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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. Accident on Knight Street Bridge Southbound
  2. Catalytic Converter Thefts in Lower Mainland
  3. Scrap Metal
  4. Annoying yet funny
  5. How Bruce Lee Changed The World
  6. Facebook hottie
  7. Harper: Canada will have DMCA law within 6 Weeks
  8. The shit hits the fan in Greece
  10. anyone loves 50% off FLAP PO CHI NO?
  11. Street Fighter Legacy
  12. Immigration Lawyer
  13. Focused on playing WoW.
  14. Grey Whale in False Creek?
  15. 25 Most Epic Ads
  16. Mercedes-Benz EC145 Helicopter
  17. Red Bull Backpack
  18. DNA proves man's innocence after 28 years in jail
  19. Vancouver ---> P.E.I =D
  20. El Camino del Rey - Craziest Hike in the World
  21. Justin Bieber doesn't know what German is..
  22. Things to do this week
  23. Trippy Lights
  24. German Postman marries his dying Cat
  25. Troll disrupts moment of silence (netherlands)
  26. Vancouver Zitherists?
  27. The Simpsons - Tik Tok
  28. ironman 2 take out scenes
  29. Food temptation is serious business
  30. BC place deflation
  31. Porn star keeps man out of jail
  32. Witness needed: Accident @ No. 3 Road past Ackroyd - 4PM
  33. Coquitlam Teacher charged for sex offences
  34. Best way to buy replica WWII firearms?
  35. Mmm...Taylor Swift...
  36. World Expo China National Pavilion: classic items from the past
  37. Game: "my picture can beat up your picture"
  38. Kim Jong Il spotted in China
  39. Man suspected of masturbating in Yaletown grocery store
  40. glass coffee table
  41. Where's my food?
  42. Real life Spider-man catches comic book thief
  43. Is it illegal...?
  44. Canada: Marijuana mandatory sentence bill may be revived
  45. Ontario Provincial Police are douchebags..
  46. tough guys messed with the wrong guy
  47. Studying face
  48. Conservative Christian views on teacher/student sex..
  49. Man dies after having eel inserting in rectum during a prank gone awry
  50. which video is this from?
  51. Former Canadian Dfence Minister is Confused by Stephen Hawking
  52. KT Tatara - Butt Sex
  53. Rant: God damn effin' punk kids
  54. raygunpk
  55. Cool card trick
  56. The perfect vacation house.
  57. Where to get Bonsai in Vancouver?
  58. Suspicious car (bomb?) in Times Square
  59. COD Black Ops (COD7) Developer Treyarch
  60. East Vancouver vs Richmond
  61. Crazy Parkour Skills
  62. Princess Toadstool or Princess Zelda???
  63. Crazy Samurai Hand/Eye Coordination
  64. Large Police presence in Richmond...
  65. Video: Family of murdered son displays the body on a motorcycle
  66. road rage ends GTA style
  67. Does anyone still provide free ice?
  68. Car Dangles out a building
  69. Watch the Shanghai Expo Opening Ceremony Live!!
  70. bored of mybrute? How about we fight with memory sticks
  71. Stock up before HST comes
  72. how far do you drive to work?
  73. Anyone order an Alpine deck for a Mini cooper?
  74. Being followed at night
  75. Yet another Man in China attacks Kids
  76. Bag of dicks
  77. Alex Bilodeau on the Juno awards
  78. The most brutal game you'll ever play
  79. Prahlad Jani - Man Who Says He Has Fasted for 70 Years
  80. Would you eat....
  81. Grandma & Grandson having a baby through a Surrogate
  82. invisible toilet prank lol
  83. 6 types of fish @ no.2 rd
  84. P&G BrandSampler Spring 2010 Edition
  85. Major Oil Spill
  86. crabbing in van
  87. Home Insurance question - Optional addon?
  88. Vancouver Art Gallery chooses new location
  89. How to verify Hockey playoff tickets?
  90. the most mesmerizing shredder ever
  91. Super Mario bros + NES character
  92. Playstation Steeps to a new Low for advertising? (murder)
  93. Another guy in China Stabs kids
  94. Chinese man breaks into school stabbing 18 students and teacher
  95. Red Bull Can dancing to Car Stereo
  96. Charice - new asian rnb singer
  98. Cheapest way to hold onto a mobile phone number?
  99. MGS: Peace Walker Uniqlo T-Shirts
  100. Can you watch this without loling?
  101. When planes went quiet over Europe
  102. wtf a little child smoking
  103. Chinese Real Estate Tycoon Donates A Billion Dollars To Charity! Read More: Chinese
  104. Massive Cocaine Bust in China and HK
  105. A day in the life of New York City (miniature)
  106. how much of vancouver can you recognize in this car chase video/ movie..?
  107. Does anyone help anyone anymore?
  108. Where can I buy Neo Wedge bulbs locally???
  109. B.C. Introduces New Drinking and Driving Penalties
  110. $0.31 Scoop Night at Baskin Robbins (April 28th, 5-10 PM)
  111. Bangalore traffic police: Talk them dead
  112. nammerrs boxing wa
  113. Export a leased car
  114. police raid Gizmodo editor's house
  115. hello, Vansterdam
  116. Craigslist Scam
  117. Dance to this song (kevJumba, WongFu Productions, David Choi)
  118. 2 hamsters 1 wheel .......
  119. The latest worst "soccer" miss ever
  120. Axis of Awesome
  121. How to convert to Alberta Licence
  122. Woman gets her stolen car back 3 years later and it's been modified
  123. The world's only immortal animal
  124. "Alpha Kenny Body"
  125. For those who are hard at work studying right now
  126. This guy is the biggest douche on facebook
  127. Are you infatuated with yourself? (Cantonese required)
  128. 2012 hits taiwan early!
  129. Lady Sentenced to Life In Prison for 13yr old touching her Breasts
  130. Late night Richmond BBT meet?
  131. Aliens may exist but contact would hurt humans: Hawking
  132. Text Your Phone List - Get Response - ??? - LOL
  133. Is it illegal to shoot a bird?
  134. Orange7 First member on REVscene to hit 500 fails
  135. Craziest Rollercoasters
  136. individual contact lens?
  137. RS Air/Army/Sea Cadets
  138. Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans
  139. a nice little wedding proposal
  140. Pissing on Thermal Vision
  141. All Japanese Bike and Car show Spank Banks April 25th!
  142. What's a good watch for around $100-150?
  143. Young Money and J. Bieber Parody
  144. Which Grocery Stores Rent Out Carpet Cleaner Machines?
  145. Best makeup tutorial video ever
  146. Parking Spot Revenge
  147. Who feels like Trolling? Canucks fans join here
  148. Introducing: RS Chat!
  149. triple ot may have led to murder..
  150. American man accused of murdering wife over a playoff game
  151. no asians in nhl
  152. Utah Man chooses death by firing squad
  153. bababababababa POWER
  154. HST "Pre Collection Period" starts May 1st.
  155. 31 Cent Scoop Night @ Baskin Robbins
  156. Call 911 for math help
  157. Where to get plastic coated sockets?
  158. Facebook death threats against Ujjal Dosanjh
  159. Dead Fantasy - Gee
  160. Do you have a Digital Voice Recorder? I wanna be a Perfect Water Entrepreneur.
  161. I hate techno music
  162. "Domestic Transformer"
  163. Its That Exam Time - Where are you?
  164. Mountain Devil Prank goes horribly wrong
  165. Back to the base
  166. Attention Honger Whore thinks her Engalish is perfect
  167. Acura guy got pwnt
  168. Pedophile game show host!
  169. Epic iPad scam
  170. NHL - History Will Be Made - The War Room
  171. U.S. senator wants Mexico-like Canada border
  172. Threat by Radical Islamic Group towards creators of South Park
  173. NASAs new Camera on the Sun
  174. Hidden Galaxy Photographed by Peeping Space Telescope
  175. Dear Lord
  176. No cable subscription
  177. parking....win?
  178. DUI....
  179. Vancouver Police arrests one of their own
  180. Human Touge?
  181. * Apple 4G iPhone * are u ready ?
  182. WTF music video (reposted from Music forum)
  183. Best Place to Watch Canucks Games - EdgeWater Casino
  184. If you could not afford a house in Vancouver, would you still live here.....??
  185. Subway: FREE coffee and breakfast sandwhich on April 23rd before 11am.
  186. What's with Mainlanders and their long pinky fingernails?
  187. kawaii knife commercial
  188. Game Griefers
  189. Things affected by HST in July
  190. Russian version of Google maps streetview
  191. Spotted: "big shot" accord driver
  192. 25 Ridiculous Inventions
  193. largest private yacht in the world
  194. Happy 420 Everyone
  195. Some images from the iceland volcano eruption
  196. Stupid solution for tailgaters
  197. Income tax general question
  198. Surgeon cut off testicle 'by mistake' at Bury hospital
  199. the next iphone
  200. Sometimes people are so shitty...
  201. 420!!!
  202. Do you love Justing Bieber?
  203. Summer 2010
  204. anyone going to the honda-tech meet in seattle ?
  205. Hardest Mario Game ever made.
  206. DQ Blizzards, Buy one get one for 0.25!
  207. I love vollyball!
  208. What happens after you save the princess
  209. WTF? Deaf Fag?
  210. Cruise?
  211. Pac-man vs Clottey
  212. Akon Calls tpain
  213. Cross Dress (Japanese Show)
  214. Gingers DO have souls!
  215. Pasta cook-book mistakenly lists black people as ingredient
  216. decorate your vajayjay with crystals (vajazzling)
  217. Who gave me my 420th failÉd.
  218. Time Traveller Caught?
  219. Highway balloon
  220. Video2mp3
  221. New West Night Market Cancelled?
  222. Joke: Top 10 slogans for Viagra
  223. Domino Animals
  224. places to go shopping in oregon
  225. Top 10 Low Flypasts
  226. Do drugs, then watch this...
  227. Police: Man tortured 4-year-old to death for wetting his pants
  228. lol @ K-pop
  229. Chinese motorcyclist
  230. NJ man charged with purposely vomiting on 11-year-old girl, father @ Phillies game
  231. Boy kills dad with sledgehammer
  232. Vaisakhi parade risky for MP Ujjal Dosanjh and MLA Dave Hayer: organizer
  233. TheDriver
  234. grouse grind opening date for 2010
  235. "we don't like asians"
  236. Vancouer: Crackshack or Mansion?
  237. Massive fireball reported across Midwestern sky
  238. Joe Wong at RTCA Dinner
  239. Most Awesomest Thing Ever
  240. Stig Spotted on Google Map
  241. Last words from infamous driver
  242. Horizons restaurant burned down this morning
  243. Quick question for server
  244. wow, ridiculous e-thugging thread in buy & sell forum
  245. Feds to crack down on gas overcharging
  246. So who loves racing games?
  247. Ebay sellers trying to recoup losses for cheap sales?..
  248. but you sed if i sit like human i git dee chickun nuggitzz
  249. Bulk Gatorade/Powerade?
  250. Bangkok Riot Footage