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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. Attn: JB in the Oddessy on Gilbert
  2. Epic fail by FOX news graphics department.
  3. Randomest response to classifieds site?
  4. lost stuff
  5. girls should never use cheap cosmetic products
  6. Obamas Illegitimate Asian Half Brother
  7. Surrey man dies after car collapses on top of him
  8. Huhuhu white people
  9. orange lambo..
  10. C-lai masks r COOOOOOL
  11. China and Taiwan Leaders Exchange Letters for the First Time in 60 Years
  12. Police: Texas woman accused of killing newborn son ate part of his brain, chewed off
  13. too much awesome
  14. Guy interrupting my jack-off session outside of waves
  15. Fingerboard world championships 2009
  16. diu lei lo mo! diu lei lo mo!
  17. Guy jacking off outside of waves
  18. Bill Gates not intimidated as Google officially anounces Chrome OS
  19. 4chan's /b/ blocked by AT&T in the US
  20. nice areas in different cities?(for house purchasing)
  21. Church is funny
  22. typical day
  23. Hillarious 7 Types of Best Buy Employees
  24. WTF?! Minor Hockey Jersey's
  25. Car Washing Horror Stories (...if you're bored)
  26. Gangbanger pulls gun on skateboarder..
  27. Bill Gates quits Facebook over 'too many friends'
  28. fireworks tonight?
  29. raining in downtown??
  30. Anyone here claim pothole damage from city ?
  31. Cruise Ship OWNS Whale-- Vancouver Port!
  32. Wedding Dance
  33. Report: Bush mulled sending troops into Buffalo
  34. RANT: blatant lowball? or just plain stupid?
  35. Banned Sprite Commerical
  36. Some Wedding Related Dances ITT
  37. Making random people mad
  38. Korean Politicians fighting
  39. Nike: Take it to the next level
  40. Spoiled kids!
  41. 555 KUBIK | facade projection |
  42. Stella Awards
  43. Loblaws buys T&T
  44. Kseniya Simonova - Sand Animation
  45. Skaters VS. Gangster w/gun ... EPIC ENDING!
  47. Shit poppin off in the suburbs of richmond
  48. Brilliant Woman Solves All of California's Problems
  49. Did something happen to the boundary rd on ramp?
  50. Where can I buy mini golf course kit?
  51. 12% HST coming to BC
  52. 10 Creepiest Are You Afraid of the Dark episodes
  53. Top 50 Japanese Female idol groups songs
  54. NASA shows images of the moon where the astronauts landed
  55. SM party (Apple Daily)
  56. Obama and his racist joke...
  57. Hooters Girl Barstool Trick
  58. unblockthebridge.ca
  59. A brief and accurate description of World War II
  60. Financial crisis is over?
  61. A question for those that do lots of buy and sell online
  62. Large Reserves on Southern Island?
  63. Please help me do fill in this survey. It's regarding the use of energy drinks.
  64. Lol @ Humping Tortoise
  65. A Chinese man suspected of stealing a prototype 4th gen iPhone commits suicide
  66. 3 accused of letting rats chew toes off Ohio baby
  67. FREE 4D3N stay at a resort in Cancun
  68. Massive quake moves New Zealand closer to Australia
  69. Peter Chao looks for girlfriend.
  70. Crazy picture of boat
  71. anyone know where i can buy this " laser stars projector"
  72. Window Screens
  73. gangster iraqi kid
  74. Sandra Bullock lives for Top Gear!
  75. Good hotels and restaurants in/around DT Van?
  76. Airmiles or Aeroplan?
  77. Make Money Online
  78. DIRECTV - Satellite Television commercial
  79. A different take on the Apollo 11 Moon landing.
  80. Anyone know the duties/tariffs on
  81. Best of craigslist ad's
  82. where to learn korean
  83. Kanye Remix - Cantonese Boy
  84. craigslist again!
  85. Understanding WoW using Super Mario
  86. quick question- going to sTates
  87. Munchies near SFU at this hour
  88. Help: India's development
  89. The Notorious Car Keyer
  90. kick a** granny
  91. people on granville are fucking gross
  92. Major Accident: Granville & Broadway
  93. Hockey Cards
  94. The Lotus Elise are fugly?
  95. Looking for a job?
  96. West Vancouver Officer Pleads Guilty to Assault
  97. Package Express (sumas) new offerings
  98. Buy a Truck, Get a Free AK-47!
  99. I hate #3 Road
  100. Funny story by a cracker
  101. You Can't Touch This: Vader Time!
  102. What is on your mind when you're waiting for the traffic light to turn green
  103. mr.clean auto wash system.. on sale
  104. Accident- Quick question- need help
  105. New Call Of Duty game comes with fully-functioning pair of night-vision goggles.
  106. So I got picked up by some chick at 7-11 last night......(long read)
  107. Free Coldplay Album
  108. Drive safe out there
  109. Dance party, out of nowhere
  110. WTF is up with the temperature.
  111. Woman killed while dining as slab falls from hotel
  112. Canada's privacy commissioner says Facebook violates privacy laws
  113. where to buy a metal ruler
  114. Vancouver proposing bylaw changes to help businesses during Olympics
  115. Donatello gets screwed!!
  116. Pope calls for New World Financial Order
  117. Chick Arrested For Swearing At 911
  118. I need an excuse, please help!
  119. Craiglist: WTT Milf for Tent Trailer
  120. Stop Killing the Sharks
  121. monkeys got it right
  124. Crazy Video Games
  125. Breaking news: Obama kills
  126. Happy Apollo 11 Day!
  127. the perfect car for ur son
  128. Free $25 Starbucks card and $25 Target gift certificate
  129. Michael Jackson's Hair caught on fire 1984 video Pepsi commerical
  130. I got balls of steel
  131. Crazy bitch on television
  132. How to change this lightbulb?
  133. Celebration of Light fireworks starts next Wednesday
  134. TransLink: Funding shortfall could scrap Evergreen Line
  135. $23,148,855,308,184,500 for smokes!
  136. Al-Qaeda declares war on China
  138. apply daily ftw
  140. Iranian jet crash kills all aboard; 168 feared dead
  141. New Chinese Drive thru @ Champlain mall
  142. Japanese Spiderman with Power Ranger zords
  143. Car takes wrong turn down Highway 99, causing multi-vehicle collision
  144. Man humps steel bench, penis gets stuck to bench *real*
  145. Convo Between friends
  146. Emperor and Empress of Japan's visit to Canada
  147. dwight howard - king of the court
  148. Want to be a hooker/Gigalo?
  149. name your last shit after a movie
  150. Local BROWN Guy Speaks Perfect Cantonese & Mandarin
  151. Revscene.net Advertising Special for all Newly signed Vendors (July 14-August 31st)
  152. UFC coming to Vancouver - June 2010
  153. what's going on in Japan?
  154. Free Ass-Kicking Machine - Hurry!
  155. The perfect gift for your kids....
  156. Sick Trials Rider...hope it's not a repost.
  157. REAL LIFE final destination!!
  158. nba pool jam ( nsfwads)
  159. Illegal street racing in HK
  160. Solution for people who run red lights?
  161. post if you hate your co worker(s)
  162. Volunteering Abroad/Global Humanitarian Projects
  163. Mounties in Burnaby search for MISSING student from CHINA
  165. pow wow pow pow pow
  166. Our Art: Art Hour
  167. anyone flown standby?
  168. 11 photos where black people were akwardly photoshopped in our out
  169. The Versatility of Dude
  170. What do you get when you combine Youtube, Twitter and Facebook all rolled into one?
  171. R.I.P Arturo Gatti
  172. World Of Warcarft can ruin your life!
  173. Pls help- If you got/are getting married
  174. embarrassed as hell....
  175. Aging monkeys from a diet study shown side by side
  176. Digital Thermometer for Bar Fridge
  177. Fat people don't think they're fat anymore
  178. 'I Wanna Do Hood-Rat Stuff Wiff My Frinz
  179. FPS syndrome
  180. SOUR '日々の音色 (Hibi no neiro)' - music video done with webcams
  181. Bug Screens?
  182. Shaving Tips From Gillette Video: How To Shave Your Groin
  183. Awesome Prank
  184. anybody know wait time at border on friday evenings? best place to cross?
  185. CNN: Drug-fueled gang wars shake Vancouver
  186. Vancouver's Biggest Watergun Fight - This Saturday
  187. Plane crash in Richmond!
  188. Plane Crash Richmond near Ikea?
  189. ICBC reselling written off cars?
  190. LeBron gets dunked on, Nike confiscates video evidence
  191. Nightmarket
  192. Obama checking out some ass at G8 summit...
  193. Train vs Tornado
  194. Chinese group planning Neverland ranch replica
  195. Parking at crystal mall?????
  196. TheBeat P1 Pool Party
  197. Jack Bauer, the motivational speaker
  198. Today July 9th, Canucks @ GM Place
  199. Balls of Steel
  200. Man Falls Into Vat of Chocolate, Dies
  201. Lost wallet, help!
  202. WIN the RTR MINI Cooper S
  203. Performance Auto&Sound deal (on front page)
  204. Juggling Bartenders
  205. anyone know where i could get prescription safety glasses?
  206. Lamebook
  207. Factor Films Presents THEY CAME FROM...
  208. philips ftw
  209. Michael Jackson's arcade collection
  210. Horrible killing (HK news)
  211. Anyone wants Yellow Pages?
  212. Anybody here longboard?
  213. Recycling LCD monitors
  214. Bar Boobs
  215. MJ fan getting his car repo'd haha....
  216. E-mooning.
  217. Two Mexican Midget Wrestlers Killed by Fake Prostitutes
  218. July 7th 2009 Lunar Eclipse
  219. My neighbour can't park.
  221. MC Jin Lemon Tea RAP...LOL
  222. Woman murdered in German Courthouse (because of her headscarf)
  223. Those ASIANS are funny.
  224. New Evian Water Commercial
  225. MJ ghost
  226. Hate Crime in Courtney BC
  227. Fragments of world's oldest bible reunited online
  228. Cop "confiscates" bikers helmet, biker crashes and dies (Oliver, BC)
  229. Michael Jackson a perverted pedophile who could sing and dance: U.S. congressman
  230. Should I report this driver to ICBC/RCMP?
  231. Autagraph touchup
  232. Bleeding Billboard to get drivers to slow down
  233. Son tries to sell sexy photos of mum on Internet
  234. Xinjiang, China Riots (hundreds dead/injured)
  235. So I think I may have picked up some HUMAN BONES.....
  236. Pizza Hut Online
  237. Worst Idol Audition Ever
  238. I'd Hate to live here...
  239. And the world drops another notch or 20...
  240. free slurpee on 7-11
  241. Cat & Rabbit fight: unexpected result
  242. Drivers Licensing - Class 5 Road test.
  243. Can Someone Recommend a Good Debt Collection Agency Locally?
  244. Lost Wallet @ Netaholics (July 4th)
  245. Some guy's Delorean get's repo'd (WTF inside)
  246. Over the top marriage proposal
  247. Rant: Old People Need to Redo the Driving Test
  248. Surprised Wedding reception
  249. popo super car
  250. Paypal Fraud???