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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. Wiping ass, method?
  2. Chinese Speed Cooking
  3. Excited astronomers say they could find Earth-like planets in just a few years
  4. Hadouken!
  5. flour prank
  6. Avatarize yourself
  7. can you multitask?
  8. Why do we have the internet? seems so...
  9. premium gas for the price of regular at petro canada
  10. Monthly d/t parking
  11. Anyone know Norm King?
  12. Colours in Facebook Statuses: Please Read
  13. The people of wallmart
  14. Worst MRI Scan
  15. 3D TVs are eye-popping, but they have their drawbacks
  16. how many cars goes through a gas station a day?
  17. amazing forza3 drift skill
  18. Apple Daily: Chinese guy masturbate in a bakery and jizz on a bread
  19. So Winter Olympics 2010 - Ice Sculptures
  20. possible fatal pedestrian hit by car @ outside DQ victoria and east 34th
  21. American World Jr. Celebration
  22. Black & Lee Coquitlams New Drive Through
  23. the power of the green screen
  24. Apple Daily - Chinese guy jumped off a building with an inflatable doll
  25. What is your "OLYMPICS COMMUTE" plan?
  26. Avatar Script
  27. Family of 6 lives off $4 a week for food.
  28. 5 Reasons Pigs Are More Awesome Than You
  29. Flash Game: Trigger Master
  30. Enzo no front plate
  31. Truth Behind Italian PM's beating
  32. super expensive phones
  33. Free Vancouver 2010 Journal
  34. ^_^
  35. Super Mario Tetris
  36. Indian Yoga V.S. American Yoga
  37. Brokerage Companies?
  38. Two tonnes of explosives gone missing in BC!
  39. PLANET EARTH "From Pole To Pole" HD
  40. Austrailian Whale Hunt Protest ship attacked Japanese vessel and was sunk
  41. Vancouver unveils $650,000 worth of Olympic banners around city
  42. Study: Spanking could have its benefits
  43. The 6 Creepiest Places on Earth
  44. Some of the Gary Busey headshots combined together, give you, even more Gary Busey
  45. Gas Prices In The Rise AGAIN!
  46. Psycho Girlfriend Youtube Series
  47. Some of the hottest women combined together, give you, even hotter women...
  48. Fla. sheriff fears missing $30 million dollar lottery winner has been murdered
  49. This song makes me want to commit hate crimes.
  50. massive ownage...
  51. The Online Gamer LOL
  52. Chinese fans debate eventual height of a child of NBA star Yao Ming & 6-foot-2 wife
  53. Michael Cera gone guido
  54. Carry on luggages banned from US bound Flights
  55. B.C. drug kingpin marked for death
  56. Parking in Yaletown?
  57. Vancouver police sergeant charged with assault with a weapon
  58. Avatar Makeup Tutorial
  59. Nude Models Strip Down for Art (In Public! In Winter! In Ohio!)
  60. Street Drummer with pots and cans
  61. worst dealer in great vancouver area
  62. Bret the Hitman Hart and the WWE
  63. VPD Cop Charged with Assault (for on-duty action)
  64. Automotive Tech. (Toyota) or Diesel Engine Technician?
  65. Funny brown peoples' youtube.
  66. How much is parking at BCIT?
  67. Fat people ("fatties") banned from dating site
  68. Dog Attacks Cougar to Save Boy
  69. First Fatal Crash of 2010
  70. Would you be ok with having your body scanned at the airport?
  71. Robber drills hole through shop wall, walks off with 200 luxury time pieces in Tokyo
  72. Holy shit, indeed.
  73. Story Of Stuff
  74. Schfifty Five
  75. 6 officers killed within 3 months from Washington State
  76. Nut Job Biblical scholar now says date for rapture (end of the world) in May 21, 2011
  77. Jazz with a General problem - stop motion
  78. War Machine Costume
  79. Chinese SWAT Force and equipment
  80. Drill bit for steel door
  81. Italians Discover How to Change Wood to BONE
  82. Anyone notice that the moon is so bright and full?
  83. guy drinks gallon of milk 41 secs!!!
  84. Funeral held for powerful Canadian mobster's son
  85. People on Vancouver Island are stupid.....
  86. How to make a laser pointer that burns
  87. The Power of Make-up
  88. Burj Dubai opens Monday
  89. Some good parking lot with hills?
  90. Things Obsolete This Decade
  91. Not a good way to die..
  92. The decade in news photographs
  93. Which malls/places open on Jan 1?
  94. Uro Club
  95. 4 Soldiers Killed In Afghanistan
  96. NEW YEAR resolutions
  97. Happy New Year!
  98. who's stuck at work today?
  99. Cover the spot
  100. New Year's Eve Events? What are you guys doing?
  101. Vancouver NYE 2010 Fireworks?
  102. 2009 "Best of" anything related to RS!
  104. Chinese Man Throws Bicycle at Thieves on Scooter!
  105. Video: Sickest model car lighting kits ever
  106. if anyone is up and awake right now....
  107. anyone want a ps3 and an iphone?
  108. Best Threads of the 2000s
  109. Grey Eagles - P51 Movie
  110. OMG this girl is so hot!
  111. Breaking News: Rush Limbaugh taken to hospital in serious condition
  112. Facebook fugitive taunts British police, has 3,800 Facebook friends
  113. 3D paper model website?
  114. Door-to-Door Scam/Theft?
  115. Horray Frozen Lake!
  116. Insanely difficult Japanese video game
  117. Canadian Mining Company killing activists?
  118. China Shopping mall constructs women-only parkade
  119. Vancouver carjacking leaves 4 injured
  120. Canada Olympic Team
  121. Ex-Mountie held in Ottawa police officer's stabbing death
  122. Pictures of Japan's Road Network
  123. Audi R8
  124. An ice cream cone, he beat the crap out of this pregnant woman
  125. Condoms 'too big' for Indian men
  126. Nose bleed in front of hot model
  127. Vic + E45th ave = BOOOM
  128. So, I was driving behind a white Scion xB today and...
  129. Don't stop me from eating Cake.
  130. China executes British drug smuggler
  131. A-hole on train gets owned!
  132. OMG She's dead!
  133. HP computers are racist!
  134. The Green Guys Behind The Canucks Penalty Box
  135. I'm on a Mac
  136. sh*ts going downnn
  137. huge fire on kingsway & rupert
  138. Google Street Japan
  139. little remix..
  140. drivers just can't park - Parking Lot Disaster
  141. Girl destroys PS3!
  142. DJ Earworm Top 25 hits of 2009
  143. Behind the Secret Service
  144. after 4 months...
  145. The best video of a French woman with nice boobies, SFW
  146. Help; What Car is This? - TIA
  147. Fat kid does extreme workout
  148. Cop nearly dies
  149. Mega Tsunami - 5 Years Later
  150. Anyone care for a.........
  151. funny Fat kid rapping
  152. Angry DDR pro
  153. cops posting mugshots on twitter?
  154. James Cameron (avatar/titanic director) calls fan "@sshole, etc" won't sign Autograph
  155. calendar club stores
  156. How Twilight works (its sooooooooo gayyyyyyy)
  157. Domino Day - The American Dream
  158. Boxing Week Contest - Win $100 instantly
  159. WTF is happening to Hwy no.1
  160. Passenger ignites device on plane landing in U.S. earlier today
  161. Laker Fans Throw "Foam Fingers" on Court During Christmas Game Vs. Cavs
  162. Where are you heading first tomorrow?
  163. Merry X'mas everyone
  164. Are any liquor stores opened today?
  165. CL E-mail Scammer, lets have some fun!
  166. What did you get for Christmas??? Thread*
  167. 16 year old Veteran UPS driver accused of stealing $40000 worth of customers packages
  168. The Places Open on Christmas Thread...
  169. Self Presents / Boxing Day thread
  170. Merry Christmas RS
  171. lollerpics
  172. HP cameras don't track black people
  173. Crippled Dude Dancing To Beyonce
  174. The McFarthest Place: 145 Mi to the Nearest Big Mac
  175. question about santa pictures
  176. "Thank me" if you cannot laugh
  177. Ugly Sweater ASAP
  178. Sooyoung and Tiffany SPEAKING ENGLISH
  179. More great PR exposure for our RCMP
  180. Blackmarkers Boxing Week Sale - Pick UP Available
  181. This one got me laughing
  182. Hong Kong Minibus
  183. Quick Last Minute Gift Help
  184. Explosion downtown
  185. How far can you go?
  186. Steve Nash's company to buy Fitness World
  187. Today's Lesson: Pokemon is the Devil's Work
  188. mission acompolished
  189. Santa Claus Personal Message
  190. 18 Trick to Teach Your Body
  191. Soviet doctor performed self surgery
  192. Afro-Chinese girl on Chinese Idol Show
  193. 4 year old drinks and steals xmas presents
  194. Any Mahjong pros here?
  195. Are you man enough to fight an emu ?
  196. Funny Charts
  197. Confessions of a HongKong Taxi Driver
  198. Did YOU change my avatar?
  199. South China Mall - Video Tour
  200. Court orders men's ears and noses cut off
  201. awesome street performer
  202. My night
  203. 18 year old gets 8 years in jail for graffitti
  204. boxing day 2009 deals
  205. looking for....
  206. Dr. House on Family Guy
  207. Place to buy cardboard moving boxes cheap?
  208. more facebook ownage
  209. Crazy Streetfighter III tournament vid
  210. WHERE TO BUY 66 VETTE 1/18th MODELS??
  211. xmas gift ideas
  212. Happy Holidays, Suckers
  213. when can I fail?
  214. And you think guy marries video game character is weird
  215. Shipping Questions for selling things in N/A?
  216. Techno Jeep
  217. Brittany Murphy dead at 32
  218. Virus warning: update to Acrobat 9 now.
  219. What's the Number 1 Most Subscribed Youtube Channel in Hong Kong?
  220. Merry Christmas everyone or so you think...
  221. Two high schools challenge each other to make a music videos. Result =
  222. Frog legs + salt
  223. Christmas Lights 2009
  224. mainland see lai @Aberdeen
  225. Youtube Videos of Space
  226. Help: Is there a free place to park at/near 8 rinks?
  227. Road trip, any idea?
  228. 6 Worst Fast-Food Burgers in the US.
  229. Car Forum helps out kid with cancer
  230. Street Fighting and Self-Defense
  231. clubbing question
  232. Where can I find Snoopy merchandise?
  233. Vancouver Residential Tax to increase in 2010
  234. YouTube Vid Leads to Hollywood Contract
  235. Americas Best Dance Crew Judge in Jail for Child Molestation
  236. Epic Facebook Fail...
  237. Twitter Hacked by Iranian Cyber Army?
  238. Costco - Hockey tape - 36 Rolls for $10 (Free Shipping)
  240. asian_xl's dream gf
  241. Dog Yoga: The Next Big Thing™
  242. The March of Shame
  243. UFC Approved By City Council
  244. Price Error@Lenovo Laptop(s) deal
  245. Are Women as Horny as Men?
  246. Christmas in a week! what is THE movie that you will watch every year?
  247. Anyone have B.Republic coupon?
  248. Massive Pwnage
  249. Burj Dubai Flyby Video
  250. Obese air passenger in economy seat has picture taken