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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. TV shows or documentaries on YouTubezz??
  3. Shame of Hong Kong
  4. Canadian Firearms Enthusiasts Forums
  5. Why Children Shouldn't Sleep With Parents
  6. The REAL Marvel/Disney Merger
  7. how to stop blocked calls?
  8. farmer's daughter
  9. New funny video lolz!
  10. Wrong hole song
  11. LED Bulbs at nightmarket
  12. Shifting into Turbo?
  13. New SNL cast member swears on first sketch...
  14. Ameriquest Commercials
  15. Internet poster threatens life of Dalai Lama
  16. "Blame It" - By Barack Obama
  17. Movie Poster Mashups
  18. random high dude starts a dance craze at music festival
  19. Slovak Sling: The Malaysian guide to bribery
  20. new Crush the Castle game
  21. Loudest Alarm Clock
  22. UBC overnight student hostel
  23. Whats there to do in Coquitlam?
  24. Tunnels Under Sin City: Las Vegas Homeless Underground
  25. World's longest joke. (Lost in the desert)
  26. Census workers hanging body naked, bound with the word "fed" on chest near a Cemetery
  27. LASER SWORD!!!
  28. ebay package still at customs?
  29. Trant Clark Knows Your Weakness
  30. Man sues Bank of America for 1,784 billion,trillion dollars
  31. Nucks new Changeroom
  32. China found new clean energy - flammable ice
  33. Trucker flips his rig after masturbating while driving
  34. crazy old guy prevents bank robbery
  35. Giant baby!?!?!?
  36. Bicycle Road Rage
  37. Anyone know where I can duplicate a specific wood design?
  38. Flash Game: Here is a game you guys will like
  39. Flu Shot causes 2xlikelihood of contracting swine flu
  40. Will Ferrel Stands Up For the Real Victims of Health Care Reform!
  41. Documentaries about gangs around the world
  42. Tricking ( cool video )
  43. Judge rules police falsely arrested, imprisoned man
  44. Kanye West going is going to WWE to become a pro wrestler lol
  45. Sickest Rapper Alive
  46. Flash Game: QWERTY Warriors
  47. Google - Monopoly City Streets
  48. some punks are paintballing cars
  49. The Greatest Human Is Dead
  50. QWSTIoN - Straight from Switzerland, backpacks, laptop bags, sport bags....
  52. Recieving a Laptop from NY. Which route should I choose?
  53. MIT Name Persona Characterizer
  54. Blog: "I hate white women"
  55. Chat with strangers Omgele
  56. jk: chemistry exam
  57. Wrong Hole.
  58. officers play wii during drug raid...
  59. Need help finding YouTube Video - Guy attempts between the legs twice Dunk
  60. Red Dusk over Sydney
  61. Crown Corporations (icbc, hydro) buying up Olympic Tickets
  62. Vancouver Olympics have a new mascot?
  63. Looking for a good website for costumes
  64. Will Ferrell - Health Care Reform
  65. Guess which one of these texts is Arabic?
  66. I GOT A CHEQUE FROM THE GOVERNMENT FOR $11,668!!........scam
  67. Scott Storch: Tears of a hip-hop clown...how he blew $30 Million Dollars
  68. World of Warcraft's (WoW) astounding numbers......
  69. Adidas Puma make nice
  70. Collection of gaffes and head-slappers from vice president Joe Biden.
  71. I like penis?
  72. Spezza's brother chases guy in a Porsche
  73. banking question
  74. Hardest sport to get into
  75. Chick from Grey's Anatomy adopts Korean Baby
  76. Cleaning the inside of your windshield SUCKS
  77. Can I park there!?
  78. Gun stores close to the border
  79. Got a ticket in US today in a rental car...need some advice
  80. Beyonce > Revscene
  81. Halloween Costumes
  82. WTF is this shit?
  83. List: Local, Reputed, Not fo Profit Orgs.
  84. You know you are high when....
  85. facebook viruses
  86. Bring the DMCA to Canada!
  87. Firemen beat up woman who attempts to jump.
  88. wtf/lol commercials
  89. U-tube latest video...
  90. Eid Mubarak to all of Revscene!
  91. craigslist bad sale
  92. Mic check one two, ima kill my wife one two
  93. *SHARE!* Dumb shit you did today!
  94. Body found in mountain may be missing 'Crayon Shinchan' cartoonist
  95. But he's a noob...
  96. 2 weeks into Canada Line full operation ...
  97. Police, domestic disturbance, 6 shotsish, man dead
  98. CNN's Wolf Blitzer On Jeopardy Finishes Game With Minus $4600
  100. Wearing a surgical mask to prevent H1N1 virus may not work
  101. Top court confirms rebates for overcharged Telus, Bell customers
  102. Guy who asked about pedobear sticker
  103. Confidence motion passes, no new federal election
  104. Some women have NO idea
  105. The world's 10 most valuable brands in 2009
  106. what's up with these AZN faggy hair tutorials on youtube?
  107. Japanese scientists add touch to 3-D images
  108. Time Magazine Pictures: A New Look at Old Shanghai
  109. Man stabs 2 to death wounds 12 in Beijing ahead of 60th anniversary of Commie rule
  110. street race injures innocent person in surrey
  111. do it like kirk.
  112. Canadians, Americans puzzled by ‘ominous’ rumbling
  113. no more customs check at the airport for canadians?
  114. K-Town HOTTIESSSS
  115. Wierdo Stars Dance Party
  116. Guy beats up cheating fiance
  117. Second batch of suspects in China needle attacks get 8 to 15 years in prison
  118. think you're good at tetris?
  119. Future Shop Discounts??
  120. H2 Caught by cops
  121. "is ur brain in there?"
  122. Fighter jets practise for 2010 Games, roaming over Vancouver.
  123. releasing fido pin?
  124. Do you know anyone who doesn't use FaceBook?
  125. Study: One in five Canadian children obese
  126. What the fog?
  127. Denmark Tourism Youtube Ad promoting 1-night-stands
  128. Obama calls Kanye a Jackass
  129. Kelowna victim of Ponzi scheme lost everything, took her own life
  130. Did B.C. gangster's man-purse spark assault?
  131. Study: 8 million Americans consider suicide
  132. Pitbull - Hotel Room Service ( Official Spoof ) HD 2009
  133. Stupid thieves ;)
  134. So I'm selling a shirt on eBay and get this message...
  135. Giga pudding!
  136. What Can Your Top Do
  137. Sometimes, traffic just pisses you off...
  138. Sserenas Gataorade Commercials
  139. In This Thread: Evil things we've done
  140. 8'1" Turk takes title of world's tallest man
  142. WTF is going on in Richmond on No. 3 Road? 1 1/2 lanes?
  143. Revscene.net's Newest Food & Fine Dining Vendor... Wings Pub & Grill!!!
  144. Which Movies are Mentioned in this Comic?
  145. Save 0%! epic fail plus many more
  146. TransLink wants to toll the Knight Street Bridge
  147. free BK breakfast sandwich
  148. nope, not a screenshot
  149. Miss Italia 2009
  150. Reporter gets torn up by playful Lion
  151. Interviewer Paper Bags Megan Fox
  152. UN says Israel = War Criminal
  153. Math call to 911
  154. Retarded Facebook question
  155. Liberals Cut $16M From Educational Funding
  156. Blockbuster may close as many as 960 stores to cut costs amid fierce competition
  157. Greatest unboxing ever!
  158. $150 Space Camera
  159. real life robocop in Japan
  160. The Game
  161. Caddy coupe?
  162. NO
  163. different kind of humour
  164. Can I order one LOL and OMG please?
  165. The best sports mascot ever....a real bear!
  166. pokemon what the fucks
  167. I loveeeeeeeee you!
  168. Parent/Landlord question
  169. Just... No words
  170. Boundary Wendys = cockroaches
  171. i cant find my keys!
  172. Patrick Swayze dead ! :(
  173. how can i hold onto a local phone #, while away for extended period?
  174. RIP Annie Le
  175. RIP Patrick Swayze
  176. Got parking ticket through mail today.
  177. It's bbbaaaaccckkk.....
  178. Girl who Cries Blood
  179. superuseless superpowers
  180. Bartending school?
  181. Whitney Houston's new Music Video
  182. HK Reporters getting beaten by China police
  183. Just caught two car theives in the act
  184. Incredible woman paints with sand
  185. how do msn viruses know i'm online?
  186. Serena Williams fined 10gs and faces possible suspension
  187. Train vs. Tornado
  188. What 22 Million Horsepower looks like
  189. KANYE WEST steals the show @ MTV awards!! MUST SEE!!!
  191. UPS shipping
  192. Serena Williams disqualified after saying "I will kill you"?
  193. Teaching English in Japan...without going through the agencies
  194. Blindfolded Man Tricked into Hitting Himself in the Nuts
  195. Lion King in 5 seconds
  196. Jabo0odyDubs
  197. Archie Marries Veronica issue 600!!!
  198. a thug is ruined haha
  199. Awesome Offer for Free Premium Food for Your Dog or Cat
  200. Bus driver assualted for stopping a man from peeing
  201. Talking goat!
  202. wtf happened on cambie and no4
  203. windows 98 jam
  204. Another multi-million dollar grow op bust in Chilliwack
  205. best laptop ads ever!
  206. Reason some girls stay single
  207. Life Is Like A Cup of Coffee
  208. Payphones now 50 cents!
  209. You go to jail, bad boy
  210. 9-11
  211. Cineplex - Tuesday half price movie
  212. Vancouver Parks with those Stone BBQ things
  213. norton internet security ad
  214. Low turnout at HST public forum in Vancouver
  215. Starcraft is serious buisness
  216. United Nations Proposes a New "Global Currency"
  217. Taking A Bath Is Underrated
  218. The history and evolution of the "Peace Sign"
  219. question about truckstop
  220. Transit Police report: Crime down at SkyTrain stations
  221. MMA Expo - Vancouver
  222. Clean the inside of your monitor
  223. Attn: All Sigg Aluminium Water Bottle Owners
  224. LSW on this weekend!
  225. Turns out Shaw and Rogers are doing pretty good
  226. Your Ideal Breakfast food.....
  227. Parking around Richmond center
  228. Chinese woman spends $600,000 on dog: report
  229. Lawmakers blast ‘You lie’ outburst during Obama speech
  230. harper fail
  231. ***** in Canada
  232. Baby can't escape puppy
  233. come on guys, lets sing K babe
  234. Pigeon transfers data faster than South Africa's Telkom
  235. Home renovations, some question about stud spacing
  237. new hubble pictures
  238. Where should I go to sell vintage comic books?
  239. Plane Hijacked In Mexico City
  240. Rofl!
  241. Murcielago gets hurt :-(
  242. Christian Audigier Buys Neverland Ranch
  243. Police: Robber returned, asked victim for date
  244. 75% of British Columbians won't vote for Campbell again: poll
  245. Cats don't care
  246. This is how ballers use small driveways
  247. Why did God create alcohol?
  248. Does ICBC cover stereo system wiring?
  249. Importing Salvage title vehicle into Canada
  250. Labour Week Sale - 25% OFF