- Some things to do to blow some time
- At Least 11 Killed in Alabama Shooting Spree
- Battery that 'charges in seconds'
- Rich list hit by economic crisis
- Don't Tape Me, Bro! Taser Launches Headcam for Cops
- Cop's Risky Gambit Nails Alleged Craigslist Child-Sex Predator
- Toxic Chinese drywall turning up in Canada
- I think I got scammed?
- TapouT (MMA clothing line) Owner Dies in Horrific Ferrari Crash
- 13yr old Student(guy) does 2 TWO teachers
- Miniature Golf in Vancouver?
- Wade Belak vs Donald Brashear
- New 2010 olympic road plans!!!!
- Teen gunman kills 15 in German school shooting spree
- Fireworks are back!
- Help with Python please?
- Home Remodeling Incentives via Government?
- ICBC Reduce Rates for auto insurance
- "Gon Lui" Honger girls...in hong kong
- Eat more veggies
- InvisibleSoul's Freebies Thread
- The Union: The business behind getting high
- Funny Prank
- Bizarre mishap at Nascar race on Sunday puts mechanic, drivers at risk
- Lets see YOU do this, horizontal pull up record
- China's Drift King
- To the most noble internet guru...
- Hacking Your Old VCR Yields Monster Results
- What does one TRILLION dollars look like??
- BC Redesigned Drivers Licence and Id Card
- National Napping Day!!
- In Search of Death
- Robbery Fail
- Microsoft's Future Vision
- Fluxuating Prices: AIRLINES
- Rich Hong Kong gangster wannabe made it big
- Mouse Playing Dead
- This would hurt!
- Tyler Kennedy's stick tastes like candy!
- ATTN: Pickpocket at BOSS
- heres another reason to pick me
- Driving without a license in BC?
- Hit and Run at Metrotown - 99 red civic
- Arrested for a hug?
- Avalanches kill more than street racing
- Occupational Lvl 1 first aid?
- How to get free meal at mcdonalds
- Afghanistan frontline outpost
- Moron of the day
- free image hosting + hot link + gif ?
- Cristiano Ronaldo gay?
- The Revscene Club Meet Thread
- Spring Ahead!!
- Saw about 300 crows just gathering around Canada Way/Willingdon Ave.
- Coolio arrested for crack posession
- The ROCK on SNL
- Directory of Vancouver gangsters!
- Saturday Night. DP?
- experience with repo.com
- CAUGHT ON TAPE: 16-Year-Old Beats Bus Driver
- I-5 (Interstate 5) Driving Conditions For Today/Tomorrow
- $1 to 1 Trillion Dollars Whoa Molly!!!
- Alberta no longer holds bragging rights among provinces for economic growth
- Health. Cats' eye diseases genetically linked to diseases in humans
- Take that, trans fat: B.C. to ban artery-clogger from restaurants
- More red-light cameras coming to B.C.
- Warning: Car jacking Scheme in GVA
- The Credit Crisis: Visualized
- baller girl born after 1990 in China
- How to Spot a Ponzi Con Artist? Follow the Yachts
- Take a tour of Michael Vick's (former NFL player) $3 million dollar home
- Richmond is not safe anymore
- Fox reports on crazy woman at hong kong airport
- japanese pranks FTW xD
- Sometimes I Feel Like My Girlfriend is a Computer
- North Korean threat has Air Canada and other airlines changing flight paths
- 5 Video Gaming consoles that failed miserably
- [URGENT] Chivas Green Tea in Richmond?
- former wrestler 82 , accused of body slaming 97 year old to death
- What would a real life Barbie look like?
- Robin Williams To Undergo Heart Surgery
- Beckham Stays At Milan For Rest Of Season
- scooter guy gets threatened
- Audi Shark Hovercraft Has Teeth
- sleep walking dog
- Convicted street racer ordered deported
- Japan produces the coolest shit, ever
- Awesome driveway
- Stabbing at Surrey high school
- More Gangsters arrested
- Greece makes DTES look nice
- Extremism in the UK ramping up
- Chris Brown and Rihanna Married????
- Doctors in China help blind British girl see again!
- Yahoo.com headline; Mexican crackdown on cartels causes violence in (Vancouver)Canada
- World's Ugliest Cat....you have been warned......
- Eagle survives crash through truck windshield
- Health Canada surveys canned drinks, finds low levels of bisphenol A
- $25M Listeria lawsuit against Maple Leaf to include millions for charities
- Quebec strippers vie for provincial title on TV; Canadian event could be next
- hope someone can help me on this...something about ebay
- Canada expects EU free-trade talks soon
- Iceman HD
- Daylight Savings Time begins this weekend
- 600 posts=
- European ghettos?!
- woman calls 911 after mcdonald runs outta nuggets
- Buying stuff from the states, how does rebate work?
- Johnny Depp + Christian Bale = Public Enemies
- SLEDGE hockey fight.
- CRAZY VIDEO - guy gets hit from a train and lives
- Whos Hungry????
- Chris Brown beat the SHIT out of Rihanna
- Beer and Cocktail Flavored Popcorn
- instant classic
- Maclean's Magazine--Most dangerous cities in Canada
- ** The Official Free Discussion Stuff Thread!!! ** (CHAT HERE)
- wtf is Jin doing in HK?
- Yankee Prankee
- Half a Million Dollar Prank =)
- like a boss
- Wal-Mart customer in Massachusetts says he found 10 teeth in wallet
- Olympic rings to light up airport
- Man gets pepper sprayed at USA border
- How do people get so rich in Vancouver, honestly don't get it...
- Funniest comedy skit
- USPS Tracking online sucks? Help
- song - Too many dicks on the dance floor...
- Lebron James FONG PAY
- Pretty Good Hockey Fight
- Car dealer on hook for illegally armoured BMW
- Torontonian caught doing 250 km/h faces charges, $10K fine
- So you think you can dance? VANOC may want you
- Here's a random idea to save the economy....
- Sexy Kid Dancing.
- why does surrey feel like the states?
- Gordon Brown picking his boogers and eating it
- Greyhound bus murder pleads not guilty
- IOUSA the Movie
- I had too much to drink
- wow
- When does Metrotown open their doors?
- if you can't beat them, kill them??
- nom nom nom nom nom nom nom
- cat or dog acting weird. try this
- World's ugliest cat?
- Chinese probe crashes into moon
- Oops! Saskatchewan jail mistakenly releases another prisoner
- Jim Rome fans?
- Human rights complaint against UBC will go ahead
- Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!
- Ping Pong Celebration
- Wedding Accident
- Ryanair Pay-to-Pee Proposal Pisses Off Customers
- Chinese bidder "won't pay" for looted China bronzes
- Gay dude got hit by truck..lol
- Tay Zonday FAIL
- hulu in canada?
- Gangsters go digital to recruit, intimidate
- All Magic within 5 minutes
- Ryan's mom
- Guy in Benz gets owned
- Seattle Cops beat girl deja vu
- Another good reason not to take steroids
- Was This Some Type of Scam?
- Club Integra Meet+ Others this SUNDAY!
- bclc millionaire life 2009
- help me plan the best stag ever
- Democrats chafe at Obama's Iraq troop pullout
- B.C. to get more eyes in the sky
- Breastfeeding driver on cellphone charged
- Which is better? K-Mix or K-Fever??
- Change...
- It's Friday night, anyone going to PK?
- Somebody really needs to try this...
- Free CRA Certified Tax Software - StudioTax 2008
- the russians r at it again!
- Analyzing Sony... for all you experts.
- Man decapitates son due to anti-christ
- Think of the Future, Save DIRTY
- Questions about Canadian Customs
- Collections Agency Scam? Beware
- Speciesism (Will not fail to dissapoint)
- Why are all the planes crashing?
- Legalize Pot & Save The Economy!
- Business Behind Getting High: BC-Made Marijuana Documentary
- good sites to stream movies
- Do you like your freedom of speech?
- Who is correct? Mother or Son
- Megan Fox is a MAN?!
- Nunchucks and Hair Product Make Everything Better!
- Lots of Free Samples From Proctor & Gamble, Version 5
- National 'Do Over Day' is Today February 26!!!
- Harper commits $350 million for B.C. transit line
- This just in!
- Samsung Ultratouch Mobile Phone Commercial
- What Would Happen if....Vancouver Gets Nuked?
- leather care products
- Piracy is good?
- $99 Hotel Rooms at Fairmont Whistler Until 2009/12/31
- Fabulous busted with 500lbs of marijuana
- Facebook kills your brain
- LOL butt crack chainsaw (must watch)
- Little Big...Prince of Persia
- Pigeon Park to be upgraded
- Vancouver's parking secrets revealed
- Transformer car for sale on craigslist
- Tiger woods is back
- Table be round
- Where you would most likely be ticketed
- not even Bruce Lee can do this
- Turkish plane crashes at Amsterdam airport; high res pic
- JDM RAPELAY!!!!!!!!!!
- Virus/Trojan warning when I clicked a thread on here! Be careful!
- 7 Items You Won't Believe Are Actually Legal
- Officer regrets what happened to Dziekanski, but thinks he acted properly
- Mammoth find on Vancouver Island
- Alcohol increases risk of cancer for women: Study
- Harper to announce crackdown on gang crime: Minister
- Someone tried to break in today
- THE FINGER: Know Its Foreign Equivalents
- Largest Dodge Pickup Truck in the World
- 6 Year Old Soccer Prodigy
- Bugs Found in Candy Bar
- Is that his real accent?
- Crazy scary shit
- ** The Official Free Stuff Thread!!! **
- Rihanna beat up photos
- hasting liquor store renovation sale.
- Vancouver Prelude Club
- Shamu eats a pelican at Seaworld
- cheap pitchers on tuesday?
- the nerd/geek/dork test
- Free Quiznos Subs
- Paintball Scenario Game 2009
- What we need in BC; Alaska House committee debates death penalty
- Ritz-Carlton hotel-condo project rumoured to be dead
- Highschool girl basketball player dunking on everyone
- Which do we consume more?
- FREE Ihop Pancakes
- Beijing teen hot-wires bus, causes chaos
- Retail sales take biggest tumble since 1991
- Price of alcohol going up!
- China outraged by Paris auction of Chinese artifacts
- Human Popcorn Machine
- Gordon Brown and his global deal