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View Poll Results: It's Election Day! |
-lincolnboi-, 6o4__boi, akina1, Alatar, alex.w *//, Amped, Anjew, anonnuck, anti-vip, Arboc, Armind, AstulzerRZD, avinayyar, aznkev03, b.tran, b0unce. [?], bananana, bcrdukes, bcuzracecarz, Bender Unit, bensta, bicboi, blagh, Blah_Teggie, Blueboy222, booge_man, Bouncing Bettys, butters, Carl Johnson, chinese-boi, Cillu, Coren, CorneringArtist, cow20xx, CP.AR, CPE, cressydrift, CrispyChicken, CRX SiR, cunninglinguist, Cwift, d1, dachinesedude, ddalbowang, Devastator, dL, dlo, dn53, drunkhomer, dvst8, Dylan K, E-40six, E.D.C.5, Eatman, EFifty3, EmperorIS, entrax, essel, etodac, eurochevy, Excru, Fafine, falcon, fishCak3s, flipkronikz, ForbiddenX, frost91, fsy82, GC8, Gee.Tee.Ar, Gerbs, Gilgamesh, gilly, Gnomes, Great68, gripenM, Gucci Mane, h0pz, Habboy, haha13, Harvey Specter, Hehe, heisenberg, HonestTea, hongy, hotjoint, hotong, hud 91gt, hyek, hypediss, Iceman_2K, ijaz_97, illwdt, ilovebacon, iMpulZ, Infiniti, inv4zn, iPee, J-Chow, J.C, jdmhaze, Jer3, Jin, jk6221, Jonydakiller, JordanL, josayeee, josel_atr, jshek, jshen, jyjchoi, Kaolinite, KayC, kcl38, kkttsang, kluk, korroke, kross9, LengZai, LethalLaw, Lomac, Ludepower, maneetkaran, maxxxboost, mb_, MelonBoy, meme405, Mikoyan, MindBomber, mindcruising, Mining, monster12FREE, Mr.C, MR_BIGGS, mr_chin, murd0c, Nabatron, nabs, nah, negged., Nocardia, Noran, no_mercy, OGCStrike, OTG-ZR2, PeanutButter, Peturbo, pinn3r, PiuYi, platinum300, Porschedog, Presto,, Qmx323, rageguy, Rated-Z, ray08, Razgriz, Recon604, RevYouUp, richardmozis, rJZx, Roach, roflwaffle604, Ronin, rsx, sam0m0, SB7, SchoolGlue, ScizzMoney, Selanne_200, ShanghaiKid, Shorn, ShyGuy, Simplex123, slow-fastback, smoothie., snails, snowball, sonick, sp00n, SpartanAir, Special K, spoon.ek9, Stealthy, teekaywok, Tegra_Devil, Teriyaki, Tgo, The_AK, The_Situation, Thooomas, tiger_handheld, Timbits93, TMT, toehook, Tomu, Tone Loc, tonyzoomzoom, tool001, TopsyCrett, TouringTeg, twixxer, TypeRNammer, urrh, Urrtoast, van19, vantrip, Vege, Verdasco, vixroar, vl_86, W2K, westopher, xerograv, xnammerboiii, XplicitLuder, Xu.Vi, xxadept, xXSupa, z3german, Zeph331, zetazeta, ziggyx, ZN6, _cd5 | | 226 | 57.65% |
320icar, 4doorVIP, 4twentee, Adorkami, alcoolaid, Aleks, Ax2-Y, AznDrift, belka, Berzerker, Ch28, DcmN, DragonChi, dru, EndLeSS8, FRStan, Galactic_Phantom, Gallardo, geeknerd, gen5accordv6, Gh0stRider, GS8, hal0g0dv2, hellothere, iam_dan, iEatClams, ilvtofu, ImportXxX, Inaii, Jackity84, jaguar604, JHatta, jiffyfung, jpark, kkthind, Klondike, Leetastic, Maliuz, mikemhg, mos_skeeto, pastarocket, Preemo, ruthless, smarv, Sneaky, SpoonR, stewie, StylinRed, TekDragon, tomatogunk, tr0ubl3s0m3x, trip, unit, Vansterdam, VooDood, vudooca, Zoomy | | 57 | 14.54% |
| | 7 | 1.79% |
7seven, a00755836, adambomb, Akinari, Amuse, aznfreak, AzNightmare, Ball.J.Inder, bassistb, BBMme, bLUEsTEEL, BoostedBB6, Brad Fuel, carisear, cocojoe, dboy, DC5-S, DemonOZ, Dragon-88, duy-, dyan, E60_M5, flagella, freelunch, GoldenBoy, GtRawr, Gtrr33, h3opama, hchang, heleu, Hondaracer, Ikkaku, incubus, invader, JqC, lungfish23, Mike Oxbig, mqin, Mr.HappySilp, mushroom-head, NiceRicer, ntan, originalhypa, pamplemousse, PJ, Port Man, Purely, qhey, roopi, RRxtar, sell_item_604, SeXinLuDe, skiiipi, Splmash, SrPcAo, sushi, TjAlmeida, Tr1ll, und3f3at3d, VI Imports, VRYALT3R3D, vyrospec, way2quik, will068, wingies, Yodamaster | | 66 | 16.84% |
Other to support fringe beliefs
| | 2 | 0.51% |
Spoiled/Throwaway ballot
| | 3 | 0.77% |
Didn't Vote (BOO)
bumsuck, Chronix, classified, danned, emmvee, Ford_Fanatic, ImportPsycho, JaPoola, jeffwilliams17, knight604, Nightwalker, reza, Ruff Ryd@s, SituAsian, spyker, ssjGoku69, Stormspirit, whateverman | | 18 | 4.59% |
Couldn't Vote for a Legit Reason
!oHenry, 3klipze, 4444, blkgsr, CharlieH, dspot, jjson, SkinnyPupp, Tim Budong, tinico, turbomelon, viet604778, yray | | 13 | 3.32% | All times are GMT -8. The time now is 04:13 PM. |