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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. Couple withdraws money, flees after bank error puts $6 million in their account
  2. Passport applicants warned to watch for identity theft
  3. Next round of Olympic tickets to go on sale June 6
  5. Real Estate Agent Advice
  6. Police Slog Through 40,000 Insipid Party Pics To Find Cause Of Dorm Fire!!!
  7. Question about interview attire for a school program
  9. Anonymous Donates 200 Human Kidneys to Hospital
  10. More American Workers Outsourcing Own Jobs Overseas
  11. Autoworkers Compete to Keep Jobs - New reality show!
  12. Police Slog through 40,000 Insipid Party Pics to find cause of Fire
  13. katana
  14. Ben Stillers Viral Video
  15. Bike trip gone wrong -- sad story on another forum
  16. Grouse Grind
  17. Richmond Night Market: Now featuring knockoff FOOD!
  18. Insurance for International student
  19. Free Harvey's Original Hamburger - May 24
  20. Craigslist Job Posting..wtf
  21. Where to buy high grit sandpaper?
  22. where is this?
  23. Co-op/Social Housing is a SCAM
  24. New high-speed Canadian trains touted to match U.S. vision
  25. Canada to follow Obama on vehicle-emission reductions
  26. wtf richmond?!
  27. 64/9: $49 million jackpot up for grabs!
  28. Schoolzone Camera?
  29. Timpo
  30. This is what i think of CRITICAL MASS......discuss.
  31. Free Tim Hortons Iced Coffee- May 21
  32. Twins from Two Different Dads
  33. barack obama - blame it spoof
  34. Canadian travel ban to Mexico lifted
  35. Whistler Mountain Biking $$$
  37. Interactive Hot Tub Girl
  38. UNREAL Roof JUMp!!! MUST SEE!
  39. Crime scene at no.3/granville
  40. Exchanging coins for bills
  41. Driving distraction survey
  42. School Related: Report Ideas - Help Plz
  43. This is why you are fat...
  44. How long will Canada Post hold a missed delivery for?
  45. urgent help....
  46. Hotel 626
  47. Good website for free online Mahjong
  48. Last Day Dream
  49. Best method to clean silver jewelry?
  50. Stupid kids on Facebook
  51. PAC MAN!
  52. unique Inter-racial couples
  53. Facebook Secrets?
  54. Off-duty Cop breaks arm and finger of Taxi driver! Over Road rage
  55. How much are you paying for Shaw? Any discounts or retentions?
  56. Where to buy Wire Mesh?
  57. Drink Nestea and Make Money
  58. Pero Pero
  59. HP laptops on fire!
  60. Hackers 'destroy' largest flight sim site, Avsim.com
  61. Sexy Mascot Can Stay At Eatery If Curves Covered
  62. Craigslist agrees to delete erotic services listings
  63. Pet doors
  64. As my guitar gently weeps (ukulele) - Jake Shimabukuro - Unreal
  65. Dice Game ?
  66. Unexpected Racism
  67. Awesome light shows.
  68. Cop Kicks Suspect's Head - High Fives Other Cop - After High Speed Chase
  69. Strength Test
  70. Something you might not know
  71. Live to work or work to live?
  72. om nom nom nom cat
  73. anyone that is single?
  74. Police beat up pastor on camera
  75. How good is your eyesight (havin doubts about my eyesight even after getting glasses)
  76. Mega Shark VS Giant Octopus the Movie
  77. long weekend plans!
  78. lotto: the biggest risk of being a millionaire
  79. Aquilini Group interested in bringing NBA back to Vancouver
  80. Canada XpressPost USA.... slow?
  81. Friend was looking for a "dog walker"
  82. Election Violation?
  83. Possible scam? italian guy in a black jeep tried selling me designer leather jackets
  84. What will you expect?
  85. China tries to annex territory
  86. Japanese Man takes world record for Masturbating
  87. Women dies after using jackhammer as a dildo
  88. The most interesting man in the world commercials
  89. Help Renting a Luxury car
  90. KFC subliminal message
  91. where to buy goalie helmet for street hockey?
  92. Popular Cheerios cereal is a 'drug': U.S. FDA
  93. dog loves granny....
  94. Richest Woman in China Dies ; Court Decides Who Gets the $4.2 Billion
  95. Junko Furuta: The Girl Who Went through 44 days of Torture
  96. Dude likes to 'recycle' his own semen
  97. Game: Bunny Invasion 2
  98. Stop Motion Tilt-Shift Video
  99. Official 2009/2010 Vancouver Canucks Thread
  100. True meaning to Rihanna's "Umbrella"
  101. Obama Standup
  102. How to get gas out of a tank?
  103. The Best Ball Girl Ever
  104. How to prevent static from your chair?
  105. Help: Hit-and-run involving a pedestrian
  106. Gee Gee Gee Parody
  107. Awesome bear fight
  108. China Hates Ultraman
  109. Buying vs. Leasing from a different prospective
  110. Tamils seize Toronto expressway, vow to stay
  111. 911 operator arrests girl for swearing during emergency call
  112. screw the canucks, tomorrow I'm watching WEAPONIZERS
  113. Gas attendants in Vancouver now asking to preselect grade when prepaying for gas?
  114. The I've seen some really dumb shit at work Thread
  115. Happy Mothers Day from Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg
  116. Free Orange Julius 19oz Light Smoothie, Friday June 19
  117. A working formula for decision making (buy this or not buy)
  118. The longest way - guy walking across china timelapse
  119. gordan campbell selling bc rivers
  120. wait, is that a woman trying to jump?
  121. Happy Mother's Day.. if you have a hot mom...
  122. Enormous Shark’s Secret Hideout Finally Discovered
  123. Unco Chin and Unco Same THE COMEBACK: CLUBBING 102
  124. Konami Code
  125. FREE Canucks 2009 Playoff Waving towel at Save ons!!!
  126. Gay athletes get 'safe space' at Olympics
  127. Kids get low
  128. Mail sent without stamp; what happens?
  129. 18 month old forced to smoke weed
  130. Mentos Gum commercials in Vancouver
  131. Rihanna
  132. Free Stuff at Canadian Tire
  133. Places in GVRD where drivers often do stupid things and piss me off
  134. Auto Tune the news LOL
  135. Joe Fortes has a thing for who?!
  136. Send your Mom a free e-card for Mother's Day!
  137. Oompa-Loompa, Spiderman and the Teletubby Tinky Winky held after brawl
  138. 1 lane lost on Burrard St. Bridge for bikes
  139. wtf.. craigslist scammer bots?
  141. Zombie Survival Kit
  142. Driving to Whistler, where to park?
  143. Detailer with 25 years of experience is let loose on a Bentley, epic fail.
  144. Nickelback Rockstar Spoof - Popstar
  145. Puke In My Mouth - "Jizz In My Pants" response
  146. You like you, you love it...
  147. World's oldest dog turns 21
  148. EPIC sunroof fail
  149. Streetracers cars crushed by Ontario Police
  150. Megan Fox.
  151. G-Force, new disney 3D guinea pig moie
  152. homeless man dies with $100,000 in bank
  153. LOL...Math Debate
  154. Haney's Farmers Market in Maple Ridge
  155. Physicists: Star Trek's Warp Drive Is Not Impossible
  156. Breaking News: Kermit The Frog, Dead.
  157. Romanian Street Racers doing it Big
  158. Change and where to get it sorted
  159. Harvey's Free Original Burger Day
  160. another ghost caught on CCTV
  161. Secretary giving boss head in car, van crashes into car, she bites his schlong off
  162. Creator of 4chan, is the Time number 1 most influential person 2009.
  163. Destiny's Child in Japan
  164. this one made me laugh..
  165. Business cards
  166. Dad Helps His Son Fight
  167. eBay closing Burnaby call centre
  168. Incredible Beer Pong Shots
  169. Japanese mother seeks boxing record
  170. West Coast dogs have a hard time saying no to drugs
  171. Pissing Clean?
  172. Fucked up Website (but cool)
  173. Racism against asians in this day and age
  174. Premier evacuated from Vancouver hotel during gun scare
  175. Heart Attack Grill
  176. 2 balls 1 shot
  177. Epic Scare Prank
  178. car thief gets owned...
  179. Guido Beach
  180. Good Job RCMP!
  181. LOL OWNED
  182. check this DK out
  183. problem w/ ebay seller, help pls
  184. Dog vs Monkey: A battle of resisting temptation!
  185. local shooting ranges
  186. Best of Yahoo Answers
  187. Is Hell exothermic or endothermic?
  188. New Haircut
  189. jizz in my pants parody
  190. bear costumes
  191. House M.D. - Valley Girls
  192. 'What's My Age Again?' by a British Choir
  193. Bulls and Celtics Game 7
  194. Dallas Cowboys practice bubble collapse
  195. US plane crash lands on toilets
  196. Pandemic 2
  197. The Official Gas Mask Thread
  198. Japanese girl trombone band
  199. lil old but JOHN McCAIN AND OBAMA DANCE OFF
  200. Hong Kong Quarantines Hotel
  201. Gigapixel pic of DT Vancouver
  202. ovechkin and markov hanging out
  203. Where to buy a gas mask?
  204. New convention centre evacuated after leak
  205. Roti the Canadian EI rapper
  206. How Japanese People Wake Up
  207. Engines go out in airplane, caught on camera
  208. Google Rents Goats To Replace Lawnmowers (I’m Not Kidding)
  209. Twisted Tune - Luongo
  210. BC Scam Warning
  211. Translink's new buses
  212. Picture of rapper type dude in Lambo constantly covering his face with paper towels
  213. 5 dead after car drives through spectators in attack on Dutch royal family
  214. Another motorcycle accident on Granville St.
  215. Flu heightens emotional immigration debate
  216. LF: Reliable BC moving company
  217. Child stalking 'more aggressive'
  218. Custom Printed Shirts
  219. a black president
  220. PNE objects to phase-out of bottled water
  221. That's how you let the beat build
  222. good strip club?
  223. Gumball 3000
  224. The douches drink of choice: Christian Audigier Wine
  225. Earls, Catus Club, Joey's
  226. Chrysler files for bankruptcy, signs Fiat deal
  227. Free Rice
  228. Would you like fries with your loot?
  229. Rent unlimited video games for $10 a month!
  230. So I'm doing my tax return and find this gem
  231. Black belt teen strikes back at bully, and rallies community against racism
  232. Ben Woo vs James Piansay @ Metrotown
  233. The White House Has a Flickr Stream
  234. The Cup solves all problems!
  235. Air Force One documentary
  236. Three people injured in Vancouver blast
  237. Sex on hood of BMW leads to gun charges
  238. Cops who love you!
  239. College rejection letters — from mean to classy
  240. Slap Chop. Remixed!!
  241. Sport Chek Coupon - Save $20 off $100
  242. The Official White House Photostream - Delivering on Change
  243. Street racer finally deported, Deadly crash dates back to 2000
  244. Meet local girls
  245. garbage dump.... where?
  246. 2009 Vancouver Police Department Annual Auction
  247. Insane Bowling Shot
  248. dont be that guy at the gym
  249. 31˘ Ice Cream at Baskin Robbins, Wednesday April 29th 5pm-10pm
  250. $2 hug...lol