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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. Chinese heavy equipment gladiators fight on the street
  2. Top Realtors of Vancouver TV Show
  3. Garage remotes
  4. Large Fuel spill spotted in English Bay
  5. 7.0 magnitude earthquake strikes Japan after 6.2 quake struck two days earlier
  6. question: buying a used Excavator
  7. Trader Joe's
  8. pls recommend cheap local 3d printing
  9. What is freelancer?
  10. Rogers just increased monthly bill for existing customer
  11. Carpooling Illegal? PickupPal Learns the Hard Way
  12. FLF: frivolous lawsuit friday
  13. Female RCMP officer dies in early morning crash
  14. Ice Rescue Training
  15. Park Royal Mall Kicks Out Long Time (50 years?) Chess Group
  16. The Panama Papers
  17. April Fools Pranks
  18. Huge shopping mall in Tsawwassen
  19. Lost Dog in Vancouver
  20. 2 year old toddler found dead
  21. Aftermath horrible crash in Russia with Murchielago
  22. To Serve and NOT Protect
  23. Keeping it real with cops
  24. Bombing in Belgium
  25. Tattoo removal in Vancouver?
  26. Human like robot
  27. Stag Party
  28. North Korea sentences 21 year old U.S. student for 15 years of hard labour
  29. Cambie Surgery Center and Other Private Surgical Facilities?
  30. "Sausage Party" and I'm not talking about the spring meet!
  31. The Official 2016 Whitecaps FC MLS Thread
  32. Justin Bieber Tickets SCAMMER
  33. Vietnamese-Canadian stabbed a 7-11 owner in Hong Kong
  34. North Korea Is Frantically Searching For One Of Its Submarines: Report
  35. American border patrol
  36. Guns rights activist shot by her 4-year-old son hours after Facebook boast
  37. Woman dies in high speed hit-and-run in Burnaby
  38. Social Justice in Vancouver
  39. Infant dies after anti-vaxx parents treat his meningitis with Maple Syrup
  40. Kangen water? Scam?
  41. Erin Andrews awarded $55 million for nude video
  42. City of Vancouver buys Arbutus Corridor for $55 million
  43. When bike boy goes crazy 2017
  44. Witness Needed - 5:30pm Kingsway and Clark March 3 2016
  45. REVScene X The Speed Syndicate Collaboration
  46. BC Premier Christy Clark spends half million $ on private jets
  47. Local car thief posting stolen car pics on FB!
  48. Ontario to offer free tuition for students from low-income families
  49. Best priced Orthodontist in the mainland?
  50. Court rules medical marijuana users can grow their own
  51. Chinese NYPD officer accidentally shoots a man, people say he's a scapegoat
  52. Witness Needed: Nanaimo & Grandview Hwy (Feb 21, 2016)
  53. Burnaby man creates revenge site
  54. Middle East on brink of full scale war?
  55. RCMP at TD Bank in Newton in a Bank Standoff with Robber
  56. McDonald's Japan to introduce McChocoPotato
  57. Video techies - I need your help
  58. Would you rather stay in Tofino or Ucluelet for the weekend?
  59. How to get rid of Phone spammers
  60. Anyone interested in a Whatsapp group that reports speed traps and roadblocks?
  61. Pharmacist messing with my medical info - what do?
  62. Courier Question
  63. Happy Chinese New Year! The Year of the Monkey
  64. Tuck Frump ???
  65. Forum on Misogyny lol... the feminazi's are at it again
  66. anyone have issues with treo about charges?
  67. New Scam targets Netflix and iTune users in the Lower Mainland
  68. Frinkiac - Simpsons Meme Generator
  69. 2016 Super Bowl Commericals
  70. Help a long time friend beat AML(Acute myeloid leukemia)
  71. What is the law
  72. Drunk Australian bros stop robbery, are awesome on TV
  73. UBC Scandal
  74. (social) justice league
  75. Japan unveils homegrown stealth fighter
  76. Vivint SmartHome promo, legit?
  77. LF: Witness/Dashcam at Nanimo and E 6th Ave
  78. Renting parking spots
  79. Tiny house village for homeless solution
  80. Chinese exchange student, 19, killed in road-rage shooting by depressed Arizona woman
  81. Why Filipinos are more welcomed than Chinese
  82. Impact of B.C. drunk driving laws explored in ICBC report raises questions
  83. Shooting in Saskatchewan school - 5 Killed
  84. Toronto man found not guilty of Twitter harassment - win for free speech
  85. The Downfall of Target Canada: Explained
  86. Canada ranked 2nd best country in the world
  87. Vancity Buzz
  88. PSA: Paypal Phishing
  89. Parker Place Easylink Communications phone plan "scam"
  90. Tila Tequila begging for money
  91. Why don't we teach kids the system of society at school?
  92. Donald Trump Claims he Will Make Apple Start Building Computers in The US
  93. Eagles Guitarist Glenn Frey is dead at age 67.
  94. Taiwan's First Female President
  95. Vancouver Police searching for 3 Middle Eastern men videotaping Pacific Centre Mall
  96. High speed rail network in China as of 2015
  97. Netflix to block proxy access to content not available locally
  98. RIP Alan Rickman
  99. 5 Things I LOVE About My Grand Marquis V8 Wagon
  100. Corus Entertainment acquires Shaw Media for $2.65-billion
  101. RIP David Bowie
  102. will cash disappear in the future?
  103. El Chapo' recaptured after jail break
  104. Social project
  105. Can someone recommend me a house cleaning service?
  106. Leak in condo
  107. North Korea Hydrogen Bomb?
  108. Hyundai Elantra vs Jeep Wrangler SUV
  109. Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women
  110. "You go to Starbucks for coffee, not to get robbed!"
  111. Craigslist Scammer (Macbook Air)
  112. Mayor of Mexico city of Temixco murdered one day after she took office
  113. Internet TV Bundle Thread
  114. Best (Or Worst) Threads of 2015
  115. Massive fire engulfs Dubai building near the world's tallest skyscraper
  116. Canadian Political Candidate speaks of NWO and how Trudeau gave up controls of banks
  118. 2016 New Year Resolution
  119. Earthquake??????
  120. Interesting Video from Home Surveillance Camera in Chilliwack
  121. TOKYO - 2015 Most livable city
  122. Al Jazeera Investigates - The Dark Side (of sports)
  123. Deception pass to Whidbey Island - Ferry fares
  124. Merry Christmas Revsceners
  125. The best place to live... is it BC?
  126. more mainland China to YVR flights in 2016
  127. Boxing Day 2015
  128. Yet Another English v. Mandarin Language War in Richmond...
  129. Parents may no longer be able to use physical force to discipline a child
  130. Thinking of wearing a Santa hat in Brunei?
  131. China Just Launched the Most Frightening "Game" Ever — and Soon It Will Be Mandatory
  132. LMAO Ontario is a joke of a province
  133. Garbage landslide flattens 33 Apartment Buildings (China)
  134. Steve Harvey Screws Up On Announcing The Winner
  135. Baileys Irish Cream Liquor Filled Chocolates Turin - Where can I get this?
  136. Does anyone own a 2010+ Kia?
  137. Green mini bus accident in HK
  138. Lets See Your Christmas Tree's
  139. Riverview to re-open as mental health hub
  140. CRA hits back at anonymous report of widespread audit flaws
  141. PM asked to direct Canada Revenue Agency to forgive aboriginal women’s back taxes
  142. Remember the Elisa Lam suicide? Inside the Haunted Cecil Hotel
  143. 99 Per Cent Of Sweden's Garbage Is Now Recycled (VIDEO)
  144. Ffs need electrician now.
  145. anyone use secureship.ca?
  146. Massey Tunnel to be replaced with B.C.'s largest toll bridge
  147. All LAUSD schools closed after bomb threat called in to board member, police say
  148. Stolen Cats, $2000 reward
  149. Li-Fi to be introduced (100 times faster than Wi-Fi)
  150. road conditions for cypress?
  151. Christmas Gift Thread
  152. Need a fence builder/fixer
  153. Where to see Christmas lights?
  154. Private Internet Access Holiday Sale!
  155. Custom speaker grill for home theater?
  156. Brace Yourself for MORE Bike Lanes!!
  157. Christmas tree?
  158. German court lets off 'Sharia police' patrol in Wuppertal
  159. PSA: Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Tonight @ 10pm
  160. The Official 2015/2016 Donald Trump GOP Thread
  161. Milwaukee Tools on Sale
  162. Eating fruits and veggies will make your skin glow
  163. Teenage girls who left to join ISIS got beaten to death
  164. Lost puppy in Richmond BC! Please share!
  165. Urine boiled eggs in China
  166. Oscar Pistorius convicted of murder. Manslaughter conviction is overturned
  167. Mass shooting in San Bernadino Califorinia
  168. Miss World Canada Blocked from Entering China to Compete in Pageant
  169. Hostgator 80% off - 1 hour only
  170. Xiaomi Ninebot Mini
  171. Moving companies - recommendations?
  172. Need help finding plumbing/bath tub drainage supplies
  173. Petition: Make Vancouver the next city in Grand Theft Auto
  174. Historical Landing. Trips to space anyone?
  175. Road Rage Turns Violent...Runs Over Girlfriend + Motorcyclists
  176. Black Friday 2015
  177. Man named Phuc Dat Bich blames Facebook for shutting his FB account down
  178. Does anyone have a Justin Bieber pre-sale code?
  179. Buyers Beware!
  180. Hit and Run 49th and Knight
  181. **Japanese Elementary School** Let kids grow pig and make them eat
  182. Charlie Sheen tests positive for HIV
  183. Neighbour Is Dumping Garbage On My Property, Do I Mess With His Property?
  184. Cirque du Soleil - KOOZA - FREE Popcorn, Drink, gift - Coupon.
  185. Three Attacks on Paris on Friday the 13th.
  186. Kits Coast Guard Station to re-open!!
  187. Bad Tenants (Yet, another thread)
  188. The cheapest video backup camera?
  189. Does anyone have a Robotic Vacuum? Would you buy one again?
  190. Discussion: Ultimate Christian sacrifice
  191. Northern lights in Vancouver
  192. Food Contest - Final Day - Could Use your Votes
  193. UBC discovers why we dislike fat people
  194. Vancouver Viaducts to be torn down
  195. Please Vote: BC Travel Photo Competition
  196. Justin Trudeau files 35 million workplace harassment complaints against Canada
  197. Youtube Red - Youtube's paid subscription
  198. Bus crash in France kills 43
  199. World's strongest, most powerful hurricane about to HIT Mexico - category 5 storm
  200. Christy Clark mentioned to replace Harper as Conservative leader
  201. Bill C-51 to be overhauled by Liberal
  202. Back to the Future
  203. Is the legalization of marijuana just a matter of time now?
  204. Chicken restaurant trains a chicken to run its Twitter Account
  205. ICBC to raise insurance rate by 5.5% instead of 6.7%
  206. Free $25 @ microsoft store TODAY ONLY
  207. Anyone on RS collect Funko products? (Pop!, Dorbz, Vinyls, Fabrikations, Hikari)
  208. Richmond home invasion
  209. Home TV, Internet and Phone Bundles
  210. Former Laker player Lamar Odom found unresponsive in Nevada
  211. What should you look for in a tenant?
  212. Mazda - Soul of Motion
  213. Happy Thanksgiving Day, RS
  214. **BC Supreme Court** District of Saanich Wins - 11 yr Old Girl Summer Camp Accident
  215. China's 50 Lane Traffic Jam. A Commuter's Worst Nightmare
  216. Vancouver, BC - North America's Costliest City, Rich Chinese are to Blame
  217. Cocky Mainlander kidnapped/murdered
  218. Parking in Vancouver
  219. Telus rolling out $1 billion fibre optic network across Vancouver
  220. Reports of 10 dead, 20 wounded in mass shooting at Oregon community college
  221. Peeple
  222. Richmond's Worst Driver
  223. Canadian tax dollars going down the drain as Russia pounds ISIS
  224. Facebook Thinks You Are Stupid
  225. Flowing Water Found on Mars
  226. [FOUND] Shiba Inu puppy
  227. Happy Moon Day (mid autumn festival)
  228. Imgur gifv embedding
  229. RS Hockey Pool 2015/16
  230. LA's Nuclear Secret (video)
  231. The BC Wolf Cull
  232. The Official Bad/Strange Customers Thread
  233. China V-Day Parade 2015
  234. West Van Home With Its Own Yacht Garage
  235. TOP BC Realtor gets busted
  236. Robbery at Landsdowne TD Bank
  237. Federal departments left $8.7 billion unspent last year
  238. Man with anger issues
  239. Anyone using Telus 25 internet?
  240. Vote for the Green Party!
  241. Apple Pen
  242. Vancouver's mayor wants to make the city a sanctuary for Syrian refugees
  243. travelling to shanghai
  244. Double parking w/ Hazard lights.
  245. Remember Cafe 1029?
  246. Anti-ICBC sentiment strong
  247. Print/sign shop referral
  248. Man could lose car to civil forfeiture for evading port mann tolls
  249. ICBC says B.C. drivers will soon have to pay more
  250. False Creek Flats redevelopment. A new East-West Route to downtown Vancouver?