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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. Happy Father's Day
  2. urgent: ticket reduction question
  3. Tupac’s 50th Birthday
  4. SpaceX bitcoin scam live on youtube now
  5. George Floyd protests in America
  6. Making History: NASA and SpaceX Launch Astronauts to Space!
  7. Joe Rogan podcast moves to Spotify
  8. Marijuana Grow Op
  9. CF Snowbirds jet crashed in Kamloops
  10. Snowbird plane has crashed in Kamloops
  11. Mother's Day
  12. Paul Hellyer on UFOs, Chemtrails, Remote Viewing, MJ12, and The Shadow Government
  13. BBQ thread
  14. Kim Jong Un potentially dead or close to it
  15. mass shooter in nova scotia dressed as RCMP caught
  16. Krakatoa Volcano Eruption April 2020
  17. Airconditioner during pandemic
  18. Because of this Pandemic.......
  19. Canadian tourist accosts reporter in Mexico
  20. Please Check In
  21. Surgical Mask Group Buy
  22. What's its like after COVID19
  23. Landlord Questions
  24. Donating blood during Coronavirus
  25. Does anyone how to discharge a mortgage after paying it off?
  26. Working from home, quarantine, & social distancing discussion thread
  27. Does anyone buy third party car insurance (ie. BCAA)? If so, how much do you pay?
  28. Staycation - car camping locally.
  29. Emergency kits/supplies
  30. Small claims experience - collecting
  31. Is it fraud if i 'forge' documents that existed at one time and are true?
  32. Newspapers.com free weekend access
  33. Has anyone been to the taboo show?
  34. airpod pro's are all sold out locally
  35. Local tattoo artist recommendation
  36. Does anyone drive a four seater car?
  37. kobe Bryant dies in helicopter crash
  38. year of rat at 2020
  39. coronavirus discussion
  40. Dungeon AI 2
  41. 737 Boeing crashes in Iran
  42. Iran hits US base with tens of missiles.
  43. 2020 New Year's Resolutions
  44. Merry christmas RS!!
  45. turtle wax hybrid solutions ceramic spray coating or ice seal and shine
  46. 2019 Boxing Day
  47. Is there snow on the mountains? Skiing and Boarding?
  48. Burn your isreali flags now before 10 year prison sentences go into law.
  49. Get a Free Nest Mini for Google Play Music, YouTube Music Subscribers
  50. Python vs Honey Badger vs Jackals
  51. RIP - ROXETTE - Marie Fredriksson
  52. Gift ideas for kids
  53. Class 5 tips?
  54. Hit & Run - Nov 29, 2019
  55. Darwin's dilemma: is evolution plausible?
  56. Easy way to transfer money to a Taiwan Bank?
  57. Disney + launching who is getting it
  58. Don Cherry fired!!!
  59. Spam on RS
  60. Are these Chinese canned fish too good to be true?
  61. Another racist incident...
  62. Would you like smarties or a GPU for Halloween
  63. Whats your halloween costume today!?
  64. John Witherspoon Dies: ‘Friday’ & ‘Wayans Bros.’ Star Was 77
  65. Speak english in Canada london Drugs
  66. Researching Real Estate Developers
  67. What is your ethnicity?
  68. Post if you voted
  69. Paradox 1686H Alarm Panel Trouble Beeping Help
  70. Tools on sale at......
  71. Does anyone know of a full service camp in GVRD? ie. Lodging, activities, and food
  72. Haunted mazes and other Halloween stuff
  73. 2019 Black Friday
  74. Washing machine VS Hand Wash
  75. Movember
  76. Seeking someone...
  77. Fright Nights 2019
  78. high rise condo insurance reco
  79. Big thanks to 68style
  80. Climate Change - Another Perspective
  81. You wanna race me??
  82. Looking For Berz
  83. Edward Snowden - Permanent Record
  84. storm Imelda paralyzes SE Texas
  85. Wrist watch collecting
  86. Accosted by a small Asian woman in Coquitlam
  87. Official REVscene Hockey Pool 2019/2020
  88. Rental Agreement Question
  89. mid autumn festival
  90. Happy Birthday, Paul Walker
  91. Question on CryptoCurrency tax info
  92. Expiry date on propane tank??
  93. PSA: Thieves and their assholery
  94. How to spot tax evadors getting free parking at meter.
  95. Two NYPD officers get away with raping suspect
  96. "Ch*nky ch*nky, China lady", racial slurs hurled over parking incident - Richmond
  97. 22-Year-Old Who Wanted Jaguar Pushes BMW, a Birthday Gift from His Parents, Into Cana
  98. cellphone plans
  99. CRA denies my GST new housing rebate? Valid?
  100. Fugitive discovered hiding in the woods for 3 years
  101. What can you tell me about living in Port Coquitlam?
  102. “Hunky Bill” passed away
  103. Sea-to-Sky Gondola Cables Cut
  104. Jeffrey Epstein reportedly dies by suicide in NYC jail
  105. Legality of selling car with old tires
  106. Cheaper places to rent a cargo van
  107. What Day is it Today?
  108. Democratic Primary 2019-2020
  109. Even the garlics not safe active shooter garlic fest cali
  110. RIP Roy Batty ( Rutger Hauer )
  111. Boris Johnson will be the new British Prime Minister
  112. Damn mosquitos in Richmond!
  113. What kind of website or app do you read everyday in 2019/2020?
  114. Iran seizes British oil tanker
  115. 10 percent off anything at staples July 15 and 16
  116. Has anyone sued anyone before?
  117. Former Raptor Danny Green robbed in DTES after AirBnB confusion
  118. Senior Chinese couple arrested for soup assault at Crystal mall food court
  119. Sailing anyone?
  120. Video of White guy racially attacking Asian Ferrari Driver in Vancouver
  121. Canada 152
  122. Vote!!! End the useless daylight savings.
  123. Google Home Hub - US$60.99
  124. Anyone know a structural engineer or foundation expert?
  125. BC gov reduces $5k provincial rebate to $3k for EVs
  126. It's Fathers Day!
  127. How the 2019 NBA champion Toronto Raptors were built
  128. The Official 2019/2020 Canucks & NHL Thread
  129. 2019 PNE Thread
  130. Hong Kong extradition protests
  131. Limos, Lambos, choppers & booze
  132. Do you want to join a YouTube Premium family plan? $3/month
  133. Mortal Kombat: behind the scenes
  134. Today only, public mobile 5gb and unlimited Canada calling for 25 bucks
  135. Notice And Order: Not Signed
  136. mobility scooters
  137. Virgina mass shooting 11 plus dead
  138. Property tax time!
  139. Longshore workers strike on Monday
  140. Vegan firefighter files human rights complaint
  141. Racing Legend Nikki Lauda 1949-2019
  142. Google cuts Android from Huawei
  143. Initial D soundtrack
  144. School me on Tundras?
  145. Please school me on long term storage lockers
  146. Where to Buy Helmet
  147. Peaceful (not so peaceful) Tank Float in Downtown.
  148. MukBang and ASMR eatting
  149. ‘Absolutely heartbreaking’: 16-month-old boy dies after being left in hot car for 9 h
  150. 2019 Night Market(s)
  151. apartment black out blinds recommendation
  152. Aeroflot flight engulfed in flames on emergency landing
  153. What do you call your in laws???
  154. Live... Clashes in Venezuela between govt troops and Guaido supporters
  155. Random weekend craziness in Surrey
  156. Alternating Shaw & Telus & ___ (other)
  157. How do you guys who live in condos and own multiple cars find parking?
  158. Does anyone have a recommendation for a BMW Mechanic?
  159. Daycare options
  160. Sri Lanka Bombing
  161. Employment Lawyer?
  162. Renovation contractor
  163. Alternatives to safety deposit box in bank
  164. 5g Live in vancouver now
  165. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is engulfed in flames
  166. Watch Game of Thrones for FREE via Crave TV!!!
  167. These god damn spam calls...
  168. Julian Assange arrested after U.S. extradition request
  169. Keep vigilant. Fair/warm weather is bringing out the thieves
  170. Afghan Bruce Lee
  171. Is this a country song?
  172. Portable BBQ propane adapter
  173. defaultfile.name - random videos uploaded with default filenames
  174. Seattle is dying
  175. 12 hours in guangzhou baiyun airport
  176. Auto show
  177. Finance: Inverted Yield Curve - Is a recession coming?
  178. Inside a Honda Collectors Garage Located in Guatemala
  179. Buddha Chant Box Song
  180. New Zealand shooting at mosque unfolding
  181. summits of hope
  182. Ethiopian Airlines crash kills all 157 on board, 18 Canadians
  183. Crack Down on First Amendment Auditors
  184. Stag game ideas
  185. Personal Injury Lawyers
  186. Hipster pissed off his photo was used without authorization for hipsters article
  187. $money$ can't buy you pleasure...
  188. Factory tour videos
  189. Has anyone been to Kauai, Hawaii before?
  190. I made my own Chinese fruit cake
  191. Jeopardy host Alex Trebek announcement: Stage 4 pancreatic cancer
  192. Where to find whole pieces of grass fed lamb or beef?
  193. Luke Perry, dead at 52
  194. RIP Keith Flint
  195. what the hell is MOMO?
  196. Monster Jam Vancouver Tickets
  197. parking downtown core safety
  198. B.C. couple seriously injured in acid attack during vacation in Vietnam
  199. Former B.C. premier Campbell accused of sexual assault in England
  200. Effin' Measles in Vancouver
  201. Tibetan-Canadian student politician, Uyghur rights activists come under attack by Chi
  202. Can you buy a house without a realtor, is it cheaper?
  203. road test class 5 with snow!
  204. Roadtrip to LA, whats it like?
  205. Anyone an experienced TIG welder?
  206. Don't park like an asshole
  207. Arizonia cop tazers man 11 times
  208. Vancity company turns shipping containers into backyard mini-pubs
  209. Lunar New Year 2019: What it means if you’re born in the Year of the Pig
  210. Indians don't know what drywall is
  211. Parking dispute gone wrong
  212. Fireplace Tuneup
  213. Father and son evicted over noise complaint of toddler
  214. Richmond RCMP arrest pair in connection with violent carjacking
  215. Car with 'N' sticker caught on camera cruising the Stanley Park Seawall
  216. Does anyone live South of Marine Drive and Knight Street, is it loud? ie. Train noise
  217. Mother drives off with child riding on the roof of the car in Western Australia
  218. Did you have a Student Loan from 2000-2007? Free $60, Expires: Jan 18, 2019
  219. feedback on coffee catering at car meets
  220. Vancouver officers held in Cuba facing new legal battle in alleged sex assault
  221. Proportional Representation voted down
  222. Telus gets TROLLED.... hope you didn't buy an iphone from these scammers
  223. Got in a fight with a pregnant woman
  224. Electric Christmas Light Necklaces
  225. NYC subway - racist tirade
  226. Direct water access to False Creek given to guy who paved way for Chinese genocide
  227. New cra scam 778 number
  228. child rapist at large, VPD asking for dash cam videos
  229. Huawei CFO Wanzhou Meng arrested in Vancouver, faces extradition to U.S.
  230. what do these guys even offer...
  231. Shaw is doubling your internet speed by 2 for free.
  232. Can I Use Body Lotion Instead of Body Wash?
  233. Blowing fireplace heat from livingroom to bedroom
  234. what are you getting your girl for christmas
  235. Bush 41
  236. bylaws working hard in residential areas
  237. Canadian politics thread
  238. Where to get a written repair estimate for small electronics?
  239. Class 4 Req. for Ride Share, For/Against?
  240. Vancouver Christmas Market - free admission code
  241. Russian coast guard attacks & seizes Ukrainian navy ships
  242. Calligraphy tattoo.
  243. RIP Ricky Jay
  244. Green house in Van
  245. Black Friday deals for wheels?
  246. Bombay and Bowring going out of business
  247. Community successfully repels religious invader
  248. New TFSA limit for 2019 - $6,000
  249. UN global migration compact
  250. Ironman