- Engagement/wedding songs
- Tying the knot with gf next month
- Three adults in polyamorous family are legal parents of child - Newfoundland
- Valentines day
- Grudges, just let it go
- Christmas & Religion
- How long did it take you to get over the love of your entire life?
- Love is in the air
- Dilemma: Please Chime In, RS!
- dating/meeting in 2016
- This video summarized all the comments here for the past 10 yrs
- 36 question you could ask to fall in love.
- School a Newbie
- I need advice, please: Is it my place to say something?
- Being a CBC I find this so true!
- Reception and Ceremony Venues Advice
- Advice Please
- chinese style blind date
- Valentines day gift ideas
- [Confidential] Please give me your thoughts and advice
- [Confidential] Sponsoring a GF for permanent residency status
- [Confidential] My S.O. is ALWAYS on their cell!
- Drugs & Relationships
- Calling vs Texting
- [Confidential] Want to pick your man brains out there
- Secret unusual dating spots
- Break it off?
- Engagement Ring Buying Advice
- Is this "normal" behaviour in your opinion?
- [Confidential] Do I stick with her or break it off?
- [Confidential] Would you hook up with a girl who's been "around"
- [Confidential] how do i initiate first contact after scarring the ex girlfriend
- Engagement finger.. which is it??
- parents
- [Confidential] Friend's sister
- [Confidential] Sensitive advice
- dating /pickup.coaches
- Destination Weddings - Hawaii
- How has divorce affected your life?
- Dear single dudes - it's time to man up
- [Confidential] 10 Years and no proposal yet, am I being pulled along
- flower delivery?
- [Confidential] How to follow up when a girl says yes?
- Relationship forum moved back, is still ad-free
- Male Yeast Infection
- [Confidential] Topic: How do I get her back?
- [Confidential] How hard is it to get over your other half's past.
- Divorce - BC Law
- Seeking help from a counsellor. serious replies only please
- Anyone date someone TWICE before?
- guys who live at home
- Are their any psychologists on here who work with eating disorders?
- Dating vegetarians
- Asian Cougars in Vancouver?
- Girl doesn't like me watching porn
- Secret Sanata gift ideas ??
- high educated successful girls do you bother
- What not to look for in wife / keeper material
- Single vs Being "Alone" / Rushed Relationship (MY STORY)(LONG READ)
- Some Advice Needed
- illegal to sex in.car
- Ultimate cuddle mattress!
- Christmas Events 2013 with the SO
- Whats more important: The Journey or the Destination?
- Official "What to get her" Christmas Thread
- [Confidential] Classic rebound case? Or a chance to salvage in the future
- [Confidential] How old is too old to be a virgin?
- What is romantic to guys?
- Girl rustled after I told her I'm going drinking with friends instead
- hey guys
- Yacht Rental For A Night
- Changing the thought process
- Food Show @ Tradex
- 10 Qualities That Make You a Fierce Gentleman
- [Mature discussion only] Can non-athletic guys attract athletic girls?
- Missed Connections stories - Vancouver or others
- The 100 Things Every 20-Something Needs To Realize
- yet another "birthday ideas" thread
- She returned the engagement ring
- How to be a MAN
- [MATURE DISCUSSION] First date ideas
- ppl who date out of their culture cant find their own =true
- Good places to print out wedding invitations??
- Uncommon Things Men Find Attractive About Women
- the last date you went on
- You Should Date An Illiterate Girl...
- Brithday Surprise
- [Confidential] 3yrs, 7months, new girl. I still miss her.
- dumb arguments in relationships
- [Confidential] Are one night stands common?
- Passion and drive. Do you?
- Online dating = ??
- [Confidential] Opinion on this girl and my situation
- Where to take your SO *Events 411*
- [Confidential] Girlfriend cheated, trying to hide it
- [Confidential] Cosigning a loan for a GF
- Partially Open, Open, and Polyamorous Relationships.
- asian girls who only date asian guys or prefer-met them
- Don't know what to do
- [Confidential] Getting married at a young age
- [Confidential] Career/Life Advice
- Anyone experienced "giving out but not recieving appreciation" before?
- How important is it to be good in bed? (Serious Discussion)
- I Screwed Up... Big
- [Confidential] What can you do in the case of a divorce?
- working towards love?
- half naked girl on my bed and i backed out
- dating a depressed girl- do they ever change
- [Mature Discussion] Need relationship advice..
- Help please! Forgot anniv.. Need date activities for March 23rd, 2013!
- [Confidential] Want to end on good terms
- Female Drunkness and Memory
- [Confidential] Should I tell her?
- [Confidential] What should I do?
- making sex better
- Sharing Best Practices (relationships)
- Why she like this? Manipulative , flakey...
- General Opinion on feelings lost
- Night Spots
- Has anybody ever done this?
- Valentine's Day-lemma.
- Should I? Or shouln't I?
- [Confidential] Cheated on the GF
- [Confidential] Engagement Ring Advice?
- Anyone have success finding a F for a MF relationship?
- Taboo sex show
- The Wrong Impressions: What To Do?
- Valentines 2013
- [Confidential] Insight into my relationship?
- Would you say something?
- [Confidential] Love is way too difficult sometimes
- [Confidential] What is the meaning of this relationship?
- [Confidential] Avoiding the friend zone
- My girlfriend realised i wear foundation!
- how do you deal with silence treatment from gf or wife.
- Manipulative girl want free dinner
- Internet altered modern romance
- The Power of Introverts
- Christmas Help!
- What would you bring le gf during exam periods?
- Hard time meeting new people and making new friends. Advises?
- [Confidential] Yeast Infections.
- local custom jeweller
- Perfect stocking stuffer for the GF/Wife
- Romantic places to go at night?
- Calling people.
- Is it a self esteem issue?
- Becoming better friends..
- [Confidential] How important is sex? (Mature discussion only. NSFW dialog)
- Do you actually know what you love about your girlfriend?
- Seeing girl/dinner with ex? advice??
- no-reply tolerance
- where to find significant other?
- How Many Have You Loved? One or Many?
- 30-45 year guy who have trouble getting gf-why
- relationship cliches
- gender bender
- divorce and chinese culture
- Need girl's opinion: Obsessed with how long sex lasts and making her orgasm
- [Confidential] Ex-Gf Trying Hard to Fit In With My Circle of Friends
- family, stuck in middle
- Engagement ring Q. How am I going to surprise my gf and still get a ring that fits?
- Easy Direct Game Guide: Keep It Stupid Simple
- [Confidential] Bored with sex
- How to convince your parents to get rid of their old cars?
- [Confidential] Falling for them TOO fast
- "The End of Men" - How relevant north of the border?
- Male minds
- An EX that has made it their mission to ruin my life
- some good tips
- Is cheating a deal breaker for you, instantly?
- Help!!! Where to buy Couples' Rings?
- [Confidential] Falling for your friend
- Jealousy
- [Confidential] Finding the girl of your dreams
- [Confidential] Buddy's ex wants a FWB with me
- Help with siblings divorce
- Working out with your bf/gf
- Rare snake-like amphibian gaining attention due to penis-like appearance
- The 'problem' with nice guys
- Need something fun to do with your significant other? Look here!
- is it possible to get a girlfriend in college when you don't have a job?
- CONFIDENTIAL: friend that's been all up in my grill lately
- [Confidential] Want my own life too
- [Confidential] Did I blow my chance?
- [Confidential] Asking a best friend's friend out
- [Confidential] Initiating Sex
- Ex Gf Friends with Benefits
- Relationship with someone you're not attracted to physically?
- [Confidential] Need advice
- Sex: What to expect
- [Confidential] Have you ever jacked off with another guy?
- 30+ guys, what have you noticed about dating?
- Optimism Thread: Why being single is AWESOME! Post here
- question about meeting somone
- /b/ gives some advice you can use
- living situations owning/renting
- [Confidential] What can I do to salvage my relationship with her?
- [Confidential] Ever yelled at your significant other in front of your friends?
- asking someone to marry you.........
- [Confidential] Starting a long term relationship
- Dealing with a friend who is Bi-Polar
- Fun and Unique Date Ideas
- new tricks for you!
- [Confidential] a question for members who are maried.
- What should i say. PLEASE help
- Cyclical Relationships
- buying condoms discreetly
- How to deal with constant fighting?
- Getting over a girl
- Dating is not required to get sex at all anymore
- Opinions wanted on girl friend moving in..
- Ask Someone Who Completed "No Fap May" Anything
- [Confidential] Girlfriend becoming friends with buddies girlfriends
- [Confidential] I want her back but is it too late?
- Trust
- Engagement gift
- No Matter What...
- [Confidential] Give him another second chance?
- How Important Is Sex In A Relationship?
- Prom
- Shit My S/O Says
- how much time do you give them after breaking up?
- The most messed up dating sitaution I've ever seen
- [Confidential] Mixed messages
- [Confidential] Can't start moving on
- [Confidential] How to deal with sister problems
- Invited to the wedding but not the reception
- what is the nicest way to ask ur ex for sex!?
- [Confidential] The girl's ex is trying to get back with her
- How did you two meet?
- Who pays?
- Whois right? Whois Wrong?
- Dating outside your race
- Is it worth it? *mature responses please?*
- Tell my poor weak soul friend to stop *R U KIDDING*
- [Confidential] Cant get any women
- "Is it ok to take my date to McDonalds?"
- confused to what position we are in.
- thoughts on this situation?
- A friend.
- [Confidential] A good girlfriend that I've known for 10+ years...
- [Confidential] No physical intimacy, what to do?
- [Confidential] Will I really regret not going to prom?
- Best Condom Brand?
- Tricky situation...salvagable?
- engagement ring - besides a diamond
- need help fast!
- Women, what makes this okay?