- Splash Down to reopen as Big Splash
- Credit Karma Canada is live, get your free credit report!
- Sack of sh*t: Monty Robinson
- difference between one way and two way insurance?
- Giant Drive-through Redwood Felled by Storm :(
- Celebrating Canada's 150th Birthday
- Original Paintings
- CNC build Makerspace Nanaimo
- Property Assessment Notice- +36% increase
- Who else believes that sports is fixed?
- Your Year in Review Thread
- Property list price is way different from assessment value
- Another interesting year on the corner of Reece Ave & Williams St in Chilliwack
- Artificial Tree Recycling
- RIP Carrie Fisher
- Lady Gaga in Japan
- RIP George Micheal
- The Christmas Booty (not that kind) thread
- Generation Z'ers can't speak properly or coherently
- The Bestest Xmas Winter Season Songs List
- Thank you CRTC!!!!!
- Another Lamborghini and Ferrari crash by young Chinese drivers
- FREE Parks Canada Pass for 2017
- RIP Alan Thicke
- Secret Santa
- Jewelry insurance
- RS lost ones thread
- Crews rescue out-of-bounds skiers stranded overnight on Cypress Mountain
- Beware of this guy! Johnny Z
- For the bored and lonely
- Project Murphy - ask a "what if" question to generate picture
- V2V Vacations -- Vancouver to Victoria ferry service launching 2017
- Japan's SoftBank to invest $50 billion to US, creates 50,000 jobs after meeting Trump
- Amazon GO - making cashier obsolete?
- Snow's falling, cars crashing
- B.C. Liberals wants to hire photographer for Christy Clark photoshoot
- NDP wants ICBC to be audited for financial mess
- Friendly Reminder that VICTORIA SECRET FASHION SHOW is back
- Where to get Hong Kong Currency?
- Trudeau cabinet approves Trans Mountain, Line 3 pipelines, rejects Northern Gateway
- University vs College Sport Tournament?
- pothole damage experiences
- Powerball Lottery jackpot hits $403 million on US Thanksgiving.
- Elements casinos new E-sport lounge
- earthquake kits
- Are rev car meets still happening every thursdays and where?
- Hipster Nativity Scene
- 7.3 Magnitude earthquake just hit Fukushima Japan
- BC Powwow?
- BEWARE of John Zimmerman
- Black Friday 2016
- Thinking of working at Starbucks
- Time magazines 100 most influential photos
- Missing New Westminster mom Florence Leung found dead
- Apple Has Done It!
- Google Quick Draw
- Restaurant Furniture Places
- Self Clear courier(UPS/FEDEX etc.) packages?
- Real life trolls in Vancouver?
- Leonard Cohen 1934 - 2016
- Places to go/visit on the Sunshine Coast?
- ISO Garage To Build/ Work on vehicles
- 2 Students Injured in a stabbing at Abbotsford Secondary School
- Throwing dog poop in someone else's dumpster
- Chevron to stop taking More Rewards
- Data Sim Card for HK
- Coquitlam RCMP filmed dragging elderly man down stairs (VIDEO)
- Tow truck driving punk takes handicapped mans GTR for rip with friends.
- Police arrest “well known” man who allegedly jumped border on motorcycle
- The best country to travel to in 2017 Lonely Planet winner is?
- Extremely racist altercation over parking spot recorded in Abbotsford
- Signs that your phone is listening to you, even when in your pocket
- Vancouver road closures thread
- short term leave from work
- Left my keys in my car by accident... need advise
- The Vancouver school board is a F*%#@ Joke!
- Anyone bought office furniture?
- There you have it, Rabbit vs Tortoise
- Trip to dentist leaves Edmonton girl, 4, brain damaged, in pain
- Who is eligable for EI?
- Incident in Front of Honolulu Cafe
- Parking between the last meter spot and intersection
- Holy Shit, Sidney Crosby!! Tim Horton's Upper Deck Hockey Cards
- 2016 Blue Jays
- What website to view listings like this?
- UBC student charged with attempted murder. Woman's throat slit in West Mall residence
- Where do you all purchase your mattresses?
- Missing Japanese ESL student found dead
- Lululemons Half priced Brand new - would u buy?
- People whipping out their cameras and recording
- Lost dog in North Burnaby
- What should I do about...
- Shooting in Cascade Mall Burlington
- Moonbeam's Natural Gas Ban Plans
- UBC students pissed off re: pickup artist on campus
- A Little Help from RS Please
- Halloween
- http://www.decluttr.com/
- Adblock Plus now steals ad space from content creators
- Disturbing Home Invasion in East Van. Burglar faps in front of a sleeping lady.
- FortisBC raising gas price by 80%. W T MF F
- Creep Catchers - ghetto version of 'to catch a predator'
- 9/11 Anniversary 15 year Tribute
- Saanich Police issues a speeding ticket to a cyclist
- Official REVscene Hockey Pool 2016/2017
- Anyone ever deal with BC Hydro over billing issues?
- Education Thread
- Dogs released to bite pipeline protestors in the US
- Whats wrong with Vancouvers locksmiths?
- Are we paying too much tax?
- Announcement: FAIL button re-enabled
- minimum wage guys
- RIP Gene Wilder
- Pattullo Bridge to fully re-open Monday!
- Skytrain Assault Against Asians
- Thomas Candy in Japan
- Announcement: FAIL button disabled
- 2016 PNE
- Rugged Maniac 2017 - Only $39 until Sep 9, 2016
- Vandals use paint to ruin a brand new house in North Vancouver
- The Future of Energy
- activity in these forums
- Protesters riot & burn gas station, cars after officer shooting -Milwaukee
- Mail Couriers
- Woman-dies-following-nightclub-assault-on-granville-street
- RCMP foil terrorist plot in Strathroy, Ontario
- Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever – CRISPR
- Scam or rascism... dashcam saves years of work down the drain.
- Car break in!!!
- 2016 Summer Olympics
- Laneway house Garage or No Garage
- What if Pokémon GO Ended the World? (Trailer)
- Skydiving without a chute
- North Korea declares war on the USA
- Road Trip? A pub in the middle of BC w/ 200+ Single Malts
- recommendation for garage door spring repair (burnaby/new west)
- Where to donate textbooks?
- BC Government to pay $2.2 million compensation for accident in Victoria
- Blocking Avatars ?
- Lulu Island Winery CEO got caught smuggling icewine into China
- Best place to buy RMB in Richmond
- Gregor Robertson's Mother-in-Law to be Executed for Corruption involving 1.7 trillion
- Video Project Test , What do you guys think?
- Who's this Revscener standing up for Pokemon Goers?
- Black Lives Matter Vancouver wants police float out of Pride parade
- Turkey Military Uprising
- The Official "Humanity Falling Apart" Thread
- Dozens run over and killed in France
- ACLU - Mobile Justice App
- Pokemon Go - Sweeping the nation?
- Any lawyers with charity & trust law experience
- Amber Alert - Taliyah Leigh Marsman
- Official Rio Olympics Thread
- Best storage locker deal in lower mainland?
- Engrish 101
- What to do when my employer does...
- 75% of Seniors have a chronic disease in Canada
- Dallas Police officers killed by Snipers
- Dallas 11 officers shot 4 killed
- my first youtube vid
- Has anyone planned a wedding before? I'm looking for input
- honeydew/sap from trees? Anybody else?
- Fixing broken connection inside a camera
- Canada Post Strike
- Sign shop
- Telepark?
- 50 Wounded in Cinema Shooting in Germany
- BREXIT - Results Thread!!!
- Fentanyl: The Drug Deadlier than Heroin
- Justin Trudeau goes to McDonald's for lunch
- Canada Day
- recommendations for vacuuming robot?
- Three levels of government attend opening of Microsoft facility in Vancouver
- Jun 18 weekend driving
- British MP stabbed and Shot
- Canadian Water Smuggler makes $60 USD per litre
- 'O Canada' overwhelmingly voted in favor to be gender neutral
- What Hell is Wrong with Florida???
- 2016 BC Lions
- Do LED Light Bulbs Last 10 Years?
- why is canada post so bad?
- Microsoft to acquire LinkedIn
- The Official 2016/2017 Canucks & NHL Thread
- Florida Nightclub shooting 50 Dead and 50+ injured
- How Long Does It Take To Get New Driver's License In The Mail?
- Canada Legalizes Oral Sex with Animals
- ICBC faces financial crisis
- Global BC's Chris Gailus named in sexual harassment case
- The Voice star Christina Grimmie Shot Dead at 22
- Pick and choose
- RIP Mr Hockey, Gordie Howe
- Man Tries To Kidnap A 13-year-old Girl At A Dollar General Store!
- R.I.P Kimbo
- commuting thread
- Propane refill?
- Muhammad Ali dead at age 74
- New Service in Vancouver is a cross between Uber and Carpool
- B.C. gas prices expected to go way up because of Fort Mac fire affecting production
- Mobility Pricing and all bridges tolled - Coming Soon
- good affordable camcorder for low light?
- RCMP tank
- PSA: VanSh*ttyBuzz is now DailyHive.com
- Man pays speeding tickets in 22,000 pennies
- Brawl breaks out in Costco parking lot Mississauga
- Canada Revenue Agency rapped for failing to shred mountain of hard copies
- Chinese detergent commercial deemed racist.
- China's Transit Elevated Bus rides above traffic.
- Is anyone's Telus internet faster now?
- Former McDonald's CEO dropping bombs about $15.00 Minimum Wage Across USA
- Obama told NHK (Japanese National Broadcaster) that he won't apologize for WWII
- Massive Fire in Saanich
- Western/Central Canada Road Trip Suggestions
- UPS package needs clearence
- Refusing parcel question
- Police question three people in bizarre incident. Naked Woman found inside a store.
- Vancouver city council denies Drai’s night club at Trump Tower for bar liquor licence
- Trudeau drops people's elbow on NDP MP in the House of Commons
- Here we go again..Airplane has gone missing
- First the Canadian Who takes the Bison, now this...
- Doctors perform first U.S. penis transplant
- list of electronic/tech shops that sell battery cases?
- any advice on how to repair bad credit?
- Vancouver in 1976
- ICBC VS Alberta
- New Distracted Driving Fines - June 1, 2016
- Lightest cigarettes available ???
- Chris Sowden thinks Fort McMurray should burn along with all the people in it.
- Love car modification. Any welding schools?
- High on the job, everyday. For 8 Years.
- Official Pizza Thread: "I just paid $8 for two slices of shitty pizza"
- Apple loses trademark fight over 'iPhone' name in China
- Fort Mac is Burning, entire city under evacuation order
- Headphones While Driving
- Weird flashing light every 4-5 minutes
- Film Industry Tax Credit Reduction
- How to build a BBQ for under $15
- Earls swiches to American beef
- LEGO Technic Lego set: Porsche 911 GT3 RS
- Best way to transfer money from ASIA?
- Eyedoctors in Richmond
- Just wondering if many people know much about/Or researched on the "Mandela Effect"??
- Anyone play online live casino?
- best and cheapest way to send money to USA?
- Senator Mike Duffy cleared of all 31 charges of fraud, bribery, breach of trust
- RIP The artist known as Prince
- Sad news, wrestler "Chyna" has passed away at 46
- Trudeau government to introduce bill to legalize pot
- Metro Vancouver transit operators to take strike vote
- BlackBerry & Rogers allegedly allowed RCMP to intercept messages
- Anyone good at physics? 70km/h car crashing into 70km/h car...what will happen?