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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. Some things to do to blow some time
  3. At Least 11 Killed in Alabama Shooting Spree
  4. Battery that 'charges in seconds'
  5. Rich list hit by economic crisis
  6. Don't Tape Me, Bro! Taser Launches Headcam for Cops
  7. Cop's Risky Gambit Nails Alleged Craigslist Child-Sex Predator
  8. Toxic Chinese drywall turning up in Canada
  9. I think I got scammed?
  10. TapouT (MMA clothing line) Owner Dies in Horrific Ferrari Crash
  11. 13yr old Student(guy) does 2 TWO teachers
  12. Miniature Golf in Vancouver?
  13. Wade Belak vs Donald Brashear
  14. New 2010 olympic road plans!!!!
  15. Teen gunman kills 15 in German school shooting spree
  16. Fireworks are back!
  17. Help with Python please?
  18. Home Remodeling Incentives via Government?
  19. ICBC Reduce Rates for auto insurance
  20. "Gon Lui" Honger girls...in hong kong
  21. Eat more veggies
  22. InvisibleSoul's Freebies Thread
  23. The Union: The business behind getting high
  24. Funny Prank
  25. Bizarre mishap at Nascar race on Sunday puts mechanic, drivers at risk
  26. Lets see YOU do this, horizontal pull up record
  27. China's Drift King
  28. To the most noble internet guru...
  29. Hacking Your Old VCR Yields Monster Results
  30. What does one TRILLION dollars look like??
  31. BC Redesigned Drivers Licence and Id Card
  32. National Napping Day!!
  33. In Search of Death
  34. Robbery Fail
  35. Microsoft's Future Vision
  36. Fluxuating Prices: AIRLINES
  37. Rich Hong Kong gangster wannabe made it big
  38. Mouse Playing Dead
  39. This would hurt!
  40. Tyler Kennedy's stick tastes like candy!
  41. ATTN: Pickpocket at BOSS
  42. heres another reason to pick me
  43. Driving without a license in BC?
  44. Hit and Run at Metrotown - 99 red civic
  45. Arrested for a hug?
  46. Avalanches kill more than street racing
  47. Occupational Lvl 1 first aid?
  48. How to get free meal at mcdonalds
  49. Afghanistan frontline outpost
  50. Moron of the day
  51. free image hosting + hot link + gif ?
  52. Cristiano Ronaldo gay?
  53. The Revscene Club Meet Thread
  54. Spring Ahead!!
  55. Saw about 300 crows just gathering around Canada Way/Willingdon Ave.
  56. Coolio arrested for crack posession
  57. The ROCK on SNL
  58. Directory of Vancouver gangsters!
  59. Saturday Night. DP?
  60. experience with repo.com
  61. CAUGHT ON TAPE: 16-Year-Old Beats Bus Driver
  62. I-5 (Interstate 5) Driving Conditions For Today/Tomorrow
  63. $1 to 1 Trillion Dollars Whoa Molly!!!
  64. Alberta no longer holds bragging rights among provinces for economic growth
  65. Health. Cats' eye diseases genetically linked to diseases in humans
  66. Take that, trans fat: B.C. to ban artery-clogger from restaurants
  67. More red-light cameras coming to B.C.
  68. Warning: Car jacking Scheme in GVA
  69. The Credit Crisis: Visualized
  70. baller girl born after 1990 in China
  71. How to Spot a Ponzi Con Artist? Follow the Yachts
  72. Take a tour of Michael Vick's (former NFL player) $3 million dollar home
  73. Richmond is not safe anymore
  74. Fox reports on crazy woman at hong kong airport
  75. japanese pranks FTW xD
  76. Sometimes I Feel Like My Girlfriend is a Computer
  77. North Korean threat has Air Canada and other airlines changing flight paths
  78. 5 Video Gaming consoles that failed miserably
  79. [URGENT] Chivas Green Tea in Richmond?
  80. former wrestler 82 , accused of body slaming 97 year old to death
  81. What would a real life Barbie look like?
  82. Robin Williams To Undergo Heart Surgery
  83. Beckham Stays At Milan For Rest Of Season
  84. scooter guy gets threatened
  85. Audi Shark Hovercraft Has Teeth
  86. sleep walking dog
  87. Convicted street racer ordered deported
  88. Japan produces the coolest shit, ever
  89. Awesome driveway
  90. Stabbing at Surrey high school
  91. More Gangsters arrested
  92. Greece makes DTES look nice
  93. Extremism in the UK ramping up
  94. Chris Brown and Rihanna Married????
  95. Doctors in China help blind British girl see again!
  96. Yahoo.com headline; Mexican crackdown on cartels causes violence in (Vancouver)Canada
  97. World's Ugliest Cat....you have been warned......
  98. Eagle survives crash through truck windshield
  99. Health Canada surveys canned drinks, finds low levels of bisphenol A
  100. $25M Listeria lawsuit against Maple Leaf to include millions for charities
  101. Quebec strippers vie for provincial title on TV; Canadian event could be next
  102. hope someone can help me on this...something about ebay
  103. Canada expects EU free-trade talks soon
  104. Iceman HD
  105. Daylight Savings Time begins this weekend
  106. 600 posts=
  107. European ghettos?!
  108. woman calls 911 after mcdonald runs outta nuggets
  109. Buying stuff from the states, how does rebate work?
  110. Johnny Depp + Christian Bale = Public Enemies
  111. SLEDGE hockey fight.
  112. CRAZY VIDEO - guy gets hit from a train and lives
  113. Whos Hungry????
  114. Chris Brown beat the SHIT out of Rihanna
  115. Beer and Cocktail Flavored Popcorn
  116. instant classic
  117. Maclean's Magazine--Most dangerous cities in Canada
  118. ** The Official Free Discussion Stuff Thread!!! ** (CHAT HERE)
  119. wtf is Jin doing in HK?
  120. Yankee Prankee
  121. Half a Million Dollar Prank =)
  122. like a boss
  123. Wal-Mart customer in Massachusetts says he found 10 teeth in wallet
  124. Olympic rings to light up airport
  125. Man gets pepper sprayed at USA border
  126. How do people get so rich in Vancouver, honestly don't get it...
  127. Funniest comedy skit
  129. USPS Tracking online sucks? Help
  130. song - Too many dicks on the dance floor...
  131. Lebron James FONG PAY
  132. Pretty Good Hockey Fight
  133. Car dealer on hook for illegally armoured BMW
  134. Torontonian caught doing 250 km/h faces charges, $10K fine
  135. So you think you can dance? VANOC may want you
  136. Here's a random idea to save the economy....
  137. Sexy Kid Dancing.
  138. why does surrey feel like the states?
  139. Gordon Brown picking his boogers and eating it
  140. Greyhound bus murder pleads not guilty
  141. IOUSA the Movie
  142. I had too much to drink
  143. wow
  144. When does Metrotown open their doors?
  145. if you can't beat them, kill them??
  146. nom nom nom nom nom nom nom
  147. cat or dog acting weird. try this
  148. World's ugliest cat?
  149. Chinese probe crashes into moon
  150. Oops! Saskatchewan jail mistakenly releases another prisoner
  151. GIANT NUTS!#@#
  152. Jim Rome fans?
  153. Human rights complaint against UBC will go ahead
  154. Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!
  155. Ping Pong Celebration
  156. Wedding Accident
  157. Ryanair Pay-to-Pee Proposal Pisses Off Customers
  158. Chinese bidder "won't pay" for looted China bronzes
  159. Gay dude got hit by truck..lol
  160. Tay Zonday FAIL
  161. hulu in canada?
  162. Gangsters go digital to recruit, intimidate
  163. All Magic within 5 minutes
  164. Ryan's mom
  165. Guy in Benz gets owned
  166. Seattle Cops beat girl deja vu
  167. Another good reason not to take steroids
  168. Was This Some Type of Scam?
  169. Club Integra Meet+ Others this SUNDAY!
  170. bclc millionaire life 2009
  171. help me plan the best stag ever
  172. Democrats chafe at Obama's Iraq troop pullout
  173. B.C. to get more eyes in the sky
  174. Breastfeeding driver on cellphone charged
  175. Which is better? K-Mix or K-Fever??
  176. Change...
  177. It's Friday night, anyone going to PK?
  178. Somebody really needs to try this...
  179. Free CRA Certified Tax Software - StudioTax 2008
  180. the russians r at it again!
  181. Analyzing Sony... for all you experts.
  182. Man decapitates son due to anti-christ
  183. Think of the Future, Save DIRTY
  184. Questions about Canadian Customs
  185. Collections Agency Scam? Beware
  186. Speciesism (Will not fail to dissapoint)
  187. Why are all the planes crashing?
  188. Legalize Pot & Save The Economy!
  189. Business Behind Getting High: BC-Made Marijuana Documentary
  190. good sites to stream movies
  191. Do you like your freedom of speech?
  192. Who is correct? Mother or Son
  193. Megan Fox is a MAN?!
  194. Nunchucks and Hair Product Make Everything Better!
  195. Lots of Free Samples From Proctor & Gamble, Version 5
  196. National 'Do Over Day' is Today February 26!!!
  197. Harper commits $350 million for B.C. transit line
  198. This just in!
  199. Samsung Ultratouch Mobile Phone Commercial
  200. What Would Happen if....Vancouver Gets Nuked?
  201. leather care products
  202. Piracy is good?
  203. $99 Hotel Rooms at Fairmont Whistler Until 2009/12/31
  204. Fabulous busted with 500lbs of marijuana
  205. Facebook kills your brain
  206. LOL butt crack chainsaw (must watch)
  207. Little Big...Prince of Persia
  208. Pigeon Park to be upgraded
  209. Vancouver's parking secrets revealed
  210. Transformer car for sale on craigslist
  211. Tiger woods is back
  213. Table be round
  214. Where you would most likely be ticketed
  215. not even Bruce Lee can do this
  216. Turkish plane crashes at Amsterdam airport; high res pic
  217. JDM RAPELAY!!!!!!!!!!
  218. Virus/Trojan warning when I clicked a thread on here! Be careful!
  219. 7 Items You Won't Believe Are Actually Legal
  220. Officer regrets what happened to Dziekanski, but thinks he acted properly
  221. Mammoth find on Vancouver Island
  222. Alcohol increases risk of cancer for women: Study
  223. Harper to announce crackdown on gang crime: Minister
  224. Someone tried to break in today
  225. THE FINGER: Know Its Foreign Equivalents
  226. Largest Dodge Pickup Truck in the World
  227. 6 Year Old Soccer Prodigy
  228. Bugs Found in Candy Bar
  229. Is that his real accent?
  230. Crazy scary shit
  231. ** The Official Free Stuff Thread!!! **
  232. Rihanna beat up photos
  233. hasting liquor store renovation sale.
  234. Vancouver Prelude Club
  235. Shamu eats a pelican at Seaworld
  236. cheap pitchers on tuesday?
  237. the nerd/geek/dork test
  238. Free Quiznos Subs
  239. Paintball Scenario Game 2009
  240. What we need in BC; Alaska House committee debates death penalty
  241. Ritz-Carlton hotel-condo project rumoured to be dead
  242. Highschool girl basketball player dunking on everyone
  243. Which do we consume more?
  244. FREE Ihop Pancakes
  245. Beijing teen hot-wires bus, causes chaos
  246. Retail sales take biggest tumble since 1991
  247. Price of alcohol going up!
  248. China outraged by Paris auction of Chinese artifacts
  249. Human Popcorn Machine
  250. Gordon Brown and his global deal