- Can I ship beer to AB?
- Liberals want to limit prosecutions of ppl who don't reveal HIV status to sex partner
- Russia Banned from Winter Olympics
- 3 flights 'saw burst of light from North Korea's missile'
- ICBC Claims
- Need advice
- Can someone recommend a psychologist/psychiatrist?
- Need help! Survey for school
- Why are aboriginal kids so racist?
- Has anyone been to Manning Park for snowboarding?
- Can you use a nexus card to get into a club?
- VPD Forensics .... .... in Surrey?
- Mortgage/Home/Life insurance policies
- The Brutal Tattoo Ritual Built on Pain
- petty theft 49th & Nanaimo
- Hello Everyone :)
- R.I.H. Charles Manson
- RIP Malcolm Young - the man behind the riffs
- Parking woes with illegal suites?
- Vancouver compost disposal
- European countries are running out of CASH!
- 2 jobs or change jobs?
- Social media intently addictive? Can't be
- Electric fordable scooters
- 95 Integra GSR stolen on NOV5
- 27 dead Texas church shooting
- Reconciliation
- Have you ever walked out on your Job?
- Black Friday 2017
- Gas price at 140+ - why?
- Truck plows into cyclists in Manhattan, NY. 6 people dead
- Robot vacuum cleaners Vs the old traditional Mop/Broom
- If your in Montreal, dont sing in your car
- Missing person alert
- Plumber in Richmond ?
- RIP Gord Downie
- People taking from your Recycling Bins
- Buying a used watercraft.. how to inspect?
- RIP John Dunsworth (Jim Lahey TPB)
- Drone collides with commercial airliner at Quebec City airport
- What does this say ?!?
- Sears Canada seeks to close 12,000 positions, possibly liquidating next week
- coffee shop owner denies anti-abortion group with vulgar remarks
- Petition to end explicit pet restrictions signed by 10,000 people.
- RIP Tom Petty - .... .... ....
- LAs Vegas shooting machine gun
- Jagmeet Singh wins the NDP leadership race
- blown A380 engine over the Atlantic lands in Goose Bay
- Terrorist attack in Edmonton. RCMP officer stabbed. ISIS flag inside attacker's U Hau
- New York to Shanghai in 39 minutes
- How B.C. casinos are used to launder millions in drug cash
- RIP Hugh Hefner
- Shipping stuff to Philippines
- Ken Block: Pikes Peak
- LG 77" Wallpaper TV
- Road Rage in North Van
- Dianne Watts to seek BC Liberal leadership, step down as Conservative MP
- Chapter 11 for Toys R Us
- Rat/mice bate box
- Can anyone please help me?
- Supercar condos coming to Richmond!
- Senator Lynn Beyak says First Nations should give up status cards
- Toronto man 'angry' after learning his $8,100 master's degree that required no exams
- So cute I wannnnnnaaaa dieeeee
- Back to School : Peanut Allergies
- crazy woman yelling cuz she aint got no bigger bowl
- Anyone fight a speeding ticket before or have a lawyer to recommend?
- Lego Millennium Falcon Ultimate Collectors Series
- Narcotics sniffer dog sweep at condo?
- Port Mann and Golden Ears Bridge Tolls To End September 1st
- Trudeau government fearful a massive refugee surge could hurt 2019 re-election campai
- Getting triggered by all the e-begging, patreon & gofundme nowadays
- This Mom Just Asked To Reschedule Solar Eclipse,
- Clothing and furniture donation
- Official REVscene Hockey Pool 2017/2018
- Passport Canada
- newish tire leaking air?
- 2017 PNE Thread
- Good places for buying Rolex in lower mainland?
- Where is this place??
- Viability of solar panel roofs in the Northwest
- Support my turbo fund plz
- Hot and Muggy Outside
- ICBC and Dashcam/Video Evidence
- Missing 11 year old boy stanley park
- Proper Table Manners and Behaviour Thread
- Custom home builder in richmond?
- Ernst & Young report suggests ICBC insurance rate hike of 30 percent over 2 years.
- Another RIP thread. Goodbye Kenny Shields
- auto and flat glass tinting stable field to get into?
- R.I.P. Chester Bennington
- The Juice is loose
- 13 yo girl found dead in Central Park
- Bomb detonates in truck, setting 4 people on fire in Winnipeg
- Anyone try the Chinese Uber knockoff in Richmond?
- RIP Martin Landau
- AC flight near-missed the 'greatest aviation disaster in history'
- New busker scam in Vancouver.
- Reminder: 7/11 - Free Slurpee today.
- I need a mosquito solution that works RIGHT NOW!!!!
- Towing compnay in Burnaby
- The Official Wildfire Thread
- Chime in: National Monuments Public Review
- Plus sized model "fat shamed" on flight to LA
- CNN doxxes reddit user then bullies him into withdrawal with threat of exposure
- Ferrari driver caught doing 210 km/hour over Lions Gate bridge
- Ottawa to pay $10.5M to Omar Khadr, government source says
- Baby gets health card with sex "U".
- Shocking road rage. SUV driver hits flagger
- Question for the parents - door knob safety
- Bank of Canada interest rate - possible hike
- The Moscow Buell !! - 99.9% complete
- Question Regarding False Claim of Car Accident
- Top brown/punjabi/hindi wedding song, suggestions?
- Richmond Baby Shower Crashers
- Vancouverites facing potential fines for not clearing sidewalks
- 67 cent hamburgers at McDonald's on June 23rd. Richmond No. 3 road location only
- RIP Prodigy of Mobb Deep
- RIP Clint Eastwood
- Woman asks for white doctor
- CBC Investigation: Cash for jobs and PR in Canada
- 2017 BC Lions
- Heads up: Fire on Mitchell Island. Knight Street Bridge Closed
- Amazon to buy Whole Foods for 13.7B
- Your slave wage life visualized.
- CRTC orders ALL cellphone unlocking fees BANNED!!!
- 'Male genitalia' policy spurs backlash at Toronto women's spa
- The Official 2017/2018 Canucks & NHL Thread
- RIP Batman ... Adam West
- New Jersey cops beat inoccent man on fire
- WHAT is your average 'COMMUTE TO WORK' time?
- Canada's defence policy of increasing military spending over the next decade
- Metro Vancouver council sets up commission to introduce mobility pricing
- Kensington Gardens by Westbank Projects
- London Bridge Attacks (no not that one, a new one)
- sheet metal or metal fabriation as career
- Richmond woman cleaning bumper with gas pump
- Did i spell SCOHOL right
- BC Minimum Wage Increase - $15
- Car rental for this weekend
- Need advice on responsibility of toilet repair (tenant)
- VICE: Underground Street Racers in Toronto (Smoke Show: EP1)
- McMath Secondary in Richmond under Lockdown
- Pop up Fruit Stand
- Good Casino Buffet's in Washington???
- Questions about parking street signs
- Langley gas wars? Gas at $1.05!
- Congo Dandies
- RIP 007 Roger Moore
- Deaths confirmed after Manchester Arena blast reports
- OT: Sea Lion pulls girl into water at Steveston
- 15 Tall Apartments Being Built in South Burnaby
- Chris Cornell Dead at 52
- Move Aside Daiso, MINISO and MUJI is Coming to Town
- Can anyone working at bank have access to account?
- Mister Rogers Marathon on Twitch, now!
- RIP Robert Miles RIP RIP Robert Mimes RIP Robert Miles
- To the Yellow Mercedes SLS speeding on Oak Street last night...
- Woman kicking dogs in Burnaby
- Pressure washer rental
- Bombay Sapphire Gin Recall
- Prince Philip ....... dead?
- Canada has more seniors than children
- Filthy Rich Chinese Mainlander Richmond Wedding
- Home Prices Ready to Crash?
- What's gotten better the last 10-15 years?
- Judgmental Maps of Vancouver
- Previous owner mail
- BC Leaders Debate Discussion
- Thai man hangs 11mo old daughter the suicides
- purchasing paving bricks / sand
- Did You Get Your Where To Vote Card Yet?
- Does anyone know a cheap framing company for Diploma's?
- Loblaws (Superstore) sells all gas stations to Mobil
- Chevron Sells Everything and Pulls out of Canada
- Chevron Canada sold to parkland fuels
- Reporting issue about strata and management
- Lease Options
- How do I kick out a tenant, legally?
- Student in Pakistan beaten to death after accused of blasphemy
- what does "slated" mean?
- Cleveland shooting broadcast on FB live
- "Cash me ousside how bow duh" girl punches airline passenger, cops called
- how to Setup two displays properly?
- RIP Charlie Murphy
- RIP J. Geils - J. Geils Band
- UNIQLO Metrotown opens this fall
- United Airlines incident - overbooked and forcing paying passengers OFF the plane
- Trudeau to give 840mil to Syria
- Bi-weekly Garbage Collection
- Stolen Iphone - what can RCMP do in regards to findmyiphone location
- Beer Tours By Seaplane!!
- Removal of electric fireplace from Condo
- class 4 restricted road test tips?
- NHTSA Safety Videos, Pics, Reports of every car they've ever tested
- Chinese father fatally shot by police in home. Leads to riots in Paris
- St Petersburg metro explosion leaves 11 dead and dozens wounded
- WTF happen to the gas price?
- undercut fades part lines hairstyles for cheaper price
- VIA Rail Youth Pass! $150 per person (12-25 yrs old) to anywhere in Canada in July.
- Official CBC Marketplace
- Marijuana will be legal in Canada by October 17 2018
- Does anyone live in Queensborough? Commuting question
- School me on Knives
- McDonald's Pizza Road Trip, 3 friends from canada did it
- Scentific Cartels gaming the system
- British Parliament in lockdown. Dozen people injured. Two people shot.
- RIP Chuck Berry - the father of rock n roll
- Mountain biker? Outdoor enthusiast? Throw in your 2 cents!
- West End families seeing huge increases in rent thanks to loophole
- VMedia (TV phone Internet)
- The Official 2017 Provincial Election Thread
- Toxic upselling at TD Bank is bad for your mod fund
- Uber Finally Coming to Vancouver
- People Are Making $erious Money TWITCH'in !!
- transit app
- need help with old PC hardware to new PC (any experienced software techs?)
- DIY chiropractic adjustments?
- Moving to maple ridge from port moody.
- R I P Bill Paxton
- 5g finnaly~
- City of Vancouver to vote on new $8K logo
- New solar system with 7 planets capable of support life discovery by NASA
- Gen X ain't got no time for retirement!
- Tim Hortons' parent company buying Popeye's restaurant chain
- Scents for a bachelor's pad?
- Truly good kindergarten/elementary school in GVA?
- Motion M-103
- Kim Jong Nam assassinated in Malaysia
- What do you guys think should happen to an engagement ring in breakup??
- RIP Richard Hatch aka "Apollo"
- TV maker unlawfully tracked viewing habits
- Sponsored Divas
- anyone know this animal abuser?
- For those in the aviation field
- Superbowl contests
- Fukushima Nuclear reactor radiation at highest level since 2011 Meltdown
- Shooting at a mosque in Quebec City, 6 dead
- Happy Chinese New Year! Year of the Rooster.
- Canada Post: Missing Package?
- McDonald's and A&W serving all day breakfast in Canada starting in February 2017
- 250 million US mansion in Bel Air includes a unique car collection
- Are there a lot of mid-20s Asian people in Victoria?
- Are you guys familiar with TaoBao.com
- Terror Attack in Australia? Driver Plows Vehicle into Pedestrians in Melbourne
- summitt energy
- Kevin O'Leary to enter Conservative leadership race
- Trudeau government considering a tax on Netflix and other streaming services
- YT Video shows Vancouver man living in a U-Haul storage locker, gets evicted
- Will schools/teachers be automated too?