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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. BBC's funny talking animals
  2. "Pistol" Grips
  3. Time Traveler?
  4. The Mimic Octopus
  5. Well Trained Dog
  6. What's wrong with the search function?
  7. Jersey Shore the Video game!
  8. Help for Halloween Quiz: 7th Day Avenger or Hungry Bat Winged Freak?
  9. optimus prime meet guan yu the chinese transformer from china
  10. Name of song?
  11. Sleep Talkin Man
  12. Woman Kills Baby For Interrupting Farmville Session
  13. Bugatti Veyron Crashes Into Marsh
  14. Interesting Korean MV
  15. So who's got a fireworks permit for the 31st already?
  16. R.I.P. Paul the Octopus
  17. 24 hour gas station along I-5
  18. R.I.P Limewire
  19. Found: Sports Central iTouch
  20. I still have a soul.
  21. Fast train, big dam show China's engineering might
  22. where can i find playboy mag with arianny
  23. Apartment Parking Lot Break In
  24. Dog makes Baby Laugh Hysterically
  25. Hillarious fight between Chinese lady and black lady on bus, TRANSLATE PLEASE!!
  26. Saudis in Audis
  27. Russian & Ninja (2 videos)
  28. 1 vs 6
  29. Chinese Professor
  30. The War on Drugs
  31. Master Zhuang Yuan
  32. Old Chinese lady can play ball
  33. Campbell > all other Canadian provincial premiers
  34. Girls at house party not druged but Four Lokoed
  35. Unevolved Brands
  36. Pretty Impressive...
  37. Infamous Double Slit Experiment - Science Major or curious about Physics? MUST WATCH!
  38. Uvic Lipdub "Haven't Met You Yet" by Michael Bublé
  39. Actor Randy Quaid is crazy.
  40. Best routine to "whip my hair"
  41. The RCMP Watch: "Relatives sue RCMP, paramedics over death of man found unconscious"
  42. Heroic Hong Kong Man Savaged by Thousands of Asian Giant Hornet
  43. Baraka flocka flame- Head of the state (Hard in the paint parody)
  44. Where can I buy a mini lucky Bamboo plant?
  45. Where to get custom-cut piece of plexiglass
  46. Woman beats off sex attacker
  47. Band loses instruments, so they play with their Iphones on a NYC subway
  48. The Weather is a Dick
  49. What would you do if you found a body in your trunk?
  50. Kung Fu biker wins in a traffic accident in China
  51. dota is serious business
  52. China year 2030 political ad
  53. Filing for a Trademark help ?
  54. Vending Machine Sells Live Crabs
  55. Crocodile causes plane to crash
  56. Tech Support: What goes on in a call center
  57. Storage space in Richmond APEX any good?
  58. Student Hides Rick Astley's Song in College Paper
  59. Office Mini Golf
  60. Saudi prince gets life in prison for murdering servant
  61. White Acura EL (off Nanaimo St. near Kingsway), KEY IN KEYHOLE....
  62. Police union says tough drunk-driving laws targetting the wrong drinkers
  63. biker crazy crashes... walks it off
  64. 2 years in jail.
  65. Rituals for the Dead
  66. Anyone know anywhere to park for free near Cambie and Broadway?
  67. Firework Fuses?
  68. Revscene Basketball Pool 2010/2011
  69. Horrifying details heard in Williams murders
  70. What are you dressing up as?
  71. dude singing downtown gets pepper sprayed
  72. obama to appear on mythbusters
  73. RC Racing and Train + Lego Train Hobby Show
  74. Weed
  75. do outdoor dummy camera's work?
  76. A Canadian line of Campbell's soups has activists stewing over Islamic connection
  77. look at me...im spamming
  78. The Chinese have started pirating people..
  79. Surgeons saved baby's life by freezing her to death
  80. Injured Man Gets $650,000 from Lapdance
  81. Legal? Reasonable? v. Tenant-Landlord
  82. Father And Son Send iPhone Into Space And Record Incredible Video
  83. Japanese-made pornography causing concern in North Korea
  84. "Take Me Out" by Atomic Tom LIVE on NYC subway
  85. No power
  86. Take a look under your cars once in a while...
  87. Meet Cigar Guy from the famous tiger woods photo!!
  88. this is a hero
  89. Potters House of Horrors
  90. Job Interview at a Pharmacy
  91. Mountain Goat kills Hiker
  92. Help: Where to go fishing?!
  93. McD meals for $5!!
  94. This axe commercial is gold!
  95. salmon watching in vancouver
  96. Justin Bieber assualts kid at planet laser in richmond
  97. Where can i buy: LCD Atomic Clock
  98. Help an RSer out!
  99. Bend it like Carlos
  100. Conan o brien drives off a cliff filled with explosives!
  101. Dodgeballs
  102. Video: Parachuting Into Michigan vs. MSU game with the 101st Airborne Division
  103. Official "Where can I buy this locally?" Thread
  104. Four legs, three thighs, two anuses chicken appears in China
  105. The 100 Greatest Movie Insults of All Time
  106. Vancouver Expo 86
  107. North Korea has a new leader!
  108. Suspected death due to unbearable odour in Chinese public toliet
  109. T.I. talks a man out of killing himself!
  110. local douche drills a hole, puts jewelries on his pet turtles..
  111. Being charged HST on an item from ON.
  112. China Vs Brazil brawl
  113. Korea in 2036
  114. McDonalds HK now provides a wedding service
  115. If this isn't inspiring i don't know what is
  116. FOUR LOKOOOOOOO - the new Colt 45, except its cheaper and gets you more fucked.
  117. TD Bank Scam?
  118. Silly Russians
  119. Brazil vs China
  120. NDP supports Crazy
  121. Heads up Radar Barnet HWY (moody) & Dewdney Trunk Rd (Ridge)
  122. Axe balls commercial
  123. Enclosed space for rent
  124. spike tv 2010 scream awards back to the future w/michael j. fox
  125. Think before you pink
  126. BC passes Canada's first puppy sale ban
  127. Transgender golfer sues LPGA in bid to join tour...
  128. Crazy car chase in Brazil
  129. Cross Border Shopping Thread
  130. Rare footage of Eric Stoltz as Marty Mcfly in Back to the Future
  131. Chilean miners reach surface!
  132. cool video
  133. Hundreds of Chinese students
  134. Chicken Nuggets
  135. URO - Unidentified Rolling Object: Can anyone ID?
  136. China's Got Talent : Armless Pianist Liu Wei
  137. Tenancy questions
  138. Free business/company rebranding from a student
  139. McDonald’s Happy Meal resists decomposition for six months
  140. Filipino donation collectors on the streets of vancouver
  141. Disconnect to connect Thai commercial
  142. Racist Field Trip
  143. Why can't I own a Canadian?
  144. What was the best time of your life?
  145. Bumblebee accidentally nailed the marked DC Police SUV of a bomb technician.
  146. New pet peeve
  147. Obama gets the book thrown at him
  148. Oliver Drage: Pedophile Or...
  149. How Asian Gangsters Workout
  150. The Weak Shop
  151. Caucasian guys singing Cantonese song
  152. Very low budget super cool space flight!!!
  153. Banksy x The Simpsons Opening Sequence
  154. Prepare for the Worst Winter since 1955
  155. Happy Thanksgiving
  156. China detains Nobel Peace Prize laureate's wife
  157. Impatient handicapped Korean man rams an elevator to his death
  158. Tigerwoods picture guy
  159. Horrible stabbing in a Chinese internet bar
  160. anyone know what happened at boss night club tonight?
  161. Impatient Handicap
  162. Infographics
  163. Gift ideas for a 1 year old
  164. Hagen's of Blaine VS Pacific Mail and Parcel
  165. Found a nice vid on youtube...
  166. Some people are such assholes. Really...
  167. Quick, where to find weird fuse?
  168. Telus Optik High Speed vs. Shaw High Speed Extreme
  169. parking near roges arena?
  170. The Official Translink Thread
  171. 30 Bottles of wine.. for $79 :)
  172. need some inspiration??
  173. Where can I get automotive paint?
  174. New Zealand Apologizes to India Over Dikshit Remarks
  175. San Francisco MUNI (subway) turnstile fail
  176. Baba VANGA Predictions till Year 5079
  177. Bringing a knife to a gun fight
  178. One man in custody after a homicide in East Vancouver
  179. another darwin winner
  180. Taiwan Uniqlo Opening...
  181. Point Roberts Gas Prices
  182. 89% of Alberta drivers fail basic written test
  183. I can explain
  184. Awesome Physics Game
  185. FREE PARKING IN DT courtesy of mcdonalds today only!!
  186. Dan Savage lays the smackdown on some dumbass bitch
  187. Some men will pay good money for this...
  188. exchange rate 0.99 / 1.00 maybe?
  189. Billion Dollar Facebook Fine
  190. jobless and a high credit limit
  191. Teenage Girl and Old Woman Fight in a Brawl on Korean Subway
  192. Is my Mastercard company trying to trick me?
  193. Blackberry anthem
  194. Fun experiments you can try that prove the Earth is flat
  195. ufo sighting over china
  196. Today's Groupon: $19 for 20 Minutes of Go-Karting at F440 Racing Challenge
  197. The most awesome obituary picture ever
  198. 'Two Cops Accused of Robbing Undercover Officer'
  199. "Lord of War" character in real life in a extradition battle.
  200. Holograms created by iPad
  201. BC Lottery Corp Loophole??
  202. Free Large McDonald's Fries October 6th & 7th in Exchange for Monopoly Money
  203. GPS directs driver to death
  204. Need help about shipping items to US
  205. You think this will hit Canada?
  206. Coming soon to a spa near you: the spermine facial.
  207. How to I get brokerage/duty back from a returned item?
  208. Thaaaaat High.
  209. Anyone have experience shipping exhausts?
  210. Reasons to smoke
  211. 24/7 gas station across the border
  212. Road rage self-ownage.
  213. Guide dog dragged from SkyTrain suffered 'serious injuries'
  214. DIY: bong *yes it's what you think it is*
  215. Crazy grandma drifts with M3
  216. Funny Tiger Woods Picture (SFW)
  217. Whats up with the "i like it on the..." on facebook?
  218. another addictive game : Winter Bells
  219. How long will you look at her?
  220. gun range in kelowna
  221. Being FAT is now illegal in Japan
  222. Cineplex buy one get one free
  223. Dawna Friesens ugly alien head
  224. Cebu Pacific Air flight attendants
  225. Singapore Medical Student Killed In London Accident
  226. funny or die
  227. Hit and run in 7-eleven parking lot
  228. something bigger
  229. former duke university female's 'sex thesis'
  230. Auto-Tune Dog
  231. LF: Persons Experienced With Bed Bugs / Insects & Exterminators
  232. This made me smile
  233. US Senate wants to Censor Internet (C.O.I.C.A.)
  234. Armed robbery in Oakridge mall?
  235. East Indians rocking harley club?
  236. Move over Peter Chao, New Youtube star!!!
  237. Help finding video about man who speaks to wife and made into animation.
  238. Dude does detailed tests on how car colour affects exterior and interior temperatures
  239. Kid With Down Syndrome Scores Best Touchdown Ever
  240. Fax Services
  241. Revscene Secret Santa
  242. 13-year-old boy; Bullied to death.
  243. Kings of Car theives
  244. Amazing Volcano footage close up...HD
  245. Aviawest
  246. Found this game quite addicting
  247. Sportchek Friends and Family Sale Oct 6th and 7th
  248. Ever Wanted To Destroy RevScene?
  249. Found: An Earthlike Planet at Last
  250. Up There