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: Vancouver Off-Topic / Current Events

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  1. 'Grand Warlock' predicts U.S. to shift troops from Iraq to Mexican border
  2. Hackers invade buildings
  3. BC Casino laws? can you be kicked out for winning too much?
  4. Quick Question on UPS
  6. Building kits gundam models
  7. How to talk to girls
  8. Interesting stuff on Crime
  9. delete please
  10. 100 things we didn't know about last year
  11. Another young hockey player dies. This time from fighting
  12. Working friday?
  13. Teen blows hand off ringing in the new year
  14. No more 'free' plastic grocery bags
  15. Calgary the next Vancouver? 3 people shot dead
  16. Weight Loss Glasses
  17. Crazy Racing in Brazil
  18. Chinese Bodybuilders
  19. Behind the Wheel - Be Prepared for Trouble
  20. Official NYE Recovery Thread
  21. car got broken in
  22. snow sucks
  23. happy snow year
  24. I hate nature
  25. quick! any place still doing delivery right now?
  26. happy new year(新年快樂)
  27. Happy New years!
  28. Picture of 84-pound beaver who's wreaking havoc on British countryside
  29. Worst xmas gift? or worst parents? This poor kid got winter clothes in xbox360 box.
  30. pattulo bridge
  31. to the stupid bus driver on hastings towards burnaby 5:30pm...
  32. Five Sexiest Dance Moves of 2008
  33. Bad recycling: Pay stub used as bank robbery note
  34. Squid in alien form
  35. outdoor skating in vancouver?
  36. what do you know about 11 11
  37. What is love?
  38. Yahoo's most e-mailed photos
  39. Garage tiles / flooring
  40. "Cuong dolla" in Vietnam ..10+ exotics
  41. so gay..funny shit..check it out
  42. Hilarious shit happened on Cambie & No. 5
  43. Do you belive in god?
  44. Angry wife jailed after biting husband's you-know-what
  45. Sperm banks in vancouver?
  46. Neighbors tree fell on my house
  47. Taxi Cabs
  48. another craigslist ad
  49. B.C. border guards seize $43-million worth of cocaine
  50. UFC 92 fight vid
  51. I don't want go in. My gf is in there. I wait here for her. you KNOW!!
  52. Black kid vs Atlanta Hawks Mascot
  53. posting beteen times of 12am -7am
  54. Merry Christmas, Revscene
  55. Solitary cubicle jobs?
  56. Translink: MERRY FCUKING XMAS
  57. Snowzilla
  58. Your Job/Career
  59. Vancouver drug-smuggling kingpin gets 18 years in jail
  60. Martial art tricks at Metrotown
  61. Whistler/Blackcomb gondola collapse!
  62. teen shot parents because they took away halo3
  63. The SNOW Thread 2008/2009
  64. Buying from US site and Shipping to TSB
  65. fail blog
  66. This was on the news?! Freddy Got Fingered...
  67. Gained 100gigs of hard drive space today for free
  68. 14 y/o girl raped by young gang
  69. UBC parking violation
  70. Best job ever?
  71. Man punched while singing Christmas carols
  72. Porn for blind people
  73. Jury duty
  74. visa cash advance
  75. Boy killed his father after 1,000 smacks
  76. Centurion (AMEX Black) is in Canada!
  77. Tim Horton Raise Prices?
  78. Plagiarism Checker
  79. Schoolhousin: Dirty Deeds
  80. Funny Commercial Thread
  81. Network Marketing: Usana
  82. fta satty down??
  83. HongKongG, where are you, post somemore funny shit
  84. Paypal
  85. Sippin on SOmee leann... anyon ever try sizzurp ??
  86. Grand Villa Casino
  87. Forever Faithful- Canucks Movie
  88. Daylight savings time today?
  89. When is AirCare gonna DIEEE!!!????
  90. retard kicks 4 yr old
  91. Fast Sex
  92. casino losses
  93. 105 year old virgin
  94. Anyoner here in the CAF Reserves?
  95. Bars that show MLB games?
  96. Disputing Impark Ticket
  97. 大佬 (Dai Lo) The Boss Official Trailer
  98. 'Offensive' UBC CVC club video dissing hongers
  99. Buying from Amazon.com, things I need to know
  100. Shenzhou VII - China's First Spacewalk
  101. My trip to JDM land
  102. Vancouver Prelude Club Website Issue
  103. Reveal a secret about your work others may not know about
  104. Things to do on a Sunday night
  105. Fast and Furious 4....thats right own thread in OT
  106. Shipping to Point Roberts
  107. Maple Leaf Meat Recall
  108. Going to Portland on the weekend, I have some questions
  109. StatsCan: Average hourly wages 2007-2008
  110. A Primitive Chinese Lady!
  111. Meteor Shower
  112. who wants to go to eh-hwa tonight
  113. Gift for GF on one year anniversary
  114. Shaw Cable Retention Plan
  115. graduation pranks
  116. i made some shoes for converse!
  117. Wedding Gift *HELP*
  118. HAHAHA, funny extreme prank (vid)
  119. My house got egged
  120. Official 2008/2009 Canucks Thread
  121. csi lol pics
  122. Which VISA card do you use????
  123. Need help from my fellow asian RSers
  124. Obtaining Locksmith License
  125. Gas stations in Point Roberts?
  126. Captain Happy Bubble EXISTS!!
  127. *OFFICIAL* Yuri Tag Thread
  128. china quake 4 conspiracy nuts only lol
  129. My run in with a Vietnamese "hardcore" gangster.....
  130. money can't buy taste - $40million home in China
  131. Not Paying For Skytrain, Using someone elses U Pass?
  132. Lost!!: Wallet @ Blenz Blundell and Garden City
  133. 2 Koreans chat up in the elevator
  134. shipping 100kg item to hong kong
  135. HGTV's top 10 amazing kitchens *pics*
  136. Question about the "L" knowledge exam
  137. parking tickets
  138. RS paintball crew
  139. rugby player runs out of options
  140. The Official Rs Domokun Thread
  141. Guitar Hero...on the Commodore?
  142. cute polar bear
  143. RevScene Chat
  144. 24 Hours of LeMons
  145. This year's nightmarket??
  146. The AutoCAD Thread
  147. UBC parking class action, you in or out
  148. Broadway Explosion
  149. No balloonagrams this year
  150. Canadians against the North American Union
  151. Winter Driving Tips
  152. The Comedian Thread!
  153. It's That Time Again! - School/Classrom/Home Edition
  154. New Years Resolutions
  155. Taboo Sex Show 2008
  156. Ever paid a parking fine at UBC? You could be included in this lawsuit
  157. The Hobbit... is coming!
  158. Class 5 Roadtest
  159. RevScene's History Channel
  160. TECHNOVIKING (The only person who could kill Chuck Norris!)
  161. Cfl 2007
  162. Local Ghost Stories
  163. Chinese Grandma Learning How to Swear In Chinese *Video*
  164. AE at the VCEC (2009)
  165. ** Revscene Gear is now here! ** *pics*
  166. does captain happy bubble exist?
  167. Stupid and Annoying TV Ads
  168. White girls + Honger guys
  169. Cops + No.2 rd
  170. Friday -- the 13th
  171. Do you know "The Secret?"
  172. *** Rules and Guidelines of Vancouver Off-Topic ***
  173. What are YOU doing right now?
  174. HDTV for free
  175. The next chart topping song!
  176. Happy St Patricks Day!
  177. vaporizers
  178. Massage / Spa Parlours - Where to go?
  179. UBC parking tickets....HELP
  180. Have most of you gotten your wisdom teeth pulled out?
  181. The Christmas LOG is back HAHA
  182. Passport help?
  183. Official *Hyolee* Thread
  184. diamond parking ticket
  185. Man facing charges in 10 month old deadly hit-and-run (Porsche Cayenne)
  186. PNE Thread
  187. Whatever happened to ODC and Prime?
  188. Places to find decal paper?
  189. anyone a swinger on here
  190. Broadway SkyTrain Station Accident
  191. ATTN: Old School Garbage Crew
  192. Fun Game. POST and PRESS Ctrl + V
  193. RS's Official Super Hero League
  194. kid gets shot by potato gun
  195. Shooting range
  196. Finally reached HK
  197. 43ma!!!!!!
  198. Hungry? Hungry Enough or One Of These?
  199. Richmond water meters
  200. E Spot Chicks Pick Up
  201. REVscene ELITE NINJAS
  202. It's 02 02 02!!!!
  203. Good rap songs!
  204. What a "NICE" Xmas Dinner!!!