- TV shows or documentaries on YouTubezz??
- Shame of Hong Kong
- Canadian Firearms Enthusiasts Forums
- Why Children Shouldn't Sleep With Parents
- The REAL Marvel/Disney Merger
- how to stop blocked calls?
- farmer's daughter
- New funny video lolz!
- Wrong hole song
- LED Bulbs at nightmarket
- Shifting into Turbo?
- New SNL cast member swears on first sketch...
- Ameriquest Commercials
- Internet poster threatens life of Dalai Lama
- "Blame It" - By Barack Obama
- Movie Poster Mashups
- random high dude starts a dance craze at music festival
- Slovak Sling: The Malaysian guide to bribery
- new Crush the Castle game
- Loudest Alarm Clock
- UBC overnight student hostel
- Whats there to do in Coquitlam?
- Tunnels Under Sin City: Las Vegas Homeless Underground
- World's longest joke. (Lost in the desert)
- Census workers hanging body naked, bound with the word "fed" on chest near a Cemetery
- ebay package still at customs?
- Trant Clark Knows Your Weakness
- Man sues Bank of America for 1,784 billion,trillion dollars
- Nucks new Changeroom
- China found new clean energy - flammable ice
- Trucker flips his rig after masturbating while driving
- crazy old guy prevents bank robbery
- Giant baby!?!?!?
- Bicycle Road Rage
- Anyone know where I can duplicate a specific wood design?
- Flash Game: Here is a game you guys will like
- Flu Shot causes 2xlikelihood of contracting swine flu
- Will Ferrel Stands Up For the Real Victims of Health Care Reform!
- Documentaries about gangs around the world
- Tricking ( cool video )
- Judge rules police falsely arrested, imprisoned man
- Kanye West going is going to WWE to become a pro wrestler lol
- Sickest Rapper Alive
- Flash Game: QWERTY Warriors
- Google - Monopoly City Streets
- some punks are paintballing cars
- The Greatest Human Is Dead
- QWSTIoN - Straight from Switzerland, backpacks, laptop bags, sport bags....
- Recieving a Laptop from NY. Which route should I choose?
- MIT Name Persona Characterizer
- Blog: "I hate white women"
- Chat with strangers Omgele
- jk: chemistry exam
- Wrong Hole.
- officers play wii during drug raid...
- Need help finding YouTube Video - Guy attempts between the legs twice Dunk
- Red Dusk over Sydney
- Crown Corporations (icbc, hydro) buying up Olympic Tickets
- Vancouver Olympics have a new mascot?
- Looking for a good website for costumes
- Will Ferrell - Health Care Reform
- Guess which one of these texts is Arabic?
- I GOT A CHEQUE FROM THE GOVERNMENT FOR $11,668!!........scam
- Scott Storch: Tears of a hip-hop clown...how he blew $30 Million Dollars
- World of Warcraft's (WoW) astounding numbers......
- Adidas Puma make nice
- Collection of gaffes and head-slappers from vice president Joe Biden.
- I like penis?
- Spezza's brother chases guy in a Porsche
- banking question
- Hardest sport to get into
- Chick from Grey's Anatomy adopts Korean Baby
- Cleaning the inside of your windshield SUCKS
- Can I park there!?
- Gun stores close to the border
- Got a ticket in US today in a rental car...need some advice
- Beyonce > Revscene
- Halloween Costumes
- WTF is this shit?
- List: Local, Reputed, Not fo Profit Orgs.
- You know you are high when....
- facebook viruses
- Bring the DMCA to Canada!
- Firemen beat up woman who attempts to jump.
- wtf/lol commercials
- U-tube latest video...
- Eid Mubarak to all of Revscene!
- craigslist bad sale
- Mic check one two, ima kill my wife one two
- *SHARE!* Dumb shit you did today!
- Body found in mountain may be missing 'Crayon Shinchan' cartoonist
- But he's a noob...
- 2 weeks into Canada Line full operation ...
- Police, domestic disturbance, 6 shotsish, man dead
- CNN's Wolf Blitzer On Jeopardy Finishes Game With Minus $4600
- Wearing a surgical mask to prevent H1N1 virus may not work
- Top court confirms rebates for overcharged Telus, Bell customers
- Guy who asked about pedobear sticker
- Confidence motion passes, no new federal election
- Some women have NO idea
- The world's 10 most valuable brands in 2009
- what's up with these AZN faggy hair tutorials on youtube?
- Japanese scientists add touch to 3-D images
- Time Magazine Pictures: A New Look at Old Shanghai
- Man stabs 2 to death wounds 12 in Beijing ahead of 60th anniversary of Commie rule
- street race injures innocent person in surrey
- do it like kirk.
- Canadians, Americans puzzled by ‘ominous’ rumbling
- no more customs check at the airport for canadians?
- Wierdo Stars Dance Party
- Guy beats up cheating fiance
- Second batch of suspects in China needle attacks get 8 to 15 years in prison
- think you're good at tetris?
- Future Shop Discounts??
- H2 Caught by cops
- "is ur brain in there?"
- Fighter jets practise for 2010 Games, roaming over Vancouver.
- releasing fido pin?
- Do you know anyone who doesn't use FaceBook?
- Study: One in five Canadian children obese
- What the fog?
- Denmark Tourism Youtube Ad promoting 1-night-stands
- Obama calls Kanye a Jackass
- Kelowna victim of Ponzi scheme lost everything, took her own life
- Did B.C. gangster's man-purse spark assault?
- Study: 8 million Americans consider suicide
- Pitbull - Hotel Room Service ( Official Spoof ) HD 2009
- Stupid thieves ;)
- So I'm selling a shirt on eBay and get this message...
- Giga pudding!
- What Can Your Top Do
- Sometimes, traffic just pisses you off...
- Sserenas Gataorade Commercials
- In This Thread: Evil things we've done
- 8'1" Turk takes title of world's tallest man
- WTF is going on in Richmond on No. 3 Road? 1 1/2 lanes?
- Revscene.net's Newest Food & Fine Dining Vendor... Wings Pub & Grill!!!
- Which Movies are Mentioned in this Comic?
- Save 0%! epic fail plus many more
- TransLink wants to toll the Knight Street Bridge
- free BK breakfast sandwich
- nope, not a screenshot
- Miss Italia 2009
- Reporter gets torn up by playful Lion
- Interviewer Paper Bags Megan Fox
- UN says Israel = War Criminal
- Math call to 911
- Retarded Facebook question
- Liberals Cut $16M From Educational Funding
- Blockbuster may close as many as 960 stores to cut costs amid fierce competition
- Greatest unboxing ever!
- $150 Space Camera
- real life robocop in Japan
- The Game
- Caddy coupe?
- NO
- different kind of humour
- Can I order one LOL and OMG please?
- The best sports mascot ever....a real bear!
- pokemon what the fucks
- I loveeeeeeeee you!
- Parent/Landlord question
- Just... No words
- Boundary Wendys = cockroaches
- i cant find my keys!
- Patrick Swayze dead ! :(
- how can i hold onto a local phone #, while away for extended period?
- RIP Annie Le
- RIP Patrick Swayze
- Got parking ticket through mail today.
- It's bbbaaaaccckkk.....
- Girl who Cries Blood
- superuseless superpowers
- Bartending school?
- Whitney Houston's new Music Video
- HK Reporters getting beaten by China police
- Just caught two car theives in the act
- Incredible woman paints with sand
- how do msn viruses know i'm online?
- Serena Williams fined 10gs and faces possible suspension
- Train vs. Tornado
- What 22 Million Horsepower looks like
- KANYE WEST steals the show @ MTV awards!! MUST SEE!!!
- UPS shipping
- Serena Williams disqualified after saying "I will kill you"?
- Teaching English in Japan...without going through the agencies
- Blindfolded Man Tricked into Hitting Himself in the Nuts
- Lion King in 5 seconds
- Jabo0odyDubs
- Archie Marries Veronica issue 600!!!
- a thug is ruined haha
- Awesome Offer for Free Premium Food for Your Dog or Cat
- Bus driver assualted for stopping a man from peeing
- Talking goat!
- wtf happened on cambie and no4
- windows 98 jam
- Another multi-million dollar grow op bust in Chilliwack
- best laptop ads ever!
- Reason some girls stay single
- Life Is Like A Cup of Coffee
- Payphones now 50 cents!
- You go to jail, bad boy
- 9-11
- Cineplex - Tuesday half price movie
- Vancouver Parks with those Stone BBQ things
- norton internet security ad
- Low turnout at HST public forum in Vancouver
- Starcraft is serious buisness
- United Nations Proposes a New "Global Currency"
- Taking A Bath Is Underrated
- The history and evolution of the "Peace Sign"
- question about truckstop
- Transit Police report: Crime down at SkyTrain stations
- MMA Expo - Vancouver
- Clean the inside of your monitor
- Attn: All Sigg Aluminium Water Bottle Owners
- LSW on this weekend!
- Turns out Shaw and Rogers are doing pretty good
- Your Ideal Breakfast food.....
- Parking around Richmond center
- Chinese woman spends $600,000 on dog: report
- Lawmakers blast ‘You lie’ outburst during Obama speech
- harper fail
- ***** in Canada
- Baby can't escape puppy
- come on guys, lets sing K babe
- Pigeon transfers data faster than South Africa's Telkom
- Home renovations, some question about stud spacing
- new hubble pictures
- Where should I go to sell vintage comic books?
- Plane Hijacked In Mexico City
- Rofl!
- Murcielago gets hurt :-(
- Christian Audigier Buys Neverland Ranch
- Police: Robber returned, asked victim for date
- 75% of British Columbians won't vote for Campbell again: poll
- Cats don't care
- This is how ballers use small driveways
- Why did God create alcohol?
- Does ICBC cover stereo system wiring?
- Importing Salvage title vehicle into Canada
- Labour Week Sale - 25% OFF