 08:25 AM   #337
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post

Good luck occupying these people even if they do take the country... With what, 2 soldiers per 1000 civilians?
I read its about 3.4 soldiers per 1000 civilians. I agree though, good luck
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Old 03-01-2022, 08:36 AM   #338
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
Fascinating thread that partly explains why Russia is performing so poorly; their communication methods (they are using civilian radio, which btw you can hear yourself)

Imagine if they didn't have nukes... They wouldn't be seen as a threat at all to Europe.

I bet Taiwan is sitting a bit more comfortably after this... The prospects of any action against them looks a lot less likely now, with an even stronger position as an island, and against an even weaker (but larger and more modern) military.
In this modern age you think logistics would be their number one priority but its not. It's like they put a bunch of kids in tanks and said go capture Ukraine. I've been watching videos all over tiktok (crazy how quick we get up to date accurate info because of tiktok) and tanks are running out of gas, their food rations expired 5 years ago. Russian soldiers crying and calling home telling their parents it was supposed to be a peaceful mission.

Compared to the US, Russia is an absolute shit show and I'm really surprised about that. I so thought they would be way better organized then they are.
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Old 03-01-2022, 08:42 AM   #339
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If anyone wants to see more current ukraine/russia military videos, you can check out this site:
Posted from NE 1-J W Inglis Building
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Old 03-01-2022, 08:54 AM   #340
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It makes you wonder how many countries army's are just a facade and movies have made us believe they are all much better than they actually are.

At this point Russia kind of looks like a joke, and all they have is the butthurt "I'll drop a nuke" threat to stay relevant.
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Old 03-01-2022, 08:57 AM   #341, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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College freshman Jack Sweeney of the University of Central Florida is using his computer skills and Twitter account to track the flight patterns of the private jets of Russian oligarchs. This dude claimed that he can track Elon Musk's private jet flight pattern.

Switching out Musk for a more Eurasian flavour, Sweeney set up @RUOligarchJets in February 2022. Bloomberg, covering the story, also noted the popularity of accounts like @ElonJet with Colby Howard, the president of Paragon Intel—a corporate aviation intelligence provider—and its popular product JetTrack. In an interview with the outlet, Sweeney’s Twitter accounts were cited as the “People Magazine version” of corporate aviation intelligence, making it all the more clear why the same hype has extended to his search for Russian oligarchs.
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Old 03-01-2022, 10:15 AM   #342
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This is a very good video summarizing the conflict:

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Old 03-01-2022, 10:20 AM   #343
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I wish I can share you guys' optimism for how poorly the Russian military is doing so far. While the attacks so far have certainly revealed a slew of problems on the Russian side, we also know Ukraine's 2nd largest city, Kharkiv, is getting pounded. There is also the 60km+ long convoy of Russian military tanks and vehicles lining up outside Kyiv. Anyone familiar with Soviet Union WW2 tactics know they are just going back to their old playbook now -- overwhelm the opposition by throwing a disproportionately large number of soldiers to get the job done, death counts be damned.

The question that I have in mind is -- does the current Russian military still have the same mindset as the Red Army of old? Are they just going to blindly follow orders, or would they really ask themselves what they are doing in Ukraine?
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Old 03-01-2022, 10:30 AM   #344
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Watching cnn and its saying their convoy could be running low on fuel and food. Made me stop and think... Where the hell are all those trucks and tanks supposed to refuel? They gonna just cruise up to the nearest gas station and drain the diesel tanks within minutes? Have tanker trucks come out and be drained in no time before they can even fuel them all up? Just looked on Google to see how much fuel each one takes and an american M1 Abrams tank holds 500gallons of fuel. So yeah.. Where are these things supposed to refuel at?
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Old 03-01-2022, 11:36 AM   #345
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Originally Posted by stewie View Post
Watching cnn and its saying their convoy could be running low on fuel and food. Made me stop and think... Where the hell are all those trucks and tanks supposed to refuel? They gonna just cruise up to the nearest gas station and drain the diesel tanks within minutes? Have tanker trucks come out and be drained in no time before they can even fuel them all up? Just looked on Google to see how much fuel each one takes and an american M1 Abrams tank holds 500gallons of fuel. So yeah.. Where are these things supposed to refuel at?
They bring fuel trucks with them. Ukrainian drones have been hitting the fuel trucks.
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Old 03-01-2022, 11:40 AM   #346
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Also the tanks don’t just drive on the road. They truck them to where they unload them. Saves a tonne of fuel im sure
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Old 03-01-2022, 12:30 PM   #347
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Originally Posted by donk. View Post
At the start of this thread, I would agree that this "war" since 2014 was bullshit

I was born in Odessa, have photos of me sitting on the missiles, tanks, submarine at the 411th battery as a kid and teen

My grandparents are still in Odessa, the amount of people that have left/leaving the country, is insane.

Someone posted bald and bankrupts video above on YouTube, I've been watching the guy for years, and I have never seen him with the look of horror on his face while he was leaving Kyiv

What's really messed up to think, is that If I was still there, I would have a gun in my hands, instead of this phone. Watching some of the footage makes me sick

What else makes me sick, all the innocent people in Russia, dealing with the fallout of all of this, their economy will probably take decades to recover, if ever
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I watched his video last night actually, pretty crazy stuff. Terrible to watch actually.
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Old 03-01-2022, 12:32 PM   #348
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Originally Posted by SkinnyPupp View Post
love you mike but there's SO much footage of this war out there.. You need to expose yourself to it if you're willing

They just blew up the government building:
No you're right, I've been actually finding more and more footage on reddit World News.

I suppose that since Ukrainians use Telegraph and such, we're just not exposed to all the footage. Seeing a lot more damage and destruction now on Day 7, it appears it took time to ramp up.

A big push to the capital is happening now.

It appears I was falling for the salacious media reports in the first few days, which seem now are coming into fruition.

Not sure if it was posted, but this is the video donk is referring to:

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Old 03-01-2022, 12:34 PM   #349
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Bald and Bankrupt makes much more engaging videos than JohnnyFD I posted a few pages back. Johnny seems really insincere and just weird where as Bald has a legitimate connection to the region. Been following him for a few years now and really love his stuff
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Old 03-01-2022, 12:45 PM   #350
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Originally Posted by Hondaracer View Post
Bald and Bankrupt makes much more engaging videos than JohnnyFD I posted a few pages back. Johnny seems really insincere and just weird where as Bald has a legitimate connection to the region. Been following him for a few years now and really love his stuff
I noticed the other video by that Johnny guy very creepily hovering too long over females of any sort of attractiveness
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