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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Standard Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:pokerface: Poker Face Poker Face
SwiftRage SwiftRage SwiftRage
:noyoudidnt: Oh no you di'int! Oh no you di'int!
:D Big Grin Big Grin
BabyRage BabyRage BabyRage
:lawl: LAWL LAWL
SeemsGood SeemsGood SeemsGood
:speechless: speechless speechless
:yuno: Y U NO...? Y U NO...?
ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper ResidentSleeper
:chairdance: Chair Dance Chair Dance
:drunk: Challenge Accepted: DRUNK Challenge Accepted: DRUNK
:stfu: shut it shut it
PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
:badpokerface: Bad Poker Face Bad Poker Face
BrokeBack BrokeBack BrokeBack
:nicethread: nice thread nice thread
:nyan: NyanCat NyanCat
PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt
:) Smilie Smilie
:okay: Okay Okay
EleGiggle EleGiggle EleGiggle
:fullofwin: fullofwin fullofwin
:ahwow: Oh Wow! Oh Wow!
OpieOP OpieOP OpieOP
:devil: devilflame devilflame
:ilied: I lied! I lied!
4Head 4Head 4Head
:moderatorban: banhammer banhammer
:suspicious: Suspicious Suspicious
Kreygasm Kreygasm Kreygasm
:woot2: woohoo woohoo
FeelsGoodMan FeelsGoodMan FeelsGoodMan
:failed: failure failure
:concentrate: Concentrate Concentrate
Keepo Keepo Keepo
:toot: Toot! Toot!
:whistle: whistle whistle
:accepted: Challenge Accepted Challenge Accepted
FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan FeelsBadMan
:hotbaby: hotbaby hotbaby
:heckno: Heck No! Heck No!
Kappa Kappa Kappa
:spamarama: spamarama spamarama
WutFace WutFace WutFace
:fuckyea: fuckyea fuckyea
:smug: Smug Smug
FailFish FailFish FailFish
:rukidding: R U kidding me? R U kidding me?
:hispam: spam spam
:moderated: This post has been "Moderated" This post has been "Moderated"
:lol LOL LOL
KappaPride KappaPride KappaPride
:alone: alone alone
DansGame DansGame DansGame
:sleepingzz: sleeping sleeping
:alonehappy: Alone & Happy Alone & Happy
<3 heart heart
BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
:awwyeah: Awww Yeahhh Awww Yeahhh
:offtopic: offtopic offtopic
:( Frown Frown
:p Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
:thumbsup: Thumbs Up Thumbs Up
:blush: blush blush
:o Embarrassment Embarrassment
:\ oh well oh well
:cry: ugly cry ugly cry
:confused: Confused Confused
:mad: Mad Mad
:eek: eek eek
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:rofl: rofl rofl
:considered: Challenge Considered Challenge Considered
:bullshit: bullshit bullshit
:drool drool drool
:blushsmile: blushsmile blushsmile
:cool: Cool Cool
:eek1: eek1 eek1
:denied: Challenge Denied Challenge Denied
:eek5x: eek5x eek5x
:eek5: eek5 eek5
:bigthumb: bigthumb bigthumb
:eek5r: eek5r eek5r
:whine: whine whine
:inout: inout inout
:h5: h5 h5
:bowrofl: bowrofl bowrofl
:wiggle: wiggle wiggle
:werd: Werd Werd
:idea: idea idea
:whipped: Whipped Whipped
:duh: Stupid Stupid
:Popcorn popcorn popcorn
:hat: Pimpin Pimpin
:gayfight: gayfight gayfight
:love: love love
:repost: repost repost
:grinno: Grinno Grinno
:nerd: nerd nerd
:Pbjt: pbjt pbjt
:bowjerk: bowjerk bowjerk
:damn: Damn Damn
:gotsearch Got Search Got Search
:agree: Agreed Agreed
:woot: Woot Woot
:drama: oh the drama oh the drama
:Puke: puke puke
:hi: HI HI
:joy joy joy
:heartsmile: heartsmile heartsmile
:gay: Gay Gay
:gun: Gun Gun
:admin: Admin Admin
:mamoru: mamoru mamoru
:2finger2: double finger double finger
:2finger: doublefinger doublefinger
:shhh: Shhhh Shhhh
:Petting petting petting
:fappery: Fappery Fappery
:gtfo: get the fuck out get the fuck out
:hay: hay hay
:banghead: bang head bang head
:moon: Moon Moon
:relations Love Love
:rant rant rant
:wooha: Wooha Wooha
:ratedb: ratedb ratedb
:willnill: willy nilly willy nilly
:jerkit: jerkit jerkit
:buttrock: buttrock buttrock
:sleep: Sleepy Sleepy
:tantrum tantrum tantrum
:spin: Spin Spin
:evil Evil Evil
:jizz: jizz jizz
:eekthumb: eekthumb eekthumb
:eek3: eek3 eek3
:emo: emo emo
:scream: Scream Scream
:scared scared scared
:neckbeard: Neckbeard Neckbeard
:makeout: Makeout Makeout
:showbutt: showbutt showbutt
:inoutugh: inoutugh inoutugh
:wgaf: who gives a fuck who gives a fuck
:squint: squint squint
:teeth: brushteeth brushteeth
:teach: Teach Teach
:smokin: Smokin Smokin
:Orly: oh really oh really
:bowdown: bowdown bowdown
:speakeng: speak english speak english
:crybaby: Cry Cry
:bla bla bla
:jiggy: Jiggy Jiggy
:5shots: 5shots 5shots
:lock lock lock
:Birthday: birthday birthday
:clap: clapper clapper
:buttkick: buttkick buttkick
:worthless: worthless worthless
:thumbs: thumbs thumbs
:peek: peek peek
peepoClap peepoClap peepoClap
Sadge Sadge Sadge
FeelsAmazingMan FeelsAmazingMan FeelsAmazingMan
monkaS monkaS monkaS
:ifyouknow: If you know what I mean.... If you know what I mean....
:notbad: Not Bad! Not Bad!
:ohgodwhy: Oh God, why? Oh God, why?
:victory: Victory Victory
:tears: Tears Tears
:derp: Derrrrr Derrrrr
:facepalm: Facepalm Facepalm
:shefap: She-fappery She-fappery
:troll: Troll Troll
:joy: Tears of Joy Tears of Joy
:fuckthatshit: Fuck That Shit Fuck That Shit
:fulloffuck: My Mind is Full of Fuck My Mind is Full of Fuck
:megusta: Me Gusta Me Gusta
:seriously: Seriously Seriously
:sweetjesus: Sweet Jesus Sweet Jesus

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