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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. gay teen commits suicide after being livestreamed having sex
  2. Need help finding stress balls..
  3. David Thorne visits Chatroulette
  4. fast chinese worker packing cards
  5. U.S. chef from Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares commits suicide
  6. Crystal Island in Russia
  7. Qatar’s proposed World Cup 2022 stadiums
  8. Shaw Problems Around East Vancouver?
  9. What site do you use to stream NHL games?
  10. where to buy vuvuzela or airhorn?
  11. Robotic Vagina
  12. USPS @Point Roberts
  13. If you thought Abu Ghraib was bad..
  14. NHL.com SHOP free customization TODAY ONLY
  15. does anyone know where to get..
  16. Move it, I'm late for work!
  17. Rush Hour Transit Warning/Alert
  18. Recently opened Vegas hotel (Vdara) is actually a giant "LASER"
  19. Los Angeles Hottest Temperature on Record EVER
  20. Kanye West Cleaveland Show
  21. Oktoberfest 2010
  22. Owner of Segway dies... in a Segway Accident.
  23. "Black Prisons" in China
  24. I wAnder if you'll vote for me too :)
  25. What is the best bang for the buck home package bundle?
  26. 9 year old sells toys for fathers gravestone
  27. Rage on telemarketer
  28. A YO MA!
  30. Some F*k'd up parade going down 29th Station.
  31. 301 Useless facts
  32. Funny Parody - Just the way you are
  33. Taiwanese Driver Mows Down a Bunch of Students.
  34. What would happen if you stuck your hand in the LHC?
  35. 89, 91 for $1.11 at the Chevron on Granville near w70th
  36. Disgusting stuff happening in China to Babies!!
  37. My Voicemail is now DIAMONDS
  38. Food Lift
  39. Hapa Izakaya $15 for $30 worth of food
  40. Indie bands/underground music Oct 14,2010
  41. Scenes from China - Boston.com
  42. I wAnder who will vote for me...
  43. Netflix Launches in Canada
  44. 320 Useless facts found somewhat useful to kill time
  45. Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity" Announcement
  46. OK GO - White Knuckles music video
  47. Winter Games Blowout Sale *Free Quatchi*
  48. Iron man 2 alternate opening...
  49. Owned: ‘Wicked’ janitor who framed boss on child porn allegations jailed for 12 years
  50. American got talent
  51. Plans in place for Gondola from Production to SFU
  52. Glamorous life of an MI6 agent during WWI...
  53. Much Needed Laughs
  54. What's the most Pain you have felt?
  55. yay Mid-Autumn Moon Festival yay
  56. retro vs modern games
  57. photoshop photobomber tool!!
  58. Athletes Quit Commonwealth Games
  59. Pure-Gold 599GTB---it is a JOKE,funny but means somthing.
  60. happy midautumn fest!
  61. you know you're on RS too much
  62. V-TEC powerrr!
  63. Never say no to Panda
  64. Great In The Sack: 15 Weird & Wonderful Shopping Bags
  65. Always have a spotter while using your bowflex
  66. Where to buy - Etymotic Research Accessories
  67. Who Likes Free Pancakes? I do, at iHOP!
  68. brother and sister high after dentist visit
  69. Booking a place in Whistler, under 25?!
  70. Need help locating an arcade machine
  71. eating is a privelage.
  73. amateur russian low budget Transformers short film out-badasses Hollywood film
  74. Nanaimo Construction
  75. World's First Lightning Proof Guitar
  76. window tinting courses?
  77. Stjarnan F.C. Infamous Goal Celebrations
  78. Someone just got shot 6 times down the block
  79. Now there's a song. (Which you'll sing all day) nsfwads maybe
  80. Awesome backwards Music Video with 600 Pillows
  81. Indoor Skydiving coming to Vancouver
  82. local RC car parts shop?
  83. World's Most Insane Job Ever
  84. did you know??
  85. Pretty Neat
  86. Genki Sudo [World Order] "Mind Shift"
  87. Biggest Gold Fish Caught
  88. riverport blked
  89. 4-5 blocks closed off in Downtown?
  90. Another addicting game
  91. Anyone made a claim for lost/stolen/damaged stuff from a Credit Card?
  92. Best Job Ever.
  93. tire pop
  94. Scariest job on earth
  95. Skip Class Calculator
  96. Brother's AirScouter
  97. REJOICE! Ed Hardy is going down
  98. Alcoholics due disabilty payments
  99. Chad Vader Identifies Costumes at Dragon Con 2010
  100. Invoice from UPS saying I owe them money???
  101. Chael Sonnen trash talking
  103. Marijuana Ice Cream
  104. Chinese Movies on Shaw 24/7
  105. translink gifts?
  106. BC Conservative Party?
  107. Is this a real video game?
  108. Super Mario celebrates 25th anniversary
  109. Rosie Jones and Sara Underwood Cake Fight
  110. Marie Digby on Channel APA
  111. Where to buy lava lamps in vancouver?
  112. Shark Club Bartender alleges sex discrimination over dress code
  113. What's everyone going to be for this halloween?
  114. Helmet Cam Broadcast Tower Repair
  116. Need your help RS
  117. Catchy Dance
  118. Ghost spotted in Cumbria Pub
  119. Tripppyyyy
  120. Tik Tok - Star Trek version
  121. The Muppets: Pöpcørn
  122. Illegally parked cop car gets booted... by citizens
  123. Cheating Death
  124. omg is this for real???
  125. Live Action.... Pokemon!!!!
  126. Hot Wheels Collecting...Anyone?
  127. Print your own clouds!
  128. UPS WTF?
  129. If Facebook Existed 6000 Years Ago
  130. Walmart USA now has their own Cell Service
  131. Everything RS loves; Korean Girl Bands, Hot cars, Explosions and Wife beaters
  132. Parents found my weed.
  133. WW2 never seen before footage on television on tv now (6pm)
  135. Vancouver Sun report: BC's most dangerous intersections
  136. California Police issue warning about 'Pedo bear'
  137. Sea in a aquarium
  138. QS World University Rankings 2010
  139. VMA - Kanye Closing Perfomance
  140. NEVER assume!
  141. How old are you?
  142. Was the GOV. Part of 9/11
  143. Soccer Penalty Kick
  144. 9/11, Nine years later.
  145. Phil Davison, motivational speaker.
  146. Halloween Is Coming Soon!!
  147. Move over Canon, take a seat Nikon..
  148. Homeland Security
  149. uman ' Treeman ' begs for help as he turns into a tree.
  150. Apple store grand opening
  151. Pistol Shrimp can fire bubble at 100km/h at 9900C as hot as the sun
  152. Skytrain is out
  153. Bell purchases CTV for $3.2B
  154. Party time
  155. YVR Van taxi charge luggage fee?
  156. Anyone ever notice this?
  157. Internal and External Hard Drives
  159. Where is the Introductions forum?!
  160. Help! Going away Party Ideas for someone Special
  161. Explosion/Fire in California suburbia
  162. This dude is OBSESSED with marbles
  163. Miss China Universe
  164. Donate your old computer parts here!
  165. Prank call from 213-286-4199
  166. Tamiya Brand Whore
  167. Lost generation
  168. free parking at vgh?
  169. i am out of word.
  170. Amazing Race Watermelon Face Smash
  171. woman caught doing 200 km/h WRONG WAY on hwy 401
  172. What Troops in Afganistan Eat for Dinner
  173. 35 Hidden logo of 2010
  174. Six Outrageously Overpriced Items
  175. Pachelbel Canon in D Played...on a Ruler
  176. Street Fighter... The Musical.
  177. world smallest dog
  178. Stupidest thing I have seen in a while kinda(NWS)
  179. 7th Anniversary. Need Ideas (Serious Posts Only)
  180. Florida Pastor Making 9/11 "Burn A Koran Day"
  181. If you have Chrome, this is the coolest music vid I've ever seen.
  182. BC Ferries - Why so late?
  183. Accident on Kingsway and Lincoln
  184. how do you feel when your on your own?
  185. Moving from Vancouver to Edmonton: HELP NEEDED
  186. Vancouver Police display new armoured vehicle
  187. Who wants to go on cruise?
  188. Best Engine in the World
  189. BCLC online gambling
  190. No one likes M. Night Shyamalan
  191. Car Auctions
  192. ebay HST question
  193. You sir are a real man, father, husband.
  194. Need Advice / Help
  195. who's ready for schoooool!
  196. In The Dead of Night.
  197. Surgery
  198. Customs
  199. The world in pictures.
  200. This Really makes my blood boil
  201. Amazing Roger Federer Trick Shot
  202. 20 Strangest Sex Laws from Around the World
  203. Pokemon Fusion
  204. lol us open fight
  205. 24 hour coffee shops!
  206. Good websites for translating to English?
  207. Craigslist adult services banned US only
  208. Remember the guy who cried over rainbows.....?
  209. Uncomfortable photos taken of sports
  210. help me find a...
  211. Our obsession with private automobiles is unsustainable
  212. $2.00 off coupon for gas at Husky
  213. stupidity cannot be fix
  214. A car falls into a pit at a construction site in Vancouver
  215. 2 For 1 Movie Coupon FAIL
  216. Car Accident @ Bridgeport & Viking
  217. Please drive safe - a heart touching video
  218. Human Machine
  219. class 5 question
  220. General Renovation Contractors ?
  221. This makes my blood boil.
  222. wakeboarding places (except cultass)
  223. First Taiwanese father/son team on The Amazing Race
  224. Do you warn other drivers of a speed trap?
  225. Jimmy Fallon's Talent Show
  227. Where to copy Patented Keys (Schlage Everest)?
  228. Wish you were here
  229. Obama declares end of US combat mission in Iraq
  230. Lost: 3 Winnie the Pooh bears near PNE. $500 Reward! (Kamloops St. & Pandora St.)
  231. Awesome Guy
  232. Winter/Snow predictions for 2010/2011
  233. Cesar Millan (Dog Whisperer) is coming to River Rock
  234. Posting vids cuz im bored
  235. Washington state....Canadians don't pay sales tax?
  236. What are some weird idiosyncratic things you're nostalgic about?
  237. The solar system; a brief glance.
  238. weird odd stupid questions that might never get an answser
  239. Witness Wanted/Needed - Aug 29 RS meet second lot
  240. The Shake Weight!
  241. Revscene Meet Pics
  242. MSN/Hotmail down?
  243. The power of music
  244. Is this what happens when you win the lottery??
  245. Amber Alert
  246. Applying for a Canadian Visa
  247. Rice-iest sticker
  248. US Court: Fourth Amendment Rights Are Not Violoted If Police Plant GPS On Car's...
  249. where to get glass?
  250. How to start a party!