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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. Splash Down to reopen as Big Splash
  2. Credit Karma Canada is live, get your free credit report!
  3. Sack of sh*t: Monty Robinson
  4. difference between one way and two way insurance?
  5. Giant Drive-through Redwood Felled by Storm :(
  6. Celebrating Canada's 150th Birthday
  7. Original Paintings
  8. CNC build Makerspace Nanaimo
  9. Property Assessment Notice- +36% increase
  10. Who else believes that sports is fixed?
  11. Your Year in Review Thread
  12. Property list price is way different from assessment value
  13. Another interesting year on the corner of Reece Ave & Williams St in Chilliwack
  14. Artificial Tree Recycling
  15. RIP Carrie Fisher
  16. Lady Gaga in Japan
  17. RIP George Micheal
  18. The Christmas Booty (not that kind) thread
  19. Generation Z'ers can't speak properly or coherently
  20. The Bestest Xmas Winter Season Songs List
  21. Thank you CRTC!!!!!
  22. Another Lamborghini and Ferrari crash by young Chinese drivers
  23. FREE Parks Canada Pass for 2017
  24. RIP Alan Thicke
  25. Secret Santa
  26. Jewelry insurance
  27. RS lost ones thread
  28. Crews rescue out-of-bounds skiers stranded overnight on Cypress Mountain
  29. Beware of this guy! Johnny Z
  30. For the bored and lonely
  31. Project Murphy - ask a "what if" question to generate picture
  32. V2V Vacations -- Vancouver to Victoria ferry service launching 2017
  33. Japan's SoftBank to invest $50 billion to US, creates 50,000 jobs after meeting Trump
  34. Amazon GO - making cashier obsolete?
  35. Snow's falling, cars crashing
  36. B.C. Liberals wants to hire photographer for Christy Clark photoshoot
  37. NDP wants ICBC to be audited for financial mess
  38. Friendly Reminder that VICTORIA SECRET FASHION SHOW is back
  39. Where to get Hong Kong Currency?
  40. Trudeau cabinet approves Trans Mountain, Line 3 pipelines, rejects Northern Gateway
  41. University vs College Sport Tournament?
  42. pothole damage experiences
  43. Powerball Lottery jackpot hits $403 million on US Thanksgiving.
  44. Elements casinos new E-sport lounge
  45. earthquake kits
  46. Are rev car meets still happening every thursdays and where?
  47. Hipster Nativity Scene
  48. 7.3 Magnitude earthquake just hit Fukushima Japan
  49. BC Powwow?
  50. BEWARE of John Zimmerman
  51. Black Friday 2016
  52. Thinking of working at Starbucks
  53. Time magazines 100 most influential photos
  54. Missing New Westminster mom Florence Leung found dead
  55. Apple Has Done It!
  56. Google Quick Draw
  57. Restaurant Furniture Places
  58. Self Clear courier(UPS/FEDEX etc.) packages?
  59. Real life trolls in Vancouver?
  60. Leonard Cohen 1934 - 2016
  61. Places to go/visit on the Sunshine Coast?
  62. ISO Garage To Build/ Work on vehicles
  63. 2 Students Injured in a stabbing at Abbotsford Secondary School
  64. Throwing dog poop in someone else's dumpster
  65. Chevron to stop taking More Rewards
  66. Data Sim Card for HK
  67. Coquitlam RCMP filmed dragging elderly man down stairs (VIDEO)
  68. Tow truck driving punk takes handicapped mans GTR for rip with friends.
  69. Police arrest “well known” man who allegedly jumped border on motorcycle
  70. The best country to travel to in 2017 Lonely Planet winner is?
  71. Extremely racist altercation over parking spot recorded in Abbotsford
  72. Signs that your phone is listening to you, even when in your pocket
  73. Vancouver road closures thread
  74. short term leave from work
  75. Left my keys in my car by accident... need advise
  76. The Vancouver school board is a F*%#@ Joke!
  77. Anyone bought office furniture?
  78. There you have it, Rabbit vs Tortoise
  79. Trip to dentist leaves Edmonton girl, 4, brain damaged, in pain
  80. Who is eligable for EI?
  81. Incident in Front of Honolulu Cafe
  82. Parking between the last meter spot and intersection
  83. Holy Shit, Sidney Crosby!! Tim Horton's Upper Deck Hockey Cards
  84. 2016 Blue Jays
  85. What website to view listings like this?
  86. UBC student charged with attempted murder. Woman's throat slit in West Mall residence
  87. Where do you all purchase your mattresses?
  88. Missing Japanese ESL student found dead
  89. Lululemons Half priced Brand new - would u buy?
  90. People whipping out their cameras and recording
  91. Lost dog in North Burnaby
  92. What should I do about...
  93. Shooting in Cascade Mall Burlington
  94. Moonbeam's Natural Gas Ban Plans
  95. UBC students pissed off re: pickup artist on campus
  96. A Little Help from RS Please
  97. Halloween
  98. http://www.decluttr.com/
  99. Adblock Plus now steals ad space from content creators
  100. Disturbing Home Invasion in East Van. Burglar faps in front of a sleeping lady.
  101. FortisBC raising gas price by 80%. W T MF F
  102. Creep Catchers - ghetto version of 'to catch a predator'
  103. 9/11 Anniversary 15 year Tribute
  104. Saanich Police issues a speeding ticket to a cyclist
  105. Official REVscene Hockey Pool 2016/2017
  106. Anyone ever deal with BC Hydro over billing issues?
  107. Education Thread
  108. Dogs released to bite pipeline protestors in the US
  109. Whats wrong with Vancouvers locksmiths?
  110. Are we paying too much tax?
  111. Announcement: FAIL button re-enabled
  112. minimum wage guys
  113. RIP Gene Wilder
  114. Pattullo Bridge to fully re-open Monday!
  115. Skytrain Assault Against Asians
  116. Thomas Candy in Japan
  117. Announcement: FAIL button disabled
  118. 2016 PNE
  119. Rugged Maniac 2017 - Only $39 until Sep 9, 2016
  120. Vandals use paint to ruin a brand new house in North Vancouver
  121. The Future of Energy
  122. activity in these forums
  123. Protesters riot & burn gas station, cars after officer shooting -Milwaukee
  124. Mail Couriers
  125. Woman-dies-following-nightclub-assault-on-granville-street
  126. RCMP foil terrorist plot in Strathroy, Ontario
  127. Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever – CRISPR
  128. Scam or rascism... dashcam saves years of work down the drain.
  129. Car break in!!!
  130. 2016 Summer Olympics
  131. Laneway house Garage or No Garage
  132. What if Pokémon GO Ended the World? (Trailer)
  133. Skydiving without a chute
  134. North Korea declares war on the USA
  135. Road Trip? A pub in the middle of BC w/ 200+ Single Malts
  136. recommendation for garage door spring repair (burnaby/new west)
  137. Where to donate textbooks?
  138. BC Government to pay $2.2 million compensation for accident in Victoria
  139. Blocking Avatars ?
  140. Lulu Island Winery CEO got caught smuggling icewine into China
  141. Best place to buy RMB in Richmond
  142. Gregor Robertson's Mother-in-Law to be Executed for Corruption involving 1.7 trillion
  143. Video Project Test , What do you guys think?
  144. Who's this Revscener standing up for Pokemon Goers?
  145. Black Lives Matter Vancouver wants police float out of Pride parade
  146. Turkey Military Uprising
  147. The Official "Humanity Falling Apart" Thread
  148. Dozens run over and killed in France
  149. ACLU - Mobile Justice App
  150. Pokemon Go - Sweeping the nation?
  151. Any lawyers with charity & trust law experience
  152. Amber Alert - Taliyah Leigh Marsman
  153. Official Rio Olympics Thread
  154. Best storage locker deal in lower mainland?
  155. Engrish 101
  156. What to do when my employer does...
  157. 75% of Seniors have a chronic disease in Canada
  158. Dallas Police officers killed by Snipers
  159. Dallas 11 officers shot 4 killed
  160. my first youtube vid
  161. Has anyone planned a wedding before? I'm looking for input
  162. honeydew/sap from trees? Anybody else?
  163. Fixing broken connection inside a camera
  164. Canada Post Strike
  165. Sign shop
  166. Telepark?
  167. 50 Wounded in Cinema Shooting in Germany
  168. BREXIT - Results Thread!!!
  169. Fentanyl: The Drug Deadlier than Heroin
  170. Justin Trudeau goes to McDonald's for lunch
  171. Canada Day
  172. recommendations for vacuuming robot?
  173. Three levels of government attend opening of Microsoft facility in Vancouver
  174. Jun 18 weekend driving
  175. British MP stabbed and Shot
  176. Canadian Water Smuggler makes $60 USD per litre
  177. 'O Canada' overwhelmingly voted in favor to be gender neutral
  178. What Hell is Wrong with Florida???
  179. 2016 BC Lions
  180. Do LED Light Bulbs Last 10 Years?
  181. why is canada post so bad?
  182. Microsoft to acquire LinkedIn
  183. The Official 2016/2017 Canucks & NHL Thread
  184. Florida Nightclub shooting 50 Dead and 50+ injured
  185. How Long Does It Take To Get New Driver's License In The Mail?
  186. Canada Legalizes Oral Sex with Animals
  187. ICBC faces financial crisis
  188. Global BC's Chris Gailus named in sexual harassment case
  189. The Voice star Christina Grimmie Shot Dead at 22
  190. Pick and choose
  191. RIP Mr Hockey, Gordie Howe
  192. Man Tries To Kidnap A 13-year-old Girl At A Dollar General Store!
  193. R.I.P Kimbo
  194. commuting thread
  195. Propane refill?
  196. Muhammad Ali dead at age 74
  197. New Service in Vancouver is a cross between Uber and Carpool
  198. B.C. gas prices expected to go way up because of Fort Mac fire affecting production
  199. Mobility Pricing and all bridges tolled - Coming Soon
  200. good affordable camcorder for low light?
  201. RCMP tank
  202. PSA: VanSh*ttyBuzz is now DailyHive.com
  203. Man pays speeding tickets in 22,000 pennies
  204. Brawl breaks out in Costco parking lot Mississauga
  205. Canada Revenue Agency rapped for failing to shred mountain of hard copies
  206. Chinese detergent commercial deemed racist.
  207. China's Transit Elevated Bus rides above traffic.
  208. Is anyone's Telus internet faster now?
  209. Former McDonald's CEO dropping bombs about $15.00 Minimum Wage Across USA
  210. Obama told NHK (Japanese National Broadcaster) that he won't apologize for WWII
  211. Massive Fire in Saanich
  212. Western/Central Canada Road Trip Suggestions
  213. UPS package needs clearence
  214. Refusing parcel question
  215. Police question three people in bizarre incident. Naked Woman found inside a store.
  216. Vancouver city council denies Drai’s night club at Trump Tower for bar liquor licence
  217. Trudeau drops people's elbow on NDP MP in the House of Commons
  218. Here we go again..Airplane has gone missing
  219. First the Canadian Who takes the Bison, now this...
  220. Doctors perform first U.S. penis transplant
  221. list of electronic/tech shops that sell battery cases?
  222. any advice on how to repair bad credit?
  223. Vancouver in 1976
  224. ICBC VS Alberta
  225. New Distracted Driving Fines - June 1, 2016
  226. Lightest cigarettes available ???
  227. Chris Sowden thinks Fort McMurray should burn along with all the people in it.
  228. Love car modification. Any welding schools?
  229. High on the job, everyday. For 8 Years.
  230. Official Pizza Thread: "I just paid $8 for two slices of shitty pizza"
  231. Apple loses trademark fight over 'iPhone' name in China
  232. Fort Mac is Burning, entire city under evacuation order
  233. Headphones While Driving
  234. Weird flashing light every 4-5 minutes
  235. Film Industry Tax Credit Reduction
  236. How to build a BBQ for under $15
  237. Earls swiches to American beef
  238. LEGO Technic Lego set: Porsche 911 GT3 RS
  239. Best way to transfer money from ASIA?
  240. Eyedoctors in Richmond
  241. Just wondering if many people know much about/Or researched on the "Mandela Effect"??
  242. Anyone play online live casino?
  243. best and cheapest way to send money to USA?
  244. Senator Mike Duffy cleared of all 31 charges of fraud, bribery, breach of trust
  245. RIP The artist known as Prince
  246. Sad news, wrestler "Chyna" has passed away at 46
  247. Trudeau government to introduce bill to legalize pot
  248. Metro Vancouver transit operators to take strike vote
  249. BlackBerry & Rogers allegedly allowed RCMP to intercept messages
  250. Anyone good at physics? 70km/h car crashing into 70km/h car...what will happen?