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03-17-2022, 02:15 PM
#751 | Willing to sell body for a few minutes on RS
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Also once the war is over these women and children would presumably want to return to their husbands/fathers back home? Less likelihood that they will stay here permanently
1968 Mustang Coupe
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03-17-2022, 02:41 PM
#752 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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I suppose it depends on how the war ends. If Ukraine prevails then yah, they will want to return but if Putin prevails ... not sure if they want to return. Then all the men left would flee to where their families are. My guess.
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03-17-2022, 02:54 PM
#753 | Performance Moderator
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Feminists have been strangely quiet about getting a pass out of the country that the men don't get |
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03-17-2022, 03:25 PM
#754 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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A lot of able bodied women are staying behind to fight as well. I assume a lot of them are feminists who hate Putin the ultimate incel
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03-17-2022, 03:42 PM
#755 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. |
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03-17-2022, 03:50 PM
#756 | Even when im right, is still right!
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So how would it work if you are in Ukraine and you are LGBQT... do you get to flee? what happens if you identify as a women? Do you get to flee?
If it ever happens here in Canada it would be a nightmare. Males would identify as females just to flee. lol
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03-17-2022, 04:18 PM
#757 | OMGWTFBBQ is a common word I say everyday
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^^ just identify as a sovereign citizen and they can't seize your assets??? FrEedOmz |
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03-17-2022, 05:09 PM
#758 | To me, there is the Internet and there is RS
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Originally Posted by teggy604 So how would it work if you are in Ukraine and you are LGBQT... do you get to flee? what happens if you identify as a women? Do you get to flee?
If it ever happens here in Canada it would be a nightmare. Males would identify as females just to flee. lol | Less than 4% of the pop in Canada claims to be part of the LGBTQ+ community. They always seem to be willing to fight for whats right. Cons on the other hand seem to run when pushed.
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. |
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03-17-2022, 05:23 PM
#759 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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I think most of us would shit our pants if we had lace up our boots and actually go to war. That is not something any of us are prepared for whether you're left, right, trans, gay...
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03-17-2022, 08:11 PM
#760 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Originally Posted by MarkyMark I think most of us would shit our pants if we had lace up our boots and actually go to war. That is not something any of us are prepared for whether you're left, right, trans, gay... | Quote:
Originally Posted by 320icar I’d die so fast in a combat situation. | My previous comment stands.
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03-17-2022, 08:41 PM
#761 | Rs has made me the woman i am today!
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Originally Posted by teggy604 So how would it work if you are in Ukraine and you are LGBQT... do you get to flee? what happens if you identify as a women? Do you get to flee?
If it ever happens here in Canada it would be a nightmare. Males would identify as females just to flee. lol | This is a great combination of ignorance and stupidity.
But to actually answer your question, here's an article:
There's other articles of the opposite happening, where trans females aren't being allowed to leave because their documents say Male.
But yeah, your comment is still pretty stupid.
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03-18-2022, 08:41 AM
#762 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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A good article which explains why Russia's army is so bad in terms of combat training and morale now:
The proof of Russia's military problems is in a video of Russian tanks, stuck in a line, being destroyed by Ukrainians -- and in reports of Russian combat deaths, which already may be anywhere from 3,000 to more than 10,000. Soldiers with regret
CNN decided to publish interviews with captured Russian pilots. CNN had the only journalists in the room and at no time did Ukrainian Security Services, which also was in the room throughout, interject or direct CNN or the prisoners to ask or answer specific questions. The interview was conducted in Russian. One, a pilot named Maxim, became emotional with anger and regret at what Russia has done.
"It's not just about demilitarizing Ukraine or the defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but now cities of peaceful civilians are being destroyed," Maxim said. "Even, I don't know, what can justify, f**k, the tears of a child, or even worse, the deaths of innocent people, children." There are reports of Russian soldiers who were surprised to learn they had invaded a country rather than taken part in a training exercise. Others have abandoned their post Why did Russia's army perform so poorly? Among the most detailed and engaging analyses cataloging Russia's foibles is an excellent conversation between retired Gen. David Petraeus, who formerly headed the CIA and commanded US forces in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and the journalist Peter Bergen. .
Petraeus praised the determination of the Ukrainians: "They are fighting for their national survival, their homeland and their way of life, and they have the home-field advantage, knowing the terrain and communities." But he also described the Russian army's shortcomings, which begin with the fact that some portion of it -- a quarter, according to one estimate -- is made up of conscripts rather than professional soldiers.
The US, too, has a selective service for all American men in case a draft is ever needed. But while the American draft has been dormant since Vietnam, young Russian men may serve one-year rotations in the military. That's barely enough to get them out of basic training and into a unit, Petraeus said.
The Russians have had problems with intelligence, communications and vehicles getting stuck in traffic jams, stuck in the mud and breaking down
Go Canucks go!
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03-18-2022, 07:45 PM
#763 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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03-18-2022, 08:20 PM
#764 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Why would Russia need Chinese arms? Isn't Russia like a 'super power'? Are they running out of missiles and tanks?
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03-18-2022, 10:12 PM
#765 | has a homepage?!
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Originally Posted by whitev70r Why would Russia need Chinese arms? Isn't Russia like a 'super power'? Are they running out of missiles and tanks? |
A detailed list of the destroyed and captured vehicles and equipment of both sides can be seen below. This list is constantly updated as additional footage becomes available.
This list only includes destroyed vehicles and equipment of which photo or videographic evidence is available. Therefore, the amount of equipment destroyed is significantly higher than recorded here. Small arms, munitions, civilian vehicles, trailers and derelict equipment (including aircraft) are not included in this list. All possible effort has gone into discerning the status of equipment between captured or abandoned. Many of the entries listed as 'abandoned' will likely end up captured or destroyed. Similarly, some of the captured equipment might be destroyed if it can't be recovered. ATGMs and MANPADS are included in the list but not included in the ultimate count. The Soviet flag is used when the equipment in question was produced prior to 1991.
Russia - 1542, of which: destroyed: 712, damaged: 27, abandoned: 223, captured: 579
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03-19-2022, 01:28 PM
#766 | I told him no, what y'all do?
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i thought maybe they all 'disappeared' like in nicholas cage's movie "lord of war"
__________________ Feedback Quote: Greenstoner 1 rat shit ruins the whole congee originalhypa You cannot live the life of a whore and expect a monument to your chastity | Quote:
[22-12, 08:51]mellomandidnt think and went in straight..scrapped like a bitch
[17-09, 12:07]FastAnna glowjob
[17-09, 12:08]FastAnna I like dat
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03-19-2022, 05:36 PM
#767 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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Fuckin Putin using hypersonic missiles can fly at 10x the speed of sound with high precision. Hope Putin gets assassinated in a slow and painful way.
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03-19-2022, 10:32 PM
#768 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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I think the use of hypersonic missiles was a message to NATO as it's a weapon that NATO's defence system cannot (or have a hard time) stop.
But don't expect Russia to suddenly start using HS missiles frequently as they are super expensive.
Nothing for now
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03-19-2022, 11:30 PM
#769 | has a homepage?!
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Originally Posted by Hehe I think the use of hypersonic missiles was a message to NATO as it's a weapon that NATO's defence system cannot (or have a hard time) stop.
But don't expect Russia to suddenly start using HS missiles frequently as they are super expensive. | But if you want to pretend to use one to blow up a farm, they're worth every ruble.
"This also calls into question, even more, why a missile of Kinzhal's nature would be used on a target close to Russian territory and on what appears to be a farm's barn or large chicken coup.
With all this in mind, it is very unlikely we are seeing a Kinzhal missile being used in the video. Whether or not one was used at all, we cannot answer that. Maybe there was another target somewhere, but this was not it. " we-have-questions-about-russias-claimed-kinzhal-hypersonic-missile-use-in-ukraine |
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03-20-2022, 06:46 AM
#770 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Fascinating thread on Russian logistics with their trucks. He links his first thread which you should also read. He figures that they have a hard deadline on being able to provide ammunition and food to their troops. In about 6-8 weeks it will be nearly impossible for them to do so. |
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03-20-2022, 02:52 PM
#771 | RS has made me the bitter person i am today!
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Russian logistics is failing because they strength come from railroads, which when they are in the Russian border, it's easy to mobilize huge amount of cargos in very short period of time.
Once entering Ukraine though, it's a totally different story. And the fact that they were so poorly maintained didn't help at all.
Nevertheless, credit where it's due... I think the Ukrainian army did a great job. The Russians were totally caught off guard how long this was going to drag. I think they prepped for a war finishing within a week. And their logistic is showing more and more problems because they totally underestimated the Ukranians and their plans were not prepared for a prolonged war as well as a collective sanctions of the west. Russia was clearly aiming to have it all wrapped up before the West could get anything in place.
Nothing for now
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03-21-2022, 01:02 AM
#772 | Banned (ABWS)?
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Putin on Sunk Cost Fallacy... gotta keep going.
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03-21-2022, 07:56 AM
#773 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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We need a Nicolae Ceaușescu ending to Putin.
It's really up to the people of Russia to rise up against this POS.
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03-21-2022, 08:32 AM
#774 | Hacked RS to become a mod
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Was wondering when this would happen at one of those protests |
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03-21-2022, 12:06 PM
#775 |, helping ugly ppl have sex since 2001
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^ That's really sad.
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