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I hope this sends a message to those protesting for Sharia (aka Islamic) law in Canada. While many claim honour killings are not part of Sharia law, Sharia law does not treat men and women equal and these killings to happen by those with extreme interpretations of Islamic law.
I'm glad the judge put it this way:
your completely twisted concept of honour...that has absolutely no place in any civilized society
It is about time. For once, Canada has actually squashed the nonsensical fanaticism imported by some extremist immigrants. It's not okay in Afghanistan and it's not okay here. Neither I, nor our country, condones the death penalty, yet, I could not think of a set of more deserving recipients than this family.
__________________ I'm old now - boring street cars and sweet race cars.
KINGSTON, Ont. - The trial of Mohammad Shafia, 58, his wife Tooba Yahya, 42, and their son Hamed, 21, who pleaded not guilty to four counts each of first-degree murder, is now in the hands of the jury. They're accused of killing Shafia daughters Zainab, 19, Sahar, 17, and Geeti, 13, as well as Rona Amir Mohammad, 52, Shafia's first wife in a polygamous marriage.
The Crown alleges it was a so-called honour killing. The trial has heard much colourful, shocking and heartbreaking evidence over the past three months.
Some conversations and quotes heard at the trial:
Yahya and Shafia in a conversation secretly recorded by police days before their arrests.
Yahya: "I know (Zainab) was already done, but I wish two others weren't."
Shafia: "No Tooba, they messed up. There was no other way."
Shafia: "They were treacherous. They betrayed both themselves and to us. Like this woman standing on the side of the road and if you stop the car she would go with you anywhere. For the love of God, Tooba, damnation on this life of ours, on these years of life that we lead. When I tell you to be patient you tell me that it is hard. It isn't harder than watching them every hour with (boyfriend). For this reason, whenever I see those pictures, I am consoled. I say to myself, 'You did well. Would that they come back to life a hundred times for you to do the same again.' That's how hurt I am. Tooba, they betrayed us immensely. They violated us immensely. There can be no betrayal, no treachery, no violation more than this."
Shafia captured in secret police wiretaps speaking to Yahya or Hamed:
"Even if they hoist me up onto the gallows...nothing is more dear to me than my honour."
"Let's leave our destiny to God and may God never make me, you or your mother honourless. I don't accept this dishonour."
"This is my word to you: be I dead or alive, nothing in the world is above than your honour."
"I am telling you now and I was telling you before that whoever play with my honour, my words are the same ... There is no value of life without honour."
"If we remain alive one night or one year, we have no tension in our hearts, (thinking that) our daughter is in the arms of this or that boy, in the arms of this or that man. God curse their generation. Curse of God on both of them, on their kind. God's curse on them for generations...May the devil (defecate) on their graves. Is that what a daughter should be? Would (a daughter) be such a whore?"
Shafia on the stand explaining the phrase "May the devil (defecate) on their graves."
"To me it means that the devil would go out and check with them in graves. If they have done a good thing it would be good. If they did bad it would be up to God what to do."
Shafia responding to suggestions he killed his family members in a cross-examination by Crown attorney Laurie Lacelle:
Shafia: "Never, respected lady, we never allow ourselves to do that and Tooba is a mom. That's one of her children, like (if) my son...damage or hurt one of his sisters the mom will be the first to go and complain. How is it possible that someone will do that to his or her children, respected lady?"
Lacelle: "You might do it if you thought they were whores."
Shafia: "No, I will again respected lady will tell you that only Zainab, when she did that, and Sahar, which I didn't know at that time and two others, they were innocent and one was just a child, and nothing, nothing can cause this, that a such a terrible and heinous thing."
Shafia on the stand:
"My honour is important for me, but the honour and reputation of a human being, to kill someone you can't regain your reputation and honour. Respected lady, you should know that. In our culture, in our religion, if someone kills his wife or daughter, there is no honourless person more than that person ... When my girls died people think and imagine different ways, but for me, anyone in our culture and our religion, anyone who kill his children or daughter, that person really becomes shameless. That thing doesn't restore honour. Can you tell me in which religion you kill someone and then that person gain honour? I don't call that honour."
Yahya to Crown attorney Gerard Laarhuis after he put to her the Crown theory of what happened the night of the deaths:
"No, dear sir. This is what were made in your brain. These are all your stories in the past 2 1/2 years. What I heard in the past 2 1/2 years that say a mom made up a story in order to tell her child, when a mother make a story for her child in order to put her child to sleep ... But this is a court date. People want to know the truth, not to make up stories from your mind."
Yahya to Laarhuis on her fifth day of cross-examination:
"Under suspicion you brought a respectful family and put them in jail for 2 1/2 years ... You guys took our freedom and took the freedom of our family and put my son in jail ... Ask them (police) do they know or did they know their proper way of interrogations. I was a lady that came from an Asian country. I had never seen a police station in my life."
Yahya to Laarhuis:
"No, sir. We are not murderers. We were a very sincere and collected family. This crime, we will never do such a crime. Don't ever tell me such a thing. I am a mother. If you are a mother then you could have known that what's the heart of a mother for a child ... Don't ever tell me that I killed my children, never."
Laarhuis at the mid-point of his lengthy cross-examination of Yahya:
"In a tidal wave of inconsistencies I don't care much about this one."
Laarhuis cross-examines a surviving Shafia son, who can't be identified:
Laarhuis: "The reason that you're confirming this with Hamed and your mom is because you know there's a problem with that part of the story."
Son: "No, not really. I'm just tryng to help them (tell the truth)."
Laarhuis: "That's the remarkable thing about the truth — you don't need to remind people what the truth is."
Sahar's boyfriend's aunt, Erma Diaz Medina:
"She told me she would be a dead woman if her parents learned she was going out with Ricardo. If her parents learned about it, they would kill her."
Zainab Shafia in a text message to her boyfriend Ammar Wahid:
"One thing (I'm) really happy about is that it was my dream to marry u (and) I did it once. Even one day if (something) happens to us like dead I (won't) die with out my dream being full filled ... We had an amazing love story 2gether."
An entry in Rona Amir Mohammad's diary:
"He began hitting me. The children came in and said to him, 'Dad, stop hitting her,' and he replied, 'I am beating her up (to punish her) because she swore at your mom and insulted her.' He lied because he didn't want to lose face in front of the children. Whatever I did, if I sat down, if I got up, if I ate anything, there was blame and censure attached to it. In short, he made life a torture for me."
Hamed's lawyer Patrick McCann in closing arguments:
"Hamed is guilty of being stupid, morally blameworthy, but other than that, he was not responsible for the girls' death, nor were his parents and (it's) time to put an end to this Kafkaesque 2 1/2 years they've been going through since their arrest."
Mohammad Shafia's lawyer Peter Kemp in closing arguments:
"You don't know where, you don't know how, you don't know when that happened, you don't know who would have been involved in that and you don't have an explanation that there was simply no time for a murder."
Tooba Yahya's lawyer David Crowe in closing arguments:
"The concept of honour killing has no application to the events before you. It should be disregarded in its totality when you're deliberating."
*Quotes from Shafia, Yahya and Rona have been translated from Dari, a dialect from Afghanistan.
As I stated in the other thread on this trial, please deport these pieces of shit out of my country. Their citizenship (if they even have it) and all Canadian immigration status should be revoked. They can go serve their life sentences in the shitty country they emigrated from. Fuck them.
As I stated in the other thread on this trial, please deport these pieces of shit out of my country. Their citizenship (if they even have it) and all Canadian immigration status should be revoked. They can go serve their life sentences in the shitty country they emigrated from. Fuck them.
Likely they'd get a slap on the wrist or nothing at all in their home country.
Lock'em up here to serve their punishment, then deport them.
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Originally Posted by nsmb
religion on peace
sharia law isn't a part of the religion; it was the desert culture that used the religion to support their ideals on the rule of law so they nitpick and bend what they can to have their way
its like a get out of jail free card to those in power they say "oh its sharia" so you cant protest because people there equate sharia to their bible even though it isnt
also each country has their own version of sharia law; since its not like the quran thats set in stone so to speak; each culture or despot or nation has their own rule of law and they plaster "sharia" over it as a means to prevent protest
it has nothing to do with the religion it has everything to do with politicians trying to get their way and warping religion to get it (like evangelicals wanting to go to war or evangelicals wanting to make muslims seem completely crazy)
back on topic im glad the jury finally came to a conclusion i was getting concerned there, fucking disgusting crime they should get some saudi sharia justice (saudi sharia is unbelievably cruel)
Yup. We're going to pay $100,000/year each to house them for life. All of us taxpayers. In China they execute the same day, and charge the guilty party's family for the bullet. Fact.
Yup. We're going to pay $100,000/year each to house them for life. All of us taxpayers. In China they execute the same day, and charge the guilty party's family for the bullet. Fact.
The fucked up country we live in.
And China's a awesome country way better than Canada.
__________________ Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
sharia law isn't a part of the religion; it was the desert culture that used the religion to support there ideals on the rule of law so they nitpick and bend what they can to have their way
its like a get out of jail free card to those in power they say "oh its sharia" so you cant protest because people there equate sharia to their bible even though it isnt
also each country has their own version of sharia law; since its not like the quran thats set in stone so to speak; each culture or despot or nation has their own rule of law and they plaster "sharia" over it as a means to prevent protest
it has nothing to do with the religion it has everything to do with politicians trying to get their way and warping religion to get it (like evangelicals wanting to go to war or evangelicals wanting to make muslims seem completely crazy)
back on topic im glad the jury finally came to a conclusion i was getting concerned there, fucking disgusting crime they should get some saudi sharia justice (saudi sharia is unbelievably cruel)
Glad you brought that up. It's why I'm no longer a Sunni or Shia Muslim.
Sorry, stoning for adultery, punishing homosexuality in any sort of way, murder for apostasy and other stupid shit is not something I can believe in.
It's why I only Follow the Koran it self.
But this shit is so ingrained into their culture that for those who don't know better will think "hey, that's Islam" when in fact, it's not. It's actually the opposite.
The only ocean creature you can call yourself is the giant squid. He's the destroyer of ships, and the eater of seamen. At least you share one of those traits. -Hypa
mixed girls that look predominatly asian with subtle caucasian features=what i'd give my left nut for -6chr0nic4
there was already a thread on this exact thing where we all had a fairly civil and informative discussion, why was this one created, maybe a thread merge is in order ?
But like I said in the other thread, simply put there really isn't a need to bring religion into this, these honor killings are tribal customs of these regions going way back long before Islam even came to the lands.
__________________ (oO:::\___/:::Oo) (DPE-wheels) // Satin Cocaine White
^ I thought I had seen the thread, but when I searched for it, I could not find it. Sorry.
I did not necessarily intend for this thread to be about religion/belief structure/cultural ideals, but merely a thread pointing out that the trial had finally ended and a ruling had finally been made. It seems to be a rare occurrence (I could be very wrong) that a person (or persons, in this case) are actually tried and convicted for first degree murder.
This got a little bit of attention when it first happened, but it had kind of fallen under the radar out here as opposed to back east. I had personally totally forgot about it until the last couple days.
Also, I just want to add that I think this thread has remained civil so far...
^ I thought I had seen the thread, but when I searched for it, I could not find it. Sorry.
I did not necessarily intend for this thread to be about religion/belief structure/cultural ideals, but merely a thread pointing out that the trial had finally ended and a ruling had finally been made. It seems to be a rare occurrence (I could be very wrong) that a person (or persons, in this case) are actually tried and convicted for first degree murder.
Don't need retards like this in Canada, get rid of em.
So pay to feed and house them?
Originally Posted by achiam
Yup. We're going to pay $100,000/year each to house them for life. All of us taxpayers. In China they execute the same day, and charge the guilty party's family for the bullet. Fact.
The fucked up country we live in.
Yes, pay and house to feed them. What's the alternative? Ship them out and say "It's OK to kill someone in Canada - the worst that will happen is we'll send you back to your own country". That tells other people with similar beliefs that they can commit murder and get away with it.
We're fucked up? So maybe we should bring back executions even though it's been proven the death penalty has no effect on crime reduction. And forget about appeals or legal proceedings - let's execute immediately after the trial is over. And we execute a few innocent people along the way it's perfectly OK - as long as most of them were bad.