- Help with removing Battery from 98 cavalier.
- Need help with backup battery siren pinouts
- Show and Shine and Sound off in kamloops BC - Aug 8-9
- Cable Tie Mounts
- sirus to 2 decks
- compustar problem
- Deck in glove box install Accord 1990
- Is there any way to add chinese text to the pioneer z2?
- HELP: Car deck stopped turning on
- Opinion needed: Where is the best?
- Anybody have IPBus to RCA or IPBus to 1/8" jack cable?
- Need some opinions on some Alpine products
- Jl vs Alpine
- Motorcycle battery problem
- What are these worth
- Pioneer - AVIC F-series vs. X-series
- iPod/iPhone 3G "adaptor"
- MTX amp repair - Where do I go..
- Repairing JVC Decks
- usa spec adapters
- Insufficient Power
- line out converter with remote turn on?
- Line drivers...are they worth it?
- *attention installation guys*Car got broken into
- I need your opinion plz
- another install question
- car deck install question
- Simple (I hope) question
- Car Carpet prices?
- JL 10W6V2-D4 enclosure size?
- Help with Audio changing volumes?
- Mercedes wiring harness?
- Switched decks, horrible bass
- Just installed Infinity speakers in my Civic (pics)
- subwoofer rattles at low volumes?
- fiberglass question....
- Sponsers: Rough price quote for custom sub enclosure and sub/amp install lexus IS
- SoundsGood 2nd annual Sound Off 2009!
- Epic deal at Canadian Tire - deck + 6.5 speakers + 2GB MP3 player = $79.99!
- ideas on how I can hook up my ipod?
- switching deck
- whats a good amp to get? exile any good? inneed of new amp
- compustar pro vs. viper 5901 vs autopage rs1000
- blown voicecoil?
- 2009 Impreza
- How much would i expect to pay to get this module installed
- uh oh...what's going on w/ my stereo???
- Car shows
- Stereo Removal (pics)
- Need a New 2 way pager remote
- Annoying Speaker Problem
- Thanks to Mike (Orgasm_Donor)
- amp and factory deck
- Need new alarm system, where to go? what to get?
- 1080P car lcd screen
- gmc tracker stereo install
- speakers
- Which sub? Kenwood vs MTX?
- HELP: compustar
- Amp Wiring Question
- Are JBL 4x6s worth TWICE as much as Pioneers?
- JL Audio Dealers
- Cigar lighter plug STUCK!
- How long would battery last?
- amp wires
- JL Audio TW5
- edjumacate me on pre-outs
- shows being held in BC in 2009
- Help: JVC AVX44
- Anyone running a carputer?
- 12" subs
- Random Tick sound
- question about testing used head unit
- need sub and amp recommendation
- cd changer problem
- 150hz lpf too high for a 8" sub?
- pioneer premier subs
- mythbusters car sub
- set up question
- Sub is very quiet...problem
- Basic Car Audio Question: Crossovers/HPF?
- installation recommendation
- speaker install driving me nuts
- Where to find alpine KCA-121b
- Looking for Carbon Fiber (look) Vinyl
- replacing HU in 2003 escape (dash kit and harness)
- few quick compustar alarm questions
- sub/amp wiring help!
- Very Noobish Question!
- Can anyone recomend a good place to have an alarm sytem installed in my truck?
- How to Make use of an Old Subwoofer Box
- 433Mhz vs 900Mhz
- Pioneer DVD decks can't play DVD+R/RW?
- oem integration
- 2Way Car Alarms
- where can i buy this cliford remote? Pics inside.
- Avic-Z2 bluetooth sync up with blackberry problem??
- HELP DECK problem
- 12" MTX-MZS1204
- Revscene annual spring meet!
- Amp HELP!!!
- Wtd iPhone head unit
- Flexible LED strips, Where can i get them: Cheapest, Closest?
- Tis the season...
- Subs arent loud...
- Pioneer AVH-P4000DVD questions
- car alarm wire? help please!
- Autopage Alarm settings
- Another noobie =(
- Hertz Speakers?
- Are these good speakers? Is this a good deal?
- deck and speakers?
- Components speakers
- Looking for ground in 2003 corolla
- anyone need 2 12" JL subs w/ box?
- Blown fuse (amp)
- buzzing sound coming from amp (maybe sub)
- BMW E90 Deck
- Dension Ipod Link
- amp goes thud when i power down the car
- double din + NAVI which unit??
- Help!!!!
- Kinetik power cells! Where can I get them locally?
- Panasonic - No More Car Audio
- Gaining Clarity
- Need to get an alpine deck repaired
- Viper Alarm Issue
- speakers recomendation
- In the mrket for a good DVD deck that plays MKV format
- Suspended Animation?
- Pioneer AVH-6000dvd
- Alarm Quote
- Double-din decks to recommend?
- Where to put my speaks
- Got my truck back from the shop... CD Deck not working.
- Update on what Ive been working on lately.
- JVC LCD Deck Opinions
- What material to use to custom fabricate iPod holder into center console?
- Just installed new head unit. Having a sound issue..
- RIP Bruce of Beamriders
- Soundworks is moving...
- head unit recommendation
- help with my compustar pro
- anybody use Dice R4 or USA -SEPC PA11-HON2y, advice on setup TSX with NAVI
- can't disarm my alarm
- **NEW** Car audio FAQ !
- And now, a word from our sponsors !
- Showoff | Pics of your custom sound set-up!
- deck install kit question