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: Relationship & Gender Discussion

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  1. Engagement/wedding songs
  2. Tying the knot with gf next month
  3. Three adults in polyamorous family are legal parents of child - Newfoundland
  4. Valentines day
  5. Grudges, just let it go
  6. Christmas & Religion
  7. How long did it take you to get over the love of your entire life?
  8. Love is in the air
  9. Dilemma: Please Chime In, RS!
  10. dating/meeting in 2016
  11. This video summarized all the comments here for the past 10 yrs
  12. 36 question you could ask to fall in love.
  14. School a Newbie
  15. I need advice, please: Is it my place to say something?
  16. Being a CBC I find this so true!
  17. Reception and Ceremony Venues Advice
  18. Advice Please
  19. chinese style blind date
  20. Valentines day gift ideas
  21. [Confidential] Please give me your thoughts and advice
  22. [Confidential] Sponsoring a GF for permanent residency status
  23. [Confidential] My S.O. is ALWAYS on their cell!
  24. Drugs & Relationships
  25. Calling vs Texting
  26. [Confidential] Want to pick your man brains out there
  27. Secret unusual dating spots
  28. Break it off?
  29. Engagement Ring Buying Advice
  30. Is this "normal" behaviour in your opinion?
  31. [Confidential] Do I stick with her or break it off?
  32. [Confidential] Would you hook up with a girl who's been "around"
  33. [Confidential] how do i initiate first contact after scarring the ex girlfriend
  34. Engagement finger.. which is it??
  35. parents
  36. [Confidential] Friend's sister
  37. [Confidential] Sensitive advice
  38. dating /pickup.coaches
  39. Destination Weddings - Hawaii
  40. How has divorce affected your life?
  41. Dear single dudes - it's time to man up
  42. [Confidential] 10 Years and no proposal yet, am I being pulled along
  43. flower delivery?
  44. [Confidential] How to follow up when a girl says yes?
  45. Relationship forum moved back, is still ad-free
  46. Male Yeast Infection
  47. [Confidential] Topic: How do I get her back?
  48. [Confidential] How hard is it to get over your other half's past.
  49. Divorce - BC Law
  50. Seeking help from a counsellor. serious replies only please
  51. Anyone date someone TWICE before?
  52. guys who live at home
  53. Are their any psychologists on here who work with eating disorders?
  54. Dating vegetarians
  55. Asian Cougars in Vancouver?
  56. Girl doesn't like me watching porn
  57. Secret Sanata gift ideas ??
  58. high educated successful girls do you bother
  59. What not to look for in wife / keeper material
  60. Single vs Being "Alone" / Rushed Relationship (MY STORY)(LONG READ)
  61. Some Advice Needed
  62. illegal to sex in.car
  63. Ultimate cuddle mattress!
  64. Christmas Events 2013 with the SO
  65. Whats more important: The Journey or the Destination?
  66. Official "What to get her" Christmas Thread
  67. [Confidential] Classic rebound case? Or a chance to salvage in the future
  68. [Confidential] How old is too old to be a virgin?
  69. What is romantic to guys?
  70. Girl rustled after I told her I'm going drinking with friends instead
  71. hey guys
  72. Yacht Rental For A Night
  73. Changing the thought process
  74. Food Show @ Tradex
  75. 10 Qualities That Make You a Fierce Gentleman
  76. [Mature discussion only] Can non-athletic guys attract athletic girls?
  77. Missed Connections stories - Vancouver or others
  78. The 100 Things Every 20-Something Needs To Realize
  79. yet another "birthday ideas" thread
  80. She returned the engagement ring
  81. How to be a MAN
  82. [MATURE DISCUSSION] First date ideas
  83. ppl who date out of their culture cant find their own =true
  84. Good places to print out wedding invitations??
  85. Uncommon Things Men Find Attractive About Women
  86. the last date you went on
  87. You Should Date An Illiterate Girl...
  88. Brithday Surprise
  89. [Confidential] 3yrs, 7months, new girl. I still miss her.
  90. dumb arguments in relationships
  91. [Confidential] Are one night stands common?
  92. Passion and drive. Do you?
  93. Online dating = ??
  94. [Confidential] Opinion on this girl and my situation
  95. Where to take your SO *Events 411*
  96. [Confidential] Girlfriend cheated, trying to hide it
  97. [Confidential] Cosigning a loan for a GF
  98. Partially Open, Open, and Polyamorous Relationships.
  99. asian girls who only date asian guys or prefer-met them
  100. Don't know what to do
  101. [Confidential] Getting married at a young age
  102. [Confidential] Career/Life Advice
  103. Anyone experienced "giving out but not recieving appreciation" before?
  104. How important is it to be good in bed? (Serious Discussion)
  105. I Screwed Up... Big
  106. [Confidential] What can you do in the case of a divorce?
  107. working towards love?
  108. half naked girl on my bed and i backed out
  109. dating a depressed girl- do they ever change
  110. [Mature Discussion] Need relationship advice..
  111. Help please! Forgot anniv.. Need date activities for March 23rd, 2013!
  112. [Confidential] Want to end on good terms
  113. Female Drunkness and Memory
  114. [Confidential] Should I tell her?
  115. [Confidential] What should I do?
  116. making sex better
  117. Sharing Best Practices (relationships)
  118. Why she like this? Manipulative , flakey...
  119. General Opinion on feelings lost
  120. Night Spots
  121. Has anybody ever done this?
  122. Valentine's Day-lemma.
  123. Should I? Or shouln't I?
  124. [Confidential] Cheated on the GF
  125. [Confidential] Engagement Ring Advice?
  126. Anyone have success finding a F for a MF relationship?
  127. Taboo sex show
  128. The Wrong Impressions: What To Do?
  129. Valentines 2013
  130. [Confidential] Insight into my relationship?
  131. Would you say something?
  132. [Confidential] Love is way too difficult sometimes
  133. [Confidential] What is the meaning of this relationship?
  134. [Confidential] Avoiding the friend zone
  135. My girlfriend realised i wear foundation!
  136. how do you deal with silence treatment from gf or wife.
  137. Manipulative girl want free dinner
  138. Internet altered modern romance
  139. The Power of Introverts
  140. Christmas Help!
  141. What would you bring le gf during exam periods?
  142. Hard time meeting new people and making new friends. Advises?
  143. [Confidential] Yeast Infections.
  144. local custom jeweller
  145. Perfect stocking stuffer for the GF/Wife
  146. Romantic places to go at night?
  147. Calling people.
  148. Is it a self esteem issue?
  149. Becoming better friends..
  150. [Confidential] How important is sex? (Mature discussion only. NSFW dialog)
  151. Do you actually know what you love about your girlfriend?
  152. Seeing girl/dinner with ex? advice??
  153. no-reply tolerance
  154. where to find significant other?
  155. How Many Have You Loved? One or Many?
  156. 30-45 year guy who have trouble getting gf-why
  157. relationship cliches
  158. gender bender
  159. divorce and chinese culture
  160. Need girl's opinion: Obsessed with how long sex lasts and making her orgasm
  161. [Confidential] Ex-Gf Trying Hard to Fit In With My Circle of Friends
  162. family, stuck in middle
  163. Engagement ring Q. How am I going to surprise my gf and still get a ring that fits?
  164. Easy Direct Game Guide: Keep It Stupid Simple
  165. [Confidential] Bored with sex
  166. How to convince your parents to get rid of their old cars?
  167. [Confidential] Falling for them TOO fast
  168. "The End of Men" - How relevant north of the border?
  169. Male minds
  170. An EX that has made it their mission to ruin my life
  171. some good tips
  172. Is cheating a deal breaker for you, instantly?
  173. Help!!! Where to buy Couples' Rings?
  174. [Confidential] Falling for your friend
  175. Jealousy
  176. [Confidential] Finding the girl of your dreams
  177. [Confidential] Buddy's ex wants a FWB with me
  178. Help with siblings divorce
  179. Working out with your bf/gf
  180. Rare snake-like amphibian gaining attention due to penis-like appearance
  181. The 'problem' with nice guys
  182. Need something fun to do with your significant other? Look here!
  183. is it possible to get a girlfriend in college when you don't have a job?
  184. CONFIDENTIAL: friend that's been all up in my grill lately
  185. [Confidential] Want my own life too
  186. [Confidential] Did I blow my chance?
  187. [Confidential] Asking a best friend's friend out
  188. [Confidential] Initiating Sex
  189. Ex Gf Friends with Benefits
  190. Relationship with someone you're not attracted to physically?
  191. [Confidential] Need advice
  192. Sex: What to expect
  193. [Confidential] Have you ever jacked off with another guy?
  194. 30+ guys, what have you noticed about dating?
  195. Optimism Thread: Why being single is AWESOME! Post here
  196. question about meeting somone
  197. /b/ gives some advice you can use
  198. living situations owning/renting
  199. [Confidential] What can I do to salvage my relationship with her?
  200. [Confidential] Ever yelled at your significant other in front of your friends?
  201. asking someone to marry you.........
  202. [Confidential] Starting a long term relationship
  203. Dealing with a friend who is Bi-Polar
  204. Fun and Unique Date Ideas
  205. new tricks for you!
  206. [Confidential] a question for members who are maried.
  207. What should i say. PLEASE help
  208. Cyclical Relationships
  209. buying condoms discreetly
  210. How to deal with constant fighting?
  211. Getting over a girl
  212. Dating is not required to get sex at all anymore
  213. Opinions wanted on girl friend moving in..
  214. Ask Someone Who Completed "No Fap May" Anything
  215. [Confidential] Girlfriend becoming friends with buddies girlfriends
  216. [Confidential] I want her back but is it too late?
  217. Trust
  218. Engagement gift
  219. No Matter What...
  220. [Confidential] Give him another second chance?
  221. How Important Is Sex In A Relationship?
  222. Prom
  223. Shit My S/O Says
  224. how much time do you give them after breaking up?
  225. The most messed up dating sitaution I've ever seen
  226. [Confidential] Mixed messages
  227. [Confidential] Can't start moving on
  228. [Confidential] How to deal with sister problems
  229. Invited to the wedding but not the reception
  230. what is the nicest way to ask ur ex for sex!?
  231. [Confidential] The girl's ex is trying to get back with her
  232. How did you two meet?
  233. Who pays?
  234. Whois right? Whois Wrong?
  235. Dating outside your race
  236. Is it worth it? *mature responses please?*
  237. Tell my poor weak soul friend to stop *R U KIDDING*
  238. [Confidential] Cant get any women
  239. "Is it ok to take my date to McDonalds?"
  240. confused to what position we are in.
  241. thoughts on this situation?
  242. A friend.
  243. [Confidential] A good girlfriend that I've known for 10+ years...
  244. [Confidential] No physical intimacy, what to do?
  245. [Confidential] Will I really regret not going to prom?
  246. Best Condom Brand?
  247. Tricky situation...salvagable?
  248. engagement ring - besides a diamond
  249. need help fast!
  250. Women, what makes this okay?