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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. Can I get sued if someone goes blind looking at me welding?
  2. How to verify authenticity of ticketmaster tix
  3. Car got broken into.
  4. Save Varsity Ridge Bowling Petition
  6. Chinese dissident "being suicided"
  7. Need help with Golds Gym (Richmond)
  8. Metta World Peace in Vancouver Spotted Thread
  9. website for handy man car fixer?
  10. Greek neo-Nazi Golden Dawn MP slaps female leftist politician in the face on live TV
  11. Bike Lanes Could be Here to Stay
  12. Ray Bradbury passes away
  13. Room in Vancouver for another Performance/Tuning Shop?
  14. Why You Should Never Use Bath Salts
  15. Sup?
  16. Someone stealing manhole covers in alleys
  17. Packages with body parts sent to 2 Vancouver school?
  18. Need a cheap and reputable shops for brake/rotor replacement
  19. Reclusive billionaire selling ‘enchanted island’ in B.C. for $75M
  20. Pizza delivery man robbed and left brain dead.. delivering $90 worth of pizza!!
  21. Keeping up with the Dhaliwals busted in Vegas
  22. EVO road test the Pagani Huayra
  23. RIP Mr. Trololo
  24. Wu Bin, Chinese Bus Driver, Praised For Saving Passengers In Freak Accident
  25. Ferrari 458 kicked by a horse in China
  26. Ideas how to change this light bulb?
  27. 1 dead Several injured shooting in Eaton Centre T.O
  28. Green Lantern is now Gay
  29. B.C. man pulled from car and buried by bear identified as convicted killer
  30. new aids in america!
  31. 25 Things I’ve Learned In My 20s
  32. Father abandons daughter for poor grades
  33. Luongo to Maple Leafs (90% confirmed)
  34. Dodging Tax on Vehicle Transactions Might Change??
  35. Eating housemate's heart and brain
  36. Hunting Down My Son's Killer
  37. Experience of Illegally Crossing US Border
  38. Tropicana OJ not so 100% Natural after all?
  39. Celebration of Light 2012
  40. shooting drones down!!
  41. Car Dealership Experience for New Immigrants
  42. Camry accident; Saudi road "drifters"
  43. Manhunt for murderer in Seattle right now
  44. Sex tape of student plays at graduation ceremony in Denmark, shocking audience
  45. buying a supercar
  46. Young Empires - White Doves (Music video connected to your Facebook)
  47. importing a car from the US into Canada
  48. New Jersey Man Stabs Himself -- Right Before Throwing Pieces Of His Intestines At Cop
  49. Vancouver by bike - 1974
  50. murder of paul boyd
  51. Human foot sent to Conservative Party head office
  52. Diane Tran, Honor Student At Texas High School, Jailed For Missing School
  53. Help: Inquiring about online number service
  54. 100% for $1 million or 50/50 for $25 million
  55. Anyone in Burnaby/New West/Richmond have a Transfer Form? Like Right Now!
  56. Graduation Gift Ideas
  57. BC get Family Day starting Feb 11, 2013
  58. Police incident kingsway and royal oak(double homicide investigation)
  59. 1000 russian car crash compilation 1hr30min HD
  60. too many chinese in vancouver
  61. Miami man shot by police when eating another man
  62. Monsanto in Richmond
  63. claiming air miles
  64. Loud bang
  65. Cute Girl eats a live octopus
  66. Japanese chef cooks and serves his own genitals
  67. Congratulations Whitney Houston!!!
  68. Stranded in the Desert, Man Builds Motorcycle From His Broken Car
  69. Social Bike
  70. Ever wondered what it would be like to be in a zombie apocalpse???
  71. DEA & FBI soon to be on Canadian streets (no conspiracy)
  72. Rescued Fishermen
  73. The Leap
  74. Official Tough Mudder 2012 thread
  75. Lenovo 15.6" 2nd Gen Intel Core i3-2330M Laptop (B570-1068XF8) refurb sale for 299.99
  76. bee gees-Robin gibbs died at 62
  77. dell financing
  78. Spanish "tuner". Enjoy
  79. Buying a Camera in the United States (Nikon D3200)
  80. Deadiest Journeys
  81. Official "Triple Crown" Thread
  82. School me on cordless drills
  83. Crazy standoff in Kamloops ends in explosion - 1 dead
  84. Traffic will be a pita in Coquitlam specially if you take transit
  85. 149.5 gas in vancouver
  86. Man caught with 42 cocaine-filled condoms in his stomach
  87. Obama born in Kenya
  88. Donna Summer, Disco Queen. Dead at 63.
  89. Solar Eclipse on May 20 (this Sunday!)
  90. Witness Needed May17th
  91. coffee actually help you live longer!
  92. Asian kid does an ingenious rap song in 11 different accents!
  93. messed up japanese lunch
  94. Monster fish @ Burnaby oO
  95. High end merchandise store coming locally for the 1%
  96. Stolen Civic: Keep an Eye out.
  97. Punkass b!tch robs and assaults disabled woman on SkyTrain
  98. Ferrari slams into taxi
  99. BoltBus: Vancouver to Seattle for $1 Between May 31st and June 3rd
  100. B.C. advises citizens on surviving faux zombie attack with preparedness campaign
  101. Moving to Toronto (again) - Where to Live?
  102. blocking phone number
  103. Spongebob Voice Actors in Classic Films
  104. Scopolamine, the world's scariest drug?
  105. Witness needed: Rupert St and 22nd ave.
  106. Shipping to Hong Kong
  107. Declaring items at the border
  108. Looking to buy 8-12 plain black polo shirts for a small business! Any suggestions?
  109. Fair Taxation
  110. Here we go again...JP MOrgan and $2 billion loss
  111. Pointing out RS vendors who have expensive products
  112. Analyst predicts that prices at the gas pump may go down this summer.
  113. Segata Sanshiro - play Sega Saturn or be punished!!
  114. Movie mistakes you're noticed
  115. 7-Eleven Survey + Bonus ?? May 12 & 14 Legit?
  116. Kia test drive event
  117. A Message from Your Kids' Teachers
  118. BC to change Traffic Ticket appeals system
  119. Help with Renting a Mustang in Van
  120. Stolen: 2008 GSXR 600
  122. Help a local drifter get some tools!!!
  123. Woman hitting/raging on a baby while the little one is crying??? [VIDEO]
  124. 2012 vs. 1984: Young adults really do have it harder today
  125. RIP Maurice Sendak
  126. Greek neonazi leader gives Hitler-style speech after the elections
  127. Disgruntled Translink Commuters, Unite!
  128. vancouvers club history
  129. The CIA stop an Al-Quaeda plot to detonate bomb on U.S. bound passenger jet.
  130. Creepiest Airport in the World?
  131. Man falls into metal shredding machine
  132. White pride world wide !!
  133. Canada Stops Making Cents as Flaherty Lets Penny Drop
  134. Vancouver, 1 of 6 Canadian cities to host Womens FIFA 2015
  135. Starbucks Happy Hour - May 4-13 from 3-5 = Half off Fraps
  136. Guy gets put in a coma for complimenting someone's car! PICS inside!! KIROTV
  137. RIP Adam Yauch from the Beastie Boys :(
  138. Hottest Women in Prison
  139. Never Give Up, An Inspirational Story!!
  140. Boy made honorary Marine before death.
  141. Parks with lots of fallen Pinecones?
  142. Thoughts on the BC Oil Pipeline?
  143. college student forgotten in a cell for 5 days drinks his urine
  144. Raunchy competition among grad classes at two North Vancouver high schools.
  145. Viral 12 yr old rapper video
  146. MayDay Protest
  147. Bill Nye offends some Texans
  148. where can i buy plastic display flowers?
  149. Female hang glider falls 300m near Agassiz
  150. Nymphomaniac forces man to have sex with her for 36 hours
  151. One lucky SOB (Audi driver)
  152. Excel Help Needed.
  153. Woman gives birth to worm
  154. Buying airsoft machine gun from the United States
  155. General conspiracy theory thread
  156. Whos this wannabe
  157. 73% of Teachers will not take part in Extracurricular Activities due to Bill 22
  158. Spider man has nothing on this guy
  159. World's Worst Boyfriend 'Robs' Girlfriends Home
  160. PNE Forum cancels electronic music concerts
  161. Caution for those in Collingwood Area
  162. Freedom Flask
  163. A tire slashing spree in Burnaby, near Gaglardi way and Lougheed Highway
  164. Stolen: 1990 Honda Civic, Black, Rice exhaust 079 WKN
  165. Chinese Students at Risk in Australia
  166. Only $7700 beer related
  168. Any witnesses to an accident at 620am today Granville & 12th Avenue? Helping a friend
  169. We Riot, They Chant out Racial Slurs...
  170. The Illusion of Choice
  171. People complaining about smart meters
  172. Conservatives looking to re-open abortion debate
  173. Vancouver fireworks festival gets new sponsor and three new contestants
  174. Bev Oda scandal
  175. Has anyone gone through small claims court before?
  176. Whistler Treehouse
  177. Plasti Dip FAIL
  178. Richmond man fined $11,000 for smuggling jewelry
  179. Teacher/Bully: How My Son Was Humiliated and Tormented by his Teacher and Aide
  180. California votes on repealing the death penalty in November
  181. Fan Expo Vancouver 2012 (Adam West and Lou Ferrigno were there!)
  182. Transportation Tubes Means Futurama Is Real!
  183. gas stealing alert!
  184. story about fake medicine
  185. The Arctic Thread
  186. "Russia's Toughest Prisons Documentary"
  187. Plans for Vancouver International Plaza in Richmond
  188. :alone:? 5 bucks will get you a Facebook girlfriend
  189. 15 year old girl from the Incan Empire who has been frozen for 500 years
  190. R.I.P. Dick Clark
  191. Indoor slides proposed for new Student Union Building at UBC
  192. BP Oil Spill Aftermath: Eyeless Shrimp, Clawless Crabs and Fish with Oozing Sores
  193. frantic cellphone robbery in van
  194. RIP - Irving K. Barber
  195. "Caucasian Advantage" when reaching candidates.
  196. Check out this different art peice!!
  197. Lost dog :(
  198. Forks Over Knives
  199. Mind Blown, Tupac performs at Coachella 2012
  200. cispa
  201. MotoGP Clip
  202. Here's your entertainment for the night!
  203. Italian Footballer Dies of Heart Attack During League Game
  204. go back to the 90s
  205. The truth about Vancouver
  206. Speeder hits 265 km/h on Hwy 1
  207. Scammer at Gas Stations around Vancouver
  208. Lingerie Football League developing Canadian talent. B.C. Angels team.
  209. Wasp vs Weed
  210. North Korea rocket launch fails, US officials confirm
  211. 50% Off on Petro Canada Gift Card
  212. Abbotsford scammer pretending to be involved in crash with female drivers.
  213. 1.8 billion euro house
  214. New B.C. liquor law to allow booze to be sold in movie theatres
  215. Owner of Three Vancouver Subways named worst boss.
  216. New Canadian Loonie and Toonie!
  217. Press Button to Add Drama
  218. Detroit
  219. Opinion on Kanata, Ottawa
  220. Mom wants to learn how to use a computer finally
  221. korean flight emergency landed @ comox
  222. Matt Groening reveals the location of SPRINGFIELD
  223. Recommend me a plumber
  224. Racist to blame Chinese buyers for high housing prices?
  225. Going to Coachella? BEWARE
  226. Pac Man: The Movie (fan film)
  227. are the authorities allowed to tap into phone calls?
  228. Robots that fly ... and cooperate
  229. Breaking news: Facebook acquires Instagram for one billion dollars.
  230. Do you have work tomorrow? easter monday
  231. so im trying to sell my car
  232. SM town in LA
  233. regular shower not good enough?
  234. Initial d !! full episode on youtube!!
  235. Legal Advice Needed
  236. Active Renewable Gas Marketer (scam?)
  237. BC Woman sues Facebook because she doesn't understand Facebook
  238. Who hates the lyrics: "I just want you to father my young"
  239. Allegiant Air Charging for Carry-on baggage
  240. Google: Project Glass
  241. Is Richmond RCMP handcuffing HOV cheaters??
  242. Canadian tax dollars hard at work
  243. Barack Obama singing Sexy and I know it
  244. STOLEN: JDM Black EK Hatch (806TKS) - Richmond
  245. Bad Opinion Generator
  246. Fundraising Car Wash this Saturday (Apr7) in Richmond - $5!!
  247. Welcome to Earth
  248. Any tips on how to be more well-spoken?
  249. Be careful when driving around cyclists
  250. Khan Academy!!