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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. ex-X JAPAN bass player dies after arrested for misbehaving on flight
  2. Man force-feeds iphone to his gf
  3. Realm of the Mad God
  4. Fake Apple Stores (China)
  5. 17-year old Allegedly Kills Parents, Throws Party With Bodies Upstairs
  6. google warns of massive malware outbreak
  7. Postal office/USA
  8. Nurse Reveals Top 5 Secrets People Make on Their Deathbed
  9. Cherry/Blue berry picking
  10. Storage space rental?
  11. Nepal's Sky Burial (BBC's Human Planet)
  12. i wonder how many buttons are in a space shuttle cockpit
  13. Ottawa's Ice Dam Busters - Human Planet, Rivers, Preview - BBC One
  14. Epic Meal Time x FPS Russia
  15. I hate black people video
  16. Tragic: Family Dies As Result Of Not Crossing River Fast Enough
  17. 3D printer
  18. The Avengers TRAILER!!!!!!
  19. Where to find the documentary "BMW: a driving obsession"
  20. (Only in China) Counterfeit Cartoon
  21. Ever tried to collect Canadian Tire Money?
  22. Misc'er finds original owner of his car 46yrs later
  23. Where to get diamond looked at under microscope?
  24. Opening/Holding Doors For Women
  25. Need Help/Advice on how to deal with Property Manager
  26. Pool Halls in Van/Burnaby?
  27. Build your own Bugatti?
  28. Cash Cab taxi kills pedestrian downtown vancouver
  29. is it raining in vancouver?
  30. Arming Yourself for the Zombie Apocalypse: How to Build the Ultimate Survival Shotgun
  31. [youtube] StarCraft Universe - Official Gameplay Trailer (VIDEO)
  32. Marriage full of win...
  33. Real-life sleeping beauty
  34. AUTOart Carbon Fiber Desk Lamp
  35. 6 Types of Girls You Date in College
  36. 3D printer
  37. Scientists punch a hole in the fabric of time
  38. U.S Government Debt Crisis !!!
  39. Air Canada fined $12,000 for not speaking French to passenger
  40. Fan who returned Jeter ball to get tax help
  41. Canada's most expensive home is in Richmond
  42. Penis severed, tossed into garbage disposal
  43. new parking meters along kingsway on 41st.
  44. 2 local police dogs killed in 24hrs
  45. Can RS Help Ruin a Kid for Life?
  46. question for the brown members of rs
  47. **GOOD DEAL** Xbox 360 Kinect!!
  48. Harper dons war paint, named chief speaker of Blood Tribe
  49. East Van cross image sparks controversy...
  50. Elijah Wood getting trolled
  51. Remember When Lucas Arts was Awesome?
  52. Need a New Job? What About Stirring Miso Soup?
  53. need some legal advice regarding small claims court
  54. if you hate someone... text them and say..
  55. Any bored graphic designers here tonight?
  56. =/
  57. FREE SLURPEE DAY @ 711!
  58. Kid dances to MJ's Thriller @ Safeco Field
  59. troll texting
  60. British driver chases hit and run driver
  61. Need a little help for an old RSr
  62. Buying groceries at subway stations in South Korea
  63. Is shaw slow as F**k right now?
  64. Who wants to prank these guys and crash their party?
  65. Another Starbuck Promo July 18 - Sept. 5?
  66. Witnessed a HORRIFIC car animal accident
  67. Are you in favour of extingushing the HST?
  68. College Conspiracy
  69. Reports: Rockets' Yao Ming will retire
  70. Atlantis blast off marks final NASA shuttle launch
  71. Father Loses Life to Catch a Memento for Son
  72. Oslo The French Bulldog
  73. Anyone good with AutoCad?
  74. haxball- free multiplayer soccer game
  75. My Craigslist has gone Haywire...
  76. Canadian in Glasgow seeing Zombies Kills a Man
  77. Harper will defend Israel 'whatever the cost'
  78. Host City of 2018 Winter Olympic PyeongChang, Korea
  79. Girl - 12 - Kills herself so she can give an eye to her dad, and a kidney to her bro.
  80. If you cant afford to buy a house in GVA, would you still settle here FOR GOOD?
  81. Mayors recommend gas levy to pay for Evergreen Line
  82. Where to get scratch fixed?
  83. Mexico suitcase jailbreak fails
  84. Immigrant drivers safer than long term residents
  85. handy-kinda work
  86. BBC Horizon: Cannabis, the evil weed
  87. Need help, quick geography question
  88. Squirrel Vs. Lamborghini LP670-4 SV
  89. Vancouver Chem Trails
  90. Portmann bridge closed / collapsed?
  91. Massive power outage in Surrey
  92. 600lb sumo wrestler vs 165lb MMA fighter
  93. BC Medical Services Plan Invoice ?
  94. $11 billion treasure revealed beneath temple in India
  96. fox news politics twitter hacked Obama dead
  97. live animal keychains
  98. world's greatest movie extra
  99. air conditioner window units help!
  100. where do you usually post used items for sale?
  101. Zero Emissions Bike...
  102. Left 4 Dead 2 Suicide Blitz 2: Portal 2 Easter Egg
  103. Card Saga Wars - Master Chief vs Samus
  104. Google bid pi for Nortel patents and lost
  105. Place to Call to Repair Glass Table Tops?
  106. Short Film - Plot Device
  107. Vehicles on the road with smoggy emissions
  108. Life in beautiful Vancouver
  109. Happy Canada Day!!
  110. Happy Canada Day - Enjoy a 5cent COCA COLA!
  111. Telus Down
  112. Cheap Cure for Cancer?
  113. PRISM - An Action/Scifi Short Film
  114. LBG Autospa Deal Find 88% off
  115. Open letter to BlackBerry bosses
  116. LEGO Porsche 911 (997) Turbo Cabriolet PDK
  117. Richmond Nightmarket open tonight?
  118. Banks with ATMs that dispense $50 bills
  119. Welcome Prince William and Princess Kate, 9 day tour in Canada
  120. World's Longest Bridge
  121. thanks spam
  122. NBC's Chris Hansen caught on camera cheating on wife
  123. Auto West BMW Heritage Day
  124. BC Highway 91 and 72nd Avenue - Future Overpass Upgrade?
  125. Building demolition fail
  126. 10/10 Viral Video of Male Chinese Cheerleader!!!!!!!
  127. how to hide your "grown up" folder
  128. Toronto Rental Market
  129. Sup.
  130. Homophobic parents = fail
  131. Awesome TED: The invention that unlocked a locked-in artist
  132. Canada Post Up and Running!
  133. Where is a good place to buy cigars?
  134. Laminating stuff..
  135. UFOs Over London last Friday
  136. where to get AA battery holder
  137. 90's X-Men Cartoon Theme - Orchestral Version
  138. New Dance Better Than "The Dougie" Sick!!!
  139. Safety First....no fucking joke.
  140. Tribe meets white man for the first time *EPIC
  141. relive the 90s in just a few minutes
  142. US-Canada Duty/Tax
  143. RIP Peter Falk...
  144. Black Guy Gets Knocked Out by 3 White Guys
  145. Quick Canada/USA border question
  146. Adidas online 30-50% off sale
  147. James Verone Robs Banks for $1
  148. FBI catches James "whitey" Bulger after 16 years
  149. Ink-redible Dress Made Out of Vibrating Pen Nibs
  150. Family Doctors in Vancouver - RANT!
  151. 7 Insance Easter Eggs Hidden in Movies & T.V. Shows
  152. Want to live at YVR for 80 days?
  153. The Accidental Sea
  154. Missing Dog
  155. This Dude Must've Been Tripping Bad
  156. Merritt Mountain Music Festival
  157. Hellooo Stonehenge!
  158. Have an upcoming drug test?
  159. Less Crime in the US thanks to... video games?
  160. Fittest City in Canada is. . .
  161. Guys get Movember, girls have...Julyna?
  162. Question for those with magazines/periodical subscriptions (Strike related)
  163. Aboriginal Day thread. (June 21, 2011)
  164. Bruins Blow 156K on Bar Tab
  165. Greeks look here
  166. Troll Cat caught trollin'
  167. New Canadian Plastic Bills
  168. Murcielago crashed after Japan GT
  169. Ferrari owner makes cab driver cry after Ferrari gets rear ended
  170. Creepy Abandoned House at Davie and Cardero
  171. Is Vancouver craiglist being hacked currently?
  172. Miley Cyrus On Her Way To Becoming a Billionairess!!
  173. all you OLD SCHOOL WWE FANS!!!
  174. DREAMHACK!!!
  175. fail blog - Pac Man Fail LOL!!! =DD
  176. Asian people with mixed racial heritages are called Hapa
  177. knight bridge accident!
  178. the barber really ****ed up on my haircut..
  179. is this weather forcast for real ?!?!
  180. RIP Betty Fox
  181. skytrain close down from broadway station to waterfront station
  182. Awesome finger drama
  183. BC Lions. 2011 GREY CUP CHAMPS
  184. Sick Driveway...
  185. Where is the best place to rent a yacht locally for a day?
  186. Mad Props to the good guys/girls Riot 2011
  187. The Official 2011/2012 Canucks Thread
  188. Failing Reposts
  189. Beware & Report scammer(s) with fake C$100 bills
  190. Behind Foxconn's Suicides
  191. Canucks Riot: ID these rioters
  192. 2011 Stanley Cup Rioting
  193. Boston bruins
  194. Lulzsec
  195. chinese bride vs chinese gay guy over chinese groom
  196. Ignorant people
  197. samuel l jackson narrates "go the f**k to sleep"
  198. Canada Post fully shut down cross country
  199. Canuck fan Anti-Bandwagonerspurplemonkeydishwasher
  200. If the Canucks win game 7...
  201. London Olympic Torch revealed
  202. Best Weather Report. Ever.
  203. Hold your breath for as long as you can and press F
  204. low tide in spanish banks?
  205. Weird Stench? Skunk?
  206. Misadventures of the Stanley cup
  207. jACE may kill me for this, but lets all say congrats to him!
  208. Before Game Time
  209. Starlite, A material that could withstand 75 Hiroshimas
  211. Facebook using facial recognition software; cool or creepy?
  212. Another aircare thread....
  213. would you date her?
  214. Japan's Astonishing Pictures of recovery just 3 months after tsunami
  215. Woman get's pwned by her ex-husband in a legal battle involving the FBI
  216. The Happiest Woman On Earth
  217. Flo Rida caught DUI in a Veyron
  218. Leah Dizon Will Be In Vancouver Saturday, Yes!!!
  219. Justin Bieber's lesbian doppelganger becomes YouTube hit
  220. Happy Birthday Les Paul...
  221. Most Epic Beer Commercial Ever.
  222. You'll die from the cuteness...
  223. Wife or Camero?
  224. How far will you go to bring down Boston?
  225. Canucks Camaro For Sale
  226. Looking for a good personal injury lawyer
  227. Caught on video - Miami cops unloading ammo on suspect car
  228. Nintendo Wii Successor: Wii U
  229. Korea's Got Talent
  230. Unusual solar flare could disrupt satellites, communication and power on Earth
  231. Richmond Schools Lockdown - Railway/Granville
  232. Armless man Wrecks Lobby
  233. Shaw just doubled their bandwidth
  234. Camping Tents
  235. Awesome Fights
  236. Lonely Lioness on Nat Geo
  237. 15 Top parking secrets in Vancouver
  238. Donald Brashear wins MMA debut with 21-second TKO
  239. free parking near tinseltown?
  240. custom made laser burner / blue ray Laser
  241. Official Hockey Jersey Thread
  242. Autoart Signature 1:18 Pagani Zonda R
  243. Exclusive preview of iPhone iOS 5
  244. china and hiv
  245. Florida bill passed: Drug test mandatory for welfare candidates
  246. Can your parents speak English?
  247. Anyone know what this is?
  248. Teacher sings to kindergartens to keep them calm while drug shootout occurs outside
  249. Free curbside white leather loveseat
  250. Meet the Soldier Who Held Off 30 Taliban Attackers Alone