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  1. Business Students (esp. bcit b.tech): How useful is a laptop to you?
  2. SFU question
  3. ATTENTION: UBC Parking Tickets, Read if you park at UBC
  4. Heading back to school.
  5. Utopia Academy
  6. photoshop/design schools?
  7. Lemche's UBC Econ 101 final?
  8. LPN to RN bridge program?
  9. CIVL 228 UBC
  10. bcit parking safer now?
  11. What program to become appliance repairman
  12. BCIT: Environmental Health (Public health inspection)?
  13. FRST 231 at UBC anyone ?
  14. UOIT-automotive engineering
  15. Summer Semester at UBC?
  16. SFU/BCIT/UBC DAP/Kwantlen (Business/Accounting)
  17. BA in Economics?
  18. UBC/SFU still look at blended school/provincial grade for admission?
  19. SFU Hum 321
  20. International Relations?
  21. Prof suspects I cheated?
  22. SFU: Buec 232 or Stats 270?
  23. Shit is getting so real now...
  24. UBC Econ 101 with Lemche?
  25. Help: MacroEcon homework help for 1-2hrs (will pay)
  26. UBC Sauder DAP vs Accounting Degree
  27. Networking Technology Diploma @VCC
  28. UBC Sauder - Diploma of Accounting
  29. Food at SFU Burnaby
  30. Engineering vs. Business....to med
  31. Cantonese Speaking Schools
  32. student loans for jan.
  33. langara question...withdrawing from course..
  34. Biomedical Engineering BCIT
  35. where to find volunteer work?
  36. Good libraries for printed research material?
  37. Does anyone here have a degree in Psychology?
  38. EI as a student?
  39. ubc/sfu snowboarding trip?
  40. BCIT - Business Planning with Rick Kroetsch
  41. SFU Burnaby Gondola Proposal
  43. Wthdrawing a course at douglas
  44. graduating hs this year. Where should i apply?
  45. student loans, eft question
  46. Looking for: Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Investments
  47. BCIT Anyone?
  48. going back to school... at age 30+?
  49. transferring to SFU
  50. BCIT CIT or CST
  51. Taking calculus without pre calc?
  52. BCIT Financial Management
  53. how can i get through ubc first year engineering easily?
  54. is UBC 2nd year hard?
  55. langara/bcit transfer to sfu/ubc?
  56. paying tuition with cheque
  57. bcit-international business management program
  58. BCIT security systems technician program
  59. Where to Print Business Cards
  60. food science/nutrition courses or programs
  61. Sites for Used Textbooks??
  62. Douglas College ENGL 1130 Transfer
  64. Anyone ever appealed a grade in SFU?
  65. UBC Honors Question
  66. UBC Admittance
  67. Bill Gates: In Five Years The Best Education Will Come From The Web
  68. Canadian Securities Course
  69. to transfer or not?
  70. I Want To Learn Labview
  71. Electrical Engineering @ BCIT
  72. Joint Major Requirements
  73. hard to find a room in Univercity :(
  74. Third Year SFU Business
  75. College Degrees Get an Audit
  76. bcit student loan
  77. chartered accountant
  78. Question about BCIT admissions
  79. SFU Engineering
  80. letter of intent
  81. mybcit down?
  82. HELP! SFU stats 302 tutor needed.
  83. CFA Program
  84. UBC engineering - impact of technology requirement
  85. What are you planning to do with your B.A.?
  86. SFU question
  87. Photography programs
  88. Need math tutor!!
  89. Anyone Taken BCIT's ECON 2100 (microeconomics)?
  90. jobs in demand?
  91. Looking for places in Vancouver for a student to study English abroad in summer
  92. A bit of a dilemma
  93. Can you declare Non-resident with student loan?
  94. want to learn a new language (spanish)
  95. How competitive is to get into BCIT's Medical Radiography Program?
  96. SFU: CMNS 388 VS Educ 445 Dis. E.
  97. university question.. SFU or UBC
  98. Don't Become a Scientist!
  99. Excellent Exchange Schools?
  101. SFU Summer Parking Pass
  102. FS: UBC Textbooks
  103. Forensic Investigation @BCIT
  104. SFU Course Repeat question
  105. Student loan question
  106. SFU to Langara/other colleges
  107. LPN to Registered Nurse
  108. help: where is the econ conference room in ubc?
  109. Part Time student Loan
  110. Automotive Service Tech vs. Automotive Tech
  111. Master BC Student Loan agreement = Canada Student Loan agreement ?
  112. Re-Adding Classes after dropping them? (SFU)
  113. BCIT Downtown Campus
  114. UBC Sub-Mortgage Broker course help
  115. UBC sci majors: medical lab science, pharmacology, physiology
  116. SFU Gero 300 DE
  117. Loss of eligibility from StudentAidBC?
  118. Transferring credits and gpa between colleges?
  119. BCIT Nuclear Med
  120. Marketing Project only 8 questions
  121. FREE ufile.ca tax filing (online) for students - DIY
  122. AI Film Production Program
  123. UBC'ers
  124. Continued Education Through Correspondence: Hospitality
  125. UBC Vancouver vs UBC Okanagan
  126. UBC STAT 251 Tutor
  127. anyone know the policy for the pipe fitter course at BCIT
  128. Finance degree questions. Some insight?
  129. kin 140 @ sfu DISTANCE
  130. UBC application question
  131. Online Course admission question- UBC
  132. LSAT-Jun 7th writing
  133. Psychology Major UBC vs. SFU
  134. Medicine Project - Survey Request
  135. Question about becoming a CA
  136. BCIT Automotive Technician
  137. Missed UBC application deadline.
  138. ..
  139. ubc congregation status may 2010
  140. examination hardships
  141. Digital Graphic Design
  142. Admission SFU question
  143. bcit aircraft maintenance M hard to find job?
  144. Private Investigator (Under Supervisiion) Licence Type
  145. Advanced Security Training Certificate
  146. BCIT Eletronics Technician Common Core
  147. Major Research Project (Topic: Cyberbullying) looking for 19-25 year old participants
  148. Transferring from Langara
  149. BC Transfer Guide...
  150. bcit co-op electrical and computer engineering courses
  151. BCIT Medical Plan - Great West Life RANT
  152. BCIT Business Program
  153. Theft at UBC Rose Garden Parkade
  154. Mandarin School
  155. Translink just added a 14% additional Tax(PST) on Parking at Schools
  156. Anyone Taken FMGT 3110 @ BCIT?
  157. BCIT auto service tech first level apprentice
  158. UBC B-Lot Parking
  159. bcit engineering
  160. Anyone attend math257 at ubc this past term?
  161. Simple Physics 12 Problem.
  162. Anywhere to have a Tensile Strength test done?
  163. Part Time Studies at Kwantlen
  164. Any private mandarin schools (for adults)?
  165. any private first aid trainning out there?
  166. Where is a good place to start learning web design?
  167. BCIT parking safety?
  168. School closures during Olympics?
  169. Student loans
  170. SFU Engineering Average
  171. Anyone took BCIT CST: Technical Programming?
  172. Cisco CCNA and CCNP
  173. Need professional editor
  174. Anyone able to help a friend proofread a paper?
  175. SFU Upper Division Education courses
  176. Grades curved
  177. Quick question for SFU alumni's
  178. Windows 7 for Students
  179. BCIT HTP programs
  180. UBC Project Management Certificate
  181. UBC: easy upper division electives!
  182. dropped out how to get admission fee back??!?
  183. SFU Business/CSC Tutor
  184. Flowers for Convocation
  185. SFU: did you receive your scholarship $$ yet?
  186. Best Driving School for Class 4?
  187. anyone get their student loans yet?????
  188. any good IT training schools in/around Vancouver
  189. SFU Beer tasting club
  190. bcit diploma-> sfu question
  191. tow trucks at UBC?
  192. TI 83 Plus?
  193. BCIT IT question
  194. Getting back a dropped course
  195. Are YOU in SFU CRIM 355 ?????????????????????
  196. U-Pass Question
  197. South Hill Adult Ed
  198. Anyone taking SFU ENGL 101W?
  199. Parking Passes @ SFU
  200. Housing Near UBC
  201. BCIT: courses usable as liberal studies credit
  202. agenda books
  203. Anyone taking or has done Electrical and Computer technology engineering at BCIT?
  204. BCIT Associate Certificate in CAD Technology
  205. Amount of Time for Notice of Required to Withdraw at Kwantlen?
  206. Campus living, University life, the whole Bundle!
  207. Pls help with SFU courses!!!!
  208. Golden Key International Honor Society
  209. So how/where can i upgrade my math? fuck..
  210. Places to buy textbooks?
  211. So Who's going to BCIT in 3 weeks?
  212. Does a degree in business from BCIT sound better or degree from Kwantlen
  213. transfering to UBC
  214. [SFU] looking for UD credit course
  215. FPA 341- World Music anyone taken?
  216. student loan course load
  217. Lot G at SFU?
  218. Just graduated from BCIT
  219. UBC Chinese Heritage VS non heritage
  220. UBC Engineering appeal tips
  221. Anyone know SFU new program called" Back On Track"?
  222. Enrolling in a Mandarin course
  223. Anyone just finished SFU sciences 1st Year?
  224. Delaying SFU convocation date
  225. Student Loan Audit Issues
  226. You can recieve a "FD" on your transcript now.
  227. Econ 331 (math econ) @ SFU
  228. [SFU] Retaking a course twice
  229. Best film schools around Vancouver - to become future director
  230. Who offer "continuing education" type courses?
  231. [Confidential] Motivation
  232. Going to SFU in September - Which Campus?
  233. PHIL 220A: Symbolic Logic I - SYMBOLIC LOGIC I
  234. Past Years' Midterms
  235. UBC class averages
  236. 10 Web tools I wish I knew before Starting College
  237. student aid
  238. culinary school
  239. Math 10-11 tutors
  240. Kwantlen ACCT profs: 2293
  241. Anyone at UVic?
  242. UBC OK - Kelowna
  243. UBC Dip. in Acct -VS- Kwantlen Dip. in Acct
  244. APSC 201
  245. UBC Library
  246. Good Careers in the Medical Field?
  247. career planning and IT
  248. Extra Degree certificates
  249. UBC Summer U-Pass?
  250. How old is too old for community college?