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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. Can I ship beer to AB?
  2. Liberals want to limit prosecutions of ppl who don't reveal HIV status to sex partner
  3. Russia Banned from Winter Olympics
  4. 3 flights 'saw burst of light from North Korea's missile'
  5. ICBC Claims
  6. Need advice
  7. Can someone recommend a psychologist/psychiatrist?
  8. Need help! Survey for school
  9. Why are aboriginal kids so racist?
  10. Has anyone been to Manning Park for snowboarding?
  11. Can you use a nexus card to get into a club?
  12. VPD Forensics .... .... in Surrey?
  13. Mortgage/Home/Life insurance policies
  14. The Brutal Tattoo Ritual Built on Pain
  15. petty theft 49th & Nanaimo
  16. Hello Everyone :)
  17. R.I.H. Charles Manson
  18. RIP Malcolm Young - the man behind the riffs
  19. Parking woes with illegal suites?
  20. Vancouver compost disposal
  21. European countries are running out of CASH!
  22. 2 jobs or change jobs?
  23. Social media intently addictive? Can't be
  24. Electric fordable scooters
  25. 95 Integra GSR stolen on NOV5
  26. 27 dead Texas church shooting
  27. Reconciliation
  28. Have you ever walked out on your Job?
  29. Black Friday 2017
  30. Gas price at 140+ - why?
  31. Truck plows into cyclists in Manhattan, NY. 6 people dead
  32. Robot vacuum cleaners Vs the old traditional Mop/Broom
  33. If your in Montreal, dont sing in your car
  34. Missing person alert
  35. Plumber in Richmond ?
  36. RIP Gord Downie
  37. People taking from your Recycling Bins
  38. Buying a used watercraft.. how to inspect?
  39. RIP John Dunsworth (Jim Lahey TPB)
  40. Drone collides with commercial airliner at Quebec City airport
  41. What does this say ?!?
  42. Sears Canada seeks to close 12,000 positions, possibly liquidating next week
  43. coffee shop owner denies anti-abortion group with vulgar remarks
  44. Petition to end explicit pet restrictions signed by 10,000 people.
  45. RIP Tom Petty - .... .... ....
  46. LAs Vegas shooting machine gun
  47. Jagmeet Singh wins the NDP leadership race
  48. blown A380 engine over the Atlantic lands in Goose Bay
  49. Terrorist attack in Edmonton. RCMP officer stabbed. ISIS flag inside attacker's U Hau
  50. New York to Shanghai in 39 minutes
  51. How B.C. casinos are used to launder millions in drug cash
  52. RIP Hugh Hefner
  53. Shipping stuff to Philippines
  54. Ken Block: Pikes Peak
  55. LG 77" Wallpaper TV
  56. Road Rage in North Van
  57. Dianne Watts to seek BC Liberal leadership, step down as Conservative MP
  58. Chapter 11 for Toys R Us
  59. Rat/mice bate box
  60. Can anyone please help me?
  61. Supercar condos coming to Richmond!
  62. Senator Lynn Beyak says First Nations should give up status cards
  63. Toronto man 'angry' after learning his $8,100 master's degree that required no exams
  64. So cute I wannnnnnaaaa dieeeee
  65. Back to School : Peanut Allergies
  66. crazy woman yelling cuz she aint got no bigger bowl
  67. Anyone fight a speeding ticket before or have a lawyer to recommend?
  68. Lego Millennium Falcon Ultimate Collectors Series
  69. Narcotics sniffer dog sweep at condo?
  70. Port Mann and Golden Ears Bridge Tolls To End September 1st
  71. Trudeau government fearful a massive refugee surge could hurt 2019 re-election campai
  72. Getting triggered by all the e-begging, patreon & gofundme nowadays
  73. This Mom Just Asked To Reschedule Solar Eclipse,
  74. Clothing and furniture donation
  75. Official REVscene Hockey Pool 2017/2018
  76. Passport Canada
  77. newish tire leaking air?
  78. 2017 PNE Thread
  79. Good places for buying Rolex in lower mainland?
  80. Where is this place??
  81. Viability of solar panel roofs in the Northwest
  82. Support my turbo fund plz
  83. Hot and Muggy Outside
  84. ICBC and Dashcam/Video Evidence
  85. Missing 11 year old boy stanley park
  86. Proper Table Manners and Behaviour Thread
  87. Custom home builder in richmond?
  88. Ernst & Young report suggests ICBC insurance rate hike of 30 percent over 2 years.
  89. Another RIP thread. Goodbye Kenny Shields
  90. auto and flat glass tinting stable field to get into?
  91. R.I.P. Chester Bennington
  92. The Juice is loose
  93. 13 yo girl found dead in Central Park
  94. Bomb detonates in truck, setting 4 people on fire in Winnipeg
  95. Anyone try the Chinese Uber knockoff in Richmond?
  96. RIP Martin Landau
  97. AC flight near-missed the 'greatest aviation disaster in history'
  98. New busker scam in Vancouver.
  99. Reminder: 7/11 - Free Slurpee today.
  100. I need a mosquito solution that works RIGHT NOW!!!!
  101. Towing compnay in Burnaby
  102. The Official Wildfire Thread
  103. Chime in: National Monuments Public Review
  104. Plus sized model "fat shamed" on flight to LA
  105. CNN doxxes reddit user then bullies him into withdrawal with threat of exposure
  106. Ferrari driver caught doing 210 km/hour over Lions Gate bridge
  107. Ottawa to pay $10.5M to Omar Khadr, government source says
  108. Baby gets health card with sex "U".
  109. Shocking road rage. SUV driver hits flagger
  110. Question for the parents - door knob safety
  111. Bank of Canada interest rate - possible hike
  112. The Moscow Buell !! - 99.9% complete
  113. Question Regarding False Claim of Car Accident
  114. Top brown/punjabi/hindi wedding song, suggestions?
  115. Richmond Baby Shower Crashers
  116. Vancouverites facing potential fines for not clearing sidewalks
  117. 67 cent hamburgers at McDonald's on June 23rd. Richmond No. 3 road location only
  118. RIP Prodigy of Mobb Deep
  119. RIP Clint Eastwood
  120. Woman asks for white doctor
  121. CBC Investigation: Cash for jobs and PR in Canada
  122. 2017 BC Lions
  123. Heads up: Fire on Mitchell Island. Knight Street Bridge Closed
  124. Amazon to buy Whole Foods for 13.7B
  125. Your slave wage life visualized.
  126. CRTC orders ALL cellphone unlocking fees BANNED!!!
  127. 'Male genitalia' policy spurs backlash at Toronto women's spa
  128. The Official 2017/2018 Canucks & NHL Thread
  129. RIP Batman ... Adam West
  130. New Jersey cops beat inoccent man on fire
  131. WHAT is your average 'COMMUTE TO WORK' time?
  132. Canada's defence policy of increasing military spending over the next decade
  133. Metro Vancouver council sets up commission to introduce mobility pricing
  134. Kensington Gardens by Westbank Projects
  135. London Bridge Attacks (no not that one, a new one)
  136. sheet metal or metal fabriation as career
  137. Richmond woman cleaning bumper with gas pump
  138. Did i spell SCOHOL right
  139. BC Minimum Wage Increase - $15
  140. Car rental for this weekend
  141. Need advice on responsibility of toilet repair (tenant)
  142. VICE: Underground Street Racers in Toronto (Smoke Show: EP1)
  143. McMath Secondary in Richmond under Lockdown
  144. Pop up Fruit Stand
  145. Good Casino Buffet's in Washington???
  146. Questions about parking street signs
  147. Langley gas wars? Gas at $1.05!
  148. Congo Dandies
  149. RIP 007 Roger Moore
  150. Deaths confirmed after Manchester Arena blast reports
  151. OT: Sea Lion pulls girl into water at Steveston
  152. 15 Tall Apartments Being Built in South Burnaby
  153. Chris Cornell Dead at 52
  154. Move Aside Daiso, MINISO and MUJI is Coming to Town
  155. Can anyone working at bank have access to account?
  156. Mister Rogers Marathon on Twitch, now!
  157. RIP Robert Miles RIP RIP Robert Mimes RIP Robert Miles
  158. To the Yellow Mercedes SLS speeding on Oak Street last night...
  159. Woman kicking dogs in Burnaby
  160. Pressure washer rental
  161. Bombay Sapphire Gin Recall
  162. Prince Philip ....... dead?
  163. Canada has more seniors than children
  164. Filthy Rich Chinese Mainlander Richmond Wedding
  165. Home Prices Ready to Crash?
  166. What's gotten better the last 10-15 years?
  167. Judgmental Maps of Vancouver
  168. Previous owner mail
  169. BC Leaders Debate Discussion
  170. Thai man hangs 11mo old daughter the suicides
  171. purchasing paving bricks / sand
  172. Did You Get Your Where To Vote Card Yet?
  173. Does anyone know a cheap framing company for Diploma's?
  174. Loblaws (Superstore) sells all gas stations to Mobil
  175. Chevron Sells Everything and Pulls out of Canada
  176. Chevron Canada sold to parkland fuels
  177. Reporting issue about strata and management
  178. Lease Options
  179. How do I kick out a tenant, legally?
  180. Student in Pakistan beaten to death after accused of blasphemy
  181. what does "slated" mean?
  182. Cleveland shooting broadcast on FB live
  183. "Cash me ousside how bow duh" girl punches airline passenger, cops called
  184. how to Setup two displays properly?
  185. RIP Charlie Murphy
  186. RIP J. Geils - J. Geils Band
  187. UNIQLO Metrotown opens this fall
  188. United Airlines incident - overbooked and forcing paying passengers OFF the plane
  189. Trudeau to give 840mil to Syria
  190. Bi-weekly Garbage Collection
  191. Stolen Iphone - what can RCMP do in regards to findmyiphone location
  192. Beer Tours By Seaplane!!
  193. Removal of electric fireplace from Condo
  194. class 4 restricted road test tips?
  195. NHTSA Safety Videos, Pics, Reports of every car they've ever tested
  196. Chinese father fatally shot by police in home. Leads to riots in Paris
  197. St Petersburg metro explosion leaves 11 dead and dozens wounded
  198. WTF happen to the gas price?
  199. undercut fades part lines hairstyles for cheaper price
  200. VIA Rail Youth Pass! $150 per person (12-25 yrs old) to anywhere in Canada in July.
  201. Official CBC Marketplace
  202. Marijuana will be legal in Canada by October 17 2018
  203. Does anyone live in Queensborough? Commuting question
  204. School me on Knives
  205. McDonald's Pizza Road Trip, 3 friends from canada did it
  206. Scentific Cartels gaming the system
  207. British Parliament in lockdown. Dozen people injured. Two people shot.
  208. RIP Chuck Berry - the father of rock n roll
  209. Mountain biker? Outdoor enthusiast? Throw in your 2 cents!
  210. West End families seeing huge increases in rent thanks to loophole
  211. VMedia (TV phone Internet)
  212. The Official 2017 Provincial Election Thread
  213. Toxic upselling at TD Bank is bad for your mod fund
  214. Uber Finally Coming to Vancouver
  215. People Are Making $erious Money TWITCH'in !!
  216. transit app
  217. need help with old PC hardware to new PC (any experienced software techs?)
  218. DIY chiropractic adjustments?
  219. Moving to maple ridge from port moody.
  220. R I P Bill Paxton
  221. 5g finnaly~
  222. City of Vancouver to vote on new $8K logo
  223. New solar system with 7 planets capable of support life discovery by NASA
  224. Gen X ain't got no time for retirement!
  225. Tim Hortons' parent company buying Popeye's restaurant chain
  226. Scents for a bachelor's pad?
  227. Truly good kindergarten/elementary school in GVA?
  228. Motion M-103
  229. Kim Jong Nam assassinated in Malaysia
  230. What do you guys think should happen to an engagement ring in breakup??
  231. RIP Richard Hatch aka "Apollo"
  232. TV maker unlawfully tracked viewing habits
  233. Sponsored Divas
  234. anyone know this animal abuser?
  235. For those in the aviation field
  236. Superbowl contests
  237. Fukushima Nuclear reactor radiation at highest level since 2011 Meltdown
  238. Shooting at a mosque in Quebec City, 6 dead
  239. Happy Chinese New Year! Year of the Rooster.
  240. Canada Post: Missing Package?
  241. McDonald's and A&W serving all day breakfast in Canada starting in February 2017
  242. 250 million US mansion in Bel Air includes a unique car collection
  243. Are there a lot of mid-20s Asian people in Victoria?
  244. Are you guys familiar with TaoBao.com
  245. Terror Attack in Australia? Driver Plows Vehicle into Pedestrians in Melbourne
  246. summitt energy
  247. Kevin O'Leary to enter Conservative leadership race
  248. Trudeau government considering a tax on Netflix and other streaming services
  249. YT Video shows Vancouver man living in a U-Haul storage locker, gets evicted
  250. Will schools/teachers be automated too?