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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. That Australian Reef Job...
  2. Corrupt judges caught
  3. Ohh so heaby... sank you, sank you
  4. China to abolish "Hukou" residence permit system
  5. Two women die in Delta traffic accident
  6. Cars Riding Sideways on Wall
  7. Who's watching the Oscars now ? Warning spolier alert !
  8. A Chinese Girl Riding Mao's Statue
  9. Victor to introduce handmade earphone made out of birch
  10. Obama Sushi
  11. Edison Testifying in Vancouver
  12. If anyone is awake...
  13. U.S. Wants UBS to Break Swiss Law By Naming Clients, Bank Says
  14. Richmond Public Library Arrest w/ guns
  15. Knight and 53rd?
  16. SLR 722 vs 911 Turbo streetracing @ downtown Shanghai
  17. Peal a banana without getting your hands dirty (Semi-NWS)
  18. Mainlander UBC student got kidnapped
  19. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) Test
  20. alone on an uninhabited island...
  21. 21 changes, you see it ?
  22. Where can I watch Bullrun Ep1
  23. China to invest in Brazil oil (news)
  24. Wild shootout on streets in Mexico
  25. This Is Why You're Fat
  26. Chinese Viagra used Beckham, Reeves old clips as commercial (video)
  27. Kingsway really hectic this morning?
  28. Trail of candy wrappers leads Florida police to five teen burglary suspects
  29. Yao Ming calls Kobe Mother Fucker
  30. Leaving a Resume and Stealing
  31. A new solution for women....YAY or NAY?
  32. Lockdown at North Vancouver high school
  33. The Temple of a Million Bottles made of 1.5 million recycled bottles
  34. Alert: 6/49 Jackpot Est. at $48 Million But Probably Way Higher
  35. WRX with a duckcall
  36. Playboy Enterprises may be up for sale
  37. blowing up condoms with wrx bov
  38. Obama in Obamawa(Ottawa) today!
  39. Autism Spectrum quotient
  40. Alec Baldwin Wii Skit 2009
  41. Disabled Guy Held Captive, Tortured, Abused, by Sadists
  42. The Official F*** My Life Thread
  43. G Meets Monty Python
  44. Rubber Dipping Services
  45. question about booking flights online (insurance)
  46. B.C. trucker detained after $6 million pot bust
  47. 'The Kid' Returns: Ken Griffey Jr. Signs With Seattle Mariners
  48. B.C. introduces its 'recession budget'
  49. Vancouver discusses liquor-law changes
  50. Super Intense ER Promo
  51. Extreme Makeover: Facebook Edition
  52. Terminator Salvation JDM: DIY Terminator
  53. Canadian Army next Mission: Mexico
  54. BC Leads in Use of Erectile Dysfunction Medication
  55. Chinese Writing program
  56. two-year-old married to dog
  57. Whats so good about craigslist?
  58. Chad Vader After the Dentist
  59. Batman Gonna Kick Yo Ass
  60. Joke Thread
  61. Driving up Seymour in RWD?
  62. Battery for household security system
  63. asian can't dunk (news)
  64. Video of 6 Year Old, Madin Mohammed, who's considered to be the next big soccer star
  65. Kansas City Police beat up suspect after car chase
  66. I dont know if this is talent.
  67. Awosome police take-down of a suspect's vehicle.
  68. Free A&W Uncle Burger Coupon for First 2000
  69. Night Boarding
  70. Mother and son dead after Surrey car crash
  71. Another death (Feb 17) This time for the good guys
  72. IM ON A BOAT
  73. Lost Keys + Someone Attempted to BREAK IN!
  74. Proof that there's a gang war going on in Vancouver
  75. asian guy hitting those high notes
  76. Outrage over Facebook's new policy; ability to control user information forever
  77. The Wayback Machine! The internet time machine
  78. Condom size tester \ little kid came home (JOKE)
  79. GE - Augmented Reality (stoners look here!)
  80. Hospital abuse in China
  81. What's keeping you awake at 3:45am?
  82. Mathematical drolleries
  83. Chinese gas strut chair exploded, killing one youth
  84. Unmanned drone to start surveying U.S.-Canada border
  85. Japanese finance minister quits after been drunk at g7 meeting - video posted
  86. 9th Grader Gets Simulated Raped In Jupiter High School's Locker Room "Jail House Styl
  87. British train station bans kissing to make the facility more 'efficient'
  88. ICBC names top five frauds of 2008
  89. Japanese Street Gangs
  90. Best Field Trip Ever
  91. German Host Grabs Breast and Gets Smacked
  92. 6lb rat found in China
  93. Street Gang Films
  94. Joe Rogan's letter to Kellogs
  95. Bill Clinton - Interview
  96. anybody else get this scam?
  97. Woman shot dead with four-year-old in back seat
  98. Happy 30th Birthday Valentino Rossi
  99. Looking for...
  100. Family Guy VS Christian Bale
  101. Another Shooting >_>
  102. Someone Taze this broad
  103. The shootings thread!
  104. Chinese C lai bounces fake chinese egg york on table
  105. Something I noticed about girls?
  107. Hot N Cold!
  108. the shamwow sucks
  109. video of the 13 year old thats a father
  110. Some douche hit me on the hwy.
  111. VENT! people who cut me off!
  112. Any free movies websites beside movie6?
  113. Where can I find some good car ads online?
  114. 13 yr old dad part 2
  115. Sunny Day
  116. pink shirts in metrotown
  117. Singapore Airlines cancelling service to Vancouver
  118. Kittehs Inspired by Kittehs
  119. ***VLS Coffee Meet Series 2009 - February "I Hate Valentines Day" Edition!***
  120. What's your daily intake of fat?
  121. For those who haven't seen this yet!
  123. $1.4-billion spent on Downtown Eastside since 2000, More than $1.4-billion later, the
  124. Inanimate Objects Getting It On
  125. White Audi 2.0T A4 in rmd tonight
  126. NBA All Star 2009
  127. Free Pack of Upper Deck Hockey Cards - February 21st, 2009
  128. anyone know what happened at metro today?
  129. Woman misses her flight at HKG
  130. Revscene.net Annual Spring Meet, March 22nd 2009 (Sunday)!!!
  131. What are you guys doing today?
  132. Best corporate website evar!
  133. Christian Bale chews out Peter Griffin..
  134. Elevator Pranks... LoL
  135. WTH? another shooting?
  136. FOUND: The end of the rainbow... but there's no pot of gold
  137. 13 year old......
  138. Revscene.net has a traffic rank of: 105,241
  139. Crossing the border with girlfriends car
  140. Lance Armstrong Chews out Reporter
  141. You gotta be kidding me... cops everywhere again. Shooting?
  142. Prank call to cheating Indian husband
  143. Mexican Drug War Caught on CCTV - Four Dead
  144. Urgent: Where to buy handcuffs
  145. A meal to die for - 8000 calorie burger!
  146. Burnaby crash / canada way
  147. DTP Vender Info
  148. Help me find a song - WOW
  149. Like halflife 2? Check this out
  150. 48 hours of grouse
  151. HMV: 50% off All Guitar Hero and Rock Band Sets
  152. any reasonable excuse to bitch at Shaw?
  153. Want to know if somebody has been to court?
  155. What are my mathematical chances of being shot?
  156. Midget Supremacists
  157. anyone knows where to buy these=(?
  158. team fortress griefing
  159. Mexico port officials find pickup truck with body parts made from pressed cocaine
  160. Lake Diving Fail
  161. Chinese man killed when cell phone explodes
  162. Father by 13
  163. Commuter jet crashes into home near Buffalo
  164. t-shirt hell
  165. Am I the only one that just LOST Sportsnet HD ?
  166. another shooting in Coquitlam feb 12 09
  167. Another day, another shooting
  168. Need free large boxes
  169. Piano playing cat
  170. Anyone catch Letterman last night?
  171. Barack Obama is tired of your motherfucking shit
  172. Feb. 12, 2009: Make Some NOISE/1 Year to 2010!
  173. Koala and the Firefighter (2009 Australian Bushfires) ( VIDEO )
  174. Bat Bomb!
  175. Where are the bunnies in GVRD?
  176. Shitload of Cops around Nanimo
  177. have you ever wonder ?
  178. New mint stuff needing to get rid of (Surrey)
  179. Man calls 911 to complain about Burger King
  180. Live Nation, Ticketmaster to merge
  181. Another Langley Shooting
  182. USA Today; 2010 Olympics setting up to be USA-Canada showdown
  183. Michigan zoo's Valentine's Day special: a peek into animals' sex lives
  184. Airline Seating Charts, Best Seats
  185. Looking for those Asian photo card booths in Vancouver
  186. Stretching denim waist line
  187. Which is worst- Drunk driving or street racing
  188. Hit and run drivers facebook. (4th ave on the weekend)
  189. shit machine
  191. Cell Phone Reunion
  192. N and Age?
  193. A Grown Ass Man Playing NBA 2K8 Going the F*ck OFF!!!!!
  194. Sony's latest must buy gadget!
  195. Hick gets tasered on lawnmower
  196. David Bentley kicks ball from roof into garbage bin below and wins $30,000 bet
  197. Esso on Kingsway and Vic..why so many cops all the time?
  198. Mighty Putty Dub!
  199. Hotel fire in Beijing last night more dramatic than 911
  200. I'm on a f***ing boaaatt
  201. Study shows B.C. justice on par with other provinces
  202. Ticketmaster faces Canadian class-action lawsuit over ticketsnow.com
  203. Bentley Police chase (now standoff) in LA LIVE STREAM
  204. low speed chase in cali with a bently
  205. Another shooting in vanvouver
  206. Toddler Lighting a smoke
  207. How not to fail at life
  208. Tentant not paying rent HELP!
  209. I was on the LINE!
  210. Paranoia: Reading RFID drivers licenses and passports remotely
  211. Coldplay's puppet video - Life in Technicolor II
  212. Shipping question to TO / US
  213. 15 Companies That Might Not Survive in 2009
  214. Which of the provinces has the worst drivers in Canada?
  215. Canadian literacy rate
  216. can you lend someone your credit card?
  217. Marijuana may raise testicular cancer risk: study
  218. China's Wen urges leniency for Cambridge shoe thrower (news)
  219. VTAK re-charge kits
  220. Telus - TV, Internet, Home Phone
  221. GOOGLE AD
  222. Chris Brown woman beater
  223. Pro Wrestler Chris Jericho's fight with Victoria fan hits YouTube
  224. Ankle Insurance
  225. British guy got caught having sex with 2 plastic dolls in his car (news)
  226. UC Berkeley Starcraft Lecture 1
  227. Free Coupons by Mail from Save.ca
  228. Lil Wayne Interview with Katie Couric
  229. Commision Based stores
  230. Guitar: Impossible
  231. Space Pizza
  232. YouTube in 1985
  233. for the wrestling fans and anyone who is interested in media relations
  234. From the guys that...
  235. Look up at the MOON!
  236. earthquake in langley tonight
  237. driving pet peeve
  238. Stabbing outside Vancouver skytrain station
  239. rant: David Beckham
  240. Grouse - 48 Hours of Winter
  241. It's 3AM Saturday - Do you know where your gf is?
  243. did anyone hear the coquitlam rcmp helicopter early this morrning
  244. Canada Way - Dangerous lane markings? Why aren't there more accidents here?
  245. Left lane as passing lane - doesn't apply for all streets/all the time?
  246. Starcraft 101
  247. Think Vancouver is expensive? You need to earn six figures to make middle class in NY
  248. UK Government's top drug adviser: Taking Ecstasy is no worse than riding a horse
  249. Ear Wax
  250. Jeremy Clarkson calls UK PM "one-eyed Scottish idiot"