- 'Grand Warlock' predicts U.S. to shift troops from Iraq to Mexican border
- Hackers invade buildings
- BC Casino laws? can you be kicked out for winning too much?
- Quick Question on UPS
- Building kits gundam models
- How to talk to girls
- Interesting stuff on Crime
- delete please
- 100 things we didn't know about last year
- Another young hockey player dies. This time from fighting
- Working friday?
- Teen blows hand off ringing in the new year
- No more 'free' plastic grocery bags
- Calgary the next Vancouver? 3 people shot dead
- Weight Loss Glasses
- Crazy Racing in Brazil
- Chinese Bodybuilders
- Behind the Wheel - Be Prepared for Trouble
- Official NYE Recovery Thread
- car got broken in
- snow sucks
- happy snow year
- I hate nature
- quick! any place still doing delivery right now?
- happy new year(新年快樂)
- Happy New years!
- Picture of 84-pound beaver who's wreaking havoc on British countryside
- Worst xmas gift? or worst parents? This poor kid got winter clothes in xbox360 box.
- pattulo bridge
- to the stupid bus driver on hastings towards burnaby 5:30pm...
- Five Sexiest Dance Moves of 2008
- Bad recycling: Pay stub used as bank robbery note
- Squid in alien form
- outdoor skating in vancouver?
- what do you know about 11 11
- What is love?
- Yahoo's most e-mailed photos
- Garage tiles / flooring
- "Cuong dolla" in Vietnam ..10+ exotics
- so gay..funny shit..check it out
- Hilarious shit happened on Cambie & No. 5
- Do you belive in god?
- Angry wife jailed after biting husband's you-know-what
- Sperm banks in vancouver?
- Neighbors tree fell on my house
- Taxi Cabs
- another craigslist ad
- B.C. border guards seize $43-million worth of cocaine
- UFC 92 fight vid
- I don't want go in. My gf is in there. I wait here for her. you KNOW!!
- Black kid vs Atlanta Hawks Mascot
- posting beteen times of 12am -7am
- Merry Christmas, Revscene
- Solitary cubicle jobs?
- Snowzilla
- Your Job/Career
- Vancouver drug-smuggling kingpin gets 18 years in jail
- Martial art tricks at Metrotown
- Whistler/Blackcomb gondola collapse!
- teen shot parents because they took away halo3
- The SNOW Thread 2008/2009
- Buying from US site and Shipping to TSB
- fail blog
- This was on the news?! Freddy Got Fingered...
- Gained 100gigs of hard drive space today for free
- 14 y/o girl raped by young gang
- UBC parking violation
- Best job ever?
- Man punched while singing Christmas carols
- Porn for blind people
- Jury duty
- visa cash advance
- Boy killed his father after 1,000 smacks
- Centurion (AMEX Black) is in Canada!
- Tim Horton Raise Prices?
- Plagiarism Checker
- Schoolhousin: Dirty Deeds
- Funny Commercial Thread
- Network Marketing: Usana
- fta satty down??
- HongKongG, where are you, post somemore funny shit
- Paypal
- Sippin on SOmee leann... anyon ever try sizzurp ??
- Grand Villa Casino
- Forever Faithful- Canucks Movie
- Daylight savings time today?
- When is AirCare gonna DIEEE!!!????
- retard kicks 4 yr old
- Fast Sex
- casino losses
- 105 year old virgin
- Anyoner here in the CAF Reserves?
- Bars that show MLB games?
- Disputing Impark Ticket
- 大佬 (Dai Lo) The Boss Official Trailer
- 'Offensive' UBC CVC club video dissing hongers
- Buying from Amazon.com, things I need to know
- Shenzhou VII - China's First Spacewalk
- My trip to JDM land
- Vancouver Prelude Club Website Issue
- Reveal a secret about your work others may not know about
- Things to do on a Sunday night
- Fast and Furious 4....thats right own thread in OT
- Shipping to Point Roberts
- Maple Leaf Meat Recall
- Going to Portland on the weekend, I have some questions
- StatsCan: Average hourly wages 2007-2008
- A Primitive Chinese Lady!
- Meteor Shower
- who wants to go to eh-hwa tonight
- Gift for GF on one year anniversary
- Shaw Cable Retention Plan
- graduation pranks
- i made some shoes for converse!
- Wedding Gift *HELP*
- HAHAHA, funny extreme prank (vid)
- My house got egged
- Official 2008/2009 Canucks Thread
- csi lol pics
- Which VISA card do you use????
- Need help from my fellow asian RSers
- Obtaining Locksmith License
- Gas stations in Point Roberts?
- Captain Happy Bubble EXISTS!!
- *OFFICIAL* Yuri Tag Thread
- china quake 4 conspiracy nuts only lol
- My run in with a Vietnamese "hardcore" gangster.....
- money can't buy taste - $40million home in China
- Not Paying For Skytrain, Using someone elses U Pass?
- Lost!!: Wallet @ Blenz Blundell and Garden City
- 2 Koreans chat up in the elevator
- shipping 100kg item to hong kong
- HGTV's top 10 amazing kitchens *pics*
- Question about the "L" knowledge exam
- parking tickets
- RS paintball crew
- rugby player runs out of options
- The Official Rs Domokun Thread
- Guitar Hero...on the Commodore?
- cute polar bear
- RevScene Chat
- 24 Hours of LeMons
- This year's nightmarket??
- The AutoCAD Thread
- UBC parking class action, you in or out
- Broadway Explosion
- No balloonagrams this year
- Canadians against the North American Union
- Winter Driving Tips
- The Comedian Thread!
- It's That Time Again! - School/Classrom/Home Edition
- New Years Resolutions
- Taboo Sex Show 2008
- Ever paid a parking fine at UBC? You could be included in this lawsuit
- The Hobbit... is coming!
- Class 5 Roadtest
- RevScene's History Channel
- TECHNOVIKING (The only person who could kill Chuck Norris!)
- Cfl 2007
- Local Ghost Stories
- Chinese Grandma Learning How to Swear In Chinese *Video*
- AE at the VCEC (2009)
- ** Revscene Gear is now here! ** *pics*
- does captain happy bubble exist?
- Stupid and Annoying TV Ads
- White girls + Honger guys
- Cops + No.2 rd
- Friday -- the 13th
- Do you know "The Secret?"
- *** Rules and Guidelines of Vancouver Off-Topic ***
- What are YOU doing right now?
- HDTV for free
- The next chart topping song!
- Happy St Patricks Day!
- vaporizers
- Massage / Spa Parlours - Where to go?
- UBC parking tickets....HELP
- Have most of you gotten your wisdom teeth pulled out?
- The Christmas LOG is back HAHA
- Passport help?
- Official *Hyolee* Thread
- diamond parking ticket
- Man facing charges in 10 month old deadly hit-and-run (Porsche Cayenne)
- PNE Thread
- Whatever happened to ODC and Prime?
- Places to find decal paper?
- anyone a swinger on here
- Broadway SkyTrain Station Accident
- ATTN: Old School Garbage Crew
- Fun Game. POST and PRESS Ctrl + V
- RS's Official Super Hero League
- kid gets shot by potato gun
- Shooting range
- Finally reached HK
- 43ma!!!!!!
- Hungry? Hungry Enough or One Of These?
- Richmond water meters
- E Spot Chicks Pick Up
- It's 02 02 02!!!!
- Good rap songs!
- What a "NICE" Xmas Dinner!!!