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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. Steve McNair found dead
  2. How Fast Can You Roll A Joint?
  3. Drunk Driving On Knight St. & 33rd
  4. Starcraft lessons?
  5. MJ Repo kick to the taint!
  6. 11 Yearbook Photos That Musicians Wish We'd Never Seen
  7. Free 5 day/4 night stay at Costa Rican resort
  8. sweet wall plant spin
  9. Obama talks about
  10. WTF new Japeneese fashion trend
  11. Teacher Gives Own Sex Tape To 5th Graders On DVD ( accidently)
  12. Unemployed farmer sings on Americas got talent
  13. North Van woman charged with smuggling Homer Simpson ecstasy
  14. Pre-flight safety video, the Air NZ way
  15. Any ideas on where to sell a expensive mont blanc ballpoint pen?
  17. CFL fines player for TD tribute to Michael Jackson
  18. Russian Energy Company creates Nigaz
  19. How much would you pay to rank your site?
  20. Council considering a bike bridge over False Creek
  21. tonight's moon
  22. Mr. Clean autodry carwash large pack $5.88 @ liquidationworld
  23. i will never think of transformers the same =\
  24. Baby. Got. Back.
  25. WoW kid another surprise...lol
  26. Own an NSX (or any tuned import)? You're a child molester!
  27. Breach of Contract
  28. Free Bag of Candy from Sweet Nothings
  29. New life-form discovered in sewer
  30. What credit card do you have?
  31. printing business cards
  32. Free Maxim Subscription for 1 year
  33. Free Set of Coach Pencils
  34. Chinese gov't introduced "Green Dam"
  35. 10 dollars off futureshop!
  36. Kid Freaks Out Playing WoW
  37. Japanese Kid Rejected
  38. Pizza Catching a baseball
  39. Where to buy T-Handle Hex Keys?
  40. Prisoners gang up to dance MJ- Thriller
  41. F****N Crack Heads
  42. Trailer for japanese movie "RoboGeisha", from the director of Machine Girl
  43. Guys, please use nail clippers for nails only!
  44. 5 crazy drivers at once Shell / Alderbridge
  45. Vibe Magazine Closes Down
  46. so I had the channel on GlobalBC this morning....
  47. Reputed Afghan drug lord held for trial in U.S.
  49. Free 1 Year Subscription to Maxim (Borrowed)
  50. Today I had a thought
  51. another pirate bay thread? (piratebay set for sale)
  52. Question: epost bill payment
  53. (LOL) Jackie Chan: Sad to have missed MJ's call
  54. North Van teenage prostitute*s* on craigslist
  55. 5 Die in Italian Riviera train-gas blast.
  56. The Ultimate Rick Roll... Rick Astley found dead, R.I.P.
  57. Refrigerator Prank Makes Roommate Cry
  58. Yemeni Plane crashes with 154 aboard
  59. My Cat like reflexes ...... boing!
  60. Jordan Chandler, what a fucker
  61. Pirate Bay Video Streaming
  62. Jacky Chan google ad
  63. Bank gave extra $100,000 into my gf's account
  64. Pringles Ad
  65. Iran validates Ahmadinejad victory
  66. V for Vendetta masks in vancouver
  67. Vancouver homeless need this
  68. looking for witness
  69. PirateBay Denied Appeal even tho Judge sits on CopyrightBoards
  70. The funniest guy (To me)
  71. Aussie charge for murder in HK
  72. Anyone know how to make pictures like this?
  73. metrotown - whats happening?
  74. autoplan broker quick question
  75. Jail time for Revving engine in a "racist" manner
  76. Billy Mays dead at 50
  77. ROFL, China can't get anything right
  78. mini comparision sheet
  79. A collection of all Michael Jackson songs and albums
  80. Where do you get your hair cut?
  81. Shanghai apartment
  82. Big Rigs: Worst game of all time
  83. Should I be worried, or not?
  84. Where to go Blueberry picking?
  85. Free Herbal Essences Full Size Hair Product
  86. Making a custom made t-shirt. Photoshop anyone?
  87. This is why the US sucks so much....
  88. 'There could be an Aids vaccine in four years
  89. real life Pikachu
  90. Best Michael Jackson Video Clips
  91. Hot for tools!
  92. I believe i can fly, I believe i can touch the sky
  93. Michael Jackson is Dead
  94. Summer's here and so are the mosquitoes!
  95. Farrah Fawcett dies
  96. Vancouver Downtown During Olympic 2010
  97. 84yr old survives at bottom of well for 4days
  98. Gary Fong - are we having fun yet?
  99. simple electrical circuit question
  100. Where in Vancouver can you make custom cups?
  101. 16th Avenue/2nd street... what happened?!
  102. Exclusive! Megan Fox talks About the Flower Kid Photograph and Explains What Happened
  103. Canadian Olympic Hide and Seek Team
  104. Jive-talking twin Transformers in new movie raise race issues
  105. sleeping chinese
  106. Conan O'brien Bud light commercial
  107. cheap drinks on wednesdays?
  108. 11,520 Square Feet of Halo 3
  109. Pirate tours
  110. Free Full-Sized Sample of Tangy Zangy Candy
  111. Where can I get glow-in-the-dark stuff in the lower mainland?
  112. China doesn't only copy 1st world goods, but also 3rd world
  113. Epic Pet Wars (Facebook / iPhone game)
  114. Samurai vs baseball
  115. stop, hammer time!
  116. Where to hire Referee for hockey?
  117. Need some Middle Eastern music
  118. Surrey murder suspect and victim both convicted killers, activists
  119. Weird Food
  120. Grouse Grind Thread
  121. Ed McMahon passes away
  122. Lower Mainland parent groups lobbying school boards for Mandarin Immersion courses
  123. Where can I buy 3D glasses locally ?
  124. Surrey man charged for murdering two sons and injuring wife
  125. Trippy audio illusions!
  126. It's easy to steal your bank information!
  127. Transit Trian Crash in DC!!
  128. Why is my font like this?
  129. This is why you shouldn't get addicated to World of War Craft
  130. Penguin water dispenser
  131. [Gee gee gee] They're back
  132. crazy houseboat
  133. apple daily comic, now in animation
  134. Macau City of Dreams
  135. Kid gets his WoW Acc canceled
  136. Fighting and starting shit
  137. 9-1-1 in Burnaby
  138. Skyline in Vernon
  139. Men's bra
  140. Lower mainland/interior recommended tattoo artist for b&w detail work?
  141. $134 Billion in a suitcase
  142. How much are YOU worth?
  143. funny 2008 Subaru wrx STi commercial
  144. Official 2009/2010 Canucks Thread
  145. cat beats the *#&% outta rottweiler
  146. Airlines add fees, and some fees on top of fees
  147. fresh water fishing in vancouver?
  148. Starcraft 2 - Zerg vs. Protoss
  149. Taiwan's Ma denies China reunification drift
  150. Free A&W Small Root Beer Float Today (June 19th) 2pm to 8pm)
  151. Vernon?
  152. The 10 Most spectacular shipwrecks from the past year on AO
  153. Newly disclosed RCMP email drops bombshell on Taser inquiry
  154. Help with a bday gift!
  155. China orders Google China to block access to porn
  156. Get phthalates out of kids' toys: Health Canada
  157. Raccoons gorging on heron chicks in Stanley Park
  158. 1 billion people worldwide are starving
  159. Russian woman on trial for raping 10 men
  160. Beijing Olympics' profit exceeds $140 million usd
  161. Report: Developer duped 19 NHL players out of $25M
  162. Custom Tattoo Help
  163. Can anyone explain this!?
  164. Richmond 'STAR TEAM' will patrol areas around Canada Line stations
  165. pedobear "doubt" trailer
  166. Tattoo gone wrong
  167. B.C. search and rescue volunteers consider quitting over liability fears
  168. Calgary gorilla points knife at unsuspecting cage mate
  169. School zone cameras
  170. Idiot with Moped acting like Pedobear
  171. The Top 10 Most Ridiculous Transformers, Ever
  172. 15 Strangest Lamps
  173. Quick Reminder
  174. A Hamburger Dress is the Latest in Food Fashion
  175. New desktop background
  176. Wolfram | Alpha
  177. Need to frame an autograph jersey, what store(s)?
  178. "T. Swift" & T. Pain?! You kidding...right?
  179. fast tractor
  180. How you should NOT ship wheels!
  181. Anyone ever buy a car off a reserve?
  182. Bionic Eyes Help restore sight for the blind
  183. Student dies after washroom wall collapses
  184. Will women one day father children?
  185. Pedophiles, sex tourists target Canada: U.S. report
  186. No end in sight to southern B.C.'s largest wildfire
  187. He likes little girls and he doesn't care.....
  188. Return of the Jedi Sweded
  189. gadgets inspired by Transformers
  190. 10% off Tech Purchases Up to $100 on eBay with PayPal Until June 18th
  191. I dare you to steal this bike
  192. Twitter
  193. Microsoft files lawsuit over "click fraud" against 3 Vancouver residents
  194. Lil Wayne wanted??
  195. KOF NBA
  196. 20/20 bashes canadian health care system
  197. Sales on Adidas website
  198. B.C. flights cancelled as Russian volcano erupts
  199. China Mainland Gangsters
  200. How many languages do you speak? If more than 1, how did you learn em?
  201. Does "NO RIGHT TURN ON RED" mean turn when it's safe?
  202. wedding dress rental in van/richmond?
  203. Emails from an asshole
  204. they got this at bestbuy
  205. Who went to the Con over the weekend
  207. Lawn Mowing Service?
  208. cool guys don't look at explosions
  209. So many Mexicans around Victoria st
  210. Six Flags declares bankruptcy
  211. Free Ice
  212. BBQ tank refill???
  213. star wars vs star trek
  214. Custom Picture Puzzle
  215. Mona Lisa, NUDE!
  216. wow
  217. russell peters concert
  218. Russian pilots drunk - 88 dead
  219. Aggressive panhandlers
  220. Facebook Usernames
  221. Need $100
  222. NUDE critical mass
  223. U.S. will look at ways to alleviate Buy American concerns: Clinton
  224. Your genitals demand it
  225. Asians girls sticking shit all over their electronics?!
  226. Text to Speech Site. Funnnyyy
  227. Disatrous highway truck crash caught on tape 7 ppl die
  228. where do i change my usertext?
  229. Boy Hit by Meteorite
  230. super man/woman from India
  231. Killarney & Champlain area tonight
  232. Girls with Jump Ropes
  233. Where can I BUY a Beaded Car Seat Cover?
  234. Bad Encounters with Police officers
  235. Places to go cruising???
  236. Cops involved in Dziekanski death Challenging Inquiry
  237. Iran's Election Day
  238. Partly Cloudy - Pixar Short Film
  239. Have you been caught smoking a JOINT by the police outside of BC?
  240. Potential buyer attacks man who advertised car on Craigslist
  241. How many hours a night do you sleep?
  242. Science explains Zombies
  243. "final destination" in real life
  244. fuking telemaketers...
  245. June bdays
  246. Gangs in Vancouver
  247. Man caught cheating in HOV lane
  248. Amored truck explodes..........with money
  249. Pre-paid USD credit card or sth simillar for last min?
  250. Vancouver Bike Share Program